A Shepherd Afield Pt. 03


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He put Tina in the truck and she watched him with lust in her gaze as he walked around to his own door. Ben smiled. He locked the prototype in the back and got in to drive them to the mall.

As they made their way along Ben noticed a blue sedan behind him. It turned when he did and he seemed to recall seeing that car someplace else this morning. As they pulled into the lot of the mall it came to him. The sedan had been parked on the side of the road outside of Ashburn Court when they headed off to the milling shop. He frowned as he pulled into a spot and watched the car drive by.

He wasn't going to let it bother him. Probably just another reporter. He got out and carried Tina into the mall and over to the guest services booth. He signed out a wheelchair and Tina sat in it gently.

"Is there anything you'd like to look at in the mall?" he asked but she just shook her head and pointed to the food court with a grin. He chuckled and pushed her in the direction she'd pointed.

The workers behind the counter of the Korean restaurant called out greetings to Tina as they stopped before the counter. She spoke to the owner for a bit after he came out to greet her and he smiled and nodded to her gesturing for her to wait. Ben paid for their order and in a few minutes the owner and one of his cooks came out the access hall carrying two trays. They carried them over to a table for Tina and Ben and Tina thanked them. Ben tried to emulate Tina's motions but that just made them all laugh so he stopped. He wheeled Tina in place and sat across from her.

Ben could smell the spices in Tina's food from across the table and knew they'd made it especially strong for her. Just like she liked it. His food barely had any spice heat at all but it did taste very good. They ate in happy silence and Ben loved seeing Tina so content. He wondered how the baby was dealing with the heat of the spices she was consuming.

When they were finishing up they watched the people go by as they'd done the previous time. Tina held Ben's hand as she played with the last of her noodles. Ben got that she was full and was just letting the food settle. He was content to give her as much time as she needed.

"Mr. Shepherd."

Ben sighed. Of course. At least the reporter was courteous enough to let him finish his meal. He looked up and saw a face he recognized. It took a few seconds to connect the dots in his head. "Mr. Holland?" The man smiled widely at being recognized.

Tina looked at Ben so he explained. "Mr. Holland is Wendy's attorney." He turned his head back to the man standing before them. "I suppose this isn't just a happy coincidence, us bumping into you here- the blue sedan." The clues connected for Ben.

"I just thought it might benefit us both to have a quiet conversation before the trial to see if there was anything we might do to make this unpleasant business go away," the lawyer said smoothly.

Ben took in the relatively well tailored, dark blue pinstripe suit, the crisp white dress shirt with expensive looking cuff links and pinkie ring, the grey silk tie, the highly polished black leather shoes and the black attaché case. The man did well enough in his business. The man himself wasn't particularly tall, fit, or handsome but he did have a sharp eye so Ben suspected he was smart enough. Thinning grey hair hinted at him being in his early sixties.

"You really should be speaking with my lawyer. He's handling all the details," Ben said.

"Some details are best reviewed by the defendant. The plaintiff is in some financial difficulty and has already resorted to selling some information about her marriage to you to the press. Against my advice of course. You may have seen the article in Peeps magazine. I understand the magazine has a considerable audience."

Ben scowled. "Yes, I was made aware of the article."

The lawyer pasted a concerned expression on his face. "Good. Good. Well, like I said, my client is struggling financially and has been fielding offers from several major studios to do a televised interview. These are nationally syndicated programs so they are guaranteeing exposure to a much larger audience. There is considerable money involved in these offers. So far I have been able to convince her to hold off but I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to do this."

Ben stared at the man. It was a blackmail scheme. He sighed. "Thank you for clarifying the purpose of the lawsuit. Now that I know its true nature I have a much better understanding of the depths you and your client are willing to sink to. I would ask that you direct all future communications to my lawyer.

Mr. Holland smiled and nodded. "I thought you might react in this way. There is something else you should know. Mrs. Shepherd's financial dilemma is caused by very large medical bills. She's sick Mr. Shepherd. Very, very sick."

Seeing Ben's stricken expression the man smiled once more and walked away. Ben was going to leap to his feet to chase after him but Tina's hand on his arm locked his muscles. He turned his head to look at her.

"You must not follow him. You need to take your own advice in this matter and speak with your lawyer," she said looking him in the eye.

Ben closed his eyes and struggled to center himself. Finally he opened them and nodded. "Of course, you're right. I'm sorry for that lapse. Thank you for being the voice of reason for me Tina."

She smiled at him and he kissed her hand.

He tidied up and wheeled Tina back to the guest services desk. Once the chair was signed back in Ben carried Tina out to the truck and drove her home. He saw no sign of the blue sedan.

Once they got home Ben followed Tina's advice and called his lawyer. He made himself comfortable on the couch in the living room and dialed the number. It took a few moments but he finally got through.

"Ben! How are you?"

"Hi Walter. I'm doing well. Listen, I just had a short, surprise meeting with Wendy's lawyer Mr. Holland. He tracked me down, followed my car, and approached me after I ate my lunch at the mall."

"Let me guess, he's trying to blackmail you. His client is feeding crap to the press and to stop it you just have to settle."

Ben was surprised. "Uh, yes exactly."

"Ben, you have to let me countersue. It's the fastest way to crush this nuisance suit." Walter asked.

Ben thought about what Holland said about Wendy. "No, I don't want to do that. I don't want to sue Wendy."

"At least let me go after Peeps magazine for libel. That might make other media outlets less eager to listen to her. Better yet if you could prove her statements were patently false," the man suggested.

Ben thought about that. Something popped into his mind.

"I still have the airline tickets... and the bracelet," he said quietly.


"I was going to take Wendy to Hawaii. To rekindle the marriage. To try to break through her depression. I also bought her a diamond bracelet. The night she left me I was going to present the tickets and the bracelet to her. I still have them... with her rings she left on the table," Ben pushed out.

"I'm sorry Ben. That must have been awful," Walter said gently.

"Yes." It was all Ben could manage to say.

"That's all the evidence we need. I'll file the papers. Take care."

"Thanks Walter. Bye."

Ben hung up and saw Tina standing in the doorway with tears in her eyes. She made her way to the couch and sat down next to him. He pulled her in close and gently rocked her in his arms. This relaxed both of them.

"I want to scratch her eyes out," Tina said in a quiet voice.

Ben smiled. "No, don't do that because our baby needs its mother. Not prison visits."

Tina recognized her own words to Ben and giggled. She pressed her face against his chest.

He ran his fingers through her thick, silky ebony hair and felt her tremble in response. "I love you Tina."

She looked up at him with joy in her eyes. "I love you too Ben. So much!"

Ben kissed her tenderly and she sighed. They cuddled on the couch until they both fell asleep.

"Awww, don't they look sweet? Like angels!"

Ben cracked his eyelids open and saw Lucy, Karen and Penny smiling down at him. Tina began waking as well and realized she'd drooled on his shirt.

"I am sorry Ben," she said contritely but he just waived it off.

"Wow! We really nodded off there," he said.

Tina nodded and jolted. "Dinner!"

"We can order in tonight," Ben said.

"CHINESE!" Karen and Penny called out in unison.

"I'll just have the soup I normally order," Ben replied. Tina nodded and the girls cheered and rushed into the kitchen to call in the order.

Lucy slid onto Ben's lap and put her arms over his shoulders. She dipped her face down to his and kissed him with just a hint of tongue. Ben felt himself stiffening under her legs and so did she. She pulled back with an impish smile. He gave her a hot look.

"If you are going to start something, we're going to finish it when we go to bed tonight," he growled quietly. Lucy's smile grew broader and her eyes twinkled with excitement. Ben looked at Tina. "I have something special in mind for you two tonight."

"What is it?" Tina asked quietly, quivering with anticipation.

Ben stood with Lucy in his arms and plunked her down on the couch next to Tina. He adjusted his stiff cock in his pant leg and both women watched with rapt attention.

He gave them both an impish smile of his own. "You'll just have to wait until then to find out, won't you?"

He walked away hearing them both moan and a grin spread across his face. He turned back suddenly and they looked at him eagerly.

"Did anyone get Christopher yet?" he asked.

Lucy shook her head with a pout and Tina smiled.

"I'll get him," he said and put on his coat and boots.

The daycare was empty of parents this time which Ben was grateful for. Daphne greeted him with Christopher on her hip. Ben's eyebrows went up when he saw the marker mustache Christopher was sporting on his upper lip. Daphne looked embarrassed and the child looked sad.

"Sorry Ben. Christopher and one of the other boys got into the markers and drew on each other. This little guy got the worst of it."

"It washes off?" he asked.

"Eventually," she winced.

Ben collected the boy in his arms and looked at him critically. "Will it make him less tasty?" He proceeded to pretend to eat the boy's ear and Christopher shrieked with laughter.

Daphne grinned at Ben's antics and saw how happy the child was now.

"I guess he's tasty enough. We'll give him a good scrubbing tonight to get him back to his tastiest. Thanks Daphne!"

The twins came out looking incredible as usual. Their eyes lit up as they saw Ben. Daphne said her goodbyes and went into the back.

"Are you two off to take Rain shopping?" Ben asked and they nodded happily.

"Trish is going as well," Lori said.

"Say hi for me," he said. "Ah! I almost forgot!" He handed Christopher to Lori then dug his wallet out. He handed Lisa the debit card. "This is for the shopping trips. The pin is 5324. If you lose the card you must notify the bank immediately to cancel it. Understood?" He received dual nods so he took Christopher back. Lisa slipped the card into her wallet.

The twins each stepped close and got a kiss from Ben and kissed Christopher on the cheek much to his delight. Ben walked down the driveway with them then they parted ways. He walked home with Christopher and listened to the boy chatter away happily. He got them inside and they took off their coats and boots. Christopher went charging around the corner into the living room.

"Mama!" Ben heard his delighted squeal and Tina's happy laugh as she hugged him. "What's this on your face? Silly boy!"

Even behind the wall Ben could picture their joyful reunion. Christopher was such a happy boy and Tina was such a good mother!

He had some time before dinner was delivered so he went downstairs to do a little work on the security door redesign. He'd be sending the specs to the custom milling house soon to get them to create the door for him. His design was strong yet reasonably light for a security door. It would also resist the pounding the last one got without distorting and effecting its ability to close.

He worked on the design and ran some virtual stress tests on it. His software was sending him green lights but he wasn't satisfied with the performance of the track the door was going to move on so he decided to do another search for alternate means of moving the door.

He heard Karen calling him for dinner. He saved his progress and went upstairs. It was time for dinner with the family. That gave him a warm feeling.

Conversation was light and happy. Lucy got an excellent grade on a recent project and had been asked to work at the College radio station. Tina told everyone about her visit to the milling shop and the delicious lunch they had at the mall. She skipped mentioning the lawyer as that might have upset Karen and Penny. The girls were excited about their date tomorrow night which brought something to Ben's mind. He cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Penny, I'd hoped to be home to meet your boyfriend tomorrow but I'm going to have to head off to the airport in the late afternoon so I'll be gone before you get home. I expect you to bring him in to see Tina and Lucy though, ok? I'll be getting their update when I land in Milan and call in."

Penny nodded at Ben while Tina and Lucy smiled happily.

He wanted to say a lot more about their date but with a glance at Tina he held his tongue.

The girls cleaned up as this was their favorite take out meal. They packaged up the leftovers for tomorrow's lunch.

Tina and Lucy took Christopher to the bathroom to give him a bath and see about scrubbing the marker ink from his face and hands.

Ben went back downstairs and finished up his redesign of the security door and the closing mechanism. He placed an order online for some parts then shut down his computer. The final virtual tests had run successfully and Ben's redesign on the closing mechanism yielded a twenty five percent increase in the closing speed. He was satisfied with that. He would send the plans off to the milling shop techs in the morning to get their opinion on the design and an estimate on how long it might take them to build it.

He made his way back upstairs and doors popped open in the hall as he made his way to his bedroom. Penny got a hug and a kiss on the cheek then Karen. Tina and Lucy were coming out of Christopher's room, having put him to bed and they smiled up at him.

"You ready for bed?" he asked. They nodded and followed him into the master bedroom. He closed the door and they stood at the end of the bed watching him. He smiled at their expectant looks. "Is this how you get ready for bed?" he asked and they immediately moved to begin undressing him. That wasn't what he meant but it was a start.

Once he was naked they began undressing themselves as he made his way into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and Tina entered on her crutches to brush her teeth as well. Lucy carried in their clothes for the hamper and brushed her teeth with Tina. Both ladies snuck glances at Ben to see if he was ready to tell them what the special thing was. He was having trouble keeping the smile from his face. He hoped he didn't oversell the surprise and leave them disappointed.

He leaned back against the counter and admired the two naked ladies. The petite Korean beauty with her long ebony hair and her baby bump. The auburn haired young woman with the ornate tattoos and piercings.

Speaking of which he looked at Lucy's nipple piercings and saw they were roughly the same size as the rings he'd bought her. He brought his eyes up to Lucy's and saw she was biting her lip and pressing her thighs together. A little excited? He smiled.

He saw they were done. "Follow me."

He walked out to the end of the bed and had each of them sit on the end of it facing him.

"Club Eon was an interesting experience. I met a woman named Pepin who runs a social club of sorts for Doms and Subs. They get together once or twice a month. I look forward to bringing you two to the events," he said and they smiled excitedly.

"I wanted to get you both a little something to show you my appreciation as your Dom. I stopped in a little shop downtown and bumped into Pepin who happens to be the owner of the shop. I selected something for both of you. Again it's not extravagant-"

"Ben! You don't need to buy things for us to make us feel special. You already make us feel that way," Tina said.

Ben looked into their eyes and saw it was the truth. Still, he went to his bedside table and took a small box out. They watched him curiously but they couldn't see what he had in his hands.

He looked at them smiling back at him and felt his heart swell with joy. They were his!

"I got you different things as you are as unique in your pleasures as you are in everything else," he said. Handing the small box to Lucy he looked into her eyes. "Thank you for being mine."

She looked at the little box and popped it open. She poured the contents out and gasped when she saw the gold chain on her palm. Then she noticed the piercings. Her face lit up as she lifted the two rings and held them up to her nipples. Tina smiled.

Lucy immediately took out her existing nipple piercings and put the new ones in. They looked very pretty but most compelling was the gold chain running between them.

Tina reached over and gently tugged on the chain.

"Aaahhh!" Lucy gasped.

Tina looked at Ben. "I like this present!" she said with a grin as Lucy gave her a hot look.

"What did you get Tina?" Lucy asked with a quavering voice as Tina slid the chain through her fingers.

"Tina will have to lie on her stomach on some pillows first. Can you put some pillows on the bed to make her comfortable?" he asked Lucy. Tina released the chain with a mischievous smile.

Lucy quickly got up, dropped her old nipple rings on the dresser and placed some pillows on the bed. She helped guide Tina further up the mattress and onto the pillows ensuring her tummy was supported. She grinned at Tina's raised ass.

Ben gently moved Tina's legs apart and he felt her tremble. She was becoming a little wet and her lower lips had begun to glisten.

"Mmmm, Tina looks delicious. Doesn't she?" Ben said to Lucy and she grinned at him. They both moved forward and sensually kissed her ass cheeks.

"Mmmm! Oh!" Tina moaned and squirmed.

Ben raked his nails gently along the inside of the petite woman's inner thighs making her gasp. With a gesture Ben sent Lucy upwards, kissing her way up Tina's back as Ben started kissing his way up Tina's legs from the back of her knees, alternating legs so the squirming woman wouldn't know when and where the kisses would land. Lucy saw what Ben was doing and began randomly moving where her lips would kiss Tina's back.

"Oh Ben! Lucy! MMMmmm!" Tina gasped and panted.

Ben kissed her cheeks again and squeezed them in his hands. Tina's body was quaking under his hands she was so excited. He didn't make her wait any longer as he ran his tongue deeply between her legs, stroking her pussy and ass. He paid particular attention to her twitching rosebud which caused her to cry out with lust.

"YES! OH! Mmmm, YES Ben!"

Ben grinned at Lucy. Tina was dripping wet and primed. "I think she's ready for her present."

Tina looked back at them over her shoulder.

"Could you get the other box in the drawer and the tube of lube?" Ben asked Lucy. Her grin widened as she scrambled to get the items. She handed them to Ben and he opened the box and removed the anal plug. Tina's eyes widened as she saw the chrome egg with the disk attached to it. She gasped when Ben showed her the crystal embedded in the disk.