After the Layover


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"Welcome. I think we're all excited tonight to give a debauched welcome to a new face and a cute little ass from the west coast. A discovery of Jason's a few months ago that I think any of us would be jealous of. I won't tell the story but Jason can give you the details of how he took our intrepid boy here from an innocent to the cumdump he'll be tonight. I can't remember the last time the opportunity has come up but I suggest we give him a memorable evening he'll never forget."

Another light came on almost blinding me with the change and it focused on me. There were loud cheers and whistles and I found out the table turned as one of my minders slowly rotated it around in a circle.

"Time to pick the lucky guy who gets his mouth first. I'm sure you've all got your number but if you haven't, last chance." A glass bowl was brought up and Ray-Ray reached inside and handed it to Will.

"Twenty-three, twenty-three come on up." There was a whoop and a thirty-something guy in good shape came up on stage. His cock already hard in anticipation and he poised near my head. Will moved between my legs and I felt the heat from his cock as it pressed lightly against my hole.

Will's arms came up and the chant started "Fuck him, fuck him..." and he dropped his arms after a moment and wrapped his arms around my thighs for control. The slow slide into me made me groan loudly with the sensation and the situation. I was being publicly fucked and the idea both turned me on and terrified me at the same time while the crowd gave a cheer. My head was tilted back then and #23's cock slid into my open mouth and deep as I sucked.

At this point I forgot the crowd. I was sucking and getting fucked and the warmth of it all crept through my body. It was all about cock now.

The rest became a blur after that. I tasted my first ejaculate as #23 blasted my mouth and Will followed with a deep injection up my channel. My minders raised me up and escorted me into the crowd to a sling setup to make my mouth and ass available to the throng. Numbers were shouted and orifices filled. My free hands grasped lubed cocks and jerked them. The next up guys I guess. At different points my own cock was sucked but never to completion and stayed hard flat against my belly.

Then there was the cum. In me and on me at either end. I'm not sure how much I swallowed and I felt full from it in my lower half. That and the lube that my minders made sure I never lacked for. Spatters went across my face as well from those not satisfied to have me swallow. The noise from flesh, cheers, comments and the call out of numbers never ceased as well. I was vaguely aware that my minders were insuring that more lube was applied to both me and my prospective sodomizers.

And to tell the truth most of the time I was aware of the flesh mating with mine but there was always more focus on the one in my mouth and its current state. That focus would shift dramatically with the several guys that were anatomically large. They almost universally preferred sodomy too. Probably because it was chance to bury oneself to maximum depth in someone else's body. Even my experienced hole felt the expansion when opened by some of these appendages.

Then it was over with a cheer. At least for the first round. The crowd quieted as Will stepped forward.

"The boy has graduated. It's time for his badges" and he held up a gold ankle chain with enameled trinkets on it that he fastened around my ankle. There were similar ones on the ankles of the minders and I realized that they too had been gangbanged at one time.

"Let's give our guest a brief break and then we'll start on round two." There were cheers and then Ray-Ray and crew were helping me out of the sling and walked me to a large tiled bathroom.

"You did real good hon. How do you feel?"

"Sticky, stretched out, and full of jizz. There's some big cocks out there."

"There are. They're delicious and you're a sight. That many guys coming in you and on you will do that. A lot of these guys save it up a few days so they cum a lot."

Jason met us back there. "How are you doing? You realize your body count went up by 33. The badges on your anklet is your count within our club. I want you to wear it the rest of this trip. You embraced your inner slut and let him out. What do you think. Have we burned you out for cock and you're ready to go back to suburbia? " He smiled as he said it.

I thought for a second. I was so relaxed with it yet to my surprise I wasn't satiated either. The stretched warmth in my backside and pheromone laden coating in my mouth and full stomach. "No, I want more."

"You slut" he joked.

"Before you go squeeze all that out I want some pictures. Definitely got rode hard and put away wet."

"Do it hon. Every one of us hussies wish we had pictures of the first time here slutting it up with all these beautiful cocks. Take him over to the bed and the light is good. " Ray-Ray pushed me towards the single mattress against the wall.

"Kneel up and show off that used lovehole. You're one of us now and have the jewelry to prove it. Yes that's it. Show that beautiful mess."

I had knelt on all fours at his cajoling and looked back to see the others watching as Jason took pictures.

"You need some stunt cocks to make this complete" Ray-Ray said and hustled out the doors.

He soon returned with two of the more hung guys and Will. "We're immortalizing Steve here and need some stunt cocks. Jimmy get that meat to his lips and KJ show where that big python went earlier."

"I'm thinking the wall. Let me get a better camera" Will said.

"The wall?" I said.

"We'll show you after" said will and again I had my lips wrapped around the tip of a very large organ while another prodded my gooey center.

"Fuck" I mumbled through the flesh as KJ pushed that ebony member into my compliant hole and made me shudder as the pressure slipped against my gland and past. Hands came to my hips as it continued its journey much longer than I felt possible and I felt a twinge as it went through more muscle.

"He's so relaxed that I'm all the way in that sweet ass. This boy can take some cock. I fucking love it."

"Show how much he's taking KJ" and I felt him slither out and camera shutter clicked. That continued as it reversed course and filled me to the brim once again. The heavy balls pressed against me as we both grunted.

"Damn I love a boy who can take my cock. I'd keep your white ass bare and full of my baby makers every day. How about it? You come live with me we'll be doing this all the time." The impact of his hand on my ass punctuated his statement but I couldn't reply. His counterparts thickness filled my lips.

"MMm Jason... " I pulled up off of the cock I was sucking "I'm Jason's" and went back to the task in front of me.

"I know that boy but if he ever turns you loose or you looking for dick, you call me. I'll keep you well bred."

He was methodically fucking me now. Pistoning in and out with consistent regularity. My poor hole clung and followed in and out but that warm glow of receiving a good fucking started to radiate from my center. The cock in my mouth just added to it and the stringy spit that comes from cocks pressed towards the back of your throat coated the cock I attempted to swallow.

Lost in the experience I became aware that the camera was still clicking. "Well it was supposed to just be pictures but it turned into more" Will laughed. "You've brought us quite a slut."

"He's a savant. When I met him he'd never touched another cock. He's making up for lost time" said Jason.

The strokes at both ends became more rapid. That urgency that you know has an end result. "You want it in him or on him" was the question.

"On him" and just a little while longer I felt the sudden emptiness followed by the warm spurts up my back and ass with a low groaning "Oh you hot-assed slut" exclamation.

Refocused I worked on the cock I was sucking until it pulled out and I felt the hot bursts hit my face through closed eyes.

I cleaned up after that no matter how temporary it was. My minders showed me around. There were rooms that I hadn't seen before and then I saw the wall.

It was prominent and erotic and debauched. Large poster sized prints collaged together with all manner of bodies performing on one another. I recognized some of the location and situation. The designated bottom filled, covered, mounted, messy with innumerable ejaculations. An ankle extended into the air with an anklet like mine showing prominently as the wearer hosted one between his legs, another in his mouth and one visible hand stroking another erection.

"There's room for one of yours up there" Ray-Ray offered. "Here's mine." A younger, slimmer version of him looked up at the camera with a mouthful and someone else behind him. His back wet with discharges.

"That was my first night just like you at the old location. There's a long tradition here and we've got the best deal."


"The bottoms that get picked. Let's face it, there's lots of bottoms out there but the club is selective and keeps the ratio small. Not more than one in four so we get well fucked and make sure we keep things enthusiastic for the members. You're doing well. They may extend a permanent invitation."

"I don't live anywhere close to here though."

"It doesn't matter. This isn't the only club. There's a loose affiliation all over the country. The world for that matter. I can't tell you much more unless you're invited except that it's kept very quiet because it's not in the best interests of members for it to be out there. Think about it in case you're asked."

I didn't much time to think about it because things progressed to a free-for-all not much later. At the encouragement of one of my minders I fucked my first man too, another one of the minders. A twink is probably the best description. He was slim, pale, and somewhat elegant for lack of a better word.

His ass was decidedly masculine and toned. The indents in his cheeks fit my hands well and with his slender nature I could clearly see my lubed target. The experience and skills showed as I swear he sucked me in all the way to the balls and proceeded to rhythmically squeeze me like a continuous massage I'd never felt before.

It was a short interlude to say the least. Despite not being attracted to his masculine form all that much the sensations were so good as he seemed to control his ring in a way that massaged the length as I moved in and out.

I came and couldn't help exclaiming "Oh my fucking god, how are you doing that."

He moved forward giving me one last little squeeze for effect before turning around and grinning at me.

"Kegels and practice. You milk that dick and you can get as many as you want. You can only be the new boy so long. Get a thin dildo and start practicing squeezing it every day. It's just the contraction but the top boys love it."

I washed up quickly and went back out to join what can only be described as an orgy. I'm not sure I can even describe all the permutations or remember all of them. My world was dick for that couple of hours. Fucking me, in my mouth, in my hands. At one point I was on my back, legs over shoulders getting railed by a big cock while I sucked on another while being blown myself.

I came about three times and had several dry orgasms but in the end was fucked out. My jaw was sore, cock tender and at the end could just service the cocks remaining standing with my ass which was surprisingly resilient. Sure it ached but it was that good muscular ache of working out. We'd see how I felt two days from now.

When the last set of balls was emptied my minders and I had a group hug and showered together. They finished things off by soaping me up, rinsing, and then drying. I left the shower area and Jason was waiting for me.

"Did you have fun?" he asked.

"A lot of fun" I admitted.

"I saw you topping in there. Is that something you want to do? I'm mainly a top but could be flexible on occasion."

"No. I like being the bottom. The blowjobs were great but I'd rather receive than give when fucking."

"What about the group and that many guys?"

"The guys were great. Can't say I could do that all the time but it was fun to let go that much. God I took a lot of dick. Have no clue how many. Definitely a bit of a slut though."

"Yeah you did. I was keeping track for a while and every time I looked you were in a pile. Usually the center of attention."

"Probably not good for anything else tonight just so you know."

"Figured and it's fine. You did great tonight and I don't blame you. Let's get some rest before we go to the game."

Lambeau was a hive of activity and I was surprised when Jason showed tickets and we got through a checkpoint and into a less busy part of the stadium. Up stairs to a higher level and I realized we were in the corridor servicing the private boxes. "What kind of tickets did you get? Jesus, a private box."

"Know some people" was all he said and I realized who he knew when we opened the door to find Will from last night along with some friends.

"Jason, Steve. Glad you made it. I was a little worried we fucked you out last night Steve."

I looked around rapidly to see who had heard and Jason and Will just laughed. "Dude, all these people were either at the party last night or wish they were after they heard about it. Your secret is safe and you're among friends. Very good friends I might add. The nature of our relationships and the need to keep it low profile for the vanilla world makes us all tight. Stuff in the group stays in the group and these people are ones we can let our hair down with."

I went with that and had a great time. I started to recognize guys from last night and talked to many of them. Any worries about being disrespected just didn't materialize and as the alcohol flowed the guys just got more congenial and affectionate.

The game was great and close but my niners dropped a close one by three. I got a lot of razzing from the locals over that. Jason had left me alone to mix but at the end of the game approached me. "There's an after game get together at one of the guy's houses close by. Interested in going?"

"Well I had hoped we'd get some time together before I leave..."

"Oh we'll have time." He leaned over and whispered in my ear. "I'm going to send you home well fucked if you aren't already. Last night was a more organized get together. This is just a gathering of friends. Friends that sometimes fuck. It's a different dynamic and I know the guys would love to have you attend. There are a couple that you haven't met yet. I think you'll like it."

"Well you're persuasive but you know that. Let's go"

"By the way if you take off your anklet you're signaling you're not open for fucking depending on how you feel. Guys will look for it and if you don't have it on, leave you alone."

I left it alone but raised up my leg to see the dangling badges along with the club logo. I thought about taking it off but didn't do anything yet.

It wasn't that far from the stadium but took a while to get out of the crush. Jason's group seemed to be very well off. The house was set on a few acres and like many of the Northern Midwest states seemed to be built for long winters inside.

We started with more wine and I got a tour from Jason and someone new to me, Ken. It turned out it was his house and he was a congenial host. It seemed like all of the guys from the box were there and maybe a couple more.

There was more food and I wondered if there was any more to it when we got to the enclosed pool, hot tub area which resembled a resort with a large bath area. The guys there had undressed already and my companions began undressing as well. My kegel teacher from the night before was working a nice sized cock in and out of him and from the sounds of things he was using his muscles to make sure that the fucker would be coming soon. Ken touched my arm gently.

"Sorry I missed you yesterday. Any chance I can get to know you better now."

I did a quick favorable assessment. "How do you want me?"

"Well I've been admiring that ass of yours all day so let's climb into the bath and cleanup a bit before I do lots of nasty things to you" he said with a grin.

The bath water was perfectly comfortable and naked I could see he was in decent shape with a long but not overly thick cock. I soaped my hand and stroked his hardness so it stood out from his body. "Let's do you. I don't want to come too early" and his soapy hands began caressing me all over.

Soapy fingers slipped through my cleft and rubbed everywhere. He urged me to bend over the bath edge and I felt the cooler tile against my chest as his tongue went between my cheeks and traced my hole. "God yes, eat my ass" I begged.

He laved my hole for a while before I raised up and looked back. I was enjoying it but I knew I loved dick more. "You going to fuck me already? I could use some cock now."

"Hell yes you little slut" he joked and reached for a conveniently located bottle by the side. I looked back and watched him lube up then apply more lube to me before gripping the bath edge and facing forward.

"Uhhh... Yeah, fuck my ass" I muttered as he glided in past my rings and seated himself. I had had enough cocks up there in the recent days that there was just a little twinge as he penetrated deep.

" I heard you were a hot fuck" he added between grunts and I decided to try out the kegel thing. "Oh shit, what a nice fuck hole you've got."

We got in a rhythm where I'd squeeze as he pulled out and I could hear him huffing and puffing behind me. I realized then that I could tell when a guy was going to blow soon and he didn't disappoint, pulling my hips tight and jerking as he dropped his load.

I rose after he pulled out and he pulled me into backslapping quick hug. "Great fuck, thanks. Hope we can hook up again tonight or later on." I noticed for the first time he had a wrist chain on and slipped off one of the charms that he clipped to my anklet.

I did a quick clean and then figured there was no point in putting any clothes back on. I wandered around again. I barely went a dozen steps when a couple of burly guys walked over an introduced themselves. Admitting I recognized faces but didn't remember names they laughed and said it was fine and common. Besides they had seen that I had kept busy including time with the smaller of the two.

"You interested in doing it again?" was their question and I wasn't feeling picky. I reached down and grasped a cock in each hand. "You have somewhere in particular you want to use these?"

I was done shrinking from my slutdom I decided. There was no pretense of hesitation. These guys understood enjoying cock and what I saw was two nicely sized members that would fit nicely.

"Wyatt has a really nice horse in one of the playrooms. I bet you attract a crowd there if you're game. Just let us know if we should control how many." When I nodded my head they led me to it.

The horse was similar to the one used for gymnasts but this was easily adjustable and the ankle and arm cuffs weren't similar. In a sling nearby a really burly, bearded guy was getting pounded by a slim but big cocked guy with another guy being serviced orally nearer the door.

Burly 1 lowered the horse slightly to his crotch level and I moved forward and embraced it. The straps velcroed around my ankles, a belt around my waist and finally my hands strapped along the bottom of the horse.

A hand came down and slapped my ass. "So you're a slut aren't you but still pretty fresh?" he said conversationally and I watched him lube up and then rub some into me."

"Yeah, Uhhh..." I moaned as I was mounted with little fanfare.

"Well you're still tight slut. Ready to pull another train?"

"Uhhh, yeah... Work my ass like that." He was long dicking me and I felt that warmth I always got now. The warmth I couldn't quit. But then the focus on the cock churning my guts was replaced by the hard staff pushing at my lips. "Oh yeah cocksucker" was the sound I elicited. And there was a new urge felt. The need to have both holes encompass a cock together. To have them make a horrible mess at both ends. I went hard at the thought and the vision of what it might look like and just like that I came too.