Aftermath of a Breakup


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"Yeah, girl. Get you a taste." I feel Corrine's lips push harder and her thin figure tense up on my skin at Marie's urging. "You know it. Said he wants to get with someone he knew. You've known him as long as that bitch, right? I bet he'd love showing off a hottie like you to tell her he's moved on." That's not high on my list of motivations, but it's also irrelevant, because those words are working wonders on Corinne. She has a hand behind my head pulling me into her, simulating what little she can of what I yearn to do back. Her lips start moving in between mine, fishing for an opening. The girl's exuberance is exceeding the intensity of the passionate kiss from Marie, even with her clear inexperience.

It finally fades, and I do my best to hide the smile that would show the delight rushing through my body. Breathing heavily, her chest heaving into mine, Corinne asks, "You really think he'd go out with me?"

One of her hands working down to my hips, Marie answers, "Oh, I think he'd fuck you silly given the chance." Sure would. "But a nice religious girl like you who wants something more than that? Have to give him some time, he's just out of a long relationship and in pain." Ugh, she's probably right. There's only one thing on my mind right now but what I don't want is to use Kacey's best friend for a temporary esteem boost. Aren't most church girls supposed to be huge sluts? If only.

A hand glides across my cheek. "That's a shame. Guess I'll wait." First sentence echoes in my thoughts for a moment. Second, man, how long?

"Mmm, you sure? Think I just found someone who doesn't want to wait." Oh man, Marie's hand is on the move.

"Is he? From that? No way..." the lips most recently upon me inquire.

"Yes way. Somebody must be frustrated. Here, help me slide him out of these pants to get a better look." I can't believe this is happening. It's too good to be true.

"Whoa, that's enough. You had your fun. Time to get out of his bed." And it is. I completely forgot Kacey's still here. Suppose it's asking too much for her to have left them alone with me.

Struggling to open my pants button, Marie counters, "We had some fun? I didn't see you protest when we pushed up his shirt so you could get a good look at his body. You wouldn't still be standing there if part of you wasn't curious."

Uh, what? I peel my eyelid open a bit more to try to see Kacey. She's taken aback, but responds, "I'm still standing here to make sure you don't rape my brother. Jeez, Marie, what are you trying to say?"

The button pops through. "Don't play dumb, Kace. I saw that nerve we hit earlier. What's that saying about protesting too much?" Marie starts peeling my pants down. "It's okay, babe, don't blame you. Your brother is hot. And from what I can feel, he's really packing too." She's working them down to my ankles, the solid cloth of my boxers the only remaining defense, and this conversation has done nothing to stymie my growing erection.

I'm expecting more discussion. It doesn't come. Kacey is motionless, in more of a paralysis from the proceedings than I am. Marie rides her hand up, lifting my boner then pressing against the material to show off its outline. "Oh yes, we got a big one here. Corinne, come check out what you've been missing out on."

I shift on the pillow a bit to catch the sight of her small hand tentatively reaching out. First, she prods with just one digit, poking the top. A couple more fingers motion around it, sliding under the hood of my head. While she does this, Marie manages to work with me to slide the shirt over my arms and off completely.

Returning southwards, Marie instructs, "Here, you hold it. Like this." Her hand joins around Corrine's then wraps down my shaft. Even with the thin barrier in the way, the delicate touch is difficult to ignore. I'm sure my body reacts but the girls either don't notice or don't care to. The hands move away. My chest begins pounding in concert with the heaving coming from Corinne. She exhales a soft noise, the intensity in it conveying her excitement for the words she cannot find.

"Thrilling, isn't it?" Starts Marie, "Now, if you could do us the pleasure." I scrunch my neck to be sure. I'm not mistaken. "Pull them off!" Marie commands, looking up at my sister, now standing right above us.

She stutters in place, before murmuring out a no. It sounds more like she's talking to herself than Marie, who does not relent. "Yesssss," she hisses back. "We're giving Corinne an anatomy lesson here, Kace. She needs you to take it out." I catch a glimpse of the blonde's head spinning around to Kacey, encouraging the plea. Marie keeps going, "Jake won't mind. He wants you. He was staring at your butt all night." Corinne nods in agreement. Was it that obvious?

"He...he was?" Kacey steps forward and starts to bend down to the bed.

"Mmmm hmmm. Probably dreaming about you stepping out of those snug undies right now. That's not fair, is it? You should get a look, too."

My sister gives in. Her hands are already curling back the elastic and lifting my boxers up. Right, that familiar sensation of air hits and my cock pops free into the night. It's been years since I've felt this type of pleasant apprehension and I'm responding in kind with an aching swelling. Kacey yanks my boxers down below my knees while I look at the throbbing protrusion pierce the space above it.

"Oh, my lord." Corinne is the first to speak. "How do you even fit that inside you?"

I look down to Marie for the answer but hear Kacey reply instead. "They're not all this big, 'Rinne. Jake's just, uh, a little special. Well, maybe not so little." She giggles a bit to herself.

Marie's hands on my thighs, shifting her way up on the bed for a top-down view, opens her mouth to eagerly add, "Preach, girl. I wonder if I can even fit all of that monster in my mouth. It's so thick." True, I remember Adrianne mentioning I was large when we first started going out but this praise seems excessive.

"Well, keep wondering. This is one thing but I'm not letting you blow him while he's asleep." The trance that overcame my sister passes. She's back to cockblocking me.

"Is that your blessing for when he wakes up? Or maybe if I just rustle him a bit so he's half awake..." Marie taunts Kacey while shaking me a couple times.

"Are you fucking insane?!" My sister pleads, lunging forward to grab her arms.

"Maybe a little, for his cock." Marie replies. "But you're right, Kace, I'm getting ahead of myself. It's not even my turn. It's yours."

"What are you going on about now?" Kacey snaps.

She's not in the light but I can see the devilish smile grow on Marie's face. "Our little game, of course. Corinne and I gave your big brother a nice tug but you somehow dodged touching him when you took his shorts off. Time to make up for that."

Kacey's hands go up in the air, palms facing forward, "Uh, I don't think so. That's all you and her. I have not been part of this."

Marie, clearly waiting for that, cheekily responds, "Oh yes you have. Look, I'm planning on taking this farther but so far all we've done is get a nice touch of his physique and handed him a good night kiss. You held him all the way in here from the living room then planted one on him before either of us. Now that I think about it, you started our game. Then you let the monster out of its cage. Time to take responsibility."

Kacey scrambles a bit, "Ah, uh, that's not the same. And, like, even if it was it doesn't mean I'm doing anything else."

I see Corinne, sitting between myself and my sister, enjoying this as much as Marie. She hides her smile before turning around and adding in, "Aww, please Kacey. I don't want Jake to find out about tonight. Even though she's part of it Marie might tell him anyway. And I know we've been friends for a long time but he's your brother. I can't be sure you won't just have to join us! It's the only way to be sure none of us rat each other out. That's a secret we take to the grave."

My god, I thought there'd be a naughty girl hiding under the cross necklace and modest clothes she always has on but that's a truly special level of duplicity.

Judging from her reaction, Kacey seems to have bought it hook, line, and sinker. "Rinne, I swear I won't tell but...I, I can't."

Marie, oddly finding herself in the good cop role following that blackmail threat, starts her pep talk. "Kace, calm down. Good. Now, look at it." She motions downwards. My sister's eyes follow the instruction. "It's just a penis, right? A really tempting one." Kacey's face lurks forward, full of captivation. "Okay, after you've finished appreciating it look up at Jake."

She's getting dangerously close. My heart feels like it's going to pound an opening through my chest. My sister pauses in place. I'm not sure she wants to move. Then, her head suddenly jerks around. Shit. My eyes are still open, and one locks with hers for a fraction of second. I've shut it in a panic, so I can only hear what comes next.

"Take a good gander. That's the face of a man with a broken heart who badly needs some relief. You are going to give it to him. Look back at the monster." I don't dare guess whether Kacey follows the instructions.

"You want to touch it. It's begging you to touch it. You think it's wrong. Helping him out. How could it be? You think Jake wouldn't want you to. But he'll never know. He'll have an amazing dream, wake up feeling great and be none the wiser. Now put your hand around that thing and jerk it off like you know you should."

I can't hold out any longer, I need to peek. If this is actually happening, I must see it. The black gives way to shadows and more darkness as I open my eyes. It takes me a second to adjust to the lighting again. One of the shadows is next to the top of my dick. I blink. Then, it's clear. Kacey's face is millimeters from me. She's staring down, transfixed. Neither hand is visible but if she stuck out her tongue she could lick it, she's that close. I sense the breath from her nostrils descend onto me. Time holds in place as none of us dares move. It's too much.

"Kace..." Marie was about to start but it's too late. While holding back with all I could muster, my dick twitches. It barely moves more than an inch, but that's all it requires. I rewind the vivid memory in my mind as I hear Kacey crashing to the ground, her supple butt colliding with the floor. Eyes shut, the recollection plays. I see the monster, as Marie calls it, lurch upwards, my slit coming into view for only an instant as it brushes across the side of Kacey's mouth and onto her lower lip.

Reacting, my sister flinches forward at first, causing it to move up in between the two borders and into the opening at the dead center of her mouth, striking just the tip of a tooth. I feel the tickle of bone before she jerks away, her whole silhouette stumbling backwards in advance of the noise. I reopen my spying eye carefully while the girls start to converse.

"Holy...I didn't know they could move like that. Are you okay, Kacey?" Corinne expresses out of concern, climbing off the bed to help her friend up.

Grabbing her hand to stand, Kacey replies, "Well, yeah...they can. A little. But when he's sleeping? I didn't know that could happen either. I sure wasn't expecting it." She takes her free hand up to her lips and pats them twice. "I guess the monster has a will of its own." The pat changes to a full, open hand. "Oh god, what am I saying?"

"Oh stop playing, Kace. You were eyeing that thing like you wanted to devour it. That was crazy. You'll have to forgive me for being a little jealous." Marie adds color.

Kacey hums out a "Hm?" as she leans back onto the side of the bed.

Looking away from her friend, the heavily done up lips start to jabber, "I wanted to be the first to get Jake in my mouth. Have to settle for being the first to suck him dry." She pushes up on the bed, grabs my dick with her hand and starts motioning as if she's about to open her mouth.

Kacey presses pause. "Wait, don't."

I can't see Marie's eyes roll, but the attitude with which she moves her head and states the words does it for her, "I've had enough with that bullshit. Little miss I'm protecting his sanctity for the good of the family over here undressing her brother and eyefucking him while he's snoozing won't stand for someone getting him off. Spare me."

"Not that. Like, alright, let's say maybe I'll go along with your and Corinne's little game. If you make Jake cum, we're done."

Marie releases her hold on my dick. "Huh. Not a bad argument from the brother-lover over here. Fine, let's say we put off the handies and blowies for now. What next?" I could think of a few things.

Corinne volunteers one. "Uh, I have an idea. Jake's all by himself with his clothes off. We should fix that. I've always wanted to cuddle a guy with all our clothes spread everywhere."

Marie peers over at me, perhaps fishing for a reaction, but I hold steadfast, counting my blessings internally. She grins regardless, looks back at Corinne and says, "I like it. Not bad for a virgin. Unless you're just using this as an excuse so you can accidentally rub yourself up against that monster." Placing an extra accent on the words and staring at her counterpart in effort to goad a reaction, Marie stalls. She gets nothing, then adds, "If so, then it's fucking brilliant. Since it's your idea why don't you get us started?"

Corinne sits up on the bed and nonchalantly lifts her top off, the fabric catching her gentle, fine hair as she pulls it over her head and discards it behind us. Her tight, tiny nipples poke out from small but proportionate breasts, which look appetizing resting above a thin torso that bends inward above a belly button, then back out as it comes down to her hips, where she is now working down the top of her pajamas. She slides them off again with little flair, as casual as she would when getting changed alone. I get a nice look at her panties as she shuffles back on the bed, yanking off the last of the pants over her feet. They look to be a pretty standard pair of women's briefs, a dark color outlined by a lighter one around the waist with cuts on the legs.

"You keeping those on?" Marie questions. Corinne puts her hands down to her waist, threading the remaining material but clearly not intending to remove it. Her friend comments, "Guess I had you pegged wrong, then."

Laying down next to me, Corinne tugs our chests snugly together. I close my eyes to concentrate on not busting the masquerade. This stage of intimacy, where I feel her clasping onto me with a youthful passion while I breathe in the natural fragrance of her hair, is overwhelming even without adding a picture to it. "I just want to hold a man like this and imagine we're going to sleep together. It's nice."

This time it's Kacey who speaks up. "Rinne, take a look in the mirror. You don't need to imagine anything. There are tons of guys out there who'd go far to be with you in bed at night. Hot as you are most would even wait around and move at your speed."

She wraps her arms around me, really engulfing herself into my body before responding. "I know. I've just been waiting for the right one."

I detect a pair of hands that must be Marie's working my pants and boxers all the way off my legs right before her voice returns to the conversation. "If you're suggesting what I think you are, you better be ready for some competition, girl. You ain't the only one who's going to be throwing their body at him."

The declaration forces my eyes back open. I adjust my vision just in time to see Marie throwing her shirt in Kacey's direction. Her breasts hang full and large, the nipples facing slightly away from each other on top of normal size areola. For some reason, I had pictured her with huge, puffy tits resting on large mounds but seeing them in the flesh in front of me I now couldn't imagine any other way. They're beautiful hefty globes, and I curse that I'm stuck here playing dead unable to get my hands on them and the rest of Marie's soft flesh.

She hides a bit of a gut well in her clothes, but as I see her stand up on the bed and sultrily slide down her shorts and a thong that had been squished in them all in one motion I figure she has more than enough going for her. She's wide and curvy, not fat, and the outline of her hips surrounding her shaved pussy would be alluring to any man who can appreciate a woman's shape.

Fully nude, Marie gradually lays herself back down on top of me, taking the full opportunity to squeeze her weight on me while exploring with her hands all over, including in between the area Corinne and I are joined. She ultimately slides off me to prop up my back, where she squashes her big breasts into my spine, but I could've sworn when she had her hand on my chest she copped a feel of Corinne, too.

I know what's coming next, and I rest sandwiched in between two stunning, lovely young women waiting for Marie to start working on my sister. She is currently preoccupied with assaulting me from behind, however, what with locking one of her legs over my waist.

Instead Corinne digs her head out from under my neck and says, "Come on, Kace. You gotta do it, too." Marie stops for a moment to perch her chin on my side, glowering at my sister.

"Hey, you didn't even give me a chance. It's like you said, he's not going to find out." Standing up off the bed, she casually lifts her tee up over her head revealing a sexy belly piercing with a charm that I didn't know she had and a plain, probably flesh colored bra. Her stomach is a smooth combination of just the right amount of fat and muscle. Without any prompting, her hands go behind her back and I hear a snap before the bra drops off her chest. The act seems so mundane.

The result, however, is not. Her puppies drift down into the atmosphere they've been released in, free of the pressed-up cage that restricted them. They don't drop far, they're exceptionally perky and well figured with light colored areola about the size of a quarter holding two very pokey nipples pressing off her chest. I imagine that's not just because it's cold in here.

"Wait up." What the hell could Marie have to say at this time?

"After everything tonight you're going to interrupt me when I'm actually going along with your foolishness? Don't think so." Good girl, Kacey, that's right, take those hands down to your waist...

"Just asking you to be patient for a second. I've got a better idea." Blast you, Marie. "Right, you should have more fun with this. Why don't you do a little strip show in his face before removing those?"

One of Marie's fingers tickles my back as Kacey answers. "Why? He can't see anything."

The finger moves down to my lower back, "That's the point. Tease him a little with that booty he was so interested in. Poor sap will never know what he missed out on. Plus, it'll be educational for Corinne."

Kacey bumbles over towards me and bends down to get a good assessment face to face. I shut my eye for a second, then peek it back open as she says, "Hmmm, I'd be into that. Pay attention, Rinne."

Kacey turns around and starts bobbing back and forth seductively. The contour of her curved back stretches out and she perches her bottom up, the round stump looking seductively out of place on her frame. She starts backing up, thrusting her butt in my direction. Her tush sways back and forth a couple times while she runs her arms down her exposed sides to the underwear. "I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am." Marie whispers in my ear.

"Time to give him the real show." Kacey playfully jokes, then hooks her thumbs on each side of the panties and starts threading them down. The cloth wraps over itself as it unveils the top of her crack. She bends down, dropping her head below her waist, her butt moving even closer to my face. I can see tiny goosebumps forming on her skin, wondering how she can feel chilly while I'm burning up. The material wraps further down, passing my eyes while the rest of her rump is uncovered. What slowly reveals itself may be more appealing freed than it is in the underwear, if such a thing is even possible.