Aftermath of a Breakup


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Kacey's delectable bottom is easily the most attractive feature of any of the girls in the room, each of which cannot lack for admirers. The panties finally drop down to her legs, allowing me a peak at her juicy pussy lips, already looking tender, begging for me to reach out and lick. I resist, hearing Kacey smack herself and comment, "Hah, imagine what he'd say." Then she shakes her butt in my face, tantalizing me further.

"Careful, you don't want to wake him up." Corinne warns as one shake graces the tip of my nose.

"Hm? Do I? I think a small part of me wants him to." I listen to my sister jest, fighting the urge to grant her desire, while she continues, "What do you think, Rie? I bet a guy wakes up with this in his face and he's eating me 'til I cum before he knows what's going on." I'm granted the wonderful sight of her pulling a cheek open as she says this, giving me a fleeting look at her puckered little butthole. "There'd just be that awkward conversation later once he found out whose pussy it was..."

"Hm, what if I have a way to get you in his mouth without waking him up?" Marie is scheming and Kacey turns sideways, looking on with intrigue to my surprise. "Why don't you hand me those undies since you don't need them anymore?" I watch my sister wordlessly kick out of them, now completely nude, and fling them to her conniving friend. Marie turns them inside out, then pulls at the middle material before bringing it to me.

I sense all three girls' eyes focus on my face and have to close mine in response. In the darkness, I feel Marie first force my lips open then the touch of damp cotton on my tongue. Knowing whose juices flavor this thread, I savor the taste with as much fervor as a man pretending to be asleep can. It's delightful. I only regret missing out on the chance to get it direct from the source.

Speaking of, Kacey expresses her reaction, "Oh my god! I can't believe you did that." I poke my eye open again to see her plucking at the underwear shoved in my mouth. Now sitting above me on the bed, I get a close look at her delicious boobies, before she brings a hand up to her mouth and twists its thumb inside, giving it a short suck. I guess I'm not the only one who wishes they had something more between their lips right then.

"Here, Rie, scooch over." My sister directs her friend, body fumbling atop me as she attempts to replace the girl behind me. She succeeds, arms drifting over and a thinner form pressing into my back. Most notably, I feel a tickle right in my lower back, from what I can only discern must be her trimmed pubic hair, little bristles brushing against me. "You were right, he is really strong," I hear her say while she hugs me, hands working their way over my chest.

"Yeah, it's too bad we can't put those muscles to work." Marie replies, goosing a hand across my dick.

"What now? There's so much more I need to learn." Corrine questions.

Kacey chuckles while playing with one of my nipples, "Hah, Corinne, I hope you aren't seriously using this for ideas. This is not what sex is really like. About as far from it as you can get."

Marie supplements, "You need to stop fucking such lame guys, Kace. This is how all my hook ups go. I wait til they pass out, strip 'em nude then shove their sister's panties in their mouth. Really sets the mood." The girls choke up with laughter, providing enough cover for me to turn into the pillow and hide while I silently gather my own composure.

"Okay, I get it. But if this isn't how things normally go then what do I need to know?" Corinne recovers and asks.

Kacey, back to playing with my chest, answers first. "Your first time is probably going to suck. You'll be nervous and shy, you won't know what you're doing and most guys are more concerned with getting themselves off than making you feel good. After you get that out of the way you'll learn things on your own. Maybe Marie and I can ask around, find a guy we know who will treat you all right and set it up. Then you just got to get a little tipsy and go with it. How about it, Rie, know anyone?"

"You mean, besides the obvious? I don't know, most I've been with would get weird about the virgin thing. You know, they'd get all pumped about it and then brag to their bros about taking her innocence later. She'd just be a story and the sex would be as bad as with any rando."

Corinne sighs, "Why does it have to be like that? You make it sound so scary."

Kacey, now working my pecs, replies, "It's not scary, Rinne, but you have to look out for yourself. If you just want to get fucked call up the last guy who asked you out. But you want that whole first love experience, right? We can't just make that happen. If you didn't meet that guy back in high school your church might be your best bet, and you've said that's not happening and..."

Corinne, sounding slightly agitated, "I know, I know. I've thought about it, Kacey, believe me. That it's not going to happen if I don't try. I always tell myself I'm going to go out with the next hot guy but I worry. What if I go back to his room and panic and it's a disaster? Or I just lay there and he thinks I'm terrible at it."

Marie snickers, then offers some advice, "You're thinking about it way too much, girl. You're hot, it's not like they're gonna stop midway if you're bad at it. Tell you what, let's get serious with this teaching thing. I'll show you some ways you can keep a guy happy without going all the way and then you can work your way up for real. Sound good?" Corinne nods.

"Good. First lesson." Marie responds before I hear a "mmph" sound come from my sister and see the blonde lurch over me with excitement, watching something out of my vision. I try to turn to get a view but all I can see out of the corner of my eye are legs and skin. I feel Kacey pushed into my back, an arm of hers squirming against me. The contact ends, she's using the hand to push away from me and I suppose whatever is happening.

"Fuck, Rie, you could've at least warned me." She says, though I'm not sure about what.

"Yeah, but then your reaction wouldn't be as cute." Marie's sitting across from my sister, a hand on my arm balancing her as well.

Maybe Corinne will provide the clues I need. "I've kissed guys before Marie, although..."

"Although not like that, right? Yeah, you've kissed but you haven't mouth fucked. Time for the personal demonstration." Her weight climbs over me. I see a hefty rear come into view, the rest of her already reaching over and plunging tongue into a bewildered target. They make out, pressing back and forth on the bed, while my sister sits up and watches intently. The commotion causes the mattress to shift.

An idea in my head turns into reality when I notice Marie's hand move down and slide into Corinne's panties. Their kiss breaks, "Marie, you're...that's my..."

Marie interrupts her by pecking her on the lips again before saying, "Yeah, your pussy. When you're with a guy like this he's going to go for it. Especially if you're this wet." They touch lips again, Marie's finger twitches under the shrouded sight a couple times, then she speaks again, "You know, if we're doing this right it shouldn't be my hand."

I immediately recognize Marie's plan and allow her hand to grab mine and guide it to the gooey opening. Indeed, Marie was not lying about how wet Corinne was, and the texture of the little churchgoers' hairy lips stimulate me as my fingers are rocked back and forth across them. Marie then presses a couple of my digits inside her pussy and begins to move them up and down.

Corinne jerks up, moaning, and I hear further "Ah!" "Oh!" and "Uph!" sounds start to echo around while Marie does her best to keep my fingers in a lunging body. I shut my eyes, again attempting to hold back my excitement. Finally, I hear "Jake! Yes! Right there!" and her pussy convulses, my name whimpered a few more times in throes of ecstasy before the increasingly familiar sensation of a girl resting atop me returns.

I crack my eyes open only to find Corinne panting, hand on chest, before me. I peep over to find it's still Kacey leaning on me from the other side, which makes sense given I can feel a pair of knockers resting on my arm that could only be hers.

"You enjoy yourself back there? Shame, you would've been next." Marie quips.

My sister takes a breath before answering, "Don't need a lifeless hand when I've got two perfectly good ones of my own. What about you? Going to hump his arm to get off?"

Marie smacks her lips before leaning back to answer, "Nah, gonna show Corinne what comes after that."

Sitting back up, Kacey inquires, "Oh? And just what comes after that?"

Looking back at Marie I notice Corinne adjusting herself in place, hands in her lap, before the big mouthed, raven-haired schemer responds, "Nuh uh. Show, not tell."

Show she does. In one motion, she whips her hair back and lunges down, opening that big orifice adorned with sexy red lipstick and aims it straight for my cock. I feel her breath arrive on me before those lips close on my shaft, enveloping me in her mouth's warmth. Both girls bend towards the act, Kacey dropping any remaining pretense by looking on as intently as the novice across her while their friend works her way down and back up my length before bobbing on its head a few times. She drops back down, taking as much into her throat as she can, before lunging up and pulling off me, though not without leaving a departing kiss to the tip on the way out.

"That, my dear, is how you suck a dick." Her statement does not assist in my struggle to suppress the urge building in my crotch. I manage to fight it back, though I feel some pre-cum leak out. Marie eyes it, and manages to rub it in some with her thumb while she grabs me and points in the direction of Corinne, "You going to give it a try? Or will the caring sister stake her claim?"

Marie pushes the envelope, pointing me at Kacey. "No, she already had her chance, remember? It's mine." Corinne snaps before Kacey can answer.

Marie points me back to her, "Alright, then. Go for it. Fair warning, he feels as big as he looks. Wouldn't try deep throating the monster my first time."

Corinne's light hair conceals her face as she moves towards me. I see shoulders bend forward and her spine press out into her back. She twists down. Just as I feel her lips grace the top of my head, Marie tugs her hair out of the way so I can see the girl about to go down on me. "That's it, baby, suck him good." Marie encourages as her friend's tongue licks me once, then recedes before she starts to take me into her mouth.

Ignoring the warning, or perhaps in defiance of it, Corinne opens her jaw wide and attempts to gobble me down her throat on her first gulp. She, surprisingly, gets further down my pole than Marie did before I hear a guttural sound indicate she's choking on my dick. She tries to hold the position, grabbing at my thick member with her lips but her gag reflex starts to give out and she has to pull back up.

"Shit girl, I told you not to do that." Marie comments as I see my entire penis standing tall, saliva covering it. "Come on, catch your breath and try again. This time take it smooth and easy. Like this." Marie slides down on me, pumping the bottom with her hand while giving me a couple good sucks, then pulls off looking up with her wide, bright eyes right at my face.

Corinne, an eager study, hops back on immediately after and attempts to imitate the motions. She is not as good, but the view of the little trainee doing her best while the instructor and my sister look on attentively has me on edge.

"Good, just like that." Marie assures while she grabs my balls and starts to play with them. "Most guys like it if you play with them like this," she states as Corinne loses her pace for a moment to pay attention. "Don't worry about it for now. We'll take care of it." Marie directs her friend to keep guzzling me down.

"Here, Kace, take over." Marie declares, removing her hand, then leans in to lick at the bottom of my shaft with her tongue. Amazingly, this isn't the most stimulating action I bear, because Kacey wordlessly heeds the command and takes my sack into her soft hand. Working them delicately, with just enough pressure to rouse the ache growing in my loins, I grimace as my last release valve bursts and the rush surges through me up into Corinne's mouth. She coughs, the blast startling her, causing cum to leak out and splash on my legs.

Marie, moving her head up to see, shouts, "Yeah, that's beautiful! Now swallow it." Corinne does her best to stay on me as I unleash the massive load I've been holding back but eventually she succumbs, backing off and allowing the last shot to fly up in the air.

She must have taken Marie's advice since she sits back, her rump in plain view with the panties crushed up in her, and muses, "It tastes...weird."

Marie answers her, "But it was fun, right?" Corinne nods while her friend looks elsewhere, "Oh, Kace, you got some on your cheek. Let me get that for you." She does, taking the dollop dripping down Kacey's face with a finger and bringing it to her mouth. "Hmm, not bad. Why don't you try some?"

Incredibly, Kacey drops right down and takes me in her mouth. Time blurs as I burn in the memory of my sister slurping over my head, the touch of her tongue lapping up the ejaculate that had been soaking my penis. She gracefully withdraws after a final lick, her work done, and looks up to the incredulous glares of her two friends.

"Holy shit." Marie leads. Corinne's only able to react with a look of shock and an open, gaping mouth.

"What?" My sister coyly responds. "Just did what you said."

Silence for a moment, then Marie finds the words, "I meant a drop on your hand. And I was joking. I didn't think you'd ever in a million years actually taste Jake's cum, much less blow him."

Kacey interrupts, shamelessly, "Well, I didn't blow him, Rinne did. I just cleaned him up some. And so what? I'll never get the chance again and doing it was exhilarating. I feel so naughty."

Marie's dumbfounded, but Corinne's shock is turning into something else, "Oh my God Kacey, that was so hot! I loved it. All of it. I really like Jake but now I wish I had a brother."

The blonde reaches across my body to hug my sister and give her a peck on the cheek. Marie's regaining her senses and plucks the panties out of my mouth to wipe the excess cum off my waist and legs. "You are two crazy bitches. I thought I was supposed to be the slut here."

Kacey breaks the embrace to snipe back, "Don't you have an older brother? You could always fuck him if you're that concerned about losing your reputation."

Marie answers, "You mean Darren? Ew. He's like 35. And fat. And not even my real brother. Nah, to cross that line it'd have to be a hunk like Jake here. Speaking of which..." She grabs hold of my member, wiping any remnant cum off with the stained cloth, and perches it in the air.

This prompts another question from Corinne, "Aren't they supposed to get smaller after you make know?"

Discarding the underwear, Marie answers, "Normally, yeah. But it looks like the monster isn't satisfied. Which is perfectly fine by me." As she says this, she climbs over me with one leg and sits on my stomach. She then lifts her bottom up in the air and grabs hold of my dick.

"Marie, I know I just, but you can't..." Kacey objects weakly, her sentence trailing off once she sees my penis pointed at her friend's pussy.

Holding her place, Marie looks back at my sister and tells her, "It's okay, Kace. Game's over. You don't have to follow the lead anymore and I'm done pretending this is for Corinne. I need to get fucked badly and your brother's dick is what I want." She glides down effortlessly, her lips taking me into her lubricated walls.

"That's not what..." I hear Kacey offer before she gasps at the sight of her friend settling all the way down, almost my entire cock burying its way into her pussy. "...Fuck, Rie." She exclaims in an excited whisper as the girl on me leans down, her tits flopping onto my chest while she sighs and runs her arms up my body.

"Do it. Fuck him!" Corinne cheers.

Yet Marie hardly moves, her pussy only sliding up slightly in reaction to her body bounding forward. The ecstasy on Marie's face has me wondering if she's lost control for longer than an instant for the first time all night. She looks blissful and precious, not at all like her normal self, while she pants out heavy breaths, her cunt twitching on my cock with each one.

For a brief moment, I wonder if I should 'wake up' and take over, but she sits back up and relaxes on my dick. However, she still seems to be gasping for air. "I...don't know...ippphh...I can..." Instead of moving on me, she takes her hand down to her pussy and starts to rub her clit against my shaft. Seconds later she keels over, bent at the waist, and starts orgasming. "Unph...Oh! Oh! Ohhhhh!" Her vagina contracts and spasms around me with an anxiousness I haven't felt in forever. She collapses on top of me again, rests for a minute in silence, then sits up and wiggles off me. "Oh god, that was amazing. We didn't even really get to fuck."

Corinne, ever curious, probes, "Does it feel that good? You were shuddering all over the place like you were having a seizure or something."

Taking one last breath before answering, Marie grins widely then states, "Oh, I just had gotten so worked up all night and then he filled me up. I don't think that's ever happened before. He was so wide I couldn't take it and, well..." Calming down, I see her glance over at my sister, who is sitting still sullenly. She asks, I believe earnestly, without the typical manipulative tone, "You okay, Kace? Tell me how you're feeling. I'm sorry. That was all me. Don't guilt yourself over it."

"No," my sister responds, "That was fucking hot. I want to see you fuck him, for real." The grin on her friend's face turns to a wide smile.

Marie slaps her on the arm and says, "That's my girl. Knew we'd get you out of that shell eventually. As for your request, I'd love to oblige. However, I think we've got a better opportunity right now." She looks over to Corinne.

"Oh! That would be even better," my sister adds.

The blonde shirks at the dual attention, making her petite figure look even tinier than normal. "I mean, I kind of want to but, I thought you said I should wait." She bumbles out, not sure of herself.

Kacey immediately retorts, "He's asleep, dummy, that doesn't count. 'Sides, how else are you going to lose your virginity when you clam up every time a guy talks to you?" The one eighty Kacey has done to pimping my slumbering body out is odd, but not unwelcome.

"She's right." That's all Marie can add, having the same reaction, I suppose.

Corinne seems to be warming up to the idea as she talks to herself, "You know, I would...yeah, why not? And...Ok!"

Marie bends down to the girl's waist and grabs at her panties, "I'll take that as a yes," she comments while ripping them down and off her friend's slender legs.

"Yes, I'm going to make love to Jake!" She psyches herself up as she allows the panties to be pulled off her legs, revealing her swollen vagina covered with full, light hair that looks like it's never been shaven. That makes sense I guess, she's never had a reason to. Shame, because I bet she'd look really hot barren.

Kacey interrupts my fantasizing, "Girl, you aren't making love. He's gotta be awake and have feelings for you for that. You're going to fuck him. Actually, I'm not even sure that's what I'd call this."

Corinne licks her lips, "You're right. I'm going to sleep fuck Jake. That's so bad. So wrong." Ah, here comes that church girl complex. Funnel those years of repression, god help me. She climbs on top, her diminutive body gliding over my skin as she positions herself. Her only remaining attire, that cross-necklace, dangles above my chest while she looks up to my eyes. I have to close them just as I sense the wet caress of her pussy drift across my cock.