Alpha Ch. 09


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"That was incredible." Her voice was breathy and lust gripped him again. She could make him crazy with just a word and said a silent prayer of thanks that he had found her.

"You're incredible." He kissed her again. She was truly incredible. He was no virgin; he had been with many women but it had never felt as good as when he was with Oana. Grabbing her round ass, he massaged the soft flesh and simply enjoyed the feeling of her against him.

"I," Oana started but her words got caught in her throat. Swallowing hard she tried again. "I don't want to leave. I want to stay here with you."

"Why? I hurt you." Lucius desperately needed to know the answer.

"Because I have never felt this way about anyone. Not Sorin, not Daddy. I don't know what it means but I'm not ready to give it up yet." Her accent was more pronounced in her sincerity and Lucius felt a tug in his stomach.

"I think I know what it means and if I'm right then this," Lucius started but Oana kissed him cutting his sentence short.

"We can work out what this is later. Right now I just want to go to bed next to a handsome man like a normal person. I haven't had that in so long."

"Anything you want darlin." Lucius kicked of his shoes and socks. Standing from the sofa he pushed his jeans and boxers down stepped out of them leaving them on the floor.

His cock was still buried deeply inside her and with every step he coaxed a moan from Oana's lips. He laughed and kissed the corner of her mouth.

"You ready again, so soon?" His words were filled with amusement and she nodded with a quiet whine.

"Don't you worry darlin, I'm not nearly done with you yet."


Drago was woken from a fractured sleep by an explosive crash of thunder. Startled, he shot upright on the sofa and looked around the room. He had stayed awake until the early morning listening to any sounds from upstairs but none had come. Eventually he had fallen asleep on the sofa the bottle of scotch still in his hand and worry racing through his mind.

He slid the nearly empty bottle onto the table in front of him and rubbed his hands over his face. His beard had grown longer since his transformation and his clothes were dishevelled from sleeping on the sofa. Standing he stretched hearing his back click and sighed as the tension began to seep from his muscles.

"Eala." She was the only thought on his mind and he strode through the apartment to the stairs. Placing his foot on the first step he paused and looked to the upper floor.

"Little One?" He called louder. There was no response.

Frowning he climbed the stairs slowly and came to a halt outside their room. Raising his hand to knock he suddenly felt nervous. He hated this. Hated feeling like a stranger to his own Mate. He wanted everything to go back to how they were before but he wasn't sure if they ever could. They were too different now and he still couldn't be sure that the new creature he had become wouldn't hurt her.

Pushing the thoughts from his mind he turned the handle and pushed the door open. Stepping inside he surveyed the room. The bed was unmade and the covers piled into a nest in the middle. An image of her curled up there entered his mind and he felt sadness grip him.

"Eala?" He called out again. Still no answer.

Drago backed out of the bedroom trying to calm the panic in his chest. The house was silent, the air still and her couldn't feel her at all. His mind was in turmoil. Had Daddy taken her while he slept? Had she left him after what he had done in Hell? Had she gone to Baal?

"Ealasaid!" He shouted to the empty house praying that this time he would get a response.


Marching to the stairs he pulled his phone from his trouser pocket and had started dialling before he paused. He didn't know who to ask. Dropping to sit on the top stair he ran his fingers through his tousled hair and stared at the phone screen. His Pack, his family had been through more than was fair. He didn't want to drag them any further into danger. He wouldn't lose anyone else.

In his mind he ran through all the places that Ealasaid might have gone. With no better idea he stood and went to leave the apartment. It wasn't until he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror beside the door that he stopped.

"Fuck." He grumbled and ran back up the stairs.

He had always been able to blend in before but now, with the horns and inhuman eyes, he wasn't so sure. Back in the bedroom he stripped out of his suit and dressed quickly in jeans, a plaid shirt and and sneakers. Rummaging through the closet he found a hoodie and put it on. pulling the hood up he checked himself in Ealasaid's dresser mirror. The horns were hidden and his face was cast in shadow. It was the best he could do.

Running back down the stairs he grabbed his bike keys from the table and left their home. For the next three hours he searched the city. It was still raining heavily and within minutes he was soaked to the skin. Ignoring the cold that seeped into his veins he concentrated on nothing but Ealasaid.

He went to Grif's diner but it was deserted. The sight of it brought a lump to his throat and he dropped to his knee in front of the empty building. Saying a silent prayer of remembrance passed down through the Pack he vowed that he would avenge his old friend.

Next he went to the bar where they had had their first date. The memories of that night flooded him and he felt wistful for the simple happiness they had shared. The bar was packed already. He recognised most of the faces inside as members of his own Pack but there was no sign of his Mate.

He went to the bar that he had followed her to on the first day he spoke to her. She had been so innocent, Pure and he smiled as he remembered their teasing conversation. Everything had been so easy. Again the bar was busy but Ealasaid wasn't there.

He continued his search. He went to the theatre where she had watched her first ballet. He went to every bar and restaurant he could remember her talking about. He went to her favourite pizza place, her favourite park, her favourite coffee house. Nothing. He went to the lake house where they had spent Nix's birthday and the other he had taken her to after Oana's break in. No sign.

He was tired and frustrated by the time he reached the last place. His old home. The second he pulled up outside her scent hit him and he snarled. She was here.

Swinging his leg over the bike he stood and stared up at the house in confusion. He hadn't expected her to come here. Pulling a packet of cigarettes from the top pocket of his shirt he lit one and walked up the steps to the front door. Pushing it open he looked around. It was exactly the same as when they had left. Shaking himself like a dog he watched the drops of water fly off him and pushed his hood away from his face.

"Eala?" He called and listened as his voice echoed around the empty house.

Quickly he searched the rooms. All of them were empty but he could smell her. She had been there. An image of her wandering the halls struck him and he instantly felt cold. He could feel her sadness from there. It was still raining outside and he stared out of the kitchen window at the trees surrounding the property.

He didn't know why but every part of him told him to go outside. He listened to his instincts and stepped out into the torrential downpour. He was immune to the rain as it pummelled down on him focussing only on the thought of Ealasaid out there somewhere.

When he reached the trees he paused under the relative shelter of the branches. An idea came to him and he took off at a run. As he made his way through the trees he felt her presence begin creep into his mind. They hadn't yet completed the Mating ritual but she was inside him. He felt her when she was close and felt pain when she was gone. He knew he was close.

Finally, he entered the clearing in the forest and stared up at the tree house. Suddenly he felt nervous. What if she didn't want to see him.

"Fuck it." He spoke to himself and climbed the ladder. Ealasaid sat in the corner, her knees pulled to her chest and her arms wrapped around herself. She didn't look up as he entered and when she spoke her voice was tired. She still wore the jeans and white vest from the night before but now they were soaked. Her feet were bare and dirty from being outside and he felt his heart skip a beat.

"How did you know I was here?" She asked tiredly.

"I didn't." He admitted and sat down facing her.

"Then how did you find me?" She still wouldn't look at him.

"I looked. I went everywhere I thought you might be and ended up here. I don't know why I didn't come here first."

"I didn't. I went anywhere else I could think of then just kind of found myself here." Finally, she looked up and took in his dishevelled appearance and soaked clothes. "How long have you been looking?"

"A couple hours."

"You must be cold." She chose a blanket from the pile beside her and tossed it to him. He stripped out of his hoodie and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders.

"Why did you leave?" He asked.

Ealasaid sighed. She knew he would ask this question but she wasn't ready to answer it yet. Instead she looked back to the floor and responded with a question of her own.

"Do you have a cigarette?"

He nodded and slid the pack and his lighter across the floor to her. She took them, careful not to touch his hand as she did and shook one loose. Lighting it she took a deep drag and looked out of the treehouse window.

"I keep trying to make it stop raining. Everyone hates the rain." Her statement made his chest hurt. Even in her sadness she was thinking of other people.

"Let it rain Little One."

Ealasaid swallowed and forced herself to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry if I worried you."

"Don't be sorry. I'm just glad you're safe." Drago paused. "Why did you leave?" He repeated his question and Ealasaid took a shuddering breath.

"Because I don't know what I'm feeling at the moment."

Drago felt dread settle in his stomach. Pushing his wet hair from his face he nodded.

"You want to leave me?" His voice trembled and Ealasaid couldn't work out whether it was from sadness or anger.

"No of course not. I just can't think straight at the moment."

"Is it Baal?" Drago asked his voice turning hard.

"Drago," Ealasaid couldn't finish her thought before he cut her off.

"Did you fuck him?" Drago fixed her with his hard stare and she felt herself freeze. She could see his anger, his jealousy, brewing just below the surface and an unbidden part of herself wanted to see it grow.

"You were gone. You left me in Hell and then disappeared for days. What the fuck makes you think you can be pissed at me for anything." Ealasaid flicked the ash from the end of her cigarette aggressively. She didn't know why she was taunting him. All she knew was that there was an emptiness in her stomach that she needed to relieve in whatever way she could.

"Ealasaid answer me. Did you fuck him?" Drago inched closer with fire in his eyes. He had to forcefully stop himself from reaching out and grabbing her. He wanted to shake the answer out of her.

"Of course I fucking didn't." She turned away from him to stare out of the window again. Pulling her knees closer to her chest she shrank into herself.

"Something happened though didn't it?" Drago pressed her for an answer.

"He kissed me."

Drago felt a white hot jealousy pierce his chest. He didn't know what to do. His hands curled into fists and his jaw clenched.

"Do you want to be with him?" He asked and listened to Ealasaid's derisive snort.

"He has been watching me since the beginning. I've felt him there my whole life, every time I felt like giving up he was there. Even in the Order he helped to pull me through but since I met you you're all I think about. He's been a part of me for so long that now I know who he is it's so hard to understand what I feel for him." She threw the butt of her cigarette away and pushed her fingers through her hair.

"What can I do?" Drago asked helplessly.

"I don't know." She answered truthfully. She didn't know, her head was a mess and she couldn't form a proper thought. Part of her wanted him to hold her and take away the pain, the other part couldn't stand the thought of him near her.

"Tell me what you're thinking. I want to help." His words cut through her thoughts and she stared at him angrily.

"You can't help Drago. You can't fix me this time." She rose onto her knees and inched closer to him.

"Since I met you everything has gone to shit. I've lost everyone I called a friend. I was tortured and turned into a monster. What makes you think you can help now?" She didn't know where the words came from but as soon as they left her mouth she knew she didn't mean any of them. Drago was the best thing that had ever happened to her but right now she couldn't bear to be near him.

"Why don't you just go? You left me in Hell, why is now any different?" She spat out and Drago surged to his knees. His large hand grabbed her throat and he pushed her back against the wooden wall.

Kneeling in front of her he pulled her legs around his waist and tightened his grip on her neck. Angrily she pummelled his broad chest but he didn't even feel it. Her silver eyes burned in her face and he could see the tears there. She fought desperately not to let them fall but when he kissed her he could feel her lips tremble.

Drago deepened the kiss as he pushed her harder against the wall. He felt her pulse fluttering beneath his fingers then a sharp sting as her teeth sunk into him. Touching his tongue to the inside of his lip he tasted blood and looked at her in amusement.

"Wild little bitch." His free hand slid over her hip to hold her round ass and he thrust his hips against her. "You really must stop biting me."

His hand tightened around her throat and her eyes widened as her breathing became laboured. Using all of her strength she pushed against his chest but he didn't move. Her frustration grew and she struggled harder.

"Just go. For once think about something other than yourself and leave me the fuck alone." The words tumbled out of her mouth but they could both hear there was no truth behind them. This only served to make her angrier.

Drago ignored her and kissed her roughly again. She whimpered softly and in seconds her hands went from pushing him away to pulling him closer. Quickly her nimble fingers undid the buttons of his shirt and her hands ran over his chest feeling the raised skin of his scars.

Arching her back she pressed her body against him and whined at the fabric between her nipples and his skin. She wasn't wearing a bra and he could feel the pebbled skin against him, he couldn't help his smile. Moving his hand from her ass he slipped it between her legs and felt the warmth of her pussy through her jeans. Impatiently he unsnapped the button and pushed her away long enough to pull her jeans off before dragging her back and resuming the kiss. His other hand was still holding her throat tightly and the beast inside him thrilled at the feeling of ownership.

Drago pulled her thong to one side and stroked her pussy with his finger. Ealasaid sighed and dropped her head back against the wall. Drago teased her opening with a smug grin on his face.

"You done being a brat?" He asked hiding his laughter.

"Fuck you." She didn't lift her head.

"Not if you speak to me like that I won't Little One." Drago said, he was enjoying teasing her.

Ealasaid grumbled but her hips pushed down against his hand urging him to go deeper without words. He pulled his hand away, keeping it so only the tip of his finger was inside her and listened to her annoyed moan.

"How many times do I have to teach you this lesson Ealasaid? When I ask you a question, I expect an answer." He kissed her neck and felt her shudder. "Now, are you done being a brat?"

"Yes." Ealasaid forced the word out.

"Yes what?" Drago pushed, he dragged his tongue up her throat to the soft skin behind her ear.

"Yes Alpha."

He groaned at her words and bit her earlobe. "Good girl." He spoke directly into her ear and she moaned in pleasure as he pushed his finger inside her.

She rested her hands on his knees behind her and leant back to grind her hips against his hand. Drago added a second finger and curled upwards to find the sweet spot in her pussy. Her juices already soaked his hand and he held her throat tightly as he fucked her with his fingers.

Drago licked his lips with an animalistic smile and pressed his thumb against her clit. Circling the nub of flesh, he felt her tremble violently in his lap and moved his fingers faster. His eyes locked onto her face and he watched in satisfaction as the dark pink blush rose up her neck and across her cheeks. Pulling her face close to his he kissed her roughly and stroked her pussy faster.

"Oh fuck." She mewled against his mouth and the walls of her pussy tightened around his fingers as she came.

Drago waited until her convulsions subsided before pulling his fingers from her and licking her sweet juices from his skin. Releasing his hold on her throat he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her gently as she caught her breath.

Neither of them spoke. Ealasaid ran her hands up his arms, across the back of his neck and held his hair. Kissing him tenderly she stroked the soft hair at the back of his neck. Drago simply held her, trailing his fingers over her back and feeling the shivers run through her skin.

"Drago," Ealasaid started to speak but he cut her off with a swift kiss. He knew what she was going to say but he didn't need to hear it.

"Don't apologise, I know you didn't mean it." He quickly wrapped her in one of the blankets and pulled his phone from his pocket. Holding her tightly he spoke quickly in French and she listened carefully. She could only pick out a few words, nothing that helped her work out what he was talking about. She gave up listening and leant her head against his chest. The steady beating of his heart soothed her and she closed her eyes as her arms held him around the waist.

Drago ended the call and stared down at the top of her head. The beast inside him was calm for once and he took a moment to enjoy the time with her. With a sigh he gathered her to his chest and moved to the ladder. Holding her tighter he jumped to the floor and walked quickly through the woods. Back in the kitchen of the old house he dropped her onto the table. Pushing a stray curl back from her face he stroked her cheek and revelled in the silky feel of her skin.

The table was tall and with her sat on it she was only a little shorter than him. Holding her face in his hands he tilted her head up to look into her bright eyes. His thumbs stroked over her warm skin and he kissed her again. He couldn't help himself, his need for her was insatiable but he wanted to show her that nothing had changed between them. He forced himself to be gentle with her when all he really wanted was to bend her over the table and fuck her until she screamed.

Moving his hands to the table behind her he leant forward and deepened the kiss. Her eyes searched his face and she reached tentatively to touch the black horns growing from his forehead. Gently she wrapped her fingers around one and stroked softly. She bit her lip at the feeling. It was warm beneath her fingers and seemed to pulse slightly. A soft noise fell from her lips and he laughed.

"You like them baby?"

She didn't take her hand from him but nodded with a look of wonder on her pretty face. Her hand still moved on his horn, stroking up and down without her even thinking. The feeling was strange and foreign to him but sent lust racing through his gut.

"Fuck." His word was a strangled groan and he buried his face in her neck. Her sweet scent and soft skin was enough to drive him wild and he forced himself to step back. He managed to keep the beast at bay until now but he didn't want to see what would happen if he let it take over.