Alpha Ch. 10


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Oana held his gaze before she folded her arms in defeat. "Fine." She looked at Ealasaid. "When you see him, make him suffer." Her tone was serious and Ealasaid nodded.

"With pleasure."

Oana leant across and kissed Lucius. He stroked her cheek tenderly, his eyes shining as he looked at the young girl.

"I'll see you soon Fiara." He said.

"Be safe Vanator." She responded and with that she, Nix and Corban left the room.

Ealasaid pulled her long hair over her shoulder and began to twist it into a plait. When Anton and Jaylon returned she pulled herself to sit cross legged on the desk and looked from face to face.

"I know this isn't how we planned it and I know I'm not the Alpha that you thought you would follow," she paused, swallowing down the lump in her throat, "but Drago isn't here and I'm not going to let Elyas hurt anyone else while we wait for him. He might not ever come back." As she voiced the thought a feeling of certainty came over her.

Once again she pulled herself up straight. Drago wasn't coming back, at least not the Drago they knew, but it wouldn't matter. She would do everything in her power to be the Alpha the Packs needed. With or without Drago she would keep her family safe from Elyas and whatever other threats came their way.

"I'm not asking you to Defect from Drago. All I'm asking is that until he comes back, you let me protect you like he would."

"You've always been my Alpha." Elena said passionately. "I'll follow you anywhere."

"You've more than proven yourself as my Alpha." Anton offered.

"I'll follow you as I followed Drago. You look better from the back too so that's a bonus." Jaylon said with a wink.

"I Pledged the minute I met you. My loyalty will never change." Lucius said and Ealasaid felt herself relax.

"Then let's go. Where are we meeting the Packs?" She asked.

"Drago's old house. Those woods are Warded, Elyas shouldn't be able to find us to hear what we're planning and we can keep some element of surprise." Anton said reaching into the inside pocket of his jacket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes.

"Then we should go." Ealasaid slid from the desk and steeled herself for what lay ahead.

Together, they left the apartment and made their way down to the parking lot. Lucius, Anton and Ealasaid took one truck while Jaylon and Elena climbed into his. None of them spoke much during the drive and Ealasaid stared out of the window nervously. She had brought her feet up onto the seat and without a word Anton leant forward from the back seat to hand her a cigarette.

"Thanks." She said quietly and took a deep drag.

"Wanna tell us why you've got that face on?" Lucius asked and Ealasaid snorted.

"You really have to ask?" She quipped.

"Well I know you can't be worried about Elyas. The Fae that took down the Order by herself isn't afraid of long odds. So it must be something else." Lucius felt the tension in the car lighten as she relaxed with a soft laugh.

"What if I fuck up? What if I get people hurt, killed?"

"Will you do everything you can to ensure that doesn't happen?" Anton asked and she nodded. "Then what's the use in worrying? You can only do as much as you can do and that's a hell of a lot more than most people would."

Ealasaid paused, thinking on Anton's words. He was right, many people wouldn't dream of trying to take down Elyas but she would protect those helping her with her life. That was more than most would do. Ealasaid had been against worse odds, with less power and less people to help her. She could do this.

"We're here." Lucius said and pulled the truck to a stop in front of Drago's old home.

Ealasaid slid from the seat and looked up at the huge house. Immediately memories flooded her and her stomach clenched painfully. She had planned her and Drago's life in this house, she had seen their future and now she had no idea whether there was a future at all.

Throwing the cigarette butt to the floor she crushed it under her heel and waited for Lucius and Anton to flank her. Lucius was tapping his fingers against his thigh as his eyes scanned the darkness.

"They're here." He said.

Ealasaid nodded. She had smelt the mix of scents the second she stepped from the car. The sound of a second truck pulling up made them turn and they watched as Jaylon and Elena stepped from the cab.

"Feels weird to be back here." Jaylon said, his eyes following Lucius' pattern over the house.

"It feels cold." Elena whispered and instinctively moved closer to her Alpha. Ealasaid felt the Weres warmth at her back and her own fear lessened.

"We should wait for Corban." Ealasaid said decisively.

The rest nodded in agreement and they fell into silence. Five minutes passed, then fifteen, then thirty. Jaylon was twitching with impatience and finally he broke the silence.

"We can't wait anymore. We've waited too long already; he should have been here by now."

"Where do you think he is?" Lucius asked as Anton pulled out his phone and dialled.

"His phones off." Anton said.

"Nix is probably chewing him out still. Would you wanna try and stop her once she gets started?" Jaylon tried to hide his laughter.

"Fuck no." Anton said, shaking his head vehemently. "She's honestly the scariest person I've ever met."

"Then we go without him." Ealasaid decided and started towards the house.

"Wait, you don't wanna change first?" Jaylon asked but she shook her head.

"I don't want to give them false hope. I don't want them following me just because I'm Fae. Who knows if that will even help."

They didn't say anything else. Instead, they followed her around the house and to the waiting mass of people. The three Packs were eyeing each other warily but when they spotted Ealasaid and the Council they surged forward.

"What's happened?"

"Why did you call us here?"

"Where's Drago?"

Questions came quickly and Ealasaid flinched at the onslaught of noise. Climbing onto the deck at the back of the house she took a breath and spoke, her voice silencing the crowd with her commanding tone and ringing out with a clarity that she had never heard before.

"My name is Ealasaid Fairbairn. I took down the Order, killed the Guards that have tortured and killed hundreds of our kind. I have spoken with an Entari and lived. I have seen the Devil. Now I need your help."

A silence answered her and she stood straighter. The faces in front of her were glazed with looks of confusion, admiration and awe.

"There is a threat to us, to all of us. Some of you have seen what he can do, some of you will have heard the legends of him. His name is Elyas and he is making an army. He is taking Weres, Vampyres, Shifters, Witches and controlling them. They are powerless against him and he has to do nothing more than say a word. They will do whatever he asks. We have always been hunted, policed, used for sport and entertainment. Many of you have seen the inside of the Order and you must believe me when I say, Elyas is worse."

She saw her rescued prisoners from the Order grow pale at her words.

"Where's Drago?" A voice called from the middle of the crowd and Ealasaid sighed. She felt her shoulders slump and her gaze fell to the ground.

"Drago is gone." She said simply and the crowd erupted.

"But he promised he would help." A tall man came forward. His dark brows were furrowed and his hands were clenched into fists. Lucius recognised him as Andry and went to answer the question but before he could, Ealasaid spoke again.

"He made a lot of promises and I don't know how many of those he will keep."

As the crowd watched she steeled herself and looked back out over them with determination in her bright eyes.

"I cannot force you to listen and I cannot force you to believe in me. All I can do is promise that I will do everything in my power to protect you from what is coming."

"If Elyas is as powerful as you say, then what can you do?" A woman's voice called from the crowd.

"I don't know." Ealasaid said truthfully. "But it has to be better than doing nothing."

She let her words resonate in the quiet and waited to see what would happen. Many left, the crowd thinning out as they disappeared into the trees. When the movement stopped she looked over the remaining faces. Every prisoner she had saved from the Order remained. A handful of Drago's Pack waited tentatively and Lothair's Pack had halved. Lothair's Council was still there and they all looked at her. Their faces were a mixture of fear and something lighter. Hope.

"Thank you." She said softly.

"So what now?"

She thought on the question.

"We go home to our families, our friends. We prepare and tomorrow we fight."

A grim silence hung in the air as they all realised the magnitude of what awaited them. Lucius came forward and touched Ealasaid's back. She relaxed at his touch and he kept the soothing touch on her.

"We will call you tomorrow." He said before gently turning Ealasaid away and walking back to the car. She didn't say anything until they were out of earshot.

"Well that could have gone worse." Her voice was shaking and Anton stepped forward. He didn't say anything, simply pulling her into his arms and holding her while she trembled against him.

"You were perfect poppet. I'm so proud of you."

Ealasaid nestled into his chest. None of them said anything, climbing back into the trucks and pulling away from the house.

Elena spent the drive in silence. Her chest was tight and her throat felt as though there was something stuck. Jaylon silently place his hand on her thigh, her fingers entwined with his. They didn't say a word until they pulled up outside Jaylon's house. He, like Lucius, lived outside of the city away from people. Recently they had been spending more and more time there and for the first time it felt like a proper home.

Once inside Jaylon locked the door and turned to face her. She stood a little way from him, her hands twisting nervously in front of her and an expression on her face that he hadn't seen before. She looked terrified.

"What's going on baby?" He asked.

"I just, I have this..." she trailed off unsure of what she was saying.

"You can talk to me." He encouraged her.

"I just have this horrible feeling that we're not all going to make it." She voiced her concern and a chill went through her.

"Elena." He stepped towards her but she shook her head.

"I just know that we won't all be here when this is done. What would I do if I lost Ealasaid, or Nix or you?" She stared at him, her eyes blazing. "What if you die? I wouldn't survive that."

Jaylon crossed the space between them and pulled her to his chest. Lifting her, he felt her legs wrap around his waist and her face buried into his neck. Stroking her back he shushed her.

"Hey don't think like that. I'm not going anywhere."

"Then why do I feel like this?" She asked, her voice muffled against his neck.

"Because you love me." He said cockily and she tense in his arms.

Pulling back, she looked into his eyes against and held his face in her hands. Her eyes searched his face taking in his smug grin and teasing manner.

"I do." She said. "I love you."

His smile disappeared. "You do?" He asked, his voice grinding out in a low growl.


"Say it again." He demanded.

"I love you." She complied before he covered her lips with his in a rough kiss.

He slammed her against the wall, never breaking the kiss and supported her weight on his thighs. Running his hands down her legs he reached behind him and pulled her shoes off. Chucking them away he brought his hands back to her thighs and ripped her jeans from her. They too, were thrown away in a tattered mess and he felt her laugh against his lips.

Quickly, he unbuttoned his own jeans and took his cock in his hand. Elena pushed his hand away, replacing it with her own and stroked him slowly. Sliding his arm around her waist he lifted her higher. Pulling her thong to the side he flexed his hips upwards and felt himself slide into her tight, wet pussy.

"Fuck." He pushed out through gritted teeth. Every time with her felt the first, she felt so good.

Jaylon thrust slowly, he wanted to draw this out. He had tried to brush over what she had said but the same feeling of dread gripped him. There was a nagging darkness in the back of his mind that told him after tomorrow nothing would be the same.

He placed his free hand on the wall behind her and dropped his head to her shoulder. If everything was going to change after tomorrow, he was going to treasure every second he had with her tonight. Her sweet, familiar scent filled his head and her soft moans were all he could hear.

He moved slowly, just enough to brush against her g-spot with each roll of his hips. Elena was trembling. He had never been like this before.

In the Order she had only ever known pain but with Jaylon everything was different. He was so gentle, completely different to what people might expect from his monstrous size and intimidating scowl.

His lips trailed over her neck; kissing her skin before biting her gently. Elena gasped as a hard shiver ran through her body at the feeling of his sharp teeth raking against her throat. Wrapping his arms around her Jaylon pulled her away from the wall and stormed through the house, up the stairs and to the bedroom.

He dropped her onto the bed and yanked her knickers down her legs. She sat up, pulling her t-shirt over her head and threw it away. He spread one huge hand across her back, pulled her close and found her lips again in a kiss. His other hand smoothed up her stomach and covered one breast. He kneaded the soft skin compulsively, feeling her nipple harden through the material of her bra before finding the clasp at the front and twisting it impatiently. It snapped in his strong grip and he pulled it off looking down at her.

She was now completely naked to his gaze and he took in every inch of her olive skin in the soft light coming from the bedside table. Her scars were visible and he gently ran his finger over a long slash mark on her stomach, shivers ran across her skin and she looked down her body at him. His dark eyes burned in his face as he leant close and kissed the scar gently.

He stood, towering over her and gripped the hem of his t-shirt. Pulling it up and over his head he dropped his arms back to his sides. Elena sat up straighter, her fingers trailing over his pelvis and scooted closer. His huge chest and broad shoulders always made her feel so tiny.

Pushing his jeans and boxers down she waited as he kicked them away then moved back across the bed. He followed her, nudging her legs apart with his knee and lay between them. Thrusting back into her tight heat he groaned as her pussy gripped his thick cock and slid his arm around her waist between her and the bed.

"You feel so good." He muttered against her ear.

Trailing the fingers of his free hand over her stomach, he held her ribs the index finger and thumb of his hand bracketing the underside of her breast. Jaylon thrust harder, pulling back until just the tip of his cock remained in her tight pussy before slamming back into her, stretching her and drawing a soft cry from her lips.

Elena felt her stomach clenching, her toes curled and she threaded her fingers through his hair, gripping it tightly. Pushing her hips up, she met every thrust, bringing him deeper. Jaylon went still sitting up straight and looking down at the lithe body as she fucked herself on his thick cock. Her breasts bounced on her chest and he covered one, feeling the hard nipple against his palm.

Her eyes flew open and she fixed him with her intense stare.

"Jaylon, I'm going to cum." Immediately she cried out as her orgasm gripped her.

Jaylon smiled smugly. He would never get tired of seeing her cum. Elena rolled them, straddling his hips and pushing on his chest until he lay back against the bed. He smirked but cushioned his head on one arm and stroked her thigh with his free hand. Elena's blue eyes flashed dangerously and her small pink tongue came out to wet her lips. Leaning forward she rested her hands on the bed either side of his head and his eyes were fixed on her breasts, swaying just out of his reach.

"Come here." He said gruffly and played his hand across her back. Pulling her down, he caught her nipple in his warm mouth sucked hard on her pebbled flesh.

Elena's hips thrust erratically as he suckled lazily. Her pussy growing wetter with every second. He created sensations inside her that she had never thought were possible. Her entire life before him had been filled with pain, only Ealasaid had shown her kindness but Jaylon had been the first to show her passion.

Jaylon's strong arms wrapped around her, his muscles bulging and he yanked her down to him. His groan of pleasure was muffled as his mouth still bathed her breast but the sound still sent shudders through her entire body.

His hips moved without him thinking. He thrust up into hard and fast, pounding into her tight pussy and relishing in her stilted moans. She drove herself down to meet each thrust and felt her orgasm building. He could make her cum so easily, he knew every part of her and knew exactly what to do to make her tremble and beg.

"Jaylon." His name was little more than a strangled cry on her lips before her whole body tensed.

Her pussy convulsed around his thick cock and he pushed his hips upwards, driving himself deeper into her as his orgasm tore through him. Elena felt him pulse inside her, shooting into her tight heat then collapsed back against his chest. Her head was resting on his shoulder and she could feel his heartbeat racing in his chest.

"I love you too." Jaylon said exhaustedly and Elena let out a breathless laugh.

"Good, I wasn't too sure from your reaction."

Jaylon stroked her back lazily. "Well I could show you again if that wasn't to your liking?" He asked teasingly flexing his hips upwards and she whimpered.

"It was to my liking!" She said frantically. She didn't think she could take any more.

"Good." One hand moved up her back and held the back of her neck. His fingers gently worked the knots loose and when his heart had slowed and he'd caught his breath he spoke again. "You're still worried?"

She nodded. There was no point lying to him, he could always tell. Jaylon sat up, taking her with him and moved up the bed to lean against the pillows. Elena wrapped her legs around him enjoying the feeling of his strong grip on her. He always made her feel so safe, protected.

"Everything's going to be OK. Nothing is going to happen to you, I promise." Jaylon said softly into her ear and she nestled closer.

"What about you?" She asked.

"It's going to take a lot more to get rid of me. You're stuck with me for life." He said and kissed the top of her head.

"Do you think Drago will ever come back?" Elena asked, her question was jarring in the quiet room and she felt Jaylon tense.

"I don't know baby. What I saw the other day, when we met Lothair's Council, I haven't seen that side of Drago for a long time. He was ruthless, scary. He wasn't the person he's been since Ealasaid. I don't know if he will come back from that and if he does, I don't know if he'll be the same person we remember."

"But would he just leave all of you? Leave Ealasaid like that?"

Jaylon nodded. "Yeah, I think he would. The Drago that I met was very different to the one you've seen. He didn't care about anyone other than himself and his wants. He calmed down when he first saw Eala but since the change he's been different."

"What will we do if he doesn't come back?" She asked.

Jaylon opened his mouth to respond but before he could say a word a sound from downstairs caught their attention. Instantly, he pushed her off him and grabbed his trousers from the floor.

"Wait-" he didn't get a chance to finish his thought. Elena was already on her feet dressing quickly with clothes she had grabbed from the dresser. When she had pulled on jeans and a t-shirt she started towards the door. Jaylon grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him.