Alpha Ch. 10


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"Let me go first."

She nodded and waited as he left the room. He crept out onto the landing and peered down the stairs. He couldn't see a thing. Slowly and as quietly as he could, he made his way downstairs and peered around the bannister. Still he saw nothing.

"Something must have fallen." He said looking back at Elena before he sensed a presence and dread filled him.

"My little cub." Elena froze at the familiar voice. "Such a beautiful woman you have become."

Neither of them could move. They were frozen to the spot and forced to watch Elyas walk out of a door to their left and stand in front of them. They felt heat at their back as two people came to stand behind them but Elena couldn't see who they were. Jaylon, however, tensed as he recognised their scent.

"I really shouldn't have let you go." Elyas said sweetly and Elena felt nausea rise in her throat. "You would have made such a wonderful addition to my family."

Elena shuddered and her face distorted into a snarl. "I will never be part of your sick family. You're fucking insane."

Elyas' expression faltered for a second but he smoothed his features quickly. "You were once and you will be again." He said and reached out to cup her face in his hand. Elena shuddered in disgust at the feeling of his cold skin against hers.

Elyas stepped closer, bringing his body against hers and pushing his fingers into her hair. He tilted her head up to look at him and stroked her cheek with his thumb. A sickening smile curved his lips and his gaze flickered over to Jaylon.

"Keep your eyes open." Elyas said, directing his words at Jaylon. "I want you to watch this."

Elyas' grip tightened on Elena and he pulled her forward. Pressing his lips against hers he listened with satisfaction as Jaylon growled angrily. Elyas pulled back and looked into Elena's face. This close Elena could see his eyes were bloodshot and black veins were climbing up the side of his neck. She recoiled at the sight, he was sick.

"Why did I ever let you go?" He asked as he held her hair tighter. She winced in pain but pressed her lips together tightly so she wouldn't make a sound.

"Now little cub, you're going to tell me where LaBelle is." Elyas said but Elena shook her head.

"I don't know." She answered immediately. She didn't want to but Elyas' control had taken over and she couldn't stop herself from speaking.

Elyas looked surprised. "You really don't do you? Interesting." He paused thinking over his options. Beckoning at Elena he smiled as she came towards him even as Jaylon shouted at her desperately.

"Elena don't, what are you doing?" Jaylon still couldn't move. His feet were rooted to the spot and he shouted in frustration. "Let me go you fucking psycho."

"On your knees." Elyas said lazily and Jaylon dropped down to kneel on the ground. His dark eyes glared at Elyas even as he fought against the crushing pressure keeping him still.

Elyas turned his attention back to Elena. "Come here." He held out his hand and Elena felt her feet moving even as she tried to resist. He took her hand, watching it disappear inside his own and the feeling of ownership came over him once again. Her familiar, wild scent awakened something inside him, he dragged her to his chest and looked down into her eyes. They stared back at him defiantly.

"Come on now, don't look at me like that." He held her face in his free hand and pulled her onto her tiptoes so their lips were inches apart. "You know I don't like it."

Her expression didn't change and Elyas felt fury rising, hot and burning, in his chest.

"It appears I made a mistake letting you go. You have forgotten your manners little cub; I don't tolerate rudeness in my children." His eyes drifted down her body. Elena cringed as his gaze roamed over her, pausing at her breasts that pushed against the t-shirt she wore then fell to her hips. His anger dissipated to be replaced by a sick pleasure. "I never had you before, I bet you'll taste so sweet." He spoke into her ear but the words were loud enough that Jaylon could hear. He renewed his struggles against the force holding him on his knees but he couldn't break free.

"Look at me." Elyas said softly and Elena obeyed. Touching her cheek gently he smiled in a way that filled her with fear and desire. He could still stir feelings in her that she didn't understand, his power overtook her just as it had when she was in the Order and her body surrendered to him. "Won't you give your Daddy a kiss?" He asked and a tiny whimper fell from her lips.

"Please, don't." She hated that she was begging. She wished she could fight him but he controlled her as easily as he had all those years ago. Even as she pleaded with him her body betrayed her, she held his waistcoat and stretched up to get closer to him.

Elyas shushed her. He still only touched her with one hand on her cheek but her entire body burned. He bent his head and kissed her. She heard Jaylon shout from behind her then her mind went numb, a roaring sound filled her head and she could think of nothing but Elyas' mouth on hers and the rising heat in her abdomen. A throbbing started between her legs and she felt herself blush, she knew that he was creating these feelings inside her but they were so real she could almost believe that she truly felt them.

Her lips parted beneath his and she felt him smile in satisfaction. He pulled her closer, still the only place he touched her was his hand on her face, but she craved more. She could barely hear Jaylon's struggles anymore as everything faded from her mind leaving nothing but Elyas and the sensations he was creating.

Elyas walked her backwards until she bumped into the wall. He never broke the kiss, teasing a moan from her throat as she struggled to get closer. The part of her mind that was still her own screamed at her to stop, but she could barely hear it, Elyas was inside her and she felt like a child again. He still controlled her so easily and she felt sick when she realised she had missed it. Giving into someone so completely was easy, peaceful, she didn't fear anything anymore only Elyas mattered.

Jaylon watched, he couldn't turn his head, as Elyas spun Elena around and pressed her against the wall. Her cheeks were flushed a deep pink and Elyas turned to look at Jaylon with an arrogant smile. Jaylon watched in despair as Elyas' hand moved down Elena's back, slid around her hip and unsnapped the button of her jeans.

"I want you to watch this Were." Elyas said cockily. "I want you to hear every moan and watch as she cums for me. She's mine now, just as you will all be mine."

Elyas began to tug her jeans down her legs and she snapped out of her stupor. She began to struggle, turning to push at his chest but he laughed at her attempt.

"I love it when you fight me little cub." He said in amusement but a roar from beside him made his expression falter.

Jaylon exploded from the floor. Every muscle in his body screamed as he broke Elyas' control but all he could think of was Elena. He had promised her that he would never let her get hurt and he was going to keep that promise, no matter what.

Elyas panicked. Jaylon had broken his control; he was getting weaker. Elyas brought his hand up, a flash of green light lit the hallway and Jaylon was thrown backwards. Elyas turned to speak to the two figures behind Jaylon.

"Put him in silver." He command was deadly and Jaylon looked up to see Abrielle and Dylan approaching. Both of them wore thick, black gloves and they held silver chains in their hands.

They wrapped the chains around Jaylon's broad chest, trapping his arms at his sides and he hissed in pain as the metal burned his skin. His strength drained from him and his anger intensified. Elyas grabbed Elena by the hair and pulled her with him as he approached Jaylon.

"I want you to watch this little cub. I want you to know what happens to anyone who tries to defy me." Elyas watched as silent tears began to pour down Elena's face.

Turning his gaze back to Jaylon he tutted and shook his head, almost as though he was disappointed.

"I could have given you the world, all of you, you would have been happy with me but you insist on fighting me. Why can't you see that all I'm trying to do is give you a good life?" Elyas' voice had taken on a soft, dangerous edge.

Elyas sighed. His gaze didn't waver from Jaylon's face and his grip on Elena's hair tightened. The was a horrifying light in his eye, he looked unhinged, inhuman. Elyas seemed to look through Jaylon, like he wasn't even sure where he was anymore. This only made him more terrifying.

"I have to send a message. People have forgotten who I am, I must remind them." Elyas said slowly and looked down at his hand.

Reaching into the inside pocket of his jacket he took out a knife. Elena started screaming when she saw it but Elyas hushed her.

"Come on now. It will be quick, I promise." He handed the knife to Elena and her fingers gripped it.

"Please don't, don't make me, please. Please." Her voice was frantic and she looked up at him pleadingly.

"I have to send a message. People have to know what I can do." Elyas said as he let go of Elena's hair. He straightened up and still with the faraway look on his face he motioned to Jaylon.

"Cut his throat." He said simply.

"No please. I don't want to. Please. I'll do anything." Elena begged but she was already moving, bringing her hand up and pressing the blade of the knife to Jaylon's throat.

"Elena fight it. You have to fight him." Jaylon focussed on her. He tried to keep his voice strong but even he could hear the fear there. The thought of leaving her was too much.

Elena couldn't. "Please don't make me do it. I'll do anything you want just please don't make me hurt him."

"I am tired of people fighting me. You will be an example to anyone who tries to go against me. You could have made this easy." Elyas seemed to snap out of his reverie and glared angrily down at her. "Why did you make me do this? Why do people make me hurt them?"

"Please I won't fight anymore. I'll do anything you ask." Elena felt a glimmer of hope as Elyas' anger seemed to dissipate.

"I know you will child. Now cut his throat."

Elena couldn't fight anymore. She watched in horror, as she brought the knife to Jaylon's throat and pressed the blade into his neck. She felt his blood pouring out, over her hand and soaking her arm. Tears rolled down her face as she watched the light dim in his eyes and heard his gargled breathing. His mouth worked frantically, he was trying to say something but the words wouldn't come. Within a minute his skin was ashen and finally he collapsed onto his side.

Abrielle watched on in quiet horror but didn't say a word. Fear was creeping into her gut and she stepped backwards trying to distance herself from what was happening before her. She glanced at Elyas who stood watching the scene on the floor with mild amusement. A leaden weight settled on her chest and she wished she could go back. She had thought she was in control, she held information about Drago and his Pack but now she realised she was fucked.

Elena was trembling in disbelief. She stared down at Jaylon as though through someone else's eyes. There was a mist over her vision and he body felt separate from her mind. She didn't realise she was lifting her arm until the blade of the knife touched her neck and pressed into the skin.

"Drop the knife." Elyas said softly and Elena heard the clatter of metal against the floor. She couldn't feel her body anymore; she was completely numb save from the aching hole in her chest.

She couldn't tear her eyes away from Jaylon's lifeless body in front of her. Nausea gripped her and she doubled over with a heaving retch. Nothing came up but her stomach twisted in agony as she let out a heart wrenching sob. She pulled Jaylon onto her lap, ignoring the pain of the silver as it brushed her skin and drained her strength as it had done with Jaylon. She pressed her palms to his cheeks and watched as her tears fell onto his skin and rolled down his neck.

"It's time to go home." Elyas said with finality in his voice. "Bring her." He directed these last words at Dylan and Abrielle, who came forward dutifully and held Elena up between them.

Elena didn't struggle. She hung from their grip her eyes never leaving Jaylon's body. All the fight had left her, she felt empty. Elyas looked at her sadly.

"Don't worry child." He said as Abrielle and Dylan left, carrying Elena between them. "We'll be a proper family soon."



Rueben felt his heart lurch at the sound of the voice and spun around to stare up into Drago's face. He stumbled backward at the sight of his Alpha and looked around the room.

"What are you doing here?" Rueben asked in panic.

"I didn't expect to find you here." Drago said conversationally as he moved further into the room. They were stood in the study of Rueben's home and Drago looked around the familiar walls. "I would have thought you would be at the family castle."

Rueben shifted nervously as she stared at his Alpha. Drago's new appearance was jarring, Rueben's stomach twisted in fear and he twisted his hands in front of him. He opened his mouth to speak but his throat was dry, stopping his words before they could pass his lips. Clearing his throat, he forced himself to speak.

"I'm just collecting some things." Rueben said, trying to match Drago's calm tone.

"Really? Some interesting things you're taking with you. I can't imagine what Elyas would want with what's in there." Drago pointed to the wall behind Rueben where he knew there was a safe.

Rueben was silent. Drago smiled and moved further into the room. His arms were folded across his chest and he stepped slowly and deliberately his eyes never leaving Rueben. A cold sweat broke out on Rueben's forehead and he subconsciously moved backwards from the hideous presence Drago presented.

"You're running Rueben." Drago said smugly and Rueben shook his head.

"No." His voice was small, he sounded like a child.

"Come on Rueben don't offend me by trying to lie. I have known you far too long for that. Tell me what you're doing." Drago demanded.

"I'm running." Rueben admitted.

Drago nodded. "Being a part of Daddy's family wasn't everything you wanted?"

"He's insane. He's planning to take you all, the whole Counsel. He wants you and he won't stop at anything until he gets you." Rueben let the words flow out of him, he didn't know what would happen to him when he was done but at that moment he didn't care.

"Then why did he let you go?" Drago asked.

"He's been preoccupied recently. There are so many people around I don't think he knows who any of us are." Rueben said, his eyes darted to the floor and Drago made a soft noise of interest.

Drago began to circle Rueben, his arms were still crossed and his fingers tapped against his arm. He could tell Rueben wasn't telling him everything but he didn't press for information. He would wait until Rueben gave up the information willingly. Finally, Rueben sighed and continued to speak.

"Elyas is getting weaker. We can fight him now; he has to work harder to control us. I don't know if the amount of children he has is draining him or it's something else but whatever it is, it's making him dangerous. He's hurting people just for fun, making examples of them. I think he's going to try and make an example of the Council."

Rueben paused taking a deep breath. The information had come pouring out of him and a weight lifted from his chest as he confided in his Alpha.

"Elyas doesn't know I've gone but it won't take him long to realise. My only option is to get as far away as possible and hope that he doesn't think I'm important enough to go after." Rueben said with a shrug.

"No." Drago said simply.


"I can use you. You are part of his family and he trusts you, so do his children."

"What do you want me to do?" Rueben asked. Part of him was scared of the creature stood in front of him, the other half recognised the loyalty to his Alpha that he had felt since he had met Drago.

"I want you to bring them to me."

Rueben instantly paled and shook his head. "I can't do that. He won't let any of us leave the castle unless he's with us or he sent us for something. I won't be able to get them out, he will notice."

"You're smart Rueben, you'll think of a way. I need a few minutes with them and they won't be thinking about their Daddy anymore."

"Are you doing this for Ealasaid and the others, to give them a chance?" Rueben asked.

Drago laughed even as he shook his head. "No. I'm doing this for me. I want everything that Elyas has, I want him broken down and begging for mercy."


"Because there can only be one. He life ended the second I was turned. He is getting weaker, he is fading away and it is time for someone else to take his place." Drago's smile was terrifying and Rueben saw the old fire that burned in Drago when they had first met.

"What will you do, when you have his children?" Rueben was afraid to ask but he forced himself to continue.

"I'll leave him alone and frightened. After that Ealasaid can have her fun with what is left."

Rueben heard a twinge in Drago's voice when he mentioned Ealasaid but didn't press for any explanation. He knew better than to pry into anything that Drago didn't willingly offer. Instead, he simply nodded.

"Why me? I left, why ask me?" Rueben asked.

"Because you already have an in with Elyas and, out of all of my Council you are the most scared of me." Drago said calmly, watching Rueben's skin pale. "Fear works better than respect, fear will make you loyal."

Rueben swallowed the lump that was clogging his throat. Drago was right, he was terrified. He had been able to get away from Elyas but he was now Drago's to command. Part of him was relieved that he had an Alpha to follow again, the other part was horrified thinking of what Drago would do if Rueben disappointed him again.

"I'll bring the children to you. I can say I'm training them, I know how you and the Council fight. Elyas might believe that. Once we're out of the castle he shouldn't be able to control them anymore." Rueben kept his voice from trembling, trying not to show his fear.

"Good." Drago said contentedly. He turned and began to leave the room but before he reached the door he held up his hand as though he had just remembered something. "Oh, and Rueben?"

Rueben gulped. "Yes Alpha?"

Drago turned and Rueben cowered at the sickening smile that spread across Drago's face.

"If you are ever disloyal to me again, I'll rip your skin from your body and watch you suffer." The threat was said in such a calm way but that only made it more horrifying.

Rueben nodded. "I understand Alpha."

"Good." Drago said in satisfaction. "I have something I need to take care of. You have an hour to get the children away from Elyas. Just get them out of the castle, I can do the rest."

"Yes Alpha."

Drago turned back to the door and watched as a black mist began to swell from the floor. It engulfed the door and from the swirling depths Drago could see a figure moving. Stepping into the mist he felt a chill rush through his body before he stepped out the other side and into his and Ealasaid's home. He watched her, she sat on the edge of the pool with her feet dangling in the water. A discarded pair of jeans lay next to her and she sat in a t-shirt and her lace knickers. He could see her through the glass wall at the back of the room and waited for the usual jolt of electricity that shot through him every time he saw her but this time, it didn't come. Instead a hunger seeped in, the feeling was becoming more familiar.

Joining her on the edge of the pool he stood over her and watched as her shoulders slumped. There was an open bottle of whisky beside her and her fingers were wrapped loosely around the neck, she brought it to her lips and drank before she acknowledged him.
