Alpha Killer Ch. 56-60


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"Just come get me when I call you," I said. We had picked an insertion point that was hidden from the complex, and there wasn't a significant surf or undertow to deal with. I'd have to traverse the island jungle, but I was a wolf- I wasn't worried about that. "See you soon." I stood and gave her a hug.

"Don't get hurt," she said. Jose idled the boat and I tossed the bag over the starboard side before letting myself fall backwards into the water. I came back up, moving away from the boat and heading towards land as they slowly moved away. I set a steady pace with my fins, and it wasn't long before I was poking my head up on a shallow beach.

My wolf senses didn't pick anything up, so I took off my fins and moved into the trees. Stripping off my dive gear, I stacked it then shifted into my wolf. Finding an area of soft sand, I used my front paws to dig a hole then shifted back and put the gear in it. Covering it up with sand and branches, I made sure it would pass a cursory inspection before I turned to the gear bag.

I pulled on the clothes inside; black cargo pants, black long sleeve shirt, thin black leather gloves and a black balaclava. The hood covered my blonde hair and left only my eyes exposed. I filled my pockets with the pistols and extra magazines, then slung the rifle onto my back. The rifle was the same type we used on my old Pack grounds to hunt wild boar with, an AR-15 in .300 Whisper with a suppressor and four-power Trijikon scope. Capable of ranges out to two hundred yards, it had plenty of power and sounded no louder than a hand clap. The last thing I grabbed was the two canteens, both black, they clipped to my belt.

I put my cellphone in my breast pocket, the earphone into my left ear. "Call Catarina," I said and it rang. "I'm here," I said.

"Good luck." She hung up and I started moving through the jungle. Before sundown, I had my sniper hide built in the trees just off the runway. I didn't move from my position, suffering silently through the growing heat as the day moved along.

The first sign of activity was a truck arriving at a control house. The netting that hid the airfield started to pull out of the way, and two men were securing it off to the side. A small twin-engine plane came into view, lining up with the runway it came in for a smooth landing. As it passed, I could see Talia and Tania in the windows.

When the aircraft revved its engines to turn around at the end of the runway, I lined up my scope and took out the two sentries. By the time it had come to a halt, I had the men hidden in the jungle. "We good?"

I smiled at Talia as she got out. "On plan," I said as I handed her a pistol, suppressor and four magazines of hollow-point ammo.

"Good. Cover us as we go, this won't take long. As for you, Mr. Jose Guerro, fuel the aircraft and be ready to take off when we come back. If you aren't, your wife and children will be dead before you are," she told him. He nodded and practically ran towards the fuel truck, clearly frightened of her.

I finished handing out the pistols, and they put on their hoods to disguise their features. "Like we planned," Talia said. "Erica and I will go after the security center and the barracks, Bobby and Tania will go to the guest villas and the slave quarters. No mercy. Get the girls and send them to the dock."

"Thank you," Tania said. "Let's get the girls."

They moved off towards the complex as I moved to a position I could cover them from. "Everyone in position," Talia sent over the family bond.

"Ready," Tania said.

"Ready," I said.

"Three, two, one, GO GO GO!" The two hybrids were a blur, the sounds of their gunshots like an automatic weapon.

The battle was on.

Ch. 58

Tania's POV

Sex Island

Bobby was running fast towards the guest villas while I went for the building where I had been kept. I could hear the gunshots, little coughs from Talia and Erica's silenced weapons, then answering bangs from the defenders. My wolf was forward, my senses heightened as I reached the door and put my shoulder into it.

The door blasted open and I was through, rolling onto the floor as I swept the room with my pistol. I saw a guard raising a pistol, and my shots were faster and more accurate than his. The first 9mm hollowpoint hit him in the chest, the second into his face. He dropped to the floor like a switch had been turned off.

I could hear a commotion in Spanish and English start up in the cage room, but I didn't go there first. Turning left, I went down the hall to the offices where the "trainers" worked. Kicking open the first door, I didn't see anything, but I could smell the fear. Moving into the room, I looked under the desk where Master Jake was hiding. He liked to hear us scream, so I shot him in the throat. He brought his hands up, the blood pushing out through his fingers, and I left. He would die alone and on his knees.

I found one other trainer in the dungeon; Master Paco was a dangerous man, a true sadist who enjoyed punishing slaves who misbehaved. As I kicked in the door, he moved behind a young girl, her dark hair covering her face, her naked body beaten and bruised as she hung from a chain to the ceiling. "Don't," he said as I raised my pistol.

He was holding a knife to her throat. "Put the gun down or she's dead," he said.

She was half out of it, smelling of fear and urine, and she was maybe ten years old. "Just relax," I said. "Don't hurt her."

"Drop the gun NOW," he said. I let it fall to the floor, then kicked it towards him when he told me to.

"Guys I have a hostage situation here, I'm in a room on the north end of the worker's dorm," I sent.

"Stall for time, I'll be there soon," Bobby replied.

Paco smiled as he told me to put my hands on my head and kneel down. "Do you know who is behind this? How stupid are you to take on the Cartel?"

I didn't say anything, I needed to stall for time. He picked up my pistol. "How did you get here?"

"Your transport plane," I replied. "He's waiting for us."

He went over to the wall, removing a pair of handcuffs. "Move and you're dead," he said. I didn't do anything as he put a cuff over my right hand. "Hands behind your back, put the cuff on your left hand," he said. I complied, the cuffs clicking closed. He checked both were tight before he pulled me up to my feet again. "Let's see who you are," he said as he pulled my balaclava off. "Tania! Wow, long time no see bitch. I was sad when you got cut up and cut loose, you were my favorite ass to fuck," he said. "Now, you and I are going to walk out of here and onto that plane. Don't get cute, because you'll die before I do."

"Whatever you say," I replied. We walked back into the hallway slowly, he was holding me in front of him. "He's bringing me out, we'll be coming out the front door and heading towards the plane," I sent.

"Not there yet, keep stalling," Talia said.

"Tell them not to shoot," he said as we approached the broken door. His left hand was gripping my shirt while his right was holding my pistol to the back of my head.

"DON'T SHOOT WE'RE COMING OUT," I yelled, but I sure as hell hoped they did.

Bobby's POV

The villas used by these sad excuses for men were along a curving beach. Luxury appointments including a big bed, bondage gear and all-you-can-fuck underage girls. It was the middle of the afternoon, and most were avoiding the heat in the air-conditioned comforts.

Except one man. Sitting in the shade, a fruity drink in his hand as a young girl with her hands bound behind her chest leaned forward over his lap. He looked up at me just before the 9mm projectile split his eyes and sprayed his brains onto the sand. The girl looked up, seeing him then me. "Don't say anything, we're here to rescue you," I said before I ran to the first cabin.

The villas were well-insulated and set a good twenty yards apart. Busting in the door, the open floor plan giving no place to hide, I located and killed the males and left the females behind. It took me about thirty seconds each, too long for comfort, but no alarm had been raised for them. I was about halfway down the line when I got the send. "Guys I have a hostage situation here, I'm in a room on the north end of the worker's dorm," Tania sent.

My wolf was furious, but we had to take out the targets quickly or the girls would get hurt. "Stall for time, I'll be there soon," I said as I ran to the next villa. This man had a girl tied spread-eagle on her stomach as he whipped her raw. He turned towards me as the door opened, dropping the whip in shock. I double-tapped him, one to his fat stomach and one to his chest. He fell backwards, and I ran out to the next one.

The next guy was alone and asleep and had a bullet through his head before he could look. The next guy was in the shower, fucking a girl bent over in front of him. I shot through the glass, the blood spraying the wall as the girl screamed. "Get dressed," I told her before I left again.

"He's bringing me out, we'll be coming out the front door and heading towards the plane," my mate sent. My wolf was howling, but I had two more to go. Talia answered, and as I went through the next door, I thanked Luna her sister was along. This guy had two girls in bed, sleeping on each side. I shot him through the forehead and left again.

The last one was empty.

I ran back towards the dormitory, using all my speed to push through the jungle trails. I burst into the sun just as I heard a high-pitched scream, then a single shot rang out to quiet it.

I turned the corner just as the body hit the ground.

Talia's POV

Erica and I used our speed to reach the headquarters buildings. She went to the staff rooms, her pistol firing as she caught men coming out, while I burst through into the offices. My skills were honed over years of practice, and I was firing and moving at high speed. Humans watching would only see a blur.

I took out three in the front office, then rushed down the hall to the security center. I put five bullets into the lock, dropping the empty magazine and inserting another a fraction of a second later. I released the slide to chamber a round, just as my boot hit the door up near the handle. The door was reinforced steel, but no match for my hybrid strength. It bent before opening, and I ducked to the side as a man opened up with a machine gun.

Dropping to the floor, I moved my left hand with the pistol into the opening and rapid-fired until the pistol was knocked from my hand by a shot. I pulled it back, my thumb had been blown off by one round while another went through my wrist. I partially shifted my arms and hands only, my claws extending from my arms as I jumped up and blurred into the room.

There were three men inside, one was dead and leaning over the security controls. The second was on the floor holding his hand over his hip, while the third had the gun. The claws on my right hand sliced through his neck before he could react, while my left hand knocked the Uzi to the floor. I broke his neck to make sure, then broke the neck of the man on the floor before looking around. Finding a main breaker panel, I ripped the cable out of the bottom and all the screens went blank along with the lights.

My hand was bleeding badly, it would heal but I didn't need the blood loss. I tore off a part of a man's shirt and wrapped it around my hand, then found my thumb and put it in a cargo pocket. Satisfied that the bleeding would stop, I turned to the door.

I went back out to look for stragglers just as Tania's send came through. Bobby answered, and she wasn't in immediate danger so I kept going. I found three more workers and killed them, ending up in the office of the leader of this place. He was cowering under his desk, a short and fat man with a bad toupee and a loud Hawaiian shirt. "Oh no, get out here and get your whuppin'," I said as I pulled him out with my right hand and tossed him across the room into the wall.

"Please, I'll give you anything you want, just don't kill me," he said.

I grabbed him under the chin and held him a foot off the ground. "I want records," I said. "Every client, every slave, every payment. Where are they?"

"In the safe," he said as his bowels let loose. "Please don't kill me."

"Open the safe," I said.

Erica came into the office. "All other rooms cleared," she said. "Damn, he smells."

"Make sure he opens the safe and gives us the contents," I said. "I'm going to help Tania."

"Sure, leave me with the crappy job," she teased as I ran back outside.

I ran for the slave building. The one-story structure was made of concrete block with a flat roof. With one leap I was on top of the building, moving quietly towards the center of the front wall.

"He's bringing me out, we'll be coming out the front door and heading towards the plane," Tania said.

"Not there yet, keep stalling," I replied as I crept along the roof. I didn't want to make any noise to give myself away, not yet.

"DON'T SHOOT WE'RE COMING OUT," Tania yelled. I was right above them.

Vivian's POV

I'd taken out five men so far, most of whom were outside or went outside shortly after the alarm was raised. When Tania sent about her hostage situation, I was looking for targets. I set up my scope on the front door, waiting for her to come out.

I saw them in the doorway before she yelled, and I could see Talia setting up above her. He pushed her out of the door, the end of the silencer pressed into the base of her skull. "Tania, on the GO I want you to drop your body forward and down."


"Three, two, one, GO." I squeezed the trigger just as she moved, the .300 caliber round hitting him just behind the left ear. I heard another shot as the pistol fired over her head.

Tania pulled the handcuffs apart as she rolled on the dirt, freeing them just as Talia landed next to her. "You all right?"

"Yeah. Let's get the girls," Tania said. I got up from my sniper hide and walked towards them.

"TANIA," Bobby yelled as he ran towards his mate. Picking her up, he held her tight as his nose buried in her neck to calm his wolf.

"I'm fine," she said.

"Bobby, you go help Erica, grab the computer hard drives and everything out of the safe," Talia said. "The girls are going to be in shock, and they don't need a man coming in. Tania, with me to the slave quarters, and Vivan, you gather the women from the guest villas. Tell them to grab clothes if they can and get them to the docks as quickly as possible. Vivian, tell the boat to come in."

I pulled out my cellphone and called Catarina, telling her to come over and visit. That was our code for get to the docks.

When I got to the guest villas, many of the girls were huddled together on the beach. "Get clothes and come back here, you're all going home," I said, then repeated it in Spanish. I freed the girls who had been tied down and gathered them all together. "Come on, we're leaving by boat."

"Who are you," a brunette teen asked me.

"I'm a friendly ghost," I said, my features covered by my clothes. They could tell by the tight clothing I was female, and they didn't ask more. I led them away from the beach and down the trail to the boat, avoiding the compound in the jungle behind us.

"The other girls," a redheaded girl of maybe thirteen asked.

"They'll meet us. No one will be left behind." It took a few minutes to arrive, and the fishing boat was approaching the dock. I caught the line, and Catarina helped the girls board. The Captain and his sons stayed away from the scared girls as they huddled together on the deck.

A few minutes later, a larger group made it to the dock and started to board. The girls were starting to believe their slavery was over, and they started to talk and hug each other excitedly. Tania was the last one to board, her face covered again, a young Hispanic girl in her arms.

She held her out to Catarina, who almost dropped her when she got a sniff of the unconscious child. "Maria?" She started to cry as she held her to her chest.

"You know her?"

She nodded. "She went missing from our Pride six months ago, we thought she was dead," she whispered too low for the humans to pick up. She set her on the deck, the other girls holding her.

Talia handed over two bags. "It's the stuff from the office, give it to the Americans with the girls. The other bag keep for yourself."

"Thank you," she said as tears ran down her eyes.

"Come see us sometime," I told Catarina before I hugged her. Talia tossed the line back onto the deck and the boat started backing away from the dock.

"What was in the second bag," I asked.

"Cash, close to a two million," she said. My jaw dropped as I realized she'd just given it to her, no questions asked. "What? We can't exactly bring it back into the states in our carry-on luggage, and their Pride helped us out. It's not like it was OUR money."

It was true. We walked back, making sure we had not left behind any evidence, then headed back to the airfield. Jose was sitting in the cockpit, the engines idling and the door open. We loaded up and were rolling down the airstrip in seconds.

Our pilot was the only person we left alive. As the only survivor, both the Cartel and the FBI would be after him. "Take your family and disappear," Talia told him. "If you ever tell anyone who we are or what we look like, I'll make you wish the Cartel had gotten to you first." With that, we left him at the airport and took a taxi across the island.

Two hours later, the four of us were sipping drinks in a Jamaican bar, watching the sun go down over the beach. We'd come through just fine; we hadn't lost anyone. All the men were dead, and Talia's thumb would grow back in a week or two.

We drank in celebration of the blood oath being one big step closer to being done.

Ch. 59

Randall Meechum's POV

Dallas, TX

I showed up at the Federal Building, showing my identification to get in through security with my firearm. It was four in the afternoon, and I knew things would be wrapping up in the office. I pushed through the door into the FBI floor, nodding at the receptionist as I walked past.

I had barely walked through the door when Senior Agent-In-Charge Rosalie Martinez stepped in front of me. "You're supposed to be on vacation, Meechum," she said as she crossed her arms over each other.

"I am, boss. I needed some stuff out of my desk, and a friend gave me these," I said with a smile. "Free tickets to the Rangers and Twins tonight, ten rows up by first base. Who's in for dinner and a game? First rounds on me," I said.

She let loose a little smile. "Damn, I have to pick up Valeria from my ex at five." She had gotten divorced from a fellow agent a few years ago, her daughter was now nine years old.

"Bring her, I don't mind. We'll be at Smokehouse 557, or you can just meet us at the seats."

She thought about it for a minute. "Why not," she said. "She'd love the game."

"Who else is in? I've got three more available."

"I'll go if I can bring my boyfriend," Lindsey said. The newest agent on our team, she was dating a DEA agent from the office downstairs. I handed her the two tickets. "I'll meet you at the Smokehouse, that brisket sandwich is amazing," she said.

"One more?" No one wanted it, they had all made plans. I walked out and took the elevator to another floor, walking back to her office. I knocked on the door. "Miss Perkins," I asked as the Assistant US Attorney looked up from her desk.

"Agent Meechum," she said with a smile. "Your boss said you're on vacation."