Annie Oakley Wears a Kimono


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But, it was still good to practice at longer ranges. I ran six shots through the Cellphone gun and two mags apiece through the Glock and the Sig, calling it a night as the sun was starting to set. A half an hour of cleaning them and I was all set. The Sig in the trailer, the Glock in the truck, and the Cellphone Gun on my belt clip.

I was kinda hoping Annie would call the next day, but no go. By Tuesday I had kinda forgotten about it, and grinned when her number popped up as I was turning in the driveway. "Hello."

"Hey Arvin. I was wondering, is that offer to come shoot still open?"

"Sure, where are you?"

"I just left the HotShot," she said with a bit of an edge in her voice.

"That's on the other side of town, it will take you a good forty-five minutes to get out here."

"Well I can give it a try. Maybe get a few shots in before it gets dark."

I chuckled, "Okay, call me if you get lost." I said after I gave her directions and landmarks.

I was getting hungry, and I had no idea if Annie had eaten, so I made up a few hamburger patties and put them in the fridge, checked on my supply of baked beans, and went out to put a few targets up. We'd probably only need a couple with the little daylight left by the time she got here, so oh well.

I pulled up a movie recorded on the satellite, and kicked back. I was going to grab a beer, but nixed that. Beer and guns do not go together. Kinda like the radical left and common sense.

I had realized I hadn't heard or seen Annie yet, and she should have been here by now. I was just losing the battle of calling her when I saw a bright red Jeep come hauling down the driveway.

Annie skidded to a stop and the door flew open.

"Bathroom," was all she said on a fast walk.

I opened the door, and said "On the right," as she went past in a blur. I chuckled, it sounded she'd been holding it for a while.

She came out at a more stately pace and retrieved her purse and weapon. She made sure to clear it first, then she loaded the mag, still fighting it a bit.

I took her to the edge of the deck and pointed out the targets. She put her ear muffs on and fired four shots.

I grinned and managed not to chuckle. Only one hit the target, and that was on the edge. "How long have you been shooting, how many rounds?"

Annie sighed and safed her weapon. "I'm most of the way through my first box of ammo."

"Well, I wouldn't worry about it. A large part of getting started is getting used to the weapon, and used to shooting in general."

She sighed, "I think it has a bent barrel."

"May I?"

She handed me the weapon, I released the safety and finished the clip. I smiled.


I put all of them in the second ring. "I've been shooting for years. Give me a day or so to get used to it, and I won't be that bad a shot."

"ARGH!" and slapped at my shoulder.

I ejected the mag and made sure the chamber was cleared before I handed it to her. "We have a little light yet. Take a few more, slow down between shots. Accuracy first, speed will come later."

Annie took her time, and got three out of five. She sighed and assured the weapon was safe.

I came up behind her, "I think the sun got in your eyes on a couple of those."

Annie snorted, the sun was behind us and about to set.

She cleared the weapon and I showed her how to clean it. She had most of it right, but one or two missing steps over a period of time would cause her no end of grief.

The sun was just setting, and my little solar lights on the end of the deck came on, "You hungry?"

Annie smiled, "Um, yeah actually. If you don't mind that is."

I shrugged. "It's just a gourmet meal of burgers and baked beans."

She chuckled, "If I have gas tomorrow it's all your fault."

I laughed, "Just blame it on the kids."

We chatted a bit while I did the burgers and warmed the beans. We sat at my little outdoor table just as the last sliver of the sun was sinking over the horizon. Just enough of a breeze to keep the insects down.

The stars were coming out, and just as Annie was taking her last bite of beans, George let out a series of LOUD hoots.

Annie jumped and screeched.

"Really George!" I heard a soft whoosh. "And get some fucking altitude or I'm going to get my butterfly net out!"

Luckily the beans hit the deck and not her clothes.

"Sorry about that. He can be a real ass sometimes."

Annie was looking at me, "You know what that was?"

"Pretty sure. I've seen a big ass Barn Owl around sunset a few times. I used to call him Joseph, but this last year he's earned the name George. As in 'Curious George', from the book you read the kids. Anytime there's somebody new around at night, he'll sit in that tree and make an ass of himself. I'd swear if he could, he'd take a shit on the deck as he flew over."

We sat and chatted a bit, and I pointed out the yip and yaps and howls of the night life. Near as I could tell I had four Coyote packs and two fox packs on the property. I had actually seen some of the foxes last spring down by the pond, watching the little kits jumping and rolling and playing was amazing.

As we came into summer, the days got hotter, but also longer so Annie was able to get in more practice.

If we knew she was coming out, one of us would stop and get something to eat. Usually pizza or chicken, occasionally some subs.

I had gotten a number of nice hugs that said those tits might not be that big, but they felt nice and firm against my chest.

I had a reasonably cool weekend, so I was out redoing my fence posts. There wasn't any actual wire, but I had posts out fairly regularly. I'd had a few hunters say they didn't see them the first couple of years, so now there were t-posts all along the property line.

I had a system. The posts had short sections of whatever scrap pipe I had for the lower part, but the top foot was a section I could swap out. Rather than hauling paint all around, I'd paint up some extra top tubes, then go switch a dozen or so out at a time.

But that still left a few of the telephone poles along with the two at the driveway.

I had just re-done the yellow ring, and was starting on the purple when Annie pulled in. "Well howdy stranger!"

"Hey Arvin." She looked at my purple paint, "I didn't know you swung that way?" she grinned.

"Hardy, har, har."

She headed down the drive, and I put the paint in the back of the truck and followed.

I got a nice hug as I got out. "So what brings you around today?"

She stepped back to her jeep, "I come bearing gifts." She had four boxes of ammo and big bucket of chicken. "And a twelve pack for later."

I put my hand on my chest, "Oh no, I'm being invaded."

She nodded toward her Jeep, "Make yourself useful."

I snickered and watched her walk to the trailer and up the steps before I turned to grab the beer.

We each grabbed a cold can of pop and sat on the step.

"So what's with all the purple paint? I see a whole bunch around your place, and some here and there hit and miss as I drove out."

I grinned, "Ah, a city girl."

I was being glared at.

"Used to be you put no hunting signs out, but those could be removed or shot up. Now, you put purple rings on the posts and such. If there's purple, it's no hunting."

"And the yellow?"

"That's just so I can find the driveway in the snow."

That got her laughing.

"So what's on the agenda?"

"I wanted to practice, with my purse, with ammo."

I smiled, I had given her a few of my snap caps to practice and not have live ammo in case she pulled the trigger. It wasn't quite like having live ammo, but she could practice the moves at least.

I also had her practice from time to time out here without the ear muffs. It was a lot better out here than in an enclosed firing range, and she needed to be able to fire and not flinch at the noise. She didn't believe she was until I put the snap caps in without her knowing it. I'd swear the muzzle jumped a good three inches and it never fired.

She practiced a bit with the snap caps, then loaded a few mags and started in. I stayed WELL off to her left. She was getting it, and I was glared at when she tried speeding up and came up with the purse caught on the barrel. She'll never admit how close she came to putting a hole in that new purse.

And her aim was improving dramatically. In a few short months, she was nearly as good as I was, and I'd been shooting one way or another since my early teens.

We took our turns and went through two boxes of ammo pretty quickly.

Annie put the chicken in the oven to warm, and we sat back just chatting. I was ogling behind my sunglasses as much as possible.

Annie had worn some looser shorts today, and when she turned just right, I got a nice little peak at some tiny lacey panties. The texture in her top said the bra probably matched but I was hoping to visually verify that.

Now I had a pretty good idea of what her figure was like. Annie had crashed on the couch a few times, and I'd gotten fleeting glimpses of her braless in one of my old t-shirts.

She didn't have the biggest chest, but it looked like some nice nipples trying to poke out. The shadows on her ass said she preferred skimpy panties to thongs but wore both. That first night in her shirt and thong as she bent over the couch to pull the blanket out is still permanently etched in my eyeballs.

The jump, turn, and gasp, said she knew I had gotten a nice look. Well that and the deep red blush going to her hairline.

We had a nice lunch, and then went walking. We had roamed a few areas, but I had a little under three hundred acres, so we had a long way to go to cover it even if one corner was heavy forest.

We had just went over the little dam across the pond, when the turkeys startled Annie. I just chuckled as she tried to beat my shoulder. She did at least laugh and let me put an arm around her waist for a bit. Yup, the bra matched, and it looked kinda small.

The rest of the day was more of that, sitting and chatting, other times just sitting and watching nature. Annie was fascinated at the little herd of deer that came to drink at the pond. We had three fawns this spring and they hadn't quite lost their spots.

We finished off the chicken for an early supper. We'd heat up a frozen pizza later if we needed to.

I had tossed the cushions out on the deck, laid back watching the clouds roll by. Annie settled in beside me. We'd spot this cloud or that making a shape before it changed into something else. At some point, Annie had put her head on my outstretched arm and snuggled a bit closer. I had no intention of making her move.

The sun had gone behind the trailer leaving us in the shade, and the breeze was coming across us. I felt Annie shiver a little as the sun was setting, and reached across her to grab the light little blanket.

I pulled it across her and began to pull it up as I turned to look at her.

She was looking at me.

I smiled.

She smiled.

I started to lean down toward her.

She was still smiling.

I slowly leaned down until our lips touched.

We both sighed.

We both rolled back chuckling, but we rolled to each other silent. Coming closer, this time no hesitation.

Lips and tongues exploring, softly at first, then forcefully. Wrapping my arms around Annie holding her body to mine.

I rolled us to my back. There was no denying she could feel my hard cock, but I didn't want to trap her in any way.

The little grind told me she knew exactly what she was laying on.

I held her tight as our tongues battled. I let one hand drop towards her ass, and got a soft moan for my effort. I was starting to bring my other hand up to get between us when George went off making Annie screech and roll off me.

"Asshole!" I yelled at him.

We laid there barely a second when there was a large shadow occluding the stars with his passing.

"I'd swear one of these times I'm going to hear him dragging claws on the camper."

Annie chuckled and rolled back against me, but not on top of me.

The mood was broken and I really wanted to go kill me an owl.

"You drinking or driving?" I asked.

Annie looked up with that little smile, "I'll have a few sips of yours if you don't mind."

I smiled and really wanted to lean down and give her another long hard kiss. "Okay. It appears my DVR survived your attempt to corrupt it."

Annie snickered and swatted at my shoulder. She had one of the Hunger Games set to record.

We went in before the little flying dive bombers came out to drain our blood. I grabbed a beer and put it in a wrap. I wasn't a big drinker, and if Annie wasn't here to help, there was a good chance I wouldn't finish it starting this late.

She turned the movie on, and I took a long hot shower.

I had long ago upgraded to a tankless water heater. When Annie first came out, she expected the camper to be a bit minimalist. But with today's technology, it was just small. Bedroom over the fifth wheel, small bathroom, kitchenette, and a dining / living room. ( A flip down table between the couch and the recliner. ) I ate out on the deck when I could, so it was just fine for me.

I made some microwave popcorn when I got out. I took a sip of my beer and smiled. Annie's 'sip' had taken half the can so far.

I sat beside her with my arm across the back of the couch, watching her as much as the movie. When she came back from a bathroom run, she snuggled into my side. I barely stopped myself from putting an arm down her side and cupping a tit. And with only the flickering light from the TV, I didn't get much of a view down her top.

When the movie credits were rolling, she headed for the shower. I stepped out on the deck and donated the remains of the popcorn to the critters and rinsed the bowl in the sink.

I set the extra pillow and blanket on the couch and headed for bed. I heard the shower shut off, and my mind imagined the little noises being her toweling off and slipping her big t-shirt on. I could only wish she was commando.

I heard some movement and noises, and just about the time I expected it to get quiet, my curtain opened, and there stood Annie, foot on the first step looking at me.

I smiled and lifted the edge of the covers. She took the three steps to get to the bed and slid in against me. Putting her head on my chest and snuggling in. I felt her tit on my side and another on my chest, no sign of a bra. I couldn't get my hand far enough down her back to see if she had put panties on.

Since she had three quarters of the can of beer, she was asleep in no time. It had been a while since I'd had a woman stay overnight, so it took me a while to get to sleep.

- - -


I woke just as it was getting light out... with Annie spooned in front of me. We were on our right sides, and I had her right tit in my hand. The better thing was she had her hand on top of mine.

She was still asleep, and I gave her tit the barest of squeezes, feeling a nice firm tit with a decent nipple in my palm. I started to give it another soft squeeze, and her breathing changed.

I froze and closed my eyes.

Annie slowly came awake. First with a soft sigh and squeezing my hand on her tit. Then she sucked air realizing where our hands were. She slowly used my hand to squeeze her own tit, then sloooooooly moved my hand from her tit to the bed. She pressed back into my firm cock, then slid out from under my arm.

I watched her through the open curtain dash to her pile of clothes. I barely suppressed a moan as she lifted my old t-shirt off. She had on a tiny pink thong under there, and she turned just enough when she put on her bra, I got a nice little view of side tit. Not enough to see nipple, but not a bad view at all.

Soon the shorts and top covered the rest. She scribbled a note and dashed out.

When I heard her Jeep start and head down the driveway, I staggered to the bathroom and stroked one out the memory of the tit in my hand and the nice view of side tit I had this morning.

The note was just that she had to get home to run some errands, but I smiled at her feeling she had to let me know she didn't just dash off or slip out in the middle of the night.

I did my morning chores, then I went back to swapping out my purple tubes. A long day of trudging back and forth across the property, but a necessary evil.

I ached, but I had a wonderful solution for those aching muscles. My red neck hot tub. A few of the city girls had refused to even get in.

I cut the top off a pallet tank, added a little pump and the smallest tankless heater I could get, then wrapped it with about six inches of fiberglass insulation and then two inches of hard foam insulation, and I had my redneck hot tub. It didn't hold enough water to really need treating or to even worry about it. I'd use it a day or two, then drain it until the next time.

I had the fill controls and a float switch preset, so as soon as I turned the hot water on from the trailer, it would pump and turn the heater on to add the extra heat when the water got high enough to not damage the heater. It automatically shut off the fill valve at the right level.

I just sank into the hot water and let the heat soak into my aching body. The split noodle on the edge of the tank was just right height to support your neck. Someday I'm going to have to come up with another pump for some jets of a sort, but for right now, one of the two return jets hit my back just right.

I sat there as the stars came out, then heard a soft whoosh and saw the occlusion of the stars as George came over. Not a fucking sound out of him. I flipped him off just because.

Whenever I would stick my head in the daycare office the first few days the next week, Annie would be out to the classrooms or playground very quickly. Hitomi snickered at her Thursday. She still got up and went out Friday, just not as quickly.

I got busy with work, and didn't make my stops Tuesday and Wednesday. I got a text from Annie Thursday. 'Was thinking of stopping out and practicing this evening.'

'You'll probably beat me there, I'm just finishing up on the bus. You know where the spare key is if you get there first.'

'Should I grab something to eat?'

'Surprise me. There's pizza in the freezer if nothing else.'

I got the gagging emoji back. Annie wasn't too keen on frozen pizza.

I got the bus back together and checked out. I was just putting fresh brake pads on it, but it had fought me a bit so I made sure I pumped the pedal back up before I called it a day.

I was tired, hot, and dirty.

I smiled as I pulled in, Annie was already here. She smiled as I walked up the steps, but put her hand against me as I tried to give her a quick kiss.

"You're filthy dirty!"

"But ya still love me don't you?" and tried again.

She snickered and pushed me to the trailer. I shucked everything but my shorts and staggered to the shower. It was a good start, but it was only a start.

I pulled my shorts on out of habit since Annie was here.

I stepped out, and at least got a quick peck. "I stopped and got Long John's, you want to eat now or wait a bit?"

"Mmmm, sounds good, but I'm going to sit in the hot tub for a bit first."

"What hot tub?"

I snickered, "Oh, I guess I just never used it while you were around. I have a red neck hot tub."

She chuckled and followed me. I flipped the lid off, then went to drop my shorts. I heard her gasp behind me, so I yanked them up quick.

I stepped down in on the milk crate, then turned to see her watching me. "You could join me if you wanted."

"I don't have anything to wear."

I shrugged, "I'm just in my shorts, you could leave your bra and panties on if you want."

There was a bit of hesitation, then she reached for her buttons. "Okay," she said softly smiling at me.

"Grab a few extra towels before you get in, and slide that milk crate over."