Aurora, Wayward Pt. 05


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It caught my right-wing tip, on purpose as I was defending our delegation during peace talks and I made the maneuver to save them. It took the right-wing out and half of my cockpit and burned my suit into my skin. That kept it sealed long enough for me to get my ship into a bay. The landing was more of a crash but given the damage.

Skin grafts and prosthetics. Being shunned by a lot of my friends because they feared the mechanical; they were stronger. Then having to prove I could still do fighter duty as I had only one working eye.

The hybrid change hurts; but what I went through before lasted for years. I volunteered for the first FTL flight, took an AI along to help if needed. It lasted maybe 10-30 seconds from what I remember before the ship started folding in on itself. Aurora had no name at that point.

The human who came and worked my blade ceremony gave her that name and her mission. He linked us. Like his Astra. He also adapted her skin, eyes, and hair to look like us. To be more accepting. I wanted others who looked different. Like our marines."

They both nodded Brena looked at him, "Gutsy move on those marines. Showing them the skeleton."

He smiled, "They would have to get past his shield belt and if a hybrid was there, then the telekinetic walls. Then the armor plating which is a foreign alloy. By that time, he or she with comrades would have returned fire. Be it with a sniper rifle with hypersensitive targeting rounds or another weapon. They know if they shoot someone that it would travel on through a crowd or building, they will drop the power setting or go to a different weapon. Such as the plasma sniper rifle. He killed the rifles at the Governor's mansion instead of the shooter. That is how good their targeting is."

Brena nodded, "Are Sentinels going to join our colony marines?"

He looked over, "A joint exercise or operation, possibly. In a military command structure outside of the Home Guard, no. The armies do not have the skills to repair any damage. They would use them as expendable cannon fodder to find mines or something else ridiculous. Then there is the moral code that would not work in a colony vs colony battle. The colony ships will get a newer style destroyer just as soon as Risen signs on.

Aurora search for applicants from Pena with military and sword. A marine officer with sniper training would be ideal. I want a red blade to work with our marines."

Aurora has several good ones in different colonies and then she hit upon an article. "I got an article about a 22-year-old Staff Sergeant. She is a marine who received her third High Marksmanship scores at the max range on the annual evaluation. She is 22 and entered when she was 18. Still active and has not applied."

He looked over, "Connect me to her."

He got someone at the barracks desk. She smiled, "Did one of our marines apply to join you?"

He shook his head, "No application was sent. I am looking to fill a very special position and need to speak with Staff Sergeant Vivian Lorau."

She smiled, "The A is silent, it is 'Lore Ru.' Tell 'Snipes' she has a high-profile call. The girl has a good eye and you're wanting a marine to fill a position. Is this a hybrid position?"

He smiled, "Could be, could be a crew position. She has not applied. I cannot say."

She nodded as the woman ran in with her hair in a braided ponytail and a thin t-shirt with large breasts on display and her nipples at attention. She turned four shades darker in embarrassment and was in shock, "You're the hybrid. Rocan Spartan."

He nodded, "Correct. I was going through applications and did not find one for you."

She sighed, "You are in space. I am a grounder."

He sent her combat footage of getting the 30 warrants executed. She watched everything. "You got a phenomenal sniper already!"

He nodded, "He is Lieutenant Commander Fordor, also one of my Sentinel marines. I need to expand across at least five ships initially with marines who are trained in boarding actions. We are limiting the number of Sentinels being produced. We need a Penan leader who can stand up with his talents. We need your permission to run a background check on you. It would only take a few seconds."

She sighed, "I had a rough childhood. Some sealed juvenile records. I found a place in the marines and I excel at it. You can run your check but you are not going to like some of the stuff you see."

He thought to Aurora, * Full court press on her records, even the redacted parts. *

Aurora nodded. She sent it all to him through the interface. "Mother died when you were 6, put into state custody, then a home. Signs of sexual assault at age 12. Ran away from 4 foster homes, lived on the streets, and sometimes took what you needed to eat.

Occasionally something to sell. Turned state's evidence on a local street gang. Courts ruled you acted in self-defense when 2 women came at you with knives and you used a machete-like weapon in a restaurant and killed them both. You were stabbed 4 times.

You had been working in the kitchen. Something one of the police officers set you up with to earn money and to try and hide you. You were 16. After the fight, you lost that job. A social worker got you into a boot camp program to try and work some discipline in you while getting you off the streets.

You were on the training ground when the sniper fire came in. A girl near you was hit in the head as she ran in front of you. The next shot caught you in the right shoulder. Then you got hit 2 more times, both in the left lung. They did not kill you as they had hoped.

One was caught because of a DNA test on a shell casing. A lieutenant in the gang who wanted to be a captain over an area. He was found dead in his jail cell. The second shooter they never found. You testified and word on the street is there is a large contract out to kill you. Aurora, trace that contract."

She looked and found the underground 'murder for hire broker' and she sent in an inquiry on the girl and wanted to know how much was the contract happened to be up too. He pulled it up and she traced the digital signature to a corporate executive at a handheld weapons manufacturer. She checked his system out and he was instructed to do it by the President of the company.

Rocan called in the Pena Governor. She looked surprised to see the girl and her friend both saluted. "We got permission to run a background check on her, from her. We traced it back to her unredacted files growing up. She had a hard life and got shot for standing up to a street gang.

They appear to have ties to a weapons manufacturer who also deals with illegal distribution on the side. We know this because there is a 3 million TC bounty on her death. Something about when the gang was busted, they had 500 million TC's worth of weapons from handguns to missile launchers. Again, we got her unredacted files.

I am sending you the link for all of the actors involved including locations. There is an app on your screen that will show them anywhere on the planet. It goes up to a corporate president. How do you wish to handle this?"

The governor groaned out, "You got into sealed redacted files on her?"

He nodded, "Our charter tells everyone who applies that we will run a full and extensive background investigation. I want her to join my AI marines, work the integration of Penan's in with AIs in that force.

She is a 3-time sniper max distance marksman. Motivated by the shots taken at her, one killing a woman who ran in front of her. She took 1 in the right shoulder. Then she took 2 shots in the left lung. She recovered enough to get in and excel in your marine corp. She is 22 and has perfect scores on your range over the last 3 years. Annual assessment at all distances. As well as great reviews from her commanding officer. Her military file.

I should also mention she was exonerated for murder when 2 women came at her with knives and she grabbed a knife from the kitchen. She was stabbed 4-time times but she killed both of them. Then lost her job as she was working to get off the streets. She was 16 at the time. She is a self-made woman, molded by your marine corp. I just need to confirm that she is applying."

Vivian Lorau smiled, "Consider me applied."

The governor looked over, "She is the one you are looking to put in your council?"

Rocan smiled, "If she agrees to all of the terms. She could be my second red blade on the council. I have a retired admiral and gung-ho staff sergeant to deal with boarding action or serving warrants. That puts the aggressive sword types as all prior military from different systems."

She nodded, "Admiral Brena Rivar. Tough as they come from her service record. We have had a few engagements with her over the years. She is a brilliant tactician."

He smiled, "I also pulled a doctor from Trisan who is the head of my blue blades. The former admiral is the head of my red blades. Before you ask, they were both en route to my ship prior to Ridan's non-vote and when I was on the ground serving warrants. Her selection was before the Ridan congress tabling our Treaty.

She is not the head of my red blades because of that. She is the head because she had the experience and deserved the chance."

She looked up, "I was hoping for someone more prominent."

He nodded, "I put her on the council while that bounty is still out there and there will be more violence and she will be very noticed and prominent. Besides I have Wira Kel for being more prominent."

The Governor chuckled, "She is not on your council but I see what you are saying. You gave us a strong justice for when you have to take the colony to the system."

Rocan looked across at her, "I can protect her; Aurora told me there were 8 inquiries on her over the last 3 days. After that news article they know right where she is; attacking a military installation or shooting into one would be an issue as well."

The Governor sat back, "I am treating this as an anonymous tip about the murder for hire person. I will let my lead investigator know of the specific threat called out. From my point of view, when you hit that point of seeing that 'street talk.' That is when you should have contacted the court to get a warrant to conduct a search for a murder for hire contract on a police informant.

I understand by your rules you look at this as a thorough investigation of a candidate. I know you kept it to just her and not others this man might be peddling. I thank you for staying focused."

Aurora looked at the Governor, "I am sending you a file to give to your investigator on different ways to backtrace communication. I am doing this as a teacher in computer security."

She nodded, "I will send that along as well. Extract her. Use your stealth craft and when my military contacts me I will inform them I was given a heads up on the issue."

She looked at the staff sergeant. "How much time is left on your enlistment?"

She looked over, "Two months madam governor. I was considering reenlisting until this offer came up."

She nodded, "Leave time?"

She smiled, "34 days, Madam Governor."

The governor looked over, "I am signing an order for 30-day protective custody to her for the Home Guard."

Rocan looked at her, "We will continue to track these other actors until justice is seen for her."

The governor sighed, "Give me time to let my investigators do this legally. Also, to expand on what you have done for others being targeted through this broker."

He commented, "Pack quickly; anything with the toxic metal will be confiscated when you come aboard so we can secure it safely. Thank you for your time governor."

He ended his call. He thought, * Expand search. I want to know who made the 8 inquiries and how close any of them are to her. Mental only on this one. *

Aurora commented, * Already started the threat assessment. If the barracks comms is being monitored then the 2 actors within 5 miles of her are likely candidates. Tracking all 8, just in case. *

He looked over, "I want a 6 six-man marine team with you Freia. Take the doctor. Quarantine protocols have to be followed. Aurora you go with them. Freia has the lead, full up body armor for all. Good thing we are still in orbit from all of the prisoner exchanges. Take an extra set of body armor with you for her. Our gear can take a lot of damage."

Aurora jumped into action and went straight to the shuttle after she got into her suit. She had grabbed an extra and the shield generator. The other ladies were right behind her with the marines following.

Aurora took the controls and sent it to full speed out of the shuttle bay. She sent a message to Lieutenant Commander Fordor who switched to his sniper rifle.

Freia asked, "What is going on Lieutenant Commander?"

He looked over, "Doctor Trose needs to take the second seat. Aurora will bring us down with the shield generator. She will be close to the roof of the barracks. I will jump and exit. Then jump on the top of the shuttle. The rest of the team will secure the entryways while the doctor takes us to a vantage point above to shoot down at any snipers in surrounding buildings.

Four of the outer targets have started moving toward the base. We will arrive in 3 minutes and they will be on the scene in 1 minute. They will have to get to a vantage point to use their weapons.

Freia looked over at Vera, "You do not have weapons training on the shuttle. Anything big comes in that you are worried about. I want you to work with your telekinesis to try and stop it. Walls and boxes are best. Aurora you pilot and control shields."

The Doctor nodded, "Been working that out. Turning off my focus to my shield belt. Something tells me I will need all the will I can get."

Freia stuck a hand on her back and fed her some of hers. The Doctor smiled, "Thank you. That was refreshing."

Lieutenant Commander Fordor looked over, "Sergeant Hunter, you get inside, turn your sniper rifle over to our package. She has the skills to use it."

He nodded, "Yes sir."

Aurora shook her head, "They have divided up. One vehicle appears to be headed for the base entry point. The second group is headed to nearby towering buildings Two others are now moving. The closer ones. The two are headed for the windows and got a tip from within the barracks that she was being extracted. We have 2-3 groups. 2-4-man teams working here."

Aurora popped the door early and the Lieutenant Commander jumped onto the roof with two other marines. They had their assault rifles up. Aurora called out, "The extra two are going to stay on the roof and cover the other side of the building."


The Pena marine Captain heard the thunderous landing of the 3 androids on the roof. She had been in the dark and came out of her office, "What in the hell is that?"

The Private at the desk saluted, "Sir, my guess it is a part of the Home Guard extraction team being sent in under the governor's direction."

She looked over, "Extracting who?"

She looked over, "Snipes, Sir."

The Captain drew her pistol, "Why was I not informed?"

The private looked over, "Sir, there is apparently a contract out on her life. Something from before she entered the service. She had been shot 3 times according to Rocan Spartan. From his background check. It was done with a sniper rifle."

The Captain went running down the hall as the shuttle landed right outside the barracks and between the street. She pushed open Snipes' door. Another marine had a hold of her with a pistol at her head. She looked over, "Drop the gun soldier."

She looked out, "She is my ticket to a better life. We were just waiting to see if she re-upped or left the service. We did not want to do it here but I will if I have too."

Freia called out from the side, "Snipes, beat the shit out of her. I got her gun!"

Snipes countered her move and fired the gun which exploded in a box sending the shrapnel of the gun back at her now mangled hand. Snipes dislocated the woman's shoulder and broke her arm at the elbow in one move. She nodded to Freia who threw her a suit, "Get it on! Captain, we were ordered by the Governor to put her into protective custody for 30 days. She will then be on terminal leave as she joins the Home Guard."

The Captain looked shocked, "You're putting a ground pounder into the Home Guard?"

She smiled, "That is the plan. We have Sentinel marines. We wanted a talented marine to start working with our Penan marines, we are recruiting a leader. We have her history.

Her unredacted history. She rose up from standing against a street gang peddling guns as an informer. She has been stabbed, and then shot 3 times with a sniper rifle and survived. Then came here and excelled. They have taken a lot of effort to take her out. She is still standing."

The Sentinel sergeant moved between the two of them, "Safety is off. Explosive plasma shelled sniper rifle. I was told you would know how to handle the weapon."

She got the helmet on, put her pack on her back, and grabbed the weapon. "Have not fired this weapon before but I can handle a sniper rifle."

He nodded to her as he headed toward the door. The captain notices the other Sentinel marines all had assault rifles at the ready. She nodded to them, "Take care of her. She is one of mine and a marine."

They nodded, "As are we Captain, we are Sentinel marines assigned to the protection of the Penan people as a whole through the Home Guard."

She went to put her gun away when the shots rang out.


The two men who crashed the gate and killed one of the guards in the process had front end damage on their personally owned vehicle. Likely stolen. The 2 Sentinel marines unloaded onto the engine compartment causing it to slam down on the ground and it slid to a halt.

They started firing at one marine and one man had no cover. The other was using the door for cover. The one not being shot at took out the one in the open. She shot him in the right kneecap and shot out the shin bone in that leg with a 4-round burst.

The Private who had her shields taking the brunt of it switched to a sniper rifle and put two rounds into the door back to back. That opened a hole for her partner to shoot out the man's leg from the thigh down as marines from the police barracks arrived on the scene.

Those two shouldered their weapons and went to the other side. The male Captain looked over, "What in the fuck are Home Guard Marines doing on our base? Check out the other side of the building!"

Two squads moved out.


The shuttle came down and she looked at Freia, "I am not running. Get me on that shuttle roof!"

Freia pushed her up with telekinesis onto the roof. The girl was shocked but stood near the Lieutenant Commander. He called out into comms, "I am Lieutenant Commander Fordor. We have 3 hostiles, far left, brown building third floor, third window. Kneecap them or destroy their weapons if possible. I am targeting the right side, gray building 7th floor, fourth window. Fire on my mark. 3, 2, 1, mark."

She looked through that scope and fired. Jarino Colda, leader of that gang. Likely the second sniper that got away. She put her shot into his scope. The plasma shot blasted out the other end and burned his face off down to the brain stem. The Captain put his into the magazine feed which exploded and at least injured the assailant.

Aurora had synced the dropping and raising of the second shield layer for them to get their shots through. She got it back up as an RPG round slammed into the outer shield. The man, frustrated that the target was shielded figured he would get the Home Guard some bad publicity. He lobbed another round over the fence as the Lieutenant Commander blew his head off.

The grenade was headed at the barracks with the squads of marines inbound. The doctor saw it and caught it in a box. It exploded and the force knocked her unconscious. Aurora scanned her and realized she had overexerted her power and was just knocked out. She had the shuttle controls. They took it to the roof level to let the two on the top drop-down and the three AI marines ensured she was safely aboard.