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And when her father reappeared, a towel wrapped around his waist, she found herself looking at him differently. She'd known he was a handsome man with a nice "dad-bod," his job and hobbies keeping him in shape, but now she was seeing him in a much different light.

"Why don't you get a shower while I wake your mother," he suggested.

The swanky hotel's shower proved to be quite lavish, with a large rain showerhead that let the warm water cascade luxuriantly over her lithe body. Rubbing her body with the plush, soapy washcloth, Jessi's mind turned to memories of the encounter; the feel of her daddy's hands on her firm breasts . . . her daddy's fingers slipping through her wet slit . . . her daddy's rigid cock filling her pussy. With a start she realized she was starting to masturbate and she forced herself to stop, shoving the memories aside, and quickly finished showering. After drying off she wrapped a towel around herself and exited the bathroom.

Her father had gotten dressed and her mother was sitting up in bed, her head in her hands. When Jessi appeared, the older woman moved cautiously into the bathroom.

"She's still not feelin' good," her father told Jessi. "We're gonna go have breakfast and bring her something back. If she's still hurtin', I'll get the room for another night and take you the rest of the way while she stays here."

"It's that bad?" Jessi asked, concern filling her.

"Yea. They've been gettin' worse... and more frequent," he nodded, his voice mimicking her concern. "She's got an appointment next week. Doctor's probably gonna up her meds."

"Is... Is she gonna be ok, Daddy?"

"Yea. of course, Sweetie," he smiled. "She just needs the right meds."

"Ok. When she comes out I'll get dressed."


The concern for her mother drove all the other thoughts from Jessi's mind. After getting dressed in a pair of tight jeans and flowing top she gave her mother a kiss on the forehead and told her she loved her. During breakfast father and daughter only talked about normal things like school and his work. Jessi didn't know if he was avoiding the topic of their encounter because of the people around them or if he simply didn't want to talk about it. Either way, fear of the discussion's possible paths made her okay with waiting.

Back in the room they found her mother still in bed. Jessi sat quietly while the older woman ate the food they'd brought and her father went down to the desk to reserve the room for another night. Then they both gave her a kiss and headed out.

It was on the drive that they finally talked.

"I... Um... I feel like I should apologize for last night," her father said, opening the discussion after they'd been driving for a while.

"No, Daddy, you don't," Jessi quickly offered.

"Well... I really don't know what else to say."

"Do you know why... I mean how it happened?" Sitting in the passenger seat, she glanced over at him through her peripheral vision, unable to muster enough courage to face him.

"I think so. I remember dreamin' that your mother was..." he paused, his eyes focused sternly on the road before him. "That she was playin' with my... with me." He finished with a kind of embarrassment in his voice.

"Yea, um... I think that's my fault," Jessi confessed. Considering everything, she'd decided there wasn't any reason to hide her part. "I, um... I was dreaming that you were Tom."

"That makes sense," he nodded. Then he seemed to consider something. "Ya know, the only reason I climbed into bed with you was 'cause your mom was tossin' and turnin' so much."

"I figured, Daddy," she smiled, wanting him to know that she understood he hadn't had any inappropriate intentions.

"Good. Good," he glanced over at her, then back at the road.

"So... Um... When did you..." she struggled to ask what she considered to be the most important question. "When did you know it was me... and not mom?"

He didn't answer immediately and while he silently stared out the windshield Jessi held her breath . . . her heart racing . . . her palms growing clammy. If he'd only figured it out after he was in her, then it'd just been a mistake. But if he'd known it before . . . if he'd entered her aware that it was his daughter...

"Soon after I woke up," he admitted. "After so many years, I know what her snoring sounds like and when I heard her in the other bed..."

He had known! Jessi's mind reeled and her nerves tingled excitedly with this fact. Then another question acquired to her. So why'd he call me "Babe"?

She assumed there were two possible reasons for it. Either he'd done it out of reflex, being so deep into sex-mode he'd said it out of reflex. Or he'd done it so she wouldn't know he was aware of her true identity, giving him leeway to continue things while quieting any protests she might have raised if she'd known.

The second possibility made her heart race and in her excitement she nearly blurted out the things she'd been thinking.

But she didn't . . .

She stopped herself from confessing how she wanted to do it again . . .

Wanted him to . . .

Fearing his reaction, that he might rebuff her, she kept the thoughts to herself. Afterall, there was the whole societal taboo associated with what they'd done and with what she wanted. And maybe, now that it wasn't in the heat of the moment, he'd agree with society.

"I know I should've stopped... But-" he continued, interrupting her thoughts.

"No, Daddy. Don't." Jessi quickly interrupted him, refusing to allow him to accept the blame . . . any blame. She refused to believe there was any blame to accept, period. Even if they never did it again she was adamant about this. What had happened, had happened. For both of them it'd started in a dream and by the time they knew what was happening, their primal instincts were in control.

"Um, ok," he said, his tone uncertain.

"I-knew-too-and-I-didn't-stop-you," she exhaled, turning a little toward him.

"Ok," he drew the word out and raised an eyebrow.

For the next several minutes neither of them spoke, the radio the only sound in the car as it rolled along the highway.

"So what does it mean... for us?" Her father eventually asked.

"I-I'm not sure, Daddy," Jessi whispered. Again, she wanted to tell him the things she'd been thinking since waking, to share the desires and fantasies that'd been plaquing her. But she still feared his reaction and so she continued to keep them to herself . . . for the moment.

The two of them were again quiet for a time. Looking out the windshield, Jessi thought she caught him glancing over at her a few times. She knew the swells of her full breasts were obvious under the flowing top, it was why it was one of her favorites, and the idea that this could be what he was glancing at sent new tingles racing along her nerves. In spite of her fears, she wondered if he would be open to exploring a new paradigm in their relationship? If he'd actually try something himself? Somehow she figured not, even if he was open to the idea. Even after what had happened, he was still her daddy . . . her loving, caring daddy. This made her wonder if she'd be able to . . . if she could muster the courage. And if she did, how? She was used to guys making the first move - there'd never been a lack of them willing to try - so she didn't have much practice.

But could she?

They didn't discuss it anymore during the rest of the drive, finding other, more common things to talk about. When they got to the college he helped her carry her things up to her dorm room and while she started unpacking, he called his wife.

"Well, order some room service. Babe, you have to eat." She heard him saying.

"She still not good?" Jessi asked when he'd hung up.

"She's better. She'll be alright come mornin'," he told her confidently.

"So what are you gonna do?" She asked, her mind formulating an idea that gave her hopeful excitement.

He looked at her questioningly.

"I mean, if she's ok, do you have to drive back this afternoon?"

"Well, no. Not really."

"I was just thinkin', you could stay for the day. I could show you around the campus. We could get lunch. Then you could get a room at the hotel down the road and head back tomorrow."

"Yea, um, I guess," he nodded, his own mental wheels obviously turning, but his expression giving no hint of their calculations. "She is actually better alone right now, without me making noise and disturbing her."

"Great," Jessi beamed. "Come on, let's walk over to the student union."

After wandering around for a couple hours, they headed for the hotel. While he got the car, Jessi ran back to her room and stuffed a couple things into a large purse. When she tossed this into the backseat he looked at it curiously, but didn't say anything.

"I texted your mother the plan," he told her, driving to the hotel. "She's good with it."

"Did she get something to eat?"

"Yea. She said she did. And she is feelin' better, just not right."


Not having planned on staying the night he hadn't brought anything with him so on the way they stopped at a store so he could get a toothbrush, deodorant, and some bottles of water. Telling him that the hotel had a pool, Jessi made him pick up a new pair of trunks too.

"What about you?" he asked.

"What do you think's in my purse?" She grinned.

"Ah," he nodded.

In the hotel room, he set the thermostat and threw the water bottles into the little refrigerator, then announced that he was gonna change into his trunks and headed into the bathroom.

"I'll change out here," Jessi told him, unable to suppress a smile over his modesty considering the previous night. Stripping down, she leisurely put on the bikini she'd brought. She was snugging the bottoms into place when he asked through the door if she was ready, eliciting another smile.

Stepping out of the bathroom his eyes froze on her . . . admiringly.

This was exactly the reaction she'd hoped for. He'd never seen her in anything like the bikini before, since she hadn't wanted him to know she wore such revealing things.

How things have changed, she thought.

"Do you like it, Daddy?" She grinned, striking a pose for him. The bikini top's two small triangles covered only a portion of the front of her pert breasts and were held in place by one string running around her back and another behind her neck. The patches left the majority of her fleshy mounds to absorb sunshine . . . and gazes. The bottoms were just as immodest; thin straps running high on her hips to dip down sharply over her pelvis and up across the middle of her asscheeks, again allowing plenty of sun and eye exposure.

"Um... Uh... Yes," he stammered after a minute.

"Good." Stepping over to him, she lifted up on her toes to kiss him on the cheek, her fingers lingering on his chest. "Now, let's go swimming."

She purposely led the way out the door, swaying her taut little ass as she did. At the pool she got a lot more admiring looks. She even saw a guy receive a playful rap from his wife when Jessi popped out of the water and, while pushing her hair back, arched her back, making her chest jut out. Jessi enjoyed all the attention, but the sparkle in her daddy's eye every time he looked at her was the best. She still didn't know if her plan was going to work . . . if she'd even have the courage to try . . . but that sparkle gave her hope.

Since they were enjoying themselves and he only had one set of clothes, they ate dinner at the little patio adjacent to the pool.

"You wanna watch a movie before I take you back to the dorm?" He asked her partway through the meal.

"That sounds good, Daddy," she agreed, silently hoping that her plan would work and she wouldn't be going back to the dorm.

"Ya know, it's been a few years since you called me that."


"'Daddy.' You haven't called me that in a while. But you have today... a lot."

"Oh?" Although she hadn't been conscious of doing it, she immediately knew why: the fantasies. "It doesn't bother you, does it... Daddy?" She playfully added it this time.

"Um... No... Not at all," he stammered, looking at her curiously.

After eating, they spent more time at the pool before heading up to the room. On the elevator ride Jessi started growing nervous. She was about to take her plan to the next level and she wasn't sure she could. Showing off in the bikini had been easy, she'd done that sort of the thing plenty of times to get a guy's attention. But now they were at the point where the guy usually took over and she still wasn't exactly sure what to do. As they reached the room, she decided it might be easier to give him an opportunity in hopes that he'd do something . . . anything she could simply say "Yes" to.

"I need a shower to wash off all the chlorine from the pool," she announced. "You should take one too."

"Yea, ok," he nodded, flipping on the TV and taking a seat in one of the room's chairs.

"Would you untie this for me, Daddy?" She asked with her back to him and indicating the string at the center of the back.

"Uh... Yea, sure," he said.

She purposely stood far enough away that he had to get out of the chair to reach her. Holding her breath, her nerves tingled as she sensed him stepping up behind her . . . towering over her . . . his body heat mingling with hers. Then, as he worked the knot out, his fingers lightly brushed against her flesh, sending a shiver racing along her spine and making her shuddered slightly.

"There you go," he sighed, the undone string falling to hang at her sides.

Jessi didn't move. Standing there, the bikini top hanging loosely at the front of her breasts, the firm mounds available for him to touch, she could sense him not moving either. Anxiously, she waited to see if he would touch her . . . if he'd reach around to take her tits in his hands . . . cup them . . . knead them.

He didn't.

But it did take a minute for him to move away and sit back in the chair.

Disappointed, she walked toward the bathroom, casually pulling the top's other string over her head and tossing it toward the bed just before stepping through the doorway. Purposely leaving the door ajar just enough to allow him to peek inside, she bent way over as she turned on the shower. Straightening up, she made a point of keeping her back to the door as she slowly worked the bottoms off. She had to fight the urge to look and see if he was peeking as she climbed into the tub and drew the opaque curtain closed. Under the warm, cascading water she took her time washing her hair and body, hoping he was watching. . . staring at her silhouette. She spent several minutes leaning back, jutting her chest out, as she rinsed the shampoo from her hair. Getting the washcloth good and soapy, she ran it over her body, lingering on her breast and between her legs. All the while she couldn't stop thinking what it'd be like to have him step past the curtain and take control of the washcloth . . . to caress her body with it and fuck her right there in the shower.

But he didn't.

Shutting off the water, she glanced toward the open door as she pulled the curtain back, hoping to catch him peeking. But he was nowhere to be seen. After drying off, she took her time fixing her hair into a pair of pigtails, then wrapped a towel around her and exited the bathroom.

"Feel better?" Her father asked, looking up from his chair, his gaze lingering where her firm breasts pushed the towel out.

"Yes," she nodded. "Your turn."

"Yea," he agreed, standing up.

Jessi's eyes reflexively dropped to his crotch and her breath caught when she saw that his bulge was more pronounced than it had been earlier.

Maybe he did peek! She thought with a surge of excitement. Of course she had no way of knowing for sure if he had, but the possibility gave her more hope.

"Daddy," she said as he was walking past her.

"Yes, Sweetie," he turned to her, his eyes glancing at the cleavage above the towel.

"I love you," she whispered, raising up on her tiptoes and kissing his cheek, her fingers lingering on his chest again.

"I love you, too, Sweetie," he smiled, a curious expression on his face. Then he disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door and leaving her alone.

Ok, Girl, it's time, she thought, steeling herself for the bold move she'd decided on. Mustering the courage, she pulled the other outfit she'd brought from her purse; a sheer, soft-red babydoll nighty with matching panties. Her heart pounding in her chest, she dropped her towel and slipped into the outfit. Her excitement already had her pink nipples partially swollen and the room's air-conditioning caused them to stiffen even more. Electricity sparked through the sensitive buds as the nighty's soft material slipped over them. Between her legs, her sex was moist with anticipation. After getting dressed she inspected herself in the room's mirror. Her fresh features were make-up free and framed by the dirty-blond pigtails. The nighty's puffy sleeves rode low on her shoulders, its deep vee front exposing the tops of her breasts while her nipples were barely visible through the soft color. When she was standing, or lying back, it's waist-length hem allowed the skimpy panties to be seen dipping down over her neatly trimmed sex and over her taut asscheeks.

Then she turned off the TV and sat on the bed to wait . . .

Nervous . . .

Uncertain . . .

While the afternoon had provided her with reasons to be positive, she still had no way of knowing for sure how her daddy would react; if he would embrace her or rebuke her. What if - even after the previous night - he did bow down to society's views on such things today? How would it feel to be rejected by her daddy?

Hearing the shower shutoff, she got on her knees and sat back on her haunches facing the bathroom, and braced herself for whatever might happen. Beneath the nighty her flesh simmered, her engorged nipples being brushed by the soft material as her breasts shifted with her breathing. From under it, her tones thighs struck out and within the panties her sex quivered excitedly.

Her heart raced . . .

Her nerves tingled . . .

Walking out of the bathroom, one hand holding a towel around his waist, her father froze . . . his eyes wide.

"Daddy?" she whispered, then anxiously held her breath.

For what seemed an eternity his expression showed indecision . . . uncertainty. Then his lips slowly curled into a little smile.

"Oh yes, Sweetie," he breathed, his eyes sparkling.

Jessi exhaled, relief and excitement rushing through her. As he let his towel drop to the floor her gaze fell to his cock; soft, but pulsing to life, and she suddenly realized she'd never seen it before. She'd only felt it filling her pussy. As he stepped forward and climbed onto the bed her nerves jangled excitedly. Kneeling next to her, he brought one hand up to cradle her head and the other settled on her side, just below the swell of her breast. Its proximity stirred an ache within her mounds and she sighed needily as she lifted her face to him, her one hand resting against his chest and the other reaching up to cling to his shoulder. Their lips came together . . . parted . . . connected . . . parted, the kisses soft . . . gentle. Then he locked his lips to hers and opened them, his tongue slipping past. She raised her own in greeting and the two appendages swirled over and around one another. His hand slid up to cup her breast through the nighty, his fingers tenderly squeezing.

"Mmm," she mewed into their kiss. Tropical breezes wafted through her, stirring the embers smoldering within her loins . . . causing them to sizzle and snap hotly.

For several minutes they kissed, their lips pressed together . . . their tongues dueling, as he fondled her breast, his fingers squeezing . . . molding. Cupping it, he brushed his thumb back-and-forth across the fully engorged nipple at its front, making it zing with electricity. Sharing the passionate kiss with her daddy while he felt her up made Jessi's nerves crackle . . . her fingers flex against his chest and at his shoulder. Under the nighty, her flesh simmered from the heat radiating out from her embers, the steamy breezes fanning them into hotter and hotter briquettes of desire. Between her legs, her juices flowed freer . . . her sex growing wet.