Bad M.I.L.F Vol. 04 - The New Batch Ch. 04


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"Yeah, she beat Malaya with the bat first; then she questioned me before selling my ass to Ms. Frakkes. SHE FUCKING SOLD ME, GEN!! They put a bag on my head and Chrystal got her fondest wish, swinging for the fences using my head as a baseball. Somehow, just beating the shit out of me wasn't good enough, Chrystal wanted me to know it was her. Bitch ripped the bag off my head." It hurt just recounting my ordeal.

"How you get away?"

"Your friend; she got loose somehow and brought the pain. Even came back for me; I didn't do shit, wasn't the hero or nothing!! I was just scared I was going to die!! Malaya just gave me a gun, then went off to shoot more people, I guess."

"Go on, tell rest. You leave her behind?" Gen was rubbing my back, softly caressing the shallow cuts and welts. I twisted a bit as her soft hand passed over them.

"NO!! I climbed out of a window, there were people running around looking for us!! I almost got caught but the fuckers started chasing someone who was on a bike. I just ran away, Gen!" I couldn't look her in the face, I felt like a coward.

Gen reared up straightening her back, towering over me for a few seconds before embracing me tightly. Her Face was pressed against the side of my head, breathing hard before she pulled back with her cheeks glistening from tears. I still had trouble looking her in the eye due to a combination of shame and humiliation at being seen in this state. She ran more water into the tub scrubbing the filth from my body as the water became dirtier until it was an inky mess. She abruptly pulled the plug allowing the soupy mess to drain out.

"Stand." I hesitated for a second before rising slow feeling every bit of the story the night had beat onto my body, still wearing my jeans. Gen was nearly my height, but I had the advantage due to the tub as her hands went to unsnap the soggy, jeans covering the lower half of my person. I stopped her, covering her hands with my own. I didn't want to bare myself to her feeling unworthy, and she seemed to understand backing off.

"The pants, I will wash them for you." Gen turned her back allowing me to peel them off and toss them on the tiled floor.


"No need, it is what must be done."

"Uhm no, for everything, I mean." I stumbled over my words as she retrieved my pants from the floor respecting my feelings without looking back.

"Maybe you save your sorry for later." Gen opened a narrow cabinet near the door removing some extra towels and placing them on the closed toilet seat.


"Take shower, I did not get everything; then we eat." With that as she was gone as I turned the silver knob taking a full blast of steaming hot water. I scrubbed and washed myself back to a semblance of humanity, just soaking in the water for a long while afterwards. I mustered the courage to leave the comfort of the shower finally taking a look at my battered features in the mirror over the sink. The small bathroom was stuffed to the gills with all manner of beauty products and other accessories. I figured it was swag from her modeling gigs. My left eyes was puffed up, swollen while my nose still looked basically normal, unlike a swollen lower lip. There was a dried up streak of blood emanating from my left ear as a result of the next to last bat strike from Chrystal before everything went to hell. I dried off also finding a thin, cotton robe that covered my business just above the thighs. I figured it was good enough to have dinner in with this woman who'd taken me in despite the obvious trouble I represented. It took a few minutes before I was able to find the courage, opening the door traversing the short corridor to her kitchen. The smell of a stew of some sort wafted through Gen's apartment.

"Fuck me." Malaya was sitting at the kitchen table.

Gen was standing over her, there was a first-aid kit on the table top and she appeared to be stitching up the woman's forehead near the temple. Malaya was wearing an extra-large t-shirt and nothing else.

"FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!!" Before I'd even realized it, a kitchen knife was in my hand as Malaya followed suite shoving Gen roughly aside, snatching a knife from the table top. She crouched low to the floor as if preparing to pounce as Gen found herself between us. Malaya was breathing hard, almost animalistic displaying the dangerous vicious streak, I'd witnessed earlier.

"Be calm, very calm my friend or she will open your neck." Gen raised both of her hands trying to defuse the situation.

"You're in on all this crazy shit, Gen-WHAT IS GOING ON, HERE?!!"

"I-I am not a part of your troubles, but I am friend to Malaya. Please don't move fast, she is more than you can deal, I know this is true." Her words were measured and to the point as she underlined what we both knew. Malaya hadn't moved from the crouching position she'd assumed but her darting eyes suggested she was already several steps ahead of me and she was the only one who could tell me what the fuck was going on.

"Why're you helping her?"

"She help me; I did not really explain before. Here it is then; my father sell me to some men he owe money, big money. I was captured in house with other girls for prostitution; Malaya was there too. She take job for me, then make big trouble for the men. She make father leave home and give me money to come here to school. She say I owe favor and nothing more to pay back dept."

"Gen?" She slowly turned measuring her steps until her pretty face was all I could see. The knife slipped from my hand to hers as the aroma of fresh honeysuckle filled my nostrils. Just looking at her calmed my nerves as she dropped the knife in her kitchen sink. Malaya relaxed slowly standing against the back door as Gen touched my cheek softly with this reassuring smile.

"So, this is the favor?"

"No, she find mother for me. This, is inconvenience I did not ask for." Before I could ask another question, Gen reached around me into an adjacent, oblong cabinet in a flash of movement brandishing a Lupara. She pivoted aiming the sawed off shotgun directly at Malaya's face, her own wearing a mask of undeniable rage.

"Povedal som si MALAYA! Povedal som, že NEBUDETE PRESŤAHOVAŤ MY DOM!" Gen snarled in her native language. There was no way Malaya would be able to avoid a full blast to the face as she dropped her knife to the kitchen floor.

"Bolo to nevyhnutné, môj priateľ; Ospravedlňujem sa za poruchu, ale je dôležité, aby som svoju prácu dokončila. Budeš ma teraz zastreliť alebo ustúpiš, mrcha?" Malaya replied calmly, effortlessly communicating in Gen's native Slovak.

"I want to know what-THE FUCK is this SHIT all about, Malaya!!" The Asian woman before me was sporting damage of her own replete with a classic shiner circling her right eye. Her narrow eyes darted in my direction as a familiar smirk signaled the burial of her violence prone aspect.

"Butterfly effect; heard of it right?"

"That shitty movie with Ashton Kutcher?!!-Fuck you!!"

"Don't be fucking dense after all the trouble I went through to save your ass. The "Butterfly Effect" I'm referring to involves chaos theory, babe. It's the idea that initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. Geez, I guess it is like that fucking Ashton Kutcher movie." Malaya snickered for a brief moment as Gen lost it shoving the butt of the shotgun into her gut causing the shorter girl to double over. The barrel of the weapon pushed into her cheek likely deterring Malaya from attempting to snatch it away.

"Okay I get it, what are you trying to change and what does it have to do with me screwing around with the McIntyre family?"

"Toss a pebble into a pool of calm and watch the ripples radiate outward in ever larger circles; you're my pebble."

"For what; what is going on Malaya?!"

"Robert McIntyre."

"Chrystal's father?!!" I hadn't thought of him once since I'd left the McIntyre home after that fateful threesome with Carry Anne and my ex-girlfriend. After initially meeting Courtney and by proxy Malaya, I hadn't given the McIntyre patriarch another thought. Carry Anne popped up in my neck of the woods bringing turmoil into my life that escalated out of control with her jealousy and anger over being "criminalized" as she put it for desiring my member enough to take it. I'd admitted my part in the situation for taking her mother to bed with extreme prejudice. Mr. McIntyre had faded into memory.

"His company is in bed with MTH Corp in Japan; there's going to be a merger that doesn't sit well with interested parties. I was deployed to stir the pot while associates weakened the deal on both sides. I tried it from the other side in Tokyo. Targeted Mr. Fujiyama's right hand Ide Matsushita; more specifically his daughter Nana Matsushita. Set up a wild ride for her on the morning commute to school. Didn't work out; she didn't tell."


"Oh trust me, you would have loved getting your hands on her, brother. Nana caused the slightest bit of scandal, but MTH covered the shit up prompting me to travel stateside. Same trick, different result as you well know. All that shit with you did what I wanted, but they called the 'uber bitch."

"So, this shit is about some business deal?"

"Partly, these assholes are captains of industry; their back room meetings cause ripple effects throughout the world and they aren't exactly altruistic. You don't get it; we're just trying to make it the world these assholes lie and say it is, all the while shoving a fist up everyone's cornhole."


"Helped your ass out, didn't I? They were going to make you the big dicked "Bogeyman" motherfucker, scare all the white women under their beds, while those same bitches rubbing it out to that awesome cock of yours. You're an afterthought now, so why so serious black?"

"Fuck you Malaya." Gen hissed withdrawing the weapon.

"Oh, you really gonna go there with me, Gen?" Malaya taunted, as I considered trying to throttle her.

"I tell you not bring trouble here."

"But he's so cute and already housebroken." Malaya helped herself to some stew on the stove, pouring a portion of it into a small plastic bowl. We watched her resume her seat at the table eating without another word. I had to admit that people really were little more than chess pieces to her.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"Huh?" Malaya regarded me with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, you caused a bunch of shit to happen, some people are probably dead because of it and I have the McIntyre family on my ass. You think Ms. Frakkes is going to let this shit go; and what about April?"

"So uhm, what's your point, exactly?"

"PEOPLE WANT US DEAD, MALAYA!!" Gen flanked me with her trusty Lupara looking ready to use it if the Asian woman made a sudden move. Malaya stared at both of us for a few seconds before cleaning her bowl.

"Gen don't shoot me before I have another bowl; you make the best Kapustnica I've ever had, stateside." Malaya offered up her bowl wanting more of the stew.

"Fuck." Malaya covertly reached down setting some keys on the table in front of us.

"Borrowed your bike; April's goons found it a few blocks down from the empty Brownstone I sent you to under duress. Honestly, pliers on the nipple is a good way to motivate a person to go against their own interests." She lifted the extra large shirt flashing the tortured breast at both of us.


"The idea was to pick you up when you went to the address, but you were loitering outside right in front of those assholes. So, that disgusting old woman went out and got you herself. April is one dedicated bitch when let off the chain. I'm going to enjoy her thoroughly when we have time to catch up." Gen lowered her weapon staring at Malaya holding the bowl aloft, before returning the shotgun to its hiding place, begrudgingly. She motioned for me to sit at the table before filling Malaya's bowl and a second for me.

"You are shit magnet."

"Neboli ste si sťažoval, keď som si vzal jeden pre tím všetkých Albáncov. Povedali ste svojmu milencovi o tom, že robí "práce" pre otca najdrahšieho?" Malaya's dialect was flawless visibly affecting Gen who stopped filling the bowls staring pointedly. Gen covered her mouth with her hand placing the bowls roughly in front of us before walking out of her kitchen leaving us alone together.

"What'd you say to her?"

"You don't want the answer to that question; instead I have a question for you."

"Oh yeah, what the fuck is that, huh Malaya?"

"We still in business together or not?"

"What'd you say to Gen?"

Malaya reached into a tin on the table pulling out a loaf of sourdough bread. She tore a big jagged chunk off, dipping it into the bowl sopping up the remaining bits of stew. I noticed her eyes never left me for an instant. She leaned back in the chair studying my battered features while I did the same. She truly looked different without the thick horn-rimmed glasses I was accustomed to seeing her wearing. Her face was decidedly oval shaped with eyes that were ethnically slanted, perhaps more than you'd expect considering her Asian heritage. Those eyes underlined the enigma inherent in her very existence. The self-described "Agent of Chaos" was all that and more. Truth be told, after watching her get out of a sure death situation causing absolute mayhem in the process; I didn't know if I could refuse her. I'd truly be dead or worse if it weren't for the woman sitting in front of me.

"You two seriously need to get a room; I'm talking business here. I'm talking about helping you get your life back, everything they took from you and all you care about is bruised feelings. You need to get your fucking head on straight, because your window of opportunity is closing fast. Yeah, I want to use you a little more, brother. I swear that if you listen to me, you're going to be one smiling motherfucker when its over. I always keep my promises, so just let me keep my tiny hand up your ass a little bit longer, okay?" This woman had some serious verbal skills selling me on her intent even after all I'd been through, but her exchange with Gen concerned me. Maybe she had something over her head as well?

"What about Gen; you'll leave her alone too?"

"Stop being such a simp; why don't you go talk to her about that shit. When I walk out the door later, I'm taking your salvation with me and you can hold your own nuts."

"Is Malaya even your real name?"

"If it isn't, how's that going to change your situation, fuck boy? Does it make my pussy feel any different? Shit, I thought we talked about this already the last time we fucked." I was honestly intimidated as she spoke down to me.

"I think I got fucked."

"Go talk to her; oh yeah, you gonna eat this?" She didn't wait for me to answer snatching up my remaining stew.

I walked down the short hallway finding an unfamiliar door adjacent to the bathroom. It was obviously Gen's bedroom door. I hesitated, standing in the corridor for a few minutes. My mind was ablaze wondering what Malaya said to upset her enough to make her leave the room. I figured out that Gen was gauging my involvement in the rising chaos. She knew the woman better than me and what she was capable of. The Lupara hidden in the kitchen was evidence of the danger represented by Malaya Padilla. The hurt on her face was evidence enough of the hold that this Agent of Chaos had on the people she supposedly helped. Part of me suspected something seedy and outright shocking from Gen's reaction, I doubted I wanted to hear it.

"Come inside." I rapped lightly at her door.

The inside of Gen's bedroom was rectangular, small and a little cramped between a daybed, and large utilitarian old school dresser. There was a tiny television on a luggage rack at the end of her bed while a large cardboard box was filled with discarded clothing. Gen was standing facing the dresser with her arms on top of it holding a tiny framed photo. She looked over at me with a weak smile waving me inside. There wasn't much room inside as I got partially behind her looking at the photo too. There were three people in the photograph standing in a wooded area, all wearing matching white sweaters and orange vests. I noticed the scratched out face of the man in the photo next to a pretty blonde who looked kind of like Gen. The little girl in the picture was obviously standing beside me.

"What you see?"

"A happy family."

"Look again." I stared closer finding that little girl and her mother wore strained, fake looking smiles. The head of the guy was scratched out, but his posture screamed selfishness with hands stuffed deep in his pockets. Gen's mother was standing at an angle and the little girl was skewed towards her, away from the father.

"She come to my room, tell me we go to wood, family holiday. Something wrong, but she keep fake smile on face. Father not talk in car, I see we go very far from home, mother say we happy. We sing songs, we play word games. Father no talk, just smoke one cigarette after another. We go very, very far in wood where no people. We take picture, then I sit alone while father go off with mother. It long time so I go looking..." I was already getting horrified listening to her personal history.

"I hear cry, much like sheep sound; but it is mother. I find that she is made to be like dog, down on hands and knees, pants down. Father is making hard fuck in wrong hole, making her cry. I see gun pointed at head. He means to shoot her, but I cry out; I run but he catches me. Tells me, mother pay for our life. We drive home, it is quiet."

"Gen, why do you have this picture?"

"Not want forget, life can go any minute." Her big, expressive eyes looked into mine pleading. I ran my hand down the small of her back trying to comfort her.


"You have many problems, many difficulties; I have many joys here. I go to school, I have friends and job, I like; but you make problem. Malaya necessary evil, Malaya part of me and now part of you. She take favor for help, but the cost. Too much to handle, she will take more."

"No, I won't let her; I'll just go to the cops and tell them what's going on."

"You not understand, let Malaya finish her work. Walk beside her...try not to burn in her wake. Do what you must, I not get in way. I keep very little, appreciate life given. This not problem I want."

"I DIDN'T WANT ANY OF THIS!!" I screamed in fear; Gen silenced me with a single finger placed to my lips.

"I know, I know; listen to me. I have work, job in Miami. Do what you must with Malaya but be gone when I get back or you see gun in closet up close."

"Please Gen, I'm sorry for everything; we never had a chance. I-I didn't want any of this to happen, I got caught up!"

"I know, you must be free to do thing Malaya want. I am leaving to airport, use my home and leave key in mail slot. You not be here when I return. Let me find you, then we have real moment." She pressed a single key into my palm before reaching behind her bedroom door for an overnight bag. I was devastated finding a seat on her bed as she paused in the doorway staring longingly in my direction. I wanted to convince her otherwise, but Malaya was waiting along with a host of bad guys just outside her door. The story she'd related gave pause to my desires and actions. How else could she see me other than as some troublemaker? But she'd saved me from succumbing, pulled me into her car and brought me home for what? I was being dumped without having had the relationship in the first place. When I looked up, she'd already gone. I was left there sitting on her bed, alone.

"Don't look so hurt; what'd you expect?" I looked up finding Malaya in the doorway.

"I don't know, but I'm not talking to you about it."

"That's fair; what about us? I wanna know what you want."