Barbados Honeymoon


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Obediently we both climbed down the hatch but as soon as we were out of sight of the man above, Kerry turned and threw her arms round me saying, "Lee, I love you so much. I've got to be the luckiest wife in the word to have you as my husband. There can't be many men who would be as generous and understanding as you."

I returned the embrace and we started a long passionate kiss. Coming up for air, Kerry edged me into one of the staterooms. It wasn't a clever move on her point because over her shoulder I could see her discarded bikini bottom lying in a small heap on the floor, and beyond it, the bed covering badly rumpled from the recent activity upon it. In addition the room reeked of sex.

I think I went a bit mad but with lust rather than anger. All that I could think of was ramming my aching dick into her and in some small way obliterate signs of the man who had been there that short while before. I began roughly pushing my wife backwards towards the bed, as the same time trying to open the front of my shorts but to my surprise she resisted, fighting me off with fierce determination. "Please Lee, No, not now," she begged. "I'm not a whore and I'll feel like one if I do it with two men in the same place such a short time apart. Please wait until tonight when we get back to our own hotel with Manos nowhere near and I promise I'll be so good to you. I just can't do it with him up there. He'll know if we fuck and he's certain to make a nasty remark when we go back on deck. Please wait, my love."

Her calming words managed to penetrate my overheated brain and with a great effort of will I took a deep breath and stepped back, letting my arms drop to my sides. Kerry followed, reaching out to lightly brush the tented front of my shorts. "I'll help you with my hand if you like," she offered. Proudly I shook my head, mumbling that I would rather wait until we were alone again. I would regret that hasty decision.

Back on deck I returned to my chair. Kerry spent the next half hour stretched out naked in the sun, Manos remained at the wheel playing Captain Bligh. I don't think anyone spoke at all and by the end of that time I was feeling slightly better. I had argued to myself that it was at least over, done with. My wife had achieved her hopes, enjoying both the desired sail on the yacht and ensuring that her sexual high of the night before had not been a dream. Manos must surely be turning the boat round soon and once back on shore Kerry and I could walk away from this and start rebuilding our relationship.

Unfortunately my more hopeful frame of mind was broken by Manos shouting "Land ahoy." I stood up and walked to the rail, to be joined by Kerry's nubile body and together we gazed in the direction that Manos was pointing. "That's the island were heading for," he said.

I looked at my wife but she shook her head to indicate that she was as mystified as I. "It's only a small island but rather beautiful and completely uninhabited. I thought it would be nice to take a picnic ashore rather than eat aboard," Manos explained. "We can stretch our legs and work up an appetite by a bit of exploring and such before we break out the food."

I glanced at my watch. We were over three hours out of Bridgetown -- if it took the same getting back, plus say two hours on the island and another hour to taxi back to base, that meant at least another six hours before I had Kerry to myself, safe in our own chalet. Although no longer stiff my cock was still making its presence felt and I was already regretting having turned down the offer of relief from my wife's talented fingers.

We dropped anchor just a short distance away from a secluded bay. Manos inflated a large dinghy that he lowered to the water and then produced a large wicker hamper. This he manhandled to the rail and attached to a hoist before disappearing below saying he would only be a couple of minutes. Kerry touched my arm and whispered, "Put up with this, love and I'll make it up to you when I get you alone in bed tonight."

When Manos returned I saw he had changed into a short leather loin cloth with a bolero over his shoulder that had various useful items attached to it. The most ominous was a large Bowie type knife but I also noticed a tin opener and corkscrew. Tossing Kerry a flimsy diaphanous wrap he explained that there were sometimes biting flies on the island and the garment should protect her shoulders.

My wife's seducer then climbed down to the dinghy having given me instructions on lowering the heavy hamper down to him using the hoist. Following orders I swung the load out until it was directly above Manos who stood gazing up with his arms raised in readiness. In that position I suddenly realised how easy it would be to just let the weight drop. It was bound to hit Manos and most definitely injure if not kill him and almost certainly sink the dinghy. Our eyes locked and I realised with absolute clarity that he knew exactly what was in my mind. We must have remained in that frozen posture for almost a minute and in all those long moments his gaze never faltered.

During that time, my mind was in turmoil as I considered the pros and cons. It would be pretty easy to pass it off as an accident but, after an upbringing based on principles of fairness, I had difficulty convincing myself that Manos deserved to lose his life just for having sex with my wife. There were also more pertinent difficulties, not least of these being the fact that I wasn't at all sure that I could sail the yacht back to port. Again my will was less than his for I started to slowly lower the hamper hand over hand.

Kerry and I then joined him. Manos operating the oars with me at the front of the dinghy and Kerry sitting facing him perched on top of the hamper. With powerful strokes, Manos rowed us to the shore where we all clambered out and I helped him pull the rubber vessel partly clear of the water. We cooperated again to carry the hamper up the beach to a shaded spot against a rock outcrop under some palm trees. Manos then went alone to carry the dinghy nearer to our improvised camp site. Watching him from a distance it suddenly struck me that with his covering of black hair and that oversized phallus dangling below the hem of his loin cloth, all he needed was horns and cloven hooves to be the exact image of a Greek satyr.

"What we need is fire wood," he said to me. "Be a good chap and have a scout along the shore line. Tell you what, you go that way and I'll go this and we can meet up at the other side of the island. Kerry can be unpacking the hamper while we're away."

Had I know I would have been leaving my wife alone with him, I like to think I would have refused but on the terms he suggested I saw no reason to be awkward. I had progressed about a couple of hundred yards when my progress was blocked by a rock fall that extended to the waters edge. It would have been easy enough to clamber over but I didn't see why I should. I had already gathered half a dozen fair sized pieces of sun and salt whitened wood. Besides which this was an ideal opportunity to snatch a few minutes alone with my wife.

I heard the sounds of sex when I was still fifty yards away. Slowing I began to creep forward cautiously, edging towards the tree line so that I would not be seen approaching across the open beach. Manos was fucking her from behind. My wife was not completely on hands and so it wasn't exactly doggie fashion. She was on her knees but they were spread wide and she was leaning forward on her bent arms with head resting on the sand but with her rear raised conveniently for her lover's powerful onslaught. Standing watching from behind a thick palm trunk my genitals felt so painful that I dropped my shorts to more easily stroke myself. Then I had the stupid idea that by bracing one foot against a protruding piece of rock-face I might raise myself to get a slightly better viewpoint. Unfortunately the rock snapped off with a loud crack.

Manos paused with his pounding and looked over so see me standing there naked and feeling extremely foolish. "Come closer," he invited with a broad grin of his face. "Get a good eyeful -- I know that many cuckolds actually prefer the voyeur role." He rolled onto his side so that he was facing towards me with Kerry lying in front of him. I did advance a few paces but then stopped. "No come closer than that, park yourself there with a ringside seat," he ordered pointing to a patch of sand only about four feet away from where they were lying.

Very reluctantly I obeyed. I was so ashamed at being caught spying that I really had little alternative. "If you watch very closely you could pick up a few pointers and then Kerry just might be slightly less eager to part her creamy thighs for other men," Manos suggested in an almost paternal tone of voice. He paused and went on, "But don't build your hopes up too high -- I'm afraid I've turned your lovely girl into a woman and from now on she's always going to want more than you've got. You're trouble old chap is that you've got little more than a viper in the trouser snake department when what she needs in an anaconda like mine."

As he spoke, Manos raised my wife's upper leg in the air to reveal what looked like a thick hose jutting out from his groin to disappear up inside the stretched red ring of her vagina. What hit me was the fact that although Manos had ceased movement while he spoke to me, Kerry was continuing to undulate her hip to maintain friction, completely unashamed by the fact that I was so close.

His homily delivered, Manos got Kerry up on her knees again, this time in the proper doggie posture, for the start of what was to be an extended session of sex that took in different positions. I don't know if he always expended that much energy or deliberately put on an extra show for my benefit but it was certainly a virtuoso performance. In that initial sequence, after pounding into her for several minutes he beckoned me to stand and move closer, then making sure he had my intention he wet his thumb and rubbed the ball over her tiny puckered anus. This acted like a goad to a horse causing my wife to buck wildly. Grinning at me he then pushed the top joint inside her to provoke the first of several absolutely massive orgasms he would cause before the session was over.

My close attendance no longer required, I wandered back to my 'place' but decided to remain standing. For a few minutes I turned my back and seriously considered wandering away and leaving them to it. It struck me as ironic that earlier in the day I had almost lost my life while trying to get a glimpse of Kerry being fucked but now with a close up vantage I didn't want to watch. The cries of passion from my wife were impossible to ignore so I did turn round because but I made a promise to myself before I did. Lack of moral fibre may have caused me to stand helplessly by as my wife was ravaged before my eyes and even let me derive a modicum of perverted pleasure from the sight but there was a depth to which I would not sink. Despite the fact that my rigid dick ached for manual comfort, I resolved that I would not masturbate.

Breaking that position, Manos lay on his back and Kerry moved round to straddle him but before doing so, using two fingers, she pushed his massive thick penis into a vertical position and then deliberately caught my gaze. There seemed to be a pleading look in her eyes but I couldn't grasp what message she was trying to convey. She then placed a foot on either side of his hips and began to lower herself allowing me to watch that column of meat disappear up her, inch by inch. It wasn't a successful position. Kerry tried to raise and lower herself, oh how she tried, but the soft sand didn't give enough purchase. I could tell that her legs were tiring and this only increased her mounting frustration. In the end she jumped up and threw herself down on the sand crying, "I can't make it work -- you do it to me."

Without any marked show of reluctance he got up to comply. Kerry was lying on her back with legs raised for the missionary position. Manos positioned himself between her spread thighs but then paused to throw me a man-to man grin, shaking his head as if to say, 'Typical woman expecting us men to do all the work'.

I didn't grin back but then, my sense of humour was not in full working order at the time. I actually think my lack of response nettled him because almost immediately he indulged in a small act of unnecessary cruelty. Taking his dong in hand he drew the head down the slit of her cunt and I saw my wife's whole body tremble in anticipation of his expected thrust. He waited a full minute before repeating the exercise to get an even stronger jerk reaction. Looking over at me he said with mock sympathy, "You've got to admit my friend, you're just not man enough for this delectable hot-blooded creature. You should resign yourself to the fact that for the rest of your lives together, your wife is going to seek out men with real cocks to give her what she needs."

My wife may have become temporarily besotted with this man but I refused to give this slur, on her character and mine, the dignity of a reply and just looked disdainfully away. "I think it's a poor sort of man who can't acknowledge the truth," Manos crowed, "If you won't listen to me perhaps you'll believe your wife." "Tell him," he instructed Kerry, "Tell your husband that he's not a real man and that from now you're always be getting yourself fucked by giant cocks."

"No I won't" Kerry told him in her first show of revolt.

"And why not pray?" Manos was genuinely mystified.

"Because I still love him," Kerry said simply. "I may not be able to stop myself doing this with you in front of him but I can't see any reason to hurt him even more."

"Please yourself," Manos said coldly, flicking her cunt with his cock again as he spoke. Once more Kerry twitched, her legs opening wider in involuntary reaction. There was another pause and he flicked again, "Tell him," he ordered. And so it went on with Kerry becoming more and more frantic each time until she was launching herself bodily forward in attempts to impale herself on his organ.

In the end she just flopped back, crying in defeat, "I'll tell him he's not a real man, I'll tell him I'm going to let lots of men fuck me, I'll tell him anything you want but please put it in me."

It was amazing to watch. The confrontation that a moment before that had almost caused Kerry to break free from his spell now seemed to have launched her to a crescendo of passion. She seemed to be cumming continuously with orgasm after orgasm shuddering through her body. I had to admit that never in my wildest dreams could I ever hope to get her in that state. At times she clung to him with fingers locked in the thick mat on his back, legs flailing wildly as she matched herself to his rhythm and fucking him back as if her life depended on it but at others she just flopped like a rag doll as he threw her this way and that. Her eyes were open most of the time but they were glazed. On occasion she seemed to be looking straight at me but I know she didn't see me -- she was in a different world, a completely different universe. Gradually a question insinuated itself into my brain -- if I truly loved this woman then had I any right to begrudge her such pleasure.

The erotic extravaganza taking place in front of me had an inevitable effect on my denied and already highly aroused body. Looking down, my dick was sticking out like a poker, it looked red hot and felt the same. There was also a long strand of pre-cum dangling from the end down to the ground. It was the bull like bellow emanating from Manos that drew my eyes back to the copulating couple. With a series of massive thrusts he powered his seed deep into her and as he slowed to a halt Kerry locked her legs around him to hold him inside her.

'Seed', 'seed', 'seed' the words echoed round my brain as I saw a picture of my wife's birth control pills still inside the medicine cabinet where I'd seen them on my last check round the house before we set off on the holiday. I was still struggling with this sudden realisation of pregnancy issues when I heard Manos saying to Kerry, "Why don't you take a quick dip to cool down. Your hubby is looking hot and bothered so take him with you. I reckon you and he need a bit of time alone together so I'll stay here."

Kerry immediately jumped up, grabbed my hand and dragged me until we were waist deep in the water. Turning to face me she said, "I'm so sorry. I love you so much but I just can't resist him. When he's around I don't seem to have any will of my own -- can you forgive me? If you knew just how completely wonderful it feels when he's got his cock in me I think you would understand."

I don't think I answered because I had a more urgent consideration -- "Are you still taking the pill?"

Kerry shook her head. "I left them at home. If we hadn't bumped into Manos and Sylvia I was going to make a big thing about us making a baby last night."

"I know this is your fertile time so that means he might have impregnated you."

"Don't worry, I've thought of that." she told me calmly. "I'm going to get a morning after pill as soon as we're back on the main island. It works if it's taken within seventy-two hours and its still only a bit over twenty-four since Manos first squirted his cum in me."

The relief made me quite light-hearted and amazingly we spent some time gaily chasing and splashing each other until Manos called that the food was ready. As we prepared to go back up the beach Kerry grabbed my hands and halted me. "Manos is planning for us all to sleep on this island and there's certain to be more fucking. Please tell me it doesn't bother you too much. Just remember that I love you whatever happens -- and please don't believe everything that he makes me say."

Manos had me light a small fire and by the time I had it blazing nicely he had a buffet laid out. There were truly gourmet items including lobster, oysters, caviar and a magnum of Champaign that he had brought packed in ice. I was surprisingly hungry and really enjoyed the feast, despite the fact that Manos kept demonstrating his control by selecting choice items to hold up to my wife's soft lips. By the time we had finished eating darkness had fallen and we reclined talking in the firelight. Manos had lit a large cigar and seemed in a philosophic mood. "You're a very lucky young man, Lee. You have a truly beautiful wife and she loves you a lot." he told me but the sentiment was spoiled by the fact that he was stroking Kerry's thigh as he spoke.

I knew that she did love me but thought that, if she truly loved me as much as I did her, then she would not have succumbed quite so easily. Rather than voice my reservation I stayed silent. "And you love her but the question is -- how much," Manos went on. "These two days have changed her and I wonder if you love her enough to accept the woman she is now, a woman who is always going to need more than you can give her. You married a bird of paradise. If you set her free then she will always return to you but if you try to cage her then I fear you're going to lose her in the end."

There were more remarks in the same vein but I remained stoically silent in face of his provocation. In the end, unable to goad me, Manos stood and addressing himself to me said, "Time for you and I to prepare our beds for the night. There's no real danger but just a chance that snakes and crabs might stumble on us in the night. I've found that heaping the sand in a low perimeter round where I intend to sleep seems to deter them. Perhaps while we're busy with men's work Kerry might like to undertake the feminine duty of swilling our platters in the ocean."

Taking the opposite side of the fire, I followed the older man's example and soon had pushed the soft sand into a rough circle with a sleeping space in the centre. I had finished and was lying back admiring my handiwork by the time Kerry returned from the sea but, after placing the clean dishes in the hamper she chose to lie down in the Greek's enclave rather than mine although I had very deliberately made space for her. There was silence for several minutes and then Manos stood announcing loudly that he was off to obey the call of nature. As soon as he strode off I also got up to put more wood on the fire and as I had hoped Kerry came to join me. "I thought you might have chosen to spend the night with me, I mean hasn't he had rather a lot of you already today," I said reproachfully.