Barbados Honeymoon


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"Don't you think I wanted to," Kerry replied looking at me with eyes close to tears. "I know you've had a bad day I and I would have loved to hold you all night and try to make you feel better about all that's happened but I was afraid of making matters worse. Just imagine if we had been all cuddled up and loving and Manos had shouted for me to go to him. Wouldn't that have made you feel far worse? That's just what he would have done -- I know that he would." I couldn't fault my wife's logic but I would rather have liked to take the chance.

Inevitably, very soon after Manos returned I heard renewed sounds of sex and automatically raised myself on one elbow to watch. It was incongruous that, despite the fact that Kerry was my wife, I seemed to have accepted the fact that Manos did all the fucking with me relegated to the role of voyeur at best. An unwelcome question crept insidiously into my mind - as Manos was so far superior to giving Kerry pleasure, was this perhaps the natural order of things?

I won't bother describing the sex except to say that it was much the same as before, starting off in a doggie position and then switching to missionary. One slight difference was that during the early part Manos paused to look across at me and, seeing my eyes on him, gave me a very deliberate wink. I just continued looking keeping my face blank and hoping to deny him the pleasure of knowing that his actions still bothered me. Towards the end I could only see his body moving up and down so I relaxed back upon the ground. When sounds of activity finally ceased I wriggled myself deeper into the sand hoping that sleep might soon bring relief to my tortured mind but just as I was about to drop off Manos called out, "Hey Lee, I hear that you've got hidden talents. I was just suggesting to your delectable wife that she'd married a real sexual loser but she claims that you're very talented with your mouth. You should have said - if I'd known sooner we could have had a competition, your way against mine. Come over anyway and show what you can do, even if you're not in the mood you really ought to kiss Kerry goodnight."

I was going to pretend that I was asleep until I heard my darling say, "Please come," and then I had no choice, even though I knew her invite was almost certainly at his instigation. The sight that met my eyes was everything that I had feared. Manos had moved himself about twelve inches clear of Kerry who was still laying as she must have been when they finished copulating. Her legs were spread and her sex gaped open looking red and angry and copiously coated with his ejaculate, both inside and out. "Your lovely wife is waiting for your kiss -- exactly where you decide to kiss her is entirely up to you," my tormentor taunted.

I like to think that I would have simply claimed a dignified kiss on her lips had not Kerry silently made her wishes know by placing her hands beneath her buttocks and raising her body to give my mouth easier access to her soiled sex. Again left with no option I prostrated myself between her legs but, before plunging my mouth into the mess I made the mistake of glancing at Manos. He was reclining with his still grossly large but now flaccid penis lying slimily along his thigh. He had a superior smile upon his face and I could have sworn that the bloated head of his cock seemed to be smirking at me as well.

My duty done I stood and walked blindly away into the darkness. I suspect that Kerry may have tried to follow me because I heard him reassuring her with the words, 'Don't worry. It's just his pride that's taken a knock. He'll be back in a few minutes when he calms down.' I had no intention of returning because I never wanted to see his patronising face again or that of the beautiful slut I married. My feet were bare and inevitably they encountered pebbles and other detritus but I strode on oblivious of the pain. I think I planned to drown myself into the ocean so it is ironic that it was fear of snakes that drove me back. My mind regurgitated horrendous tales of men dying in agony from the venom of tropical snakes and I imagined hundreds lurking ahead of me. It was with palpable relief that I crawled within the relative safety of my sand earth work and I think I must have fallen asleep the moment that I flopped down

On waking I glanced across at the other two. They were still asleep and from the position they were lying I could imagine they has fallen asleep with his cock still in her. I was perspiring badly and I realised that there wasn't a single breath of breeze. In addition I had the impression that the sky was a rather peculiar colour. The urge to get into the water was imperative and I had enjoyed about fifteen of solitary diving and splashing before Kerry ran to join me impelled by the same need.

We kissed and clung to each other until Kerry said in my ear, "Manos intends to set sail early so it's almost over love. He'll probably want to have me on the way back like he did coming but then I'll be all yours again."

"Are you sorry it's nearly over?" I had to ask.

My wife pulled back and looked me in the eye. "I'd be lying if I just said 'No' because I will miss the marvellous way he makes me feel but I'll be glad that you don't have to suffer any more because I know you've had a bit of a rough time." She paused as if considering whether to continue but then went on, "Manos claims that you didn't hate what has happened all that much. He says that if you had really found it terrible it you'd have revolted and your dick certainly wouldn't have been so excited all the time. He claims that most men just starting out as cuckolds think they hate it while it's happening and only realise afterwards that they actually enjoyed it all the time."

"Just starting out as a cuckold?" I echoed.

"Oh yes, Manos is convinced that from now on I won't be able to resist spreading my legs for any man with a large cock -- but I promise, he's certainly wrong about that." She paused and went on, "He was also wrong about another thing. He said as a cuckold you would be desperate to lick me but wouldn't like to ask. That's why I made it easy for you but afterwards I could tell that you hated having to do it." With that she splashed me then floundered away and I followed to retaliate.

After fifteen minutes frolicking Kerry and I walked back up the beach. The condition of the sky had deteriorated and the air had a heavy feel but I was luxuriating in having my wife alone to myself. We arrived where Manos was still stretched out asleep and she and I saw two entirely different things. I thought he looked older and comparatively insignificant with his dominating personality switched off and I amused myself with thinking how easy it would be to find a large rock to crash down on his head. In contrast Kerry let go my hand and ran to kneel by him. Pointing at his penis she enthused, "Isn't it magnificent, I don't think I've ever seen anything so beautiful, honestly, Lee can't you see why I'm so crazy about it." By this time she had lifted his limp shaft to hold cradled lovingly in her hands as she went on enthusiastically, "And don't those big balls just belong on a bull?" Next moment she was frantically kissing and licking the rapidly stiffening organ. Manos lay for a full five minutes pretending sleep enjoying her oral ministrations before lazily opening his eyes. "Jesus fucking Christ," he cried roughly pushing her aside and leaping to his feet, "How long has the fucking sky been like that?"

"It was that colour when I woke just over half an hour ago but it's got a bit darker since," I told him, rather shocked by the look of near panic on his face. At his urgent instruction we got the dingy into the water and started rowing at speed towards the yacht, abandoning all his gear on the shore. We were all wearing life jackets and his sleek vessel had been underway for twenty minutes before the first wind struck and from then on it grew progressively stronger. Kerry and I clung to each other for over five hours as Manos fought tornado strength winds and mountainous seas, before eventually bringing us safely back to port. I have to admit that when I finally stepped ashore with trembling legs I had found a grudging admiration for the man.

We were hungry and very cold so made no objection to being taken back to the hotel. There we enjoyed hot showers and on emerging were told that food had been prepared for us. Sylvia was playing hostess and I was pleased to see that Manos was not in evidence. I rather hoped that he had been completely exhausted by his epic labour in getting us back safely but to my disappointment no sooner were we seated when he appeared, smartly dressed and looking fresh as a daisy. The initial conversation was all about the storm with Manos demonstrating that he didn't 'do' modesty but then it broke down into a two way chat between Sylvia and Kerry. This was actually the first time that the two women had talked together at any depth. I began to relax and contented myself with counting the minutes until we could decently make our excuses and leave. Manos went through the motions of speaking to me in his condescending way but I afforded him only monosyllabic replies and he eventually desisted.

Coffee?" Sylvia finally enquired looking round the table.

"No thanks," I told her speaking for both Kerry and myself, "I think we want to get back to our hotel straight away if you don't mind." I was anxious that we should find a chemist shop as soon as possible."

"I do mind," Manos interrupted standing as he spoke, "Before you go I must beg another couple of minutes alone with your lovely wife. I want to give her something to remember me by." Kerry jumped up as if on a piece of string and they both exited the room, with the older man's hand possessively on her arm.

By now I was also on my feet and I was standing facing the door as if waiting for them to reappear when Sylvia's voice advised, "I'd sit down again if I were you. My guess is that they will be at least an hour."

I turned to see her gazing at me, her eyes filled with sympathy. "Been a bit rough has it?" she asked softly and I knew she had guessed all that had occurred.

I nodded. "Has he done this before, I mean seducing other men's wives?"

"Literally dozens of times. He's been at it for years, certainly for almost all of the time that I've been married to the man."

"However do you stand it," I gasped, assuming that her pain must be as great as my own."

"It becomes unimportant after a while."

"What about in the beginning?"

"I can't deny that I cried for days the first time he cheated on me," Sylvia admitted, "but even then it was not completely black and white. Manos is a very gifted man, there's that magnificent endowment for a start and he's also an amazing lover. He really knows how to take a woman to the stars. My husband was put on this earth to pleasure women, many women and even before we wed I think I realised that I could never hope to keep him all to myself. Yes, it hurt me badly the first time he strayed but even then there was an element of relief. When he was younger he had a phenomenal sex drive and it has only decreased very slightly over the years. Within a very few weeks of the wedding I found that he was too much for me. I had great trouble handling his demands so I was happy when I started getting nights off but less pleased when I found the reason was that he was expending his energies in another woman's bed. Since then his infidelity has been the one constant factor in our relationship"

"Why the hell do you stay with him?" To me the life that she described seemed a nightmare.

"He still graces my bed from time to time," Sylvia told me with a wry grin, "- not as much as I would like by a long way but those rare visits are worth hanging on for and that should tell you something. Besides that, I have a very luxurious lifestyle which I would be loathe to lose and Manos's connections mean that I meet a constant stream of beautiful people."

"But you're not happy," I said perceptively. The first time I saw you I sensed sadness."

"Oh I like my life well enough but there is once facet that always distresses me. I'm upset now because of you, as I was for all the young husbands before you. If my husband just got on with his affairs without involving me, I could just pretend that it wasn't happening but he uses me to facilitate his seductions, you see, it's my job to distract the husbands until Manos has exerted his charm on the wife. I don't think he actually uses hypnotism but he certainly has some powerful magnetism because he very seldom fails when he has zeroed in on a target."

"Like when you kept me talking in the café while he was chatting to Kerry?"

"Exactly," Sylvia nodded. "It pains me to think of all the young couples who might have had a long happy marriage if Manos hadn't intervened in their lives. I know for a fact that some marriages failed afterwards. Most did survive (at least for some years) but I very much doubt if any were completely unaffected by Manos having had sex with the wife."

"Do you still love him?" I had to ask.

Sylvia did me the honour of giving my question serious consideration before answering. "Manos is a charming, amusing and entertaining companion, I like being in his company and I look forward to the few times we spend the night together but no, I don't love him. In fact at times like this, reading the distress on your face that he has caused, I think that I actually hate him."

We chatted for a while more and then Sylvia suddenly told me, "The trouble with Manos is that he's a destroyer. I would say that the word 'love' wasn't in his dictionary if he didn't use it so much but he certainly doesn't know what it means. The only person that my husband loves is himself. His seductions are not really about sex either (which ironic with him being so good at it), it's more to do with dominance and power. I believe that he gets his real kick from hearing that a couple have split up because of him. So you forgive your sweet wife, don't withdraw your love and try to go on to have a happy life. If you do then you will have beaten him."

At that moment Manos and Kerry came back through the door, my wife displaying a very obvious freshly fucked look. Even then Manos felt the need to push it by sweeping her into a prolonged clinch that must have lasted all of two minutes. While they were thus engaged, Sylvia said quietly to me, "The limo's waiting downstairs. I've told George to drive you back to your hotel but he's at your disposal to run you anywhere you want first."

I had no wish to suffer a triumphal farewell from Manos so the moment that he released Kerry, I grabbed her arm and, ignoring the lift, ran her all the way down to the ground floor. I think that Sylvia had anticipated our need for there was an indeed urgent task. Unfortunately there seem far fewer chemists shops on Barbados than there are in the UK and George had to taxi us round Bridgetown for nearly an hour before we finally managed to purchase the precious morning after package.

In other circumstances it would be assumed that a couple released from a mutual ordeal would embrace at the first opportunity but from the moment that Kerry and I stepped back inside our original place, we both seemed intent on maintaining a separation of at least two feet. We were considerate and polite but when we made stilted conversation it was about anything but the events of the previous three days.

The only exception to this was when, after I had made a cup of tea, Kerry symbolically swallowed the vital pill and asked me to remind her to take the second one in twelve hours. It would have been nice to shower together, the cubicle was large enough but when Kerry announced that she was going for a swill, her voice strongly implied that I was not invited. I took a turn when she finished and it was not until I had finished my ablutions and returned to the bedroom that everything changed.

My wife was standing by the bed wearing her nightgown and crying quietly "Oh Lee, I'm so ashamed. Can you ever forgive me?" she sobbed.

I ran to her. "Of course I can. I do. It wasn't your fault. We just got into a situation - but it's over now," I assured her.

Kerry looked up. "You're right - it wasn't my fault. I couldn't help it -- Manos did something to my mind, didn't he?"

"He took control of you."

My wife nodded taking consolation from the fact. We just hugged and gradually her agitation eased but then she looked at me in a very searching way and said, "And I think he did something to you're mind as well." As I had eased her guilt, so she did mine.

Our little exchange had switched her mood from tearful to almost light-hearted and once in bed Kerry snuggled up to me. She seemed content just to lie quietly in my arms but after my period of denial the proximity of her soft body inevitably inspired my carnal desires. I thought that now, at last, it was my turn but I was mistaken because, when I tried to roll on top she again resisted, reminding me that the same condition applied as before but adding, "I'm also very tired and terribly sore but if you wait until tomorrow, I'll make it up to you."

I think I moaned at the prospect of another long night with a throbbing frustrated organ and understanding, Kerry reached out for it but when her fingers closed round my throbbing flesh she laughed, "It does get very stiff doesn't it. When he was fucking me and I was feeling bad about the unhappy look on your face, seeing your little dick made me feel better because every time I looked over at you it was always sticking out, permanently stiff. It was Manos that pointed it out to me. He said that although you looked miserable, that was a sign that you secretly enjoyed watching what we were doing." I don't know if it was the words she spoke or the touch of her fingers that caused me to explode and feel the tension drain out of me.

When I opened my eyes the next morning it was to find that Kerry had packed our cases when we had three days still to go on our holiday. Seeing I was awake she sat on the side of the bed and said urgently, "I want to go home, Lee. I don't care what it costs, I just want to get off this bloody island. I think I'm sick in the head because if we stay I know I'll want to go back looking for Manos. I've woken up with a craving and now I know how drug addicts feel. Darling I love you so much but he's still got power over me. He's a kind of Svengali. I'll be alright if only I can get away from his influence, I know I will. I just want to have a happy life with you. Take me back to England and I promise that I'll never be unfaithful again."

How could I possibly refuse?

At the airport I was able to switch our tickets for an earlier flight without great penalty. After the long flight, having got home and eaten we both fell into bed completely exhausted, so there was no sex and midway through the following evening the pill worked. It was far worse than her usual periods both in pain and duration and it was a full six days before I could enjoy my first fuck since we caught the plane setting off for our belated honeymoon. In a way the time separation from the events in Barbados proved beneficial because I think we were both able to make love without him dominating our consciousness. It was making love rather than sex and in a way we found each other again with lots of play separating the more passionate moments.

That's how it went on for almost a fortnight and we couldn't seem to get enough of each other. I gave her lots of orgasms with my tongue and the fact that I seemed to have lost the ability to make her cum during copulation didn't seem important. But then work pressures started to affect both our lives, humdrum considerations also intervened and a month later, instead of almost every night, sex had dropped to two or three times per week. The type of sex also changed. Kerry started to prefer that we skip my oral ministrations and get straight to the fucking but that only seemed to leave her increasingly frustrated. Then one night she suddenly said, "If you can't get it any deeper then for God's sake get off and let me look after myself -- you just can't hit the spot."