Barbados Honeymoon


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I had to lie there and watch her masturbate. When she eventually went to sleep I did the same thing to myself and I'm ashamed to say that the erotic images that I conjured up were straight from Barbados. That little exercise proved addictive and almost every night after that, when I thought Kerry was asleep, I mangled my meat to images from that picnic island.

Then one Friday when I got home from work my wife threw me the first friendly smile for a week and although we spent a pleasant evening it wasn't enough to make me confident enough to try for sex. However, lying in bed on the Saturday morning, she initiated it. It started when she bent over kissed me and told me she was sorry for being such a bitch and from then on it developed into a two day fuckfest. The sex dropped off again during the week which was understandable but I was looking forward to a repetition the following weekend bit it didn't happen and by the end of that week we were hardly talking again. Then, out of the blue, on the Saturday morning she was all loving again with an insatiable desire for my body and this developed into an alternating pattern, all over me one weekend and not wanting to know the next.

One Tuesday, after one of the good weekends, after eating, Kerry poured me a drink and then sat on the settee with me, placing a long thin package on the seat between us. "There's no easy way to tell you this Lee -- I've broken my promise and cheated on you again," she said bluntly. The news caused twin shafts to power through me, one of pain straight to my heart -- the other an electric bolt that shot through my cock. I just shook my head unable to speak. Kerry took my hand. "I'm so sorry. It's happened four times -- I mean I've been to bed with him four times but we fucked more than once each time."

"What do you expect me to say?" I mumbled.

"There's nothing you need to say because it's over," Kerry told me cheerfully. Jennie at work guessed and she's talked some sense to me."

"What's Jennie got to do with it I asked," completely mystified.

"Drink your whisky and I'll tell you," my wife instructed. "There's this guy I see at work, he's tall and blonde and I think he's Norwegian. He's a buyer for one of our clients. About a year ago I worked on some papers with him and ever since he always stops by my desk for a chat whenever he visits the firm. Well a couple on months ago I was wearing a rather low cut blouse, he could see down my top and as we were chatting he got himself all aroused. He was wearing tight trousers, his cock was very evident and it looked enormous. I just couldn't take my eyes off it -- I was feeling a bit frustrated and the sight got me all hot and bothered. He knew where I was looking and just said, 'Grab your things, I'm taking you for a drink'.

I got up and followed him with both of us knowing we were going to fuck. He took me to his hotel room and I rang work to say I had a migraine and was going home. We stayed there in bed all afternoon. He only calls once a fortnight so the next three times I booked the afternoon off and went straight to his hotel for sex."

"So why have you stopped it?"

"You've met Jennie -- she rather likes you. Well she said that watching my body language with Sven, she knew that I was screwing him and she asked how I could be such a fool. Anyway, I told her all about Manos and said that after him you couldn't quite do it for me any more. I said that I'd tried to fight it but I needed something big in me again."

As she was speaking Kerry picked up the package and held it across her knees. "Jennie said that about eight years ago she cheated with a man whose cock was a lot bigger than her husband and although she felt rotten she couldn't give him up. Her answer was to get a really big dildo for when she wanted the filled up feeling and she's been faithful ever since. So I've bought one this afternoon," Kerry said triumphantly ripping the paper off her package."

For the first month after the new toy appeared in our bedroom she used it on every sex session but then this fell off to every other time. By the time that six months had gone by it only came out for special occasions and the funny thing was that I had started to sometimes make her cum again with my cock. We were almost back to where we were before our 'honeymoon' and on the strength of this I mentioned that we could possibly start thinking about starting a family soon. Kerry was enthusiastic but pointed that we wanted a holiday; we wanted a conservatory building behind the house, now we wanted a baby and although our finances might stretch to two of those we couldn't manage all three. I had lost some enthusiasm for holidays so was happy to opt for the conservatory -- and Kerry said she would come off the pill as soon as it was built.

I got home from work the next night to find my wife in a very agitated state, jumping around waving an airmail envelope in the air. "We can go on holiday after all," she cried excitedly.

Manos had written her (us) a very nice letter saying that he would like to offer us a two week all expenses paid holiday to show his appreciation for our company the previous year. I shook my head telling her that I didn't think I could relive that experience again saying, "It's taken us a full year to get back to normal. If we go back to Barbados and it upsets our relationship again it will be ages before we can think about having a family again."

"It won't upset us -- look at the bottom of his letter, he says 'No strings attached'. We could have a fantastic holiday and not even see Manos except to call in and say 'Thank you' to him."

I shook my head. "Do you honestly think that he wouldn't get you to come every time he whistled?"

A broad grin creased my wife's face and she had to pinch her nose to control the mirth. Eventually she managed to blurt, "You're probably right," then collapsed into uncontrollable giggles again. By this time I had realised what I'd said and I was also smiling broadly.

It didn't take much talking to agree that a return trip to Barbados would not be a good idea but Kerry retained a faraway wistful look for the rest of the evening. Next morning she wrote Manos a very nice letter declining his offer. Just under a week later we received the following solicitor's letter by recorded delivery. Addressed to Kerry it was typed on embossed paper and in an impressive envelope. It was from a large American legal firm and opened by stating that they were acting on behalf of Manos. The document continued as follows:-

My client would like to sire a child by you. To facilitate this it will be necessary for you to reside on Barbados for three complete menstrual months. During this time he will require free sexual access to you for the three days preceding your calculated ovulation day, together with the three succeeding days. This trio of potential impregnation periods will amount to twenty one-days in total. For this service my client is prepared to reimburse you to the sum of one hundred thousand pounds sterling (£100,000), irrespective of whether a pregnancy results. Half to be paid in advance.

It is recognised that separation from your husband during this time would prove a hardship so he may visit you at any time, except during the aforementioned 'potential impregnation periods'. All his travelling and accommodation expenses for such visits will be covered by my client. The only other restriction on these visits is that when ever on the island he must wear a device that will render him sexually incapable.

Should a pregnancy occur, my client is happy for your husbands name to appear on the birth certificate but he would want to be accorded the status of guardian in a god parent capacity. In return he will pay you an annual allowance of twenty-five thousand pounds sterling (£25,000) to defray your extra living expenses until the child reaches majority. It will be up to you whether you ever reveal the true parentage to the child.

All private education fees and university costs incurred by the child will be underwritten by my client. Furthermore, upon the birth, my client will place two hundred and fifty pounds sterling (£250,000) in trust for his child. One fifth will accessible to the child on reaching the age of eighteen, two fifths at twenty-one and the remainder, including all appreciation accumulated during the interim, will be paid on the child's thirtieth birthday.

My client's last condition is that you together with the child should spend an average of one week per year on the island of Barbados (all family costs paid). Recognising that being tied to an annual visit might prove irksome, two weeks every other year would be acceptable. Finally, you will be provided with top of the range video and digital cameras on the understanding that you will regularly supply my client with pictures of the child's progress over the years.

Please inform if there are conditions or undertakings that you might wish included in the contract.

It is estimated that the value of this offer, including incidental expenses, will be in excess of one million pounds sterling.

Very obviously bubbling with excitement Kerry had handed me the letter and then sat watching my face as I read it. Reaching the end I very meticulously folded the document and replaced it in the envelope before looking up at my wife's expectant face to tell her "No".

She had accepted my rejection of the holiday offer with hardly a murmur but this time with a touch of incredulity in her voice said, "But it's a million pounds."

"Indecent Proposal."

"The amount may be the same but this is really quite different."

"Yes -- like three months instead of one night and pregnancy wasn't a factor in the film."

"I don't care, I just don't think we can afford to turn him down," Kerry said firmly, nailing her colours to the mast. "And it's pounds not dollars."

"We would have managed well enough without him and we we'll do the same after rejecting him," I pointed out logically, "Besides which I want our child to be mine."

"Don't be silly it will be yours, "Kerry said reaching out to touch me. "You'll still be the daddy, you'll love the baby and teach it about life -- the fact that it won't actually be your sperm that made it doesn't really matter. It will still be ours. Think about all the men who adopt and those whose wives are impregnated by artificial insemination from a donor -- they all think of the child as theirs and love it just as much as if it was their natural child. And what about all the thousands of men who lovingly bring up their wife's children from previous relationships?"

"I just happen to think that my genes are worth passing on to another generation."

"They still can be. I always wanted three children and just think, with so much money all our children could have a far better life than we would be able give them on just our resources."

"I still say that it's out of the question and I'm not going to change my mind no matter what you say," I insisted stubbornly.

"Have you considered that this is not really your decision," Kerry said quietly and the words hung like lead in the air between us. There was an odd expression on her face that I couldn't fathom but I know that it wasn't entirely defiance.

"If you insist on going against my wishes then don't expect me to be still here when you get back," I threatened through thin lips.

Kerry winced at that but said, "That maybe true but my guess is that you will still be here and I think I'm willing to take the gamble."

"You're being completely selfish, how the hell do you expect me to last a full three months without sex?"

"You could pay for some sex while I'm away. I can't say that I'd like you doing that but I'd hardly be in a position to complain. One thing is certain -- we could easily afford for you to get someone fairly high class."

"Forget the three months," I said changing tack, "What I really don't like is the requirement to keep going back to Barbados over the years. Do you honestly think that Manos won't expect to fuck you whenever you're on the island -- and I certainly don't see you ever knocking him back?"

"Is that such a bad thing -- if I had him to look forward to I might find it easier to stay faithful to you the rest of the time."

That shocked me. "You still get tempted?"

"All the time and I certainly get enough offers. Also I've been extra hot in the last week, ever since that first letter arrived from Manos and somehow men seem to know. I haven't cheated on you once since Sven but if another one like him came along I can't promise I'd be able to resist."

"But I thought the big dildo satisfied those urges."

"It helps. Used sparingly it eases the hunger but if we use the dildo too often it seems to increase it and that's why I've tried to cut down for the past few months. The problem is that it's only a shadow of the real thing." Kerry paused and seemed deep in thought for a moment before going on, "Remembered ecstasy is the hardest memory to forget. A man can never understand because I think a female has a far greater potential for sexual pleasure. With a male the sensation has to be external but for a woman it's different, with the right man it goes right to the core of her being. Once she's experienced it there will always be a craving."

With a sinking feeling I knew that my bluff had been called and that Manos was going to win again. At the same there was pleasure in considering all that extra cash -- and my cock gave a twitch in anticipation of the ordeal ahead. I signalled my capitulation obliquely by asking, "Would you mother be shocked if she knew her first grandchild is going to be conceived in this way?"

Kerry laughed. "No I don't think she'd be shocked at all, in fact I'm sure she would be very understanding."

I hadn't really intended to talk about her mother but that answer inspired an evil thought. "So you think your mother slept with other men as well?"

"No," Kerry said with certainty but then sudden doubt crept across her face. "Mum loves dancing and my dad either can't or won't, so for years my mum had a dancing partner who picked her up at the house every week. They were never back before I went to sleep. And every so often she spent a whole weekend away. I was always told it was to do with her work but she never seemed to work at any other time -- all I know is that I looked forward to those weekends because I had my dad all to myself."

"That settles it then," I told her wryly, "- while you're away on Barbados, busy being impregnated by your lover, I can kill time by calling in on your father to swap notes.

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HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 hour ago

Unsatisfactory ending to a highly charged story. I expected him to maroon them on the island and disappear the yacht.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

MC needs to find a skank with gonorrhea or syphilis and give his wife a dose right before she goes to Barbados. Talk about the last laugh!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

British people must have WAY lower standards than normal. The MC is nothing but a spineless cuckold. He has no respect for himself or his marriage, to let Kerry get away with what she did.

He should have divorced her after the Barbados bs, and kept himself from being hurt more. Either the author is an idiot and wanted to ignore that to continue the story, or British have crap standards.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Does the MC have any respect for himself? How about respect for his marriage? Does Kerry have respect for herself or the marriage? I can not see how either of them just drop the intimate relationship that they have for each other due to Manos. It really disappoints me that so many writers forget that fact and just go on to further the plot. This is unrealistic. Then, a monogamous relationship is torn as Manos takes her, and yet the MC just stands there and lets it happen, and lets it happen again and again. Any man worth his weight would fight to the death to stop this. Saying he just stood there is also just unrealistic. Total fantasy without any basis on reality. Fail story.

HighBrowHighBrow7 months ago

Hate it when the poor bastard cucks himself. Sometimes, another man can seduce your woman, but you must fight it, fight for her, and if you lose give her up, leave her, she’s not yours anymore. Be a man.

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