Barbie Doll Ch. 04


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It was an interesting awards ceremony. Don came in third, the old guy I teased about a nut behind the wheel came in first. The pissed off guy on the end, otherwise known as the judges friends boss or something like that, he didn't even place in the top ten. His prize was a ten dollar gift certificate on a fifty dollar purchase at John Deere... and he owned a Massey! LOL

We made it home without too much playing around, considering the girls decided to divest themselves of their dresses as soon as we got in the truck. Barbra turning to straddle my legs rubbing and kissing on me while I held her huge tits in my hand, her pushing one hand to her ass and again to her plug encouraging me to bump and play with it while I kissed and groped her chest.

We were home too soon and not soon enough. Following three giggling naked scampering girls into the house is just sooo traumatic. Following that jewel plugged ass up the stairs while the rest of the gang headed for the pool was exquisite torture.

Barbra turned to me and began groping me as she sunk to her knees to remove my pants. But something caught my eye and I stopped her. The little indicator beside the TV was green, not yellow or red. I stepped over and picked up the remote, paged over to the control screen and changed it to yellow. "Did you put it on green?"

"No, I flipped it on yellow this morning. Why?"

"Hmmm, neither did I, what was it on when you changed earlier?"

"Don't know, we changed in Don and Sarah's room."

"Oh well, just have to keep an eye on it. Now where were we?"

"Somewhere like this!" dropping and pulling my pants down right along with my boxers. Inhaling my hard cock a few times before laying back on the edge of the bed legs up and spread. That bright sparkly jewel below her inflamed pussy just inviting me in.

I stepped to her and drove in hard and deep and just kept repeating over and over after what she did to me earlier. Driving in hard enough to get some real nice motion to her monsters. Slapping that plug in her ass hard enough to feel it on my balls but just not caring.

Watching her tits move when I drove in, hearing Barbra grunt and still ask for more. "Harder.... Yes...!!!!!" as she came screaming and thrashing. Wrapping her ankles around me as I drove in giving her pussy the first two shots, pulling back to shoot all over her tits then drive back into her pussy to hear her scream again for more.

I stood there hands braced on her spread knees catching my breath and enjoying my handiwork. Seeing Barbra grin and massage my cum into her tits. I was finally to soft to stay in her and stepped back and dropped into the chair, but Barbra stayed there a bit, holding her knees up and spread as our cum flowed from her pussy and ran down her ass over the plug to puddle on the edge of the comforter.

She stayed like that a bit, on her back, legs up and spread dribbling, smiling with her eyes close as my cum began to dry on her tits. She snorted sending a healthy flow from her pussy, then lowered her legs, "I think I might need a shower," then rolled sideways laughing, out cum still dribbling out of her.

I staggered to the shower and was joined by my sticky companion. I looked down at her encrusted chest, "See what happens when you get me all worked up."

Barbra wrapped her arms around me and kissed me hard while the water trickled down between us, "Might have to do that again then!" we rinsed and soaped and rinsed again, and I thought we were done until Barbra turned her ass to me, bent over a bit and spread her cheeks as far as she could. "One thing left to do my love."


She wiggled her spread ass, "I put it in, your turn to take it out."

I grinned at her grinning at me. I stepped beside her putting one arm across her chest, mashing one tit and cupping the other before getting a nice grip on the base of the plug.

I began to pull and got the surprise of my life. I was expecting a fairly 'normal' plug with an over sized jewel base. Leave it to Barbra to do things up right. As I pulled the first 'bubble' of the plug emerged letting her ass close around the next one making her hiss. I played it back and forth a bit watching her try and spread her ass even more.

I let the next 'bubble' come out and her ass clenched on what I would guess was the tip, and 'normal' sized plug. I pushed the middle bubble back in a bit and was surprised to feel Barbra push back against it. Feeling her groan and tremble as I pushed, then pushed the middle 'bubble' back in and Barbra collapsing on my arm cumming. I worked the middle 'bubble' in and out of her ass fucking her with it, watching her ass claim and release it as she came, her legs giving out and only my arm across her chest and the plug in her ass supporting her.

I gave her a few more strokes and then removed it completely hearing her cry out and grab for my arm. I lowered Barbra to the tile and cleaned the plug, then lifted her to put her arms around my neck and soaped her butt once more feeling her tremble and whimper as I passed the cloth over her ass.

I toweled her as best I could holding her, then laid her on towels to finish before pulling the comforter off and putting her under the blanket. I shut the lights off and cuddled in behind her, her only movement was to reach back and put my soft cock in the crease of her ass and moan as she did. Sighing as I put my hand over and cupped her tit to call it a night.


I woke in almost the same position, but with Barbra using my arm for a pillow. I extracted it and was massaging some circulation back in it when I noticed the indicator by the TV, it was green again. Seems like Dan and Sarah had a voyeur complex, I reached for the remote and switched it to red. I pulled my boxers on, Barbra merely ran a comb through her hair and stuck her tongue out at me. I nibbled on it as I pulled her close for a kiss.

After another lovely breakfast with naked women we were back off to the fair. It was the last day and time to pick up the D. Don had seen it, but Sarah chuckled at my toy conversion, calling it 'cute'. Don and I sat up front, while the girls were at the table, Rosy and Antonio were following a bit later in the Navigator. In between our conversations I could hear Sarah asking about the truck, and 'how could you live in something this small?'

Barbra showed her bits and pieces, and I chuckled when Sarah was flabbergasted we both slept in 'that tiny bunk!' Once we got to the fairgrounds Sarah was off with a few of her friends, asking Barbra to tag along but she declined to stay with us. Once we had the D loaded and chained Don went in search of Sarah, and Barbra led me back inside the truck.

Once inside the 'country girl' dress came off and she hunted through her stuff while wiggling her bare ass at me, grinning over her shoulder every once in a while. She turned back to me with a... well I guess you would call it a white tube dress. But not a 'tube top' dress, more like a half slip but cotton. An elastic band above her tits, nipples and nipple rings nicely visible through the material then just hanging down stopping mid thigh. I learned later it was just a bikini cover up without the benefit of a bikini!

Slipping a tan vest over to hide those beautiful tips and she pronounced us ready to go. That was, however, right after she made sure to show me the accessibility of the dress by pulling the vest aside, the top edge down, and putting her nipple between my lips. Slipping her hand on the back of my head playing with my hair while she enjoyed my lavishing her chewy nipple. We tested the other side just to make sure it didn't have any problems either. There was a minor problem though, Barbra started dribbling down her thighs when I nipped her other nipple. I wiped it up with my finger and licked it clean, and I had to wipe it several more times later that day. She grinned and gasped ever time I did, even holding my finger between her lips against her clit trying not to cum when a group of girls went by giggling.

We made one last stroll through the midway, the Ferris Wheel already in the process of being torn down, but a ride on the Scrambler and Barbra just 'happening' to come out of her top half way through made the operator grin and we got a little longer ride for some reason. Barbra even allowed him to give her a hand down before 'noticing' her top down and just simply sliding it up letting the dark outline of her nipple show through, no fuss no muss and not bothering to pull her vest over until we were out of his sight.

Add to that one last trip down the health food alley, lots of corn dogs, funnel cakes, mini donuts, even trying some deep fried ice cream. As we were headed back to the truck with an extra bag of mini donuts in hand I got a text from Don saying they caught a ride back with Rosy and Antonio and not to wait up for them.

"They're probably headed to the club, Rosy was disappointed they didn't get to go with us the other night," Barbra said with a giggle as we headed for the gates. "I think Sarah and Rosy are quite popular over there."

I smiled at the thought of the two of them dancing together, Sarah and her big brown tits and Rosy with her swinging and slapping C cups. But then I lost my smile, thinking about what kind of life style they led, and would they try and lead us into it, and would we want to?

I pulled through the gates to the outer parking lot and pulled over to park.

"Problem?" Barbra asked.

"We need to talk away from Don and Sarah's." I shut the truck down and went back to kick the generator and AC on.

Barbra raised an eyebrow when I poured us both some Makers, "Something serious?"

I sat the glass in front of her and sat across from her, "Yes and no." I took a quick sip, "But we need to talk about it."


I grinned, "Not that bad, but I'm wondering if we really want to stay here so close to Don and Sarah."

Barbra smiled and sighed, "I was wondering the same thing," and took a sip of her drink.

I reached out for her hand and she took it. "I'm sorry babe, I know you liked the old ranger tower. But I'm not sure I would enjoy their life style, and being that close and working in his shop we'd be a bit beholden to him."

Barbra squeezed my hand, "I know, after Sarah wanting me to tag along today I overheard her talking to Rosy about heading to the club tonight. It got me thinking. I did really enjoy dancing for you, and the applause and tips just made me tingle, but I don't know if I would want to do that on a regular basis like it's expected or something."

I grinned, "As opposed to flashing some lucky carnival worker, or letting people see your luscious body in a clinging wet dress?"

Barbra grinned and leaned back letting her vest slide open as she pulled her dress down under her tits and flipped her nipple rings up and down a few times. "Something like that. But I mean I can work from anywhere, but what about you? What about your restoring tractors?"

I smiled and pulled her hand to kiss her palm, "Babe, I have my retirement and a little Navy pension, the tractors were divorce therapy I guess. I don't need to work on them. I would say looking back that it was something to keep my mind off of being by myself after all those years. But I'm not by myself any more am I?"

"No you're not," she said with a grin. "So what brought this on?"

"Not sure exactly, but what got me thinking was this morning, before I woke you. The video system indicator was on green again."


"And the whole way out here Don was talking about what project he wanted done first. How long would we be staying in the guest house before finding a place. Like it was a fore gone conclusion we would be staying."

Barbra looked off into the distance, "You know, I was getting that kind of vibe from Sarah as well." She took another sip of her drink, and I followed with my own. "So what do we do, go gallivanting around the country in this pulling a practically empty trailer."

I chuckled at that, "No, well yes, but the trailer is nothing special. I could pull my winch and sell the trailer."

"But what about your tool box crate and the trike?"

"Well," I sat thinking a bit. "I know some of the hot shot drivers have a huge sleeper and then a small flat bed or box on the back, we could look into something like that."

"And just run around in this. Are you sure?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well it isn't the Ritz, but it's paid for. And we can go anywhere we want. I'd take freedom over a big house full of stuff any day."

"So then we're back to Don and Sarah."

"So we play it by ear. They have until end of business tomorrow to get me the contract back. But even without it we could make it, just not as care free. We might have to spend a little more time in one place before moving on again."

Barbra had a sly grin on her face, "And I really do have a college friend near Pensacola, not sure if he has any acreage, but we could base out of there for a bit if we needed to. He's been begging me to come down for a long time."


Barbra grinned, "He keeps asking if I'm still single."

I just looked at her looking like she was fading off into the distance... I think my world was crashing...

Barbra stood up and pulled me to my feet and put her arms around my neck, "And while I'm technically still single, I'm definitely not available."

I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

Barbra pulled me down for a soft kiss, "I told you before, I'm not going anywhere. Now let's go to OUR bed." She stepped the three steps from 'dining room' to 'bedroom' and shrugged her vest the rest of the way off then lifted her dress over her head. Barbra turned and wiggled her ass at me as she crawled down into our bed, turning and lifting her knee while watching me get undressed and snickering at my fighting my hard on doing it.

I crawled in beside her pulling the curtain across. We didn't need it, but in doing so we were all alone in our little cocoon. It wasn't a monster bed we could get lost in, or a shower big enough to hold a party in, it was our bed.

I looked at Barbra in the glow of the headboard light, not candle light. I caressed her tit and then her belly as she lay against the back wall instead of sprawled out spread eagle. When I scooted down to nibble on her nipple my feet hit the wall instead of hanging off the bed. If I had wanted to nibble on Barbra's aromatic pussy she would have had to scoot up to the headboard.

When Barbra beckoned me between her legs I had to stay on hands and knees unable to sit up completely. But when I leaned over and slid into her velvet depths we had all the room in the world. All the room I needed to feel her breath catch as I plunged deep and the sigh as I slid out. Plenty of light to see her smile just before I kissed her, our tongues battling as I rocked back and forth on her huge tits as our bodies slapped together in juicy harmony.

And that same ceiling that kept me from sitting up gave Barbra a foot hold to spread even further and beckon me, "harder, faster, deeeeeper..." feeling the cool breeze on one side as she caught her foot in the curtain flailing in orgasm as I hooked my hands on her shoulders and drove in as deep as I possible could. Doing my best to extend her orgasm as I was also doing my best just to keep from passing out.

Collapsing down on Barbra as she wrapped her arms around me, not having room to lay side by side without her scooting over and neither one of us having any more energy than it took to breathe.

When we finally had to move, rolling out and taking the single step to the shower. Managing to remember to lift the pan cover while I was still on my hands and knees and pull the clear curtain instead of standing behind a glass wall as I rinsed down just feet from a lounging Barbra. Standing on the other side of that same plain clear curtain as she did the same while I dried off wishing for a bigger shower yet each of us enjoying watching the other inches away.

Being directed to the booth as Barbra cooked hamburgers naked in front of me instead of sitting back and being served by the staff. And grinning as she brought us our gourmet meal of burgers and potato chips and sat across from me as we ate naked instead of all dressed up, or undressed, in a fancy club.

Watching Barbra still naked do the dishes, all four of them, while I rearranged the table and cushions so we could sit back and cuddle naked to watch a DVD on the twenty seven inch TV instead of sitting in a crowded home theater to see something on the big screen, eating popcorn we made ourselves and sipping on makers.

Enjoying feeling each others body and not having to hide it in the theaters, necking and nibbling until we had to make the few steps back to bed instead of sneaking out up to our room. And even then laughing at the mood being gone when we laid on the COLD wet spot since we forgot to change the sheets and just cuddling as we drifted off to sleep.

Waking a few hours later to go pee and shutting the generator down crawling back in beside Barbra and seeing her smile and hearing her moan softly as she snuggled back beside me never waking. Pulling the curtain closed to put us back in our own little cocoon...


We woke to some light coming in through the gap in the curtain, dressing quickly in the cool morning air. Barbra was going to make breakfast, but I overruled her and we went to IHOP for endless pancakes. That and they had a WiFi hotspot, no sign of my contract yet. Ah well. We finished our breakfast and headed for Don's, making a game plan to head into Nashville. Barbra checked email again when we got there, no contract.

We parked the truck and trailer and headed for Nashville in the trike, following the Garmin on a route to the big truck dealers. We had snapped a few pics of the truck for reference so we could at least show them what we wanted.

The first few were only interested in two things, selling us a new truck and ogling Barbra's chest. After the next few stops we kept getting the same name, Robert Lee Marvin. We were given directions to his shop out on the edge of town.

Now 'shop' was being nice. It was an old industrial area and the building he was occupying one end of looked like it had seen its better days MANY years ago. I smiled when I shut the trike down. Even before I pulled my helmet off I heard some ZZ Top blaring.

We strolled into the massive building headed toward the sound of a grinder in the hands of a young man. When he stopped Barbra cleared her throat and he looked, smiled, then walked over with a noticeable limp, "What can I do for you folks?"

"We're looking for Robert Lee," I responded.

He put a hand out smiling, "You got him."

"I've been asking around and your name keeps popping up for some modifications I'm looking to have done."

He kicked his head back and laughed, "That means they can't order it out of a book and have no imagination. What do you have and what do you want to do?"

"Well what I have is a long wheel base F-750 with a custom sleeper. I was pulling a short beaver tail delivering equipment and hauling my trike over the fifth wheel. I'm getting out of that and thinking about selling the trailer and putting something on the back to haul the trike, preferable enclosed."

"Pull the fifth wheel or leave it?"

"I'd like to leave it to keep my options open if I can."

He thought about it a bit, "Well two options come to mind. The first and quickest would be to put a standard flat bed on and then add side panels and top hoops to enclose it. The second would to be to mount a short box on the back, but leaving the fifth wheel in place is going to add to the height."

"That's what I was thinking, but I don't like the idea of just a canvas top, and the current sleeper is low enough that a standard box would be way too high even before mounting it above the fifth wheel."