Barbie Doll Ch. 04


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"How big is the trike?"

"It's sitting outside."

Robert pulled his heavy gloves off and we went out to take a look. He looked it over and did some measuring. "So how would you load it?"

I shrugged, "Ideally with a big lift gate. I just drive it up the beaver tail right now. Real world probably just use the winch and some ramps."

"Where's the truck?"

"Up north of town."

Robert had his chin in his hand with his finger tapping his lips, "Let me think on it a bit. When can you bring it by?"

"Later today if you want."

He shook his head, "I have to get that beast knocked out today. Sometime tomorrow after lunch would be okay."

We shook and he headed back inside. Well we had the start of a game plan at least.

We stopped at an old fashioned drive in for lunch, Barbra kidded me about stopping because of the uniform. I said I just like the old fashioned place, girls on roller skates, cotton tops and short skirts, just a nice nostalgic place. DAMN those are some looooong legs... and that girls... motion... when she takes a corner... WOW!

We putzed back through town, chuckling at the 'cowboys' walking down the street, having been around the real deal many times. Most of these looked like they would run the other direction if a horse or steer got any where near them.

Barbra checked email again when we gat back, 'WE'VE GOT A CONTRACT!"

But then remembering Charles we double checked it. They had tried to slip a few provisions back in.

I just shook my head and picked up my cell phone.


"Hey Frank, Ken."

"Hey buddy, what's up? You need some specs on the system to get started?"

"Na, I was just wondering if there was anyplace on the east coast in particular you would like a post card from."

"Say what! I thought you wanted this thing."

"Oh I wouldn't have minded working with you again, but Charles just can't stand it so we're hitting the road in the morning."

"What do you mean? Harry approved the contract this morning."

"Well I JUST received a piece of garbage a few minutes ago. So that doesn't fly."

"That's not what they were saying. Let me check into it on this end."

"Frank, it's one o'clock local, but I tell you what, I'm going to be nice since it's you. I'm going to give you until end of business Pacific to return the contract I sent, and midnight to deposit the retainer. But in the mean time I'm packing to leave in the morning because I'm not holding my breath on those turkeys."

"Okay, thanks Ken. I'll let you know one way or the other. Bye."

I just sat back wanting to shake my head. I left this rat race several months back to avoid this kind of shit.

Barbra scooted in beside me, "Okay Mr. Happy Face, how about we go camping and get away tonight. We could always go up to the ranger station one last time."

Barbra gave me a quick peck and batted her eyelashes at me, I just laughed and pulled her close for a nice deep kiss.

I got the D unloaded and parked in front of Don's building then we made plans to go 'camping'. We grabbed our stuff and borrowed the rest from Antonio and headed for the tower. Barbra even slowed down a bit going across the pasture so I could actually enjoy the view.

"You're staring at my knockers again."

I leaned over and cupped and squeezed them rubbing my finger across her nipple, "Not any more." Barbra kicked her head back laughing and put her hand on mine and squeezed.

We made a much more sedate pace through the brush this time since Barbra was driving one handed trying to get the stick shift to work while I was trying to tune in Tokyo.

When we got to the tower Barbra grabbed a bag and ran up the steps. I took them at a much more leisurely pace, grinning at the slowing foot steps as she neared the top. By the time I made it she had one side of the shutters lifted and was starting down the far side. I dropped my bag and met her half way on the fourth side catching her with her arms up and snagging her for a hug and kiss.

After the fourth trip up with supplies I was going to tattoo 'bring a winch and cable next time' onto my forehead!

With most of the supplies up we collapsed against the building in the shade on the west side taking in the scenery of the lake and surroundings. Lots of bird noises coming back as we settled down. A hawk on the far side diving for his lunch and coming up with a decent sized fish.

We sat there a bit just taking it in, then Barbra giggled and leaned forward and turned to me. She unbuttoned my shirt to bare my chest, then lifted her top off and sat between my legs and brought my hands around to her chest. "Now this is the way to live..."

After a fair amount of groping and kissing we went back for the last two loads and began settling in, spreading out supplies and cooking stuff on one of the tables. Air mattresses and sleeping bags in the middle of the room.

Barbra went to set our five gallon bucket / porta potty in the closet, "MEN!"

"What?" She simply stood outside the door and pointed in. I looked in the closet and laughed. Evidentially the place had only, or at least usually, been staffed by men. Beside the spot for the porta potty was a transmission funnel in the end of a hose going down through the floor, probably all the way to the ground. "Works for me!"


I looked at her grinning that she walked right into that one, "Correct, that's what the bucket is for."

Barbra's eyes went wide, her mouth opened and closed a few times, "ARGH!" and stomped back to the cook stove to do something.

We did go for a walk later and just as predicted the hose ran down to an old steel barrel in the ground near one leg. Not up to today's codes, but ingenious for the time. We did trek up to the head of the feed pipe, and Barbra fiddled around with some stones to get the water level to rise above the pipe, but there was no flow when we got to the bottom. Who knows, may just have needed some pressure to blow it out, then again it could have been crushed or rusted through any where along its length.

That was when the rose colored glasses came off. On the climb back up we noticed some bent or missing braces where the lower platform used to be. When the sun was just about set we noticed a few little gaps in the side wall and some pin holes in the roof. And while it was lovely watching the sunset and then the stars come out, we couldn't lay back and look up at them. The over hang that was probably wonderful for looking out over the forest in all kinds of weather also prevented us from laying back and enjoying the stars above. Kind of defeats the purpose to have to go down five or six stories of steps to get a clear view back up at the stars.

So we sat back against the wall outside with a sleeping bag pulled around us and enjoyed our stew tossing around travel itineraries. For late fall we knew we'd start up north before the cold weather hit, maybe Maryland or DC and work south, but staying near or on the coast as much as possible. Barbra thought it would be interesting to stop and visit the kids... FUCK!, that could get interesting!

Barbra checked email on her cell phone before we turned in, and we had something with an attachment that arrived at 18:52 our time. Charles was cutting it close. We snuggled in to a different kind of quiet tonight. The truck was just a few creeks and groans, but up here we could hear the breeze through the leaves, the hoot of the owl and the far off cry of the coyote. I could have seen living up here... after I put an elevator in. Although it might have to be called a dumb waiter in my case.


I woke to a naked woman slipping out of our sleeping bag and pulling my shirt on. I laid there watching her as she made breakfast. Not our usual fair with powdered eggs and no bacon, but seeing her, and up my shirt, in the morning sun made it quite acceptable. The hot coffee, eggs, and toast slightly over done on one side. 'That's what you get for distracting the cook,' Barbra said with a grin and flashing her tits at me while I watched her stroking my cock. Cooking breakfast was enough to warm the room for us to drop back to the sleeping bags for a morning romp.

Well that's where we started out anyway. It started out with Barbra riding me after throwing the sleeping bag back, then just as I was getting close to filling that sweet pussy, she hopped up with a grin and went out the door. When I managed to get standing there she was leaning on the rail with her tits mashed to the top and her legs spread a bit looking at me over her shoulder.

I walked out and grabbed her ass enough to spread her cheeks allowing me to step right into her, "Fuuuccckkkkk," she moaned as I bottomed out, and grunted when I spread her cheeks further and drove that last little bit. Then the cave man she asked for that first time settled in behind her.

Hooking my thumb in her ass as I pounded her dribbling pussy with my other hand hooked on her shoulder and soon it was a chorus of slapping skin and screaming woman as Barbra came around my cock, followed shortly by my bellow as I unloaded into her before collapsing on her back. Her satisfied grunt when my weight joined hers mashing her tits even further to the top rail.

My vision was just coming back when there were a few loud whistles and hollers coming back across the lake. A giggle and then a snort and I was evicted from her pussy, along with a steady dribble of our mixed cum. She used the last of our water to wipe down, then proceeded to help me take things back down to the ATV, NAKED.

I looked at her smiling, "Well I tossed the bags down instead of carrying them and I forgot to pull out some clothes."

I drew her to me and squeezed and played with her ass while my other hand went across her back to pull her chest to mine as we both went tonsil hunting. We did eventually get things loaded, and Barbra even let me drive since she was going topless and 'had' to cup and support her tits along the way. "Keep you eyes on the road or you'll run us into a tree."

About half way there she did compromise a little. She put that big bra that encased those beauties on, then just traced where her nipples were on the outside of that bra grinning at me. FUUUUUCCCCKKKKK!

We pulled it up and printed the contract out when we got back, FUCKING CHARLES! I had the contract, the deposit, and a letter under the company letterhead from Charles stating that I was being brought in to finish a project he was unable to complete, BUT...

I picked up my cell phone and dialed.


"Hey Frank, Ken."

"Hey buddy, tell me you got everything this time."

"Ninety nine percent anyway."

"FUCK, now what?"

I chuckled, "Charles missed two spots to initial, paragraphs seventeen and twenty three. Have him initial and resend before noon otherwise I'll send the money back."

"Seventeen and twenty three, aren't those the ones that define the..."


There was a noise from the other end, "I'll get it back to you in fifteen minutes."

It was closer to thirty, but I had a contract with all the initials and signatures, I counter signed and returned a copy direct to Harry, he even acknowledged receipt so I was all clear of my non-compete.

Barbra called her buddy and he already had the layout about three quarters completed, he got bored. He agreed to hang onto it until we requested it so the dates would all line up.

First step taken care of.

We loaded up the trike on the trailer and headed down to Robert's shop.

We caught him kicked back on a chair eating lunch.

"Any progress?" I asked.

"Some," he began setting his sandwich down.

I put my hand up to stop him, "Don't stop on our account, we're not in that big of a hurry."

I sat on the chair opposite him, then watched him grin as Barbra sat on my lap and kicked her head back beside mine bringing my hands around her waist.

"So what did you find?

"I have an old Penske box out back, it's shorter than the new models, but that brings another problem."

"Such as?"

"I don't know if it's wide enough for your trike."

"How close?"

"Inches one way or another."

We walked out and started measuring the trike and then the Penske box. It would fit if I put slightly narrower tires on. Not the solution I would have liked, but in the big picture it was an acceptable solution.

The price was a bit more than I really wanted to pay, but if the trailer sold for a decent price it would be okay. The other speed bump was he had three other projects ahead of us so we came to a deal. I would get things started and he would jump in where and when he could.

We went back to Don and Sarah's letting them know we were shifting down to the workshop to make the changes on the truck with promises to think about returning to work on the restorations and the Hummer. Don and Sarah were enthusiastic and we tried to be, even getting talked into another night at the club before we left town. I think they looked at it as an incentive to come back. Barbra and I kind of looked at it as the other way around but we couldn't tell them that.

So long to a big bed and shower for a while...

And yet it was a nice change. It was an old industrial area, but yet it was clean. Robert Lee wasn't rich, but he was a down to earth guy.

I pulled the truck up beside his shop to be able to plug in instead of running the generator, and gave him a hand here and there in exchange. And he really objected to Barbra's cooking, especially when she took to wearing her snug halter tops and tight shorts.

We were kicked back enjoying the evening when I finally got the nerve to ask, "What happened to your leg?"

He looked at me for a second, then sighed, "USS Cole."

I looked at him for a bit then raised my glass, "to those that gave all."

Barbra and then Robert Lee raised theirs in response. Nothing more need be said.

We had the old Penske box off the original truck and sitting on the ground for us to prep, sanding and priming getting it ready for Robert Lee to paint. I had also figured out how to put the trike and my tool box, split into two pieces, into the box without having to do to much chopping and cutting on my 'new' Penske box. I even put a trailer receptacle on the front to be able to connect the lights without compromising the truck to trailer connection.

We were about three quarter finished sitting back relaxing after a particularly hot day watching Barbra grilling steaks on his grill. We weren't saying much because the show was just mesmerizing.

Barbra in her little leopard print retro bikini Sarah had given us as an apology bent over the grill, or bent over the side table, or standing in profile to us asking what we wanted. I could see her grin teasing Robert Lee, running her finger tip across her nipples looking at me with her back to him. Made me want to drag her back to the truck and see how long it would take to make her scream. She knew exactly what she was doing, running her finger down the crease between her lips before turning back to the grill.

That was that afternoon, that evening...

Barbra had just finished doing the dishes naked and turned to me beckoning me out of the booth and flipped the table down. I was going to step up and slide in her but Barbra dropped to her knees and swallowed me down, grabbing my ass and holding me deep for a bit.

And then the show began.

Barbra leaned over and pulled a toy from our bunk, coming out grinning with her triple bubble plug. Grinning at watching me watch her lube it up, stroking it like she was jacking my cock, leaning forward to take my cock between her lips as she stood and trapped the plug between the edge of the bench and her ass, humming and moaning as she sucked my cock and worked the plug against her ass.

Barbra squeaked and shuddered as she dropped onto the first bubble. Grabbing my hips and pulling and pushing me back and forth in and out of her throat as she ground her ass on that plug. Her eyes going wide when she pulled me a bit forcefully down her throat and dropped to the next bubble.

AND THEN SHE STOPPED! Barbra stopped with my cock between her lips and brought my hands to the side of her head before clasping hers behind her back, looking at me pleading and licking the tip of my cock between her lips, moving ever so slightly between my cock and the plug.

I smiled back down at her and slid down her delicious throat, feeling her groan as I bottomed out. On the third stroke she dropped onto the plug a bit as I bottomed out really groaning, she did it again and again on subsequent thrusts and I got the hint.

When I pushed into her throat next I kept pushing her down on the plug. Her eyes went wide and she tried to smile around my cock and her hands that were clasped behind her back came up to cup her tits.

I gave Barbra several more good strokes pushing her down on that plug as I bottomed out in her throat and then she looked up at me with that pleading look. I released one hand from her jaw and braced myself against the overhead cabinet and kept right on pushing when I bottomed out.

Barbra was spasming and trying so scream around my cock as I pushed her down completely onto the plug. After a few good spasms I pulled from her throat, partially to let her breath, and mostly to keep her from biting my cock off with her spasms. I barely cleared her lips when Barbra grabbed my hips and held me there licking the tip of my cock, giving me a few good licks before laying back and grabbed her knees to spread her legs high and wide.

I had to grin at the sight in front of me. Barbra laid back, tits rising and falling quickly, pussy spread and lips so dark they looked purple, her juices dribbling down past her ass and puddling between her cheeks. Looking back up her body to her smile, "Fuck my cunt."

I leaned over her and slid into her wet pussy, the plug in her ass making her as tight as I could remember. Barbra's hands going from holding her legs open to putting mine on her tits and giving herself a good squeeze before reaching to spread herself again.

Hands on huge tits and tight pussy begging to be fucked get to a man. I kicked my head back and roared as I got a grip on her and just plain FUCKED HER CUNT! Gripping and squeezing her tits and pinching her nipples and Barbra was cumming under me. Legs flailing and then around my waist pulling me in deep then holding herself high and wide.

I was pumping and pumping filling her pussy with everything built up from today, watching her running around in that little retro bikini, seeing her pull the top down enough to let the edge of her areola show until it settled back in place. Sliding her finger up her pussy giving her a momentary camel toe before she took a few steps. Collapsing on her lovely mounds as I pumped the last I had into her pussy...


It had been just under two weeks since they had signed the contract. I emailed Frank in the morning and they were having their usual status meeting that afternoon so I informed him I would call in to give them an update.

All those years of putting up with Charles was finally going to pay off.

Oh now this is the way to have a company meeting! Sitting on the dropped down table with my legs spread as Barbra lies with her head on my thigh enjoying herself with my cock between her lips.

I dialed Frank's office, "Hey Ken, we thought maybe you'd forgotten about us."

"Na, just getting a few things straightened out," as Barbra opened her mouth looking at me like she did last night and took my cock down her throat. I had to mute the phone a second to groan as she did.

"Glad to hear you're making progress."

Oh you have no idea. Barbra took a little more and licked the underside of my balls, she KNOWS what that does to me!

I sighed as she let me loose from her exquisite throat, "You okay there Ken?"

"I think I'll survive for a little while anyway," Barbra laid her head back on my thigh and licked the head of my cock like an ice cream cone.