Black New World Order-Lee


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Lee nodded, hoping that his non-verbal communication conveyed how incredibly honored he felt for the opportunity to share this time and space with him.

"You know, they told me that you were good-looking, but I wasn't expecting . . . you. I mean, I've been with more white men than I can count, for real, more than I remember, and . . . seriously, and I can say in all honesty that I've never been attracted to any of them. I can remember more than a few who repulsed me with their appearance but mostly it was their stank attitudes." Marvin made a face like he was going to throw up or he was smelling something foul or maybe it was a combination of both.

"White men have only ever served one purpose behind closed doors for me, to give me a nut when I didn't have a girlfriend. I'm really just coming to terms with the fact that I can say that I'm attracted to Black men sexually, and maybe even romantically, without feeling like a black hole is gonna open up and swallow me up for being a faggot, without having to add disclaimers about how I'm attracted to women more. I don't know. This is still a little scary and hella new to me. I came here, I requested this, whatever you call it, this time with you, because I felt drawn to the experience of being pampered. I wanted to feel special. That's something that the Old World never gave me. But I'm not gonna lie, I'm attracted to you, to the whole package."

It was time for Lee to feel uncomfortable. For all of his growth and transformation, there was still a small part of him that still felt like his old self in terms of his looks and especially what he considered his inferior status in life. He got his phone and pulled up a picture. "Here. That's the real me. Wait. Sorry. That's the old me. This, this is the real me. I feel more comfortable looking at that picture than looking in the mirror, however. I still don't feel deserving of looking like this. That just shows me that I have more healing to do and, quite frankly, I love that. I love the feeling of accomplishment when I gain a little more insight or tackle a hurdle."

Marvin looked at the phone and looked at the man sitting next to him. He looked back at the phone and then back at Lee. The person on the phone was slightly overweight, non-descript, and not at all the gorgeous man sitting next to him. His eyes, he could see in his eyes that it was the same man. "That makeover team must have been working overtime. They did a great job. How? I mean, you look nothing like that guy in the picture. Did you have plastic surgery?" Marvin caught himself and heard what he was saying. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be offensive."

"Oh, I'm not at all offended. No, there wasn't any plastic surgery. This version of me was inside me all along, I just didn't know how to access it. The short version of the story is, I had to let go of a whole lot of whiteness before this me could be revealed."

"Whaaat? Well, I'mma need the 12" extended remix version of the story because I gotta tell you, I'm a little overwhelmed and none of this is making any sense to me. I wanna hear everything. Don't leave anything out."

"I wanna know HOW everything is free, like even housing and cars? I get that everyone contributes to the community and has gardens, and grows vegetables, that makes sense. And clothes, sure, I can wrap my head around that, I've watched YouTube videos: upcycling, sewing, designing. Donations. I get it. Everyone in the community builds houses. OK, that's a skill that can be learned. But who in the ever-loving hell is making appliances and backhoes and insulation and construction materials? And how the hell did someone DIY a luxury jet and a yacht? Who pays for that stuff? What's the catch?"

"And I really need to know why a half a dozen different brothas told me that you were the best sex they ever had with a white man, they didn't reveal any specifics but two of them said that you were the best sex they ever had, EVER: man, woman, Black, or white. Not gonna front, that's all I've been thinking about since they told me. What does that even mean?"

Sighing, "The long answer is far more complex than you can imagine," Lee responded. His first instincts were always to put the wants, desires, and needs of the Black man ahead of his own, so he explained that he was willing to answer any questions but he wanted to make sure that if they embarked upon that path, that it would veer drastically from erotic seduction that he had planned for the evening.

Marvin assured him that he needed answers, that his soul felt this pull, this need to understand, not just the logistics of how Wequilibrium worked but he needed to understand how the previous consciousness of lies had held the collective consciousness captive, and his intuition, his gut was telling him that Lee had answers that he couldn't find anywhere else. That, ultimately, was far more important than sex.

Lee excused himself to make himself more comfortable so that he could answer any and all questions that Marvin had for him. He returned a few minutes later wearing a pair of white, linen, drawstring pants and a relaxed fitting white linen shirt with African Mudcloth collar and cuffs. What would have been deemed cultural appropriation in the previous energy was now home to Lee. He was barefoot and his toenails glistened with an understated nude polish. He looked so comfortable in his own skin that Marvin was full of awe.

Caught up in the moment, Lee forgot to ask, "I'm so sorry, would you like to get more comfortable? I can run a bath for you. We have pajamas, a robe, shorts, whatever you need. We'll get you measured and fitted for your custom wardrobe at your intake meeting and you can go to the Clothes Closet and pick out anything you want there whenever you'd like. Since you have me all to yourself for a while, I can take you there if you want, we can find you some really nice clothes to wear. Oh, and just to let you know, you're going to want to get some costumes. We have lots and lots of costume parties, plays, musicals . . . there is always a reason for a costume at We."

Marvin gave him major side eye. The thought of people wearing costumes all the time seemed childish to him. He was, of course, thinking about costumes that come in a package from Party City and not the elaborate, authentic reproductions and designs that were intrinsic to Wequilibrium. He started to say that baths weren't his thing but he had just drunk a half a bottle of wine made of from a fruit he had never heard of before so he was leaving his options open. "No, I'm really comfortable. I just want to take off my shoes. They told me that when I moved here that I didn't have to bring anything with me, that everything would be provided, and I got a whole suitcase full of clothes and toiletries, they even gave me the suitcase. And what could be more comfortable than these . . . what do you call these, genie pants . . . Hammer pants . . . no, no, how about Burning Man pants." He added, "Nah, really, I'm cool, thanks. I, never in my life, imagined wearing anything like this but once I tried them on, they felt natural . . . comfortable."

Lee added, "You look really great in them, too, if you don't mind me saying."

The two settled down and started to talk, to share their life stories, to get to know one another on a deep and intimate level neither of them had access to when they were under the spell of testosterone and OZone.

"OK, so," Lee settled into the sofa and got comfortable. "First things first, let me attempt to explain how everything is free. I'm not the best person to explain this. Scottie is the best person as this world is her creation, she gave birth to it. I'll do my best to convey what I've learned as her acolyte."

"Here goes. In the Old World, Scottie was among the Deceived, she was a munchkin, stuck to the wall. No one had initiated her into the realms of the occult. She had no success getting her books published so she hadn't signed any contracts with agents that sold her soul. She hadn't taken any oaths; she had been a thesis defense away from getting her Masters. She wasn't a member of a sorority or a secret society where she learned the truths of reality in varying degrees. She was born into the world forgetting all her past lives, forgetting her divinity. She was as clueless as the rest of the masses who were stuck to the wall and under the spell of an inept Magician. Right up until 2021 when her higher self started coming through and revealing all the truths that had been hidden from her."

"From that moment on, she knew deep in her heart, she had always felt in her soul, even from a very young age, that she was special, that her mission was to change the world. She was deeply convinced that had lived previous lives as a Queen, a King, a High Priestess, a shaman, a healer, and a Goddess, she was convinced that she had been a benevolent and empathetic leader for many previous lifetimes. And I can tell you for a fact from my own personal experience that she carried herself like a Queen and a Goddess in the Old World, she was never average, she just didn't have the same energy as everyone else."

Holding up his finger, Marvin said, "Wait, wait, wait. I have to pee. I'll be right back." Lee directed him to the bathroom in the spare bedroom while he collected his thoughts and took some deep breaths. He wanted to do justice to Scottie's story, to speak her truth to power.

Upon his return, Lee continued his recounting of how money didn't have the same weight and import in the Wequilibrium community and the New World as it did in the Old World or even the rest of society. "Scottie was aware that money wasn't real, not in this lifetime, not in any turn of the wheel of time, that it was a tool of oppression and a construct to keep people enslaved. She also knew that she had been wealthy in many, many previous lifetimes. Her true wealth, her real assets were to be counted in her generosity, in nurturing, her kindness for the least among us, in . . .," Lee struggled to find the right words. "I think she calls it her Divine Wealth, which is her ability to LOVE."

"Anyway, her belief in a better world, a different world, was so strong, her moral compass of truth always pointed her in the direction of equality for everyone. Everything that she wanted to manifest for herself, she wanted for humanity: Love, home, family, creative expression, peace, and ecstasy, and on an on. She knew that if she could create this 'paradigmatic shift in consciousness' those are the exact words she uses, that she would have access to infinite wealth. She wasn't concerned with status and material things, labels, excessive displays of wealth, pretense, none of that shit mattered to her. She was concerned with beauty, art, truth, all best parts of life."

"Scottie envisioned a world where she could house, feed, and clothe everyone for free, not just with cheap stuff, but silk and linen, the best foods, the best of everything, where everyone had what they wanted and needed to live their best life. She dreamt of a community where homeless and poor people were shown the dignity every human being deserved and weren't looked down on or spit on for not having money. She made plans and provisions based on a future that she absolutely KNEW she was going to create."

"She didn't want to create a One World government, she wanted to dismantle the secret one we were living under. She wanted to completely dismantle the worldwide Agency whose overlords were Central in propagating Artificial Intelligence's domination over humanity. She wanted to create a One World Family where everyone works together for the collective good. She used her imagination to create a world where quality healthcare and childcare were free and women had access to support before, during, and after pregnancy. She created a world in her mind where we were free from the lies and where we could heal individually and collectively, on our own terms, so that we might evolve to be better than we had ever been in the past, present, and future. Scottie impregnated herself with the understanding that it was absolutely possible to dream a world where people could take the best things of this 3D world with us: time, space, learning, joy, pain, our senses, birth and death, and, transform them into a world of pure, unadulterated Love."

Oddly, Marvin felt like he understood what Lee was talking about on a cellular level, like he . . . like maybe he had been a part of building a community like that in a previous lifetime.

"She created The Shift and the Black New World Order with her mind and when we shifted, when it actually happened in the 3D and the old guard had to relinquish all their power, all their magick over to her, she was restored to her true position as Goddess and with that she had acquired more wealth than anyone anywhere had ever imagined possible for one human being."

"Oh fuck," Marvin exclaimed! "I don't remember learning about that in the Disclosure broadcasts. I don't think I would have forgotten something like that. I mean, they said that she was the Creator of this New World, and it was because she was like an oracle, she could see the future. They said that it was because of her that we are free, but nobody said nothing about her being the richest person on Earth."

"That's because money isn't real, it's a construct, a frequency that gives people the power to be free, to come and go as you please, to express yourself, to create your personal art, to define yourself, to live without the constraints of the mental prison that enslaved us. So, she doesn't have money, she has access, she has power, she has the ability to free other people, to allow us to see the beauty within ourselves, to touch the God within each of us. She uses that currency, that power to acquire things like planes, and factories, to build systems and acquire the resources that we need to build a world where we can all be free. She is the Queen Bee and we all work for her, and in return, she provides everything that we want. And she shares everything she has and is with us, her family. I'm rich because we are all rich. We understand that the true currency is Love, not money."

"That's deep," Marvin interjected, "that's dope as fuck."

"And thanks to her, we shifted to a new reality where money as we understood it, the concept of goods and services in exchange for money, still exists, but capitalism and greed have been eradicated. People can now work out their materialism and attachment to things that they think give them value without the brainwashing and manipulation of AI influencing their beliefs. That's why the prices of things drastically decreased right after the shift, because those who held the power before could no longer use the concept of money to enslave us. She didn't create a world where money was obsolete or banking systems crashed. She wanted everyone to experience their dreams come true and the perception of money being real was imperative to that realization. So, we still have a money-based economy for the time remaining."

"We are all here, in this time and space, in human form to experience creating the life of our dreams. The deception of what money is, what it means, is fading away. One day, when we are all fully realized and connected, we won't need the pretense of money any longer. We are creating this model, here in Atlanta first, working out the mistakes, perfecting it, building it from scratch, with our physical labor, our ideas, with our passion so that it is our creation, our baby and we will nurture it until it is self-sustaining and sovereign. It will be the model that is spread across the world where everything is free, where we all enjoy the best that life has to offer, heal the planet, heal our relationships, with liberty and Justice for all," he added not at all sarcastically.

While it all sounded strange to Marvin, everything Lee said resonated with him as the truth. He'd even made note of the fact while Lee was talking that he used to want a wife and they would buy a 5-bedroom house with a three-car garage and fill it up with kids and laughter, maybe have his mom move into one of the bedrooms. Then, his vision board, the one he kept in his head, morphed into a wife, kids, and an MTV Cribs type mansion with a garage that held 50 exotic cars to flaunt his wealth, a media room, and a recording studio. Did he sing or even play an instrument? No, he was going to have it there for when his rich rapper friends came over to lay down some tracks. Eventually, he was lusting after multiple 500-acre complexes where he could have hundreds of cars exotic animals and a whole bunch of other shit and the wife and kids were not even afterthoughts.

Now, he wanted to find love more than anything else in life. He wanted to find someone who got him, who saw him, who loved him, whom he could love in return. He still wanted his dream car, a Ferrari F8 Spider in Giallo Modena yellow with a 3.9 liter V8 twin turbo engine and 710 horsepower under the hood. He'd imagined himself driving it too many times to let that go. He wanted it because he loved cars, because he loved the speed of a precision engine, he was, at his core, a car man. But he absolutely didn't have the same need to have every expensive car ever made anymore because it just wasn't as important to him any longer.

"But how? How did she know how to create all this when we lived in a world where money was real and everybody sure as hell wasn't equal?"

"That, beautiful King, is the $10 Centillion dollar question. I told you, she was already a Goddess before The Shift, she radiated Empress energy when she was still in psychological chains. That goddamned Goddess energy in her wouldn't die, no matter how hard they tried to kill it."

"So, to answer your question, everything is free, your dream house, your dream car, the most efficient and environmentally-friendly, organic version of your heart's every desire is available to you for free and all that is asked in return is that you add your essence to the community until such time as you can create your own world. We ask that you decide on a path of healing for yourself and that you contribute your talents to the community. There are no requirements for what you do, how long you do it, or when you do it. We don't care about your social security number; they have no use in this World. No one is even going to ask for your government name. If you want people to call you Pookie, Pookie is your name. The traps of the Old World don't exist here, in Wequilibrium."

"You know cars," Lee mentioned, "so maybe you can help our engineers build a better car that runs more efficiently and faster and smoother that doesn't break down. Or you can learn a new skill or hobby that has always interested you. All we ask is that you add to the community in ways that only you can do, share your laughter, your Love, express yourself, and experience the fullness and sensuality of life."

Marvin was in a daze. "I'm not gonna front, before The Shift, I would have said that sounds like a cult. Having experienced The Shift and believing in my core that we are living in a different world, I'm in awe. I was drawn to the truth and beauty of In Loving Color, so much so that I knew I had to be here. When I was reading those stories, when I saw all those pictures that were unlike anything I had ever seen before, even watching the videos and seeing Black men and women making Love, not fucking but really making Love. It was the relationships that really spoke to me, how people communicated and worked out their differences, and hearing brothas that sounded like me, talking about fears I had never spoken out loud in my life, I knew that I couldn't keep living my old life and that I had to come and be a part of whatever this is."