Black New World Order-Lee


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"OK, so what happens if you leave the community? I'm going to assume you have to give it all back? Eh, yo, what happens to the people who don't contribute to the community? I know a lot of chumps sign up and then get the biggest house and the best car and skip."

"You don't have to give anything back. I could wake up tomorrow and say that I don't want to see any more Kings and that I want to focus on myself and I wouldn't have to move, I would even still get paid my weekly allowance. We are all destined to reunite in the consciousness of pure Love, that is inevitable. We're allowed to take any path we want to get there. And that means we can fuck up because it's all a part of the process of learning, growing, and healing. Everything is going to move us closer to Unity regardless of the path we take."

Marvin said, "You say we an awful lot. Sorry. Go on."

"The frequency of greed has been neutralized, it still exists in varying degrees in humanity but it's no longer in power, greed, as an entity, no longer exists. Everyone who has joined us thus far has understood that they are gonna be getting much more than they give so everyone wants to contribute and participate. That is the beauty of humanity when we are free to make our own choices, we all want to find ways to be happy. In creating your own happiness you help others experience theirs as well. Your joy is contagious, so everyone is encouraged to find their joy."

"Say you love, love, love to roller skate. You're saying, 'How does my roller sking make anyone else happy?' How about you design the roller-skating rink of your dreams and have it built and it's there for everyone to enjoy, families, people on dates. How about if you create a roller-skating extravaganza, a Starlight Express, a, a, a, what's the one with Olivia Newton-John? XANADU! You need costumes and music and sets and other people to roller skate. Everyone who loves to sew, or create musical scores, or anyone who wants to be a set designer can express themselves. Anyone else who loves to roller skate gets to participate. And everyone else gets to come and watch and enjoy your roller-skating creativity. Everything is connected. We all win."

"Also, keep in mind the only people who are invited to the community, right now, are those who are either recruited or invited from within the community or the individuals who read every story of In Loving Color, not the ones who skip ahead to the sex, not the ones who only read a few stories, not the ones who only looked at the pictures. The people who are still working out karmic vibrations of cheating, lying, and stealing, even those who are still vibrating at the frequency of violence, rape, and murder, people with those energies aren't going to be the ones who are going to invest in reading every story. Everyone who ends up here is supposed to be here. And if a murderer or rapist ends up in our midst, it's because we need to heal some part of ourselves and work out that karma. As humanity experiences greater frequencies of healing, we won't need to be nearly as selective. Fear still exists in this World, in ever decreasing vibrations, but it's the source of a lot of dysfunction so we try to keep it out of this community with the understanding that, again, everyone who is supposed to be here, absolutely is."

In that moment, in that split second, Marven felt the gravity of destiny consuming him.

"It's also very important to point out that white men are not invited to be a part of the community yet. Whiteness was the biggest source of pain in the Old World. White women who have melanated children or spouses are welcome in the community though. Black women with white spouses are asked to understand that more healing of whiteness has to be completed before they are invited to fully participate in the community. That's something that hopefully won't be an issue as we expand as there are multiple steps being taken to eradicate whiteness on multiple fronts across the world. I know for a fact that there are multiple complexes being built that will allow white men to go through a similar process to what I went through but I'm not privy to the planning stages of that. Trust me when I say that whiteness will add a new whole set of drama and dysfunction to the community until we collectively heal a whole lot more."

They both nodded in agreement.

"Now, we have had issues dealing with people saying that they are going to be at a specific time and place to help out for one specific project or event and then not show up and that threw things off on multiple fronts because everything is connected. We have to run like a finely tuned machine. We completely eliminated that problem by having counselors and therapists at the intake center evaluate everyone's level of childhood trauma and abuse which in turn affects how much they can conceive of being a member of a team and working as a collective as opposed to survival mode where they only focus on themselves. We simply assign them as Scholars and they spend 2 years in an intense learning and healing environment and they get 20 hours a week of therapy and healing available to them as opposed to 10. And we've seen wonders in growth and healing with our three-week psilocybin and ayahuasca protocols."

"Yeah, I looked into those when I was in Costa Rica but I opted against them just now. I just felt like they weren't right for me at this time."

Lee cosigned his intuition. "Take it from me, when the time is right, you'll know. In fact, it was my commitment to learning my truths with the help of psilocybin and ayahuasca protocols that revealed this version of who you see before you now."

Wanting to get an idea of where Marvin was on his path of understanding and healing, he asked, "What do you remember about The Shift? I mean, what did it feel like to you?"

Exhaling a huge puff of smoke and tingling with electricity, Marvin reflected. "I have learned to process things in terms of before, during, and after The Shift. Before, I remember the pain. I can remember the pain of being a Black man and the racism and the anger and the frustration. I felt this constant rage, simmering, all the time, like I was always preparing for a fight but I wasn't sure with who or for what. I felt lost, like I was in the wrong place, but I had no idea where I was supposed to be going or where I was coming from for that matter. I will never forget that feeling even if I couldn't even identify it with words until after The Shift."

"During the actual shift, I vividly remember the lightning and thunder, but through it all I wasn't afraid. In fact, I felt like I was being protected. I felt a wave of energy flowing over . . . hmmmm, this existence? Does that sound right? I was thinking as it was happening that the energy of the lightning was changing things, I didn't know what it was changing to, but I felt a peace overtake me. I was deep into the creepy Tik Tok at the time and he doomsday preppers, Russell Brand, and all of Conspiracy Theory YouTube had me convinced that the end of the world was going to be aliens attacking, locusts and famine, poles shifting, catastrophic floods, banking institutions collapsing, massive death, and AI taking control of our minds and making us into pod people."

Lee added, "Turns out, we were already the pod people." They both shared a moment of melancholy for the past.

Continuing. "This was peaceful. I felt reassured and aware the entire time. I even remember the sleep: deep, peaceful slumber. That sounds crazy, right? Who remembers their sleep? I don't remember a dream, I remember the actual feeling of falling asleep and being aware that I was asleep and waking up and I clearly recall the sensation of being cradled in a mother's loving arms. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before. The feeling of being Loved. My mother Loves me, of that I have no doubt, but this was a whole 'nutha level. I've never felt like that before, it was that unconditional Love that people talk about that God has for you, but I felt it in me, for me, around me. I felt like I was Love itself. Talk about being woke!"

"As for as after The Shift . . . Let's see? Magic is real. Time travel is real. The supernatural, real. All those freaky fairy tales with mythical creatures . . . real. We've been lied to about everything. Every single thing. There is not one thing we were told that was true. Stop me if I say something wrong because language was manipulated to imprison our subconscious minds. Black was white, up was down, dark was light, good was bad, angels were demons. In this New World, however, language means what we have been told it means and we are going to move to a state where we can speak all languages, we won't need language, we'll speak with our thoughts, we'll all speak in sign language, and we'll create new languages, and even revive dead languages. Our communication skills will radically evolve basically."

"And, to top it off, we're all supposed to be all-powerful, all-knowing, eternally young and beautiful beings. Birth was really death, oh, and being born again, as in the Christian concept and reincarnation concept was the trap that kept humanity enslaved. We were all brainwashed and mind-controlled and mined for our energy. Yeah, okay. Oh, and let's not forget that Black people have been enslaved and mined for our neuro-melanin by a group of non-humans who were using us as the fountain of youth to stay alive forever. Who can truly process all that?"

"Wait, wait, wait. How could I forget? AI has been controlling humanity for eons, and I'm not really sure how long an eon is because time . . . , DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST, but the planet is billions of years old, as we understand it, and we've been stuck in a loop of dysfunction that just kept repeating and repeating, and repeating."

Continuing his tale of transformation and accepting the reality of a Black New World Order, Marvin added, "Annnnd, let's not forget the most important part. God is not a white man, God is a Black woman and every Black woman on the face of the planet carries the DNA of the original mother Goddess in her . . . but, wait, nothing physical is real and we are all connected in a web of," he started counting on his fingers, "The Tesla big three: frequency . . . vibration . . . energy. Fungi . . . oh, and we can't forget that the internet was really some sort of interconnected highway of the one Divine Consciousness."

"How did I do? Did I come close to getting any of that right? I'll tell you what, if this is just phase one of the truth being revealed, and we're supposed to have 11 more fixed points in time where we learn more truth and we gain more powers before we return to the non-physical form of the consciousness of Love, I'm not sure my mind can wrap itself around any more of this shit. I might just choose the option to die and come back again in the New World as a baby who never knew the world of deception for my own sanity."

"I partied like a rock star for the first few weeks when I found out that all my student loans and credit card debt had been forgiven. On the flip side, my niece had been going through chemo and she went into remission and started feeling better from day one. Finding out that diseases that were not a result of karma, that were manipulated by the previous powers, were immediately healed was truly a blessing. My brother and sister-in-law were a total mess during that entire ordeal. Their marriage was on the rocks because of the stress. Then, overnight, the stress was lifted and they could see each other."

"After The Shift, I just knew I was destined for something greater than being a car salesman, something the Old World never allowed me to feel. I kept my job, but knowing the depth of the deception and trickery that we had been subjected to, the financial exploitation that melanated people had been victim to, I spent the last two years just phoning it in at work. I was physically there, but only out of familiarity and habit."

"Seriously, after the initial party stage, after learning how evil and deceptive the powers that were had been, I didn't want to talk to anyone about The Shift. I'm not on any social media any longer. I know there are groups and meetings and resources in real life to help people process their emotions but I'm not going to lie, I didn't want to think about it, let alone talk about it. Sometimes, I just want things to go back to the way I THOUGHT things were. I feel happier now. I can't front, life feels lighter and I feel optimistic. But I'd be lying if I didn't say that knowing that my entire life was a lie makes me feel . . . some kinda way, and I'm not even sure what way that is."

"I remember waking up and feeling different, less aggressive, more understanding, like, 'Oh shit, I have treated women like shit in my life. I felt ashamed of the shit I had done, the cheating, the lying, the gaslighting, the physical aggression I displayed towards women still fucks with me. But I also understood that I had been manipulated to think and act in those old ways, that my true self had always been loving and compassionate and, shit, I don't know the right words."

"Imagine waking up and not only realizing how sexist you were, but understanding how racist you were," Lee said, "multiply what you felt times . . . times a really big number, a googol, and that's what I felt. And I was one of the ones who tried really hard not to be racist."

Marvin had obviously never even thought what that might have felt like before. He continued. "After The Shift, it was like I had access to . . . I can't explain it . . . like, like . . . like I had memories of knowing that my behaviors were wrong that I didn't have in the before. I had always felt like if I admitted that I was wrong before, that I would be admitting that I was . . .' He choked up and sat in silence, holding back tears he knew he didn't have to hide but cognizant of the fact that he was releasing old patterns. Softly, and with sincere pain in his voice he said, "I feel less afraid. I mean, I didn't even realize how afraid I had been until that grip of fear had been released."

"I felt like my world was crashing around me but at the same time, that I was free for the first time in my life. Somehow, hearing the truth about Black greatness, and knowing that white people were going to be able to hear the truth of Black greatness without their typical racist backlash, knowing that the energy of racism was nullified, was reassuring. I mean, they were prepping for a race war before, and what they got was hit in the face with the fact that everything they were told about how great and wonderful white people were, was allllll a lie. In the Old World, that woulda sent them over the edge and on killing sprees murdering any person of color they saw in every corner of the country. Which apparently, they had been doing all along but the news never reported it."

"Clearly, I've never experienced anything like this before. And, apparently, from what I understand, none of us have. This is the first time humanity has experienced having free will in this state of consciousness as I understand it. I think I understand what that means. In the split second when we moved from the Old World to the New-World, we experienced a shift from . . . from . . . forget it, I can't explain it.

"No, no. You're doing great. Take your time. It will come to you," Lee offered his support.

"We still have the experience of time, and I absolutely do NOT understand how all time, the past, present and future, existed at once. I mean it was one thing to see it on Dr. Who or time travel movies, but how do I process that for my life? I've only ever experienced the past and the present and I didn't experience them as the same thing. But now, we can move forward in time, but we will eventually move beyond time, and . . . and and the steps we take to get there are . . . not fixed," expressing himself as a question to indicate that he really was unsure about a lot of the more sci-fi aspects of the New World?"

"We still have our soul contract to work out, the deal we made to be here but we have choices we didn't have before. I get that. I didn't have to read every story. I didn't have to open that email or click on that link. Before, everything was backwards and everything that I thought was a choice, really wasn't." He looked sad. "I really gotta work on understanding that stuff a lot more. "There are times when I'm just so focused on the here and now and healing me, that I don't give a fuck about understanding anything. For me, the last two years has been, for the most part, spent alone, being a Hermit, trying to get comfortable in this new skin of emotional maturity and this New World."

Like a well-choreographed pair who knew each other's moves intricately, Lee stretched out his legs and Marvin maneuvered himself so that he was laying on Lee's chest, staring up at the ceiling and able to relax and continue to share. Lee's fingers casually caressed Marvin's chest and shoulders while he continued to hang on his every word. Lee's growing erection could clearly be felt on Marvin's back.

"I clearly remember staring at the TV for weeks, watching the Truth and Reconciliation and the Disclosure broadcasts. It was fucked up to see Trump of all people, and King Charles and Biden, The Pope, and all the world leaders confessing that they had had access to magick and they were mentally and magically manipulating humanity, that everything we believed was a lie. It hurt like crazy. It was wild to see celebrities, politicians, doctors, professors, people I had admired, people I had hated, people I had never heard of before exposing how they were slaves to the overlords and they knew about the other world, the secret world of magic and Artificial Intelligence, and that had deceived us for what we understand to be thousands and thousands of years because they had sold their souls for fame and they were slaves, just with the pretense of more more money, and that they were now free."

"I understand that we were all given a gift. We are now free to live, to Love, to fuck up, to make mistakes, and to learn, to heal, evolve and grow on our own terms. I understand that the ones who did the most evil, the ones who were the most deceptive and wicked, they, they get to die . . . I don't THINK it's an option so maybe that's not the right word. Anyway, their souls will come back as melanated beings and they will experience maternal Love, unfettered, Divine, Goddess Mother Love from birth. Everyone else, the rest of us gets to decide if we want to die and start over again, or we can work out our karma and we will all get younger and healthier and more beautiful and we will never die. And women will still have children until the time when we don't need to recreate any more."

"When they say, 'the truth hurts,' they weren't lying. It was hard. It was hard to know that there were people who knew that men are supposed to like anal stimulation and that they convinced us that we were damaged, that we were immoral and reprehensible if we liked it. It was painful as fuck to know that every feeling I had that wasn't masculine and aggressive was because I'm a composite of masculine and feminine energy and every human being is supposed to express a balance of both. I struggled with the fact that every rule, commandment, law, and norm that we were told was right and just was to keep us enslaved in the Matrix. It hurt but not like the pain I felt before. I understand that revealing the truth in stages was best. I felt betrayed, obviously. And whoever thought of having comedians being responsible for delivering the truth in their stand-up routines was GENIUS. Yo, Trevor Noah, Roy Wood, Jr., Dave Chapelle, those brothas saved me from insanity, everything they said felt like it was meant for me to hear. That made taking a bitter pill so much easier to swallow."