Blame It On The Dance

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A Nephew and Aunt dance to love.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 09/06/2010
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My name is Tony, I am 20 years old and the only son of George and Caroline, who are both 43. I have one sibling, Kate, my 25-year-old very married older sister. Although mum and dad are well respected in the community, we are just an average middle class family. Not supermodels or super jocks/studs.

My parents love to dance and spend a lot of time practicing and competing. They are so committed that they had the entire basement converted into their own personal mirror lined dance studio with a small bedroom and ensuite at one end.

Mum and Dad always hosted the annual family get-together, mostly so that they could show off their fantastic dancing skills. I was especially looking forward to this year's event as I was bringing my girlfriend along for the first time. Although we have been together for about 3 years (and living together for the past 8 months) Sharon has never been able to make it previously because she is a nurse and has had to work.

Usually both sides of the family come over and it's usually a great day with all the grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins catching up, overeating and getting pissed. Just before lunch my parents usually put on their latest dancing routine. They have been together for so many years now that they just melt into each other and instinctively know what the other is doing. I never tire of watching them and have often wished that I could dance they way they do.

This year was another successful reunion and Sharon and I stayed behind to help with the cleanup after everyone had gone. When we had finished we all sat down for one last drink before Sharon and I headed for home.

"I wish I could dance like you guys," I said to both mum and dad

"yeah!" echoed Sharon, "you are fantastic"

"Well, why don't you both go along to the club for some lessons" said Dad "you know your mum and I can help you at other times. It wont take long and you will be dancing just like us."

"Its not that easy Dad. We have discussed it before and Sharon cannot commit to anything because of her work. You know how she works odd hours and is on call. Its just not possible"

"I feel awful," said Sharon "because I know how much Tony would love to dance properly. I even suggested that he go by himself, but he won't do that either."

"Well I have a solution" chipped in mum "how would you like to learn with your Aunt Jane?"

Aunt Jane is my Dad's youngest sister. She is about 7 years younger than Dad, which would make her 36, and is married to a great guy named Barry (Bazza for short) and have two children of their own, both girls, aged 9 and 7.

"Jane told me last week", mum continued, "that she and Barry went to classes but it didn't go very well. Apparently Bazza has two left feet and just couldn't get the tempo, so they just gave up. I could ask her if she would be interested in teaming up with you Tony."

"That sounds like a great idea" said Sharon "that way you and your Aunt Jane both get to learn"

"Hold on, hold on, guys. I'm not sure I want to go dancing with my aunt" I sneered, "What would other people think? And besides, AJ (when I got older I started to Aunt Jane just AJ) may not wish to be seen with her nephew either."

"Don't be silly" said Sharon "its not like you are going to be out with your mates or anything. Its just dancing lessons"

"Let me think about it" I replied, "I'm just unsure, OK?"

Diplomatic Dad then thankfully changed the topic and after about another hour Sharon and I said our farewells and headed off to our own place.

I thought nothing more about the conversation until three weeks later when Sharon picked up a telephone call in the kitchen. I thought she was speaking to one of her girlfriends and got a surprise when after about 10 minutes she yells "Tony, telephone."

I walk into the kitchen and said to Sharon "who is it?"

"You'll find out" she says, plonks the receiver in my hand and marches out.

I lift the phone and tentatively say "Hello"

"Hi Tony, it's Jane" came the response.

"AJ" I stammered, "this is a surprise, is everything Ok?"

"Yes everything's fine thanks" she responded "how about with you?"

"Yep, great."

"Tony, your mum has told me about you wanting to go to dancing lessons and that she suggested to you we could go together."

"yeah that's right" I said

"Well initially I wasn't sure it was such a good idea" she continued "however I have had some time to think about it and maybe we could give it a go. I spoke to Barry and he is happy for me to go with you and I mentioned it to Sharon then and she seems ok with it as well. So what do you think?"

I was dumbfounded and didn't know how to respond. I had not given the suggestion any further thought. "Umm, ahh" I blabbered "can I just speak to Sharon further? It's not that I don't believe you AJ but I just want to make sure she will be ok with it."

"Sure, no problem." she said "I am really quite excited about it now".

We then said our respective goodbyes before hanging up the phone. I turned around and Sharon was watching me with hands on hips, tapping her foot.

"Why didn't you tell Aunt Jane that you would do it?" she said

"I wanted to make sure for myself that you were ok and not feel pressured into anything" I responded

"Of course I am ok" she said "its not like Aunt Jane is some young sexpot that's gonna race you off. She's your aunty for goodness sake. Go on, call her back and let her know its ok"

And that's exactly what I did.

So AJ and I started going to lessons once a week and would go around to mum and dads for additional practice whenever we could arrange it. That was normally once or twice a week in the evening. Sometimes we would make it the afternoon and AJ's girls would come along and watch. Mum and dad never bothered us when we practiced unless we specifically asked them to come down and help. I was always thankful to them for that.

With all the time we spent together AJ and I developed a really great relationship. In the early days I don't think either of us have laughed so much in our entire life. We became pretty relaxed with each other and that showed in our dancing. Although our lessons were limited to the waltz and foxtrot, we became very good quite quickly and even put on a show of our own at the next family reunion.

It was in our second year of dancing that we moved onto learning the Latin dances like rumba and salsa. It was during these lessons that I started to notice AJ as an extremely sexy woman. The ballroom dresses were gone and replaced with very very short skirts and plunging necklines. The first time I saw Aunt Jane in a new outfit was at the dressmakers and I was speechless. She still kept her coppery colored hair high on her head (I don't ever recall seeing it any other way) but it was her hourglass figure that I first noticed. She looked so trim it belied the fact that she had two children. Her legs were a little on the thinker side, probably from all of our dancing, but she walked with a seductive grace that was just so natural and alluring.

Obviously I had noticed Aunt Jane's breasts before but they were always just there. Now, not only were they just there but almost out altogether. I don't know how they were being kept in but I could see they were so full and milky white. I mentally estimated Aunt Jane as about a 36C cup.

"Well what do you think Tony? Is it too much?" Aunt Jane said.

I shook my head in an effort to regain my senses "n... n... no" I stuttered "you look absolutely fantastic. You gotta get that one."

"I'm really not sure" she said, "its seems to be too revealing and is not something that Barry would like me to wear. Besides, I'm too old to be parading around like this"

"Nonsense AJ. You're not old at all and besides, that dress really shows how much of a sexy woman you are".

At that comment Aunt Jane snapped her head around and said "do you really think I look sexy in this Tony?"

"You sure do. I am sure Barry will think so as well" I said.

AJ just started hard at me for what seemed like eternity before saying "Ahaaa, I think I need something a little more conservative".

From that day on I thought of Aunt Jane differently. She had morphed from being my straight-laced aunt to a sexy and desirable woman. Now whenever we danced together I would start to feel aroused when I held her close and felt the softness of her skin or the smell of her hair. I started to notice how deep the green of her eyes were and how they sparkled when she danced.

Aunt Jane never said anything but she must have felt my hardness against her. When dancing the salsa she would have felt my cock rubbing against her leg or arse yet she stayed silent. Sometimes I would notice her looking at me with a strange expression and then it was gone.

About six months after we started learning Latin, we were practicing at mum and dads one afternoon during the week when I could not control myself. Aunt Jane had started to practice in aerobics type clothing that clung to her every curve although she wore a little skirt for modesty.

On this particular day both the girls were watching as usual, clapping and egging us on, when it came to the last move where I would lean Aunt Jane backward then I would go down on one knee while holding her up by the small of her back.

As we finished that move I looked down into AJ eyes and felt this immense feeling of passion. I think she knew what was coming because I saw her expression change immediately. I slowly moved my right hand up from the small of her back, along her rib cage onto her breast. At the same time I lowered my mouth to hers. I heard AJ gasp as my tongue entered her mouth and tasted the sweetness within. I felt her nipple harden under my hand before she pushed me away.

"Tony..., the girls" she spat.

Luckily my back prevented the girls from seeing what had happened between us and they were whooping it up and clapping as usual.

"Come-on girls, that's enough for one day" Aunt Jane said "time we were off". With that AJ picked up all of her stuff and marched out without a backward glance.

Two days later I received a telephone call from AJ. She told me that she had noticed the change between us recently and that she thought it best that we no longer danced together. I apologized for what happened but it did no good. She also told me that she and Barry had been trying for another child, as Barry wanted a son. She had just found out she was eight weeks pregnant and she would use that as an excuse to give up dancing without anyone asking questions. So just like that, it was all over.

I didn't see Aunt Jane until the next family reunion about four months later. She was about six months into her pregnancy and looked fantastic. When she first saw me she gave a little nod and smile of acknowledgement, but nothing more.

As usual mom and dad gave their latest dancing display, which everyone loved. Then someone yelled out for AJ and myself to dance. Although we tried to protest a chant went up from everyone. AJ looked across at me and mouthed.. ok? I nodded, moved to the center of the floor and held out my arms. AJ moved into me and as I looked down into her eyes my feelings were re-ignited.

"Just a slow waltz Tony, OK" she said.

With that, we danced as if we had never stopped practicing. Even though the "baby bump" got in the way a little bit, we were still able to pull off most of our old moves without a problem. We took our bows at the end and I could see the sparkle was back in AJ's eyes.

At about 3.00pm we had to leave because Sharon was working the late shift and I was going to drop her at work on the way back home. As we were saying our goodbyes to everyone Uncle Barry pulled me aside and asked if I drop Aunty Jane off on the way as well. He said that the whole family thing had made her very tired and she need to get some rest. He intended to stay longer with the girls and that way AJ could have some much needed alone time. Naturally I said that I would be more than happy to take her home.

As Sharon and I were getting into the car I heard Aunt Jane say "I'm sorry guys, I didn't know Barry asked you to take me home. I'm ok here".

Sharon immediately protested. "Hey, I'm your nurse!" she exclaimed "I can see you need your rest so get your arse into this car right NOW!"

Without a further word Aunt Jane opened the rear door and started to get in. "Oh no you don't" said Sharon "You get in the front. I have to be dropped off first so its better that way". Aunt Jane started to protest but Sharon would not hear anything more about it.

As Aunt Jane got in the front seat she said "sorry about this" and I replied that it was no problem.

As Sharon talked constantly in the rear I stole glances at AJ. She was wearing a very large maternity dress but it could not hide the sizeable increase in her breast size. On occasion she caught me looking but just gave a little smile.

After dropping Sharon off it was only a further five-minute drive before we arrived at Aunty Jane's home.

"Instead of going to an empty home, would you like to come in for a drink" said AJ

"Are you sure?, you're not too tired are you?" I responded

"I'm fine" she said, "sometimes Barry just worries too much".

We went inside together and as I waited in the lounge area, Aunt Jane fetched me a beer from the kitchen.

We just stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say. Finally Aunt Jane said "I love him you know, your Uncle Barry".

I didn't know how to respond so I didn't.

"He's a great dad and a wonderful provider. All of my emotional needs are fulfilled." She continued

Wait, did she say emotional needs? What about physical?

I looked up and Aunt Jane was standing there looking straight into my eyes. I could see she was nervous as she was nibbling at her bottom lip.

I took a deep breath and put my beer down on the table. Aunt Jane's eyes never left mine as I walked over to her.

"I do love him you know" she said again.

I said "I know" then reached up and gently removed the comb from her hair. It was the first time I had seen AJ with her hair down as it cascaded over her shoulders. My hand came down and cupped the side of her face. Aunt Jane closed her eyes as if savoring my touch. I then lifted Aunt Jane's chin and ever so gently ran my tongue across her lips before kissing her properly. AJ opened her mouth and immediately my tongue began to explore her. She invaded my mouth and together the intensity of our kissing increased until we were both gasping for air.

As our mouths swayed in unison I lifted my hand to Aunt Jane's breast, gently coaxed her nipple to hardness before rolling it between my thumb and finger. My cock was so hard it was hurting. I don't think that I had ever been so hard in my life. I am only averagely endowed and partially circumcised but I do think I have a pretty cock, as far as cocks go. Well it's not an ugly one anyway.

Finally we broke away from each other breathing heavily. Not a word was spoken, Our eyes never left each other's as we started to undress ourselves. I did not look at AJ and she did not look at me. Finally, when we were both naked we broke away and looked at each other fully. My breath was taken away. Aunt Jane was so beautiful. Her breasts were still milky white and so engorged. There was a sprinkling of freckles with large pink areola and large elongated nipples.

Beyond her "baby bump" Aunty Jane kept her pubic hair well trimmed. However, to my surprise her pubic hair was ginger. I could see that Aunt Jane had a very pronounced pussy with large pussy lips.

Aunt Jane reached out, took my hard cock in her hand, and pulled me toward her where we immediately began to kiss again. Ever so slowly we sank to the carpeted floor where Aunt Jane opened her legs and I comfortably settled between them, our lips still locked together.

I broke away and looked at Aunt Jane. She gave a slight nod. I placed my cock at the entrance to her pussy where she took hold and guided me into her most sacred placed. Words cannot describe the heat, the wetness, the invasion, and the love as Aunt Jane's pussy engulfed my cock.

Our lips locked again as we began to move as one. We settled into our rhythm almost immediately. Our lust and passion lost to the thrust our lovemaking. We squirmed against each other as the intensity rose. Throwing ourselves faster and harder against each other, as if trying to climb inside the other person.

I did not last long. I was spent. My feelings were so intense just being with AJ that I was had almost cum just kissing her. I could feel the pressure build up within me until I could stand it no longer. I yelled out as my seed erupted time and time again until finally I collapsed beside Aunt Jane.

I looked across at the amazing woman laying beside me. She had the sparkle back in her eyes and a sly little grin. But as I watched a saw her change.

"Oh my god, oh my god" she exclaimed "what have I done? Get Out! Please get out Tony" she ordered as she jumped up pulling her clothes tightly to her.

I started to protest

"Please Tony, please just go. We have done the unthinkable." she said as tears were streaming down her face.

As I gathered my clothes and got dressed I looked at Aunt Jane. I knew I could not console her. I knew I could not do anything. I walked over to her and gently kissed the top of her head.

"I love you Jane" I said, then turned and walked out the door.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7a3 months ago

I love mutually consensual incestuous love stories between mature adults. This story reflected real conflict between wants and desires vs reality and comfortable (another word for dead) relationships. Unfortunately, AJ was not self-aware, self-confident nor had a stronmg sense of self to recognie the fact that a person can love more than one person at a time. At her age, it is a shame. For the rest of her life, she will wonder about the part of herself that died.

rightbankrightbankabout 9 years ago
a lot of second guessing

much angst.

the only thing of certainty? she can't get pregnant because of what they did.

gotranegotraneabout 10 years ago

Nice first chapter! I'll read the others, too! They should be quite interesting, as well.

MizTMizTover 13 years ago

A well told story, that deserves more!!!!!!

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