Breakdown Cover


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Anyway. When I eventually stopped. Maybe after as long as a minute. Trevor, who looked stunned; said, "Well that's me paid in full. Now all you've got to do is think of what our Bill would like."

I was now feeling somewhat of a fool. But trying to make light of what I'd just done and turn it into a joke, I said, "Well if simple kiss would satisfy him as well, then so long as neither of you go telling tales. I think I'll be getting off lightly."

"I'm sure he'd love it, but he's so shy in front of you young girls, he'd run a mile first."

"Well yes. Now you mention it, he hasn't said a word to me face to face. I never realised. Doesn't he like women?"

"You are joking. It's the opposite. He's got tapes of all the old Benny Hill shows, and he spends hours just watching them over and over. But face to face, I think it's too much for him to handle. Anyway, I'd better get back. See you tomorrow."

So with just a few simple words of goodbye, he was gone and I went to bed.

The next day, a lady who I'd seen before at the school gates, but never actually talked to, arrived in her spanking new top of the range, Range Rover (I'm guess that's why I'd never spoken to her. Her being one of the posh moms). She introduced herself as Mrs Mary Randle, telling me to call her Mary. She was obviously the wife of Trevor and Bill's cousin. But she was as nice as pie, and obviously being a farmer's wife, her attitude was normal and very down to earth. So the kids went off with her, and I then began to rack my brain as to how I could repay the two brothers.

I mean, the suggestion I'd made yesterday about kissing Bill, had just been a joke. And the kisses I'd stupidly given Trevor, in no way amounted to a payment in kind for the amount of work they were doing to help me out.

Well an hours thinking later, and all I could think of was baking them a pie. I had apples from my own garden, and I knew the blackberry bushes down the back lane were covered. And making the pastry topping wouldn't incur much expense. So after an hour in the back lane, I returned home with a big bowl of blackberries, and began my baking. And at around half past two in the afternoon, as I saw them pulling into their drive, I slipped a clean tea towel over the dish and pie, and made my way across to meet them as they both approached their front door.

Trevor turned and said, "What have you got there?"

"Oh it's nothing really. I just thought you'd maybe like an apple and blackberry pie." And as I said that, I slipped the tea towel off it.

Their eyes lit up, and Trevor said, "You needn't have gone to all that trouble lass."

"Well its nothing compared with what you're doing for me."

As he took the dish from my hand, he lent forwards, and gave me a simple peck on the cheek. "We'll really enjoy tucking into that later after a bite of tea. Tell you what. Why don't you come and join us?"

"Well no thanks. I'd like to, but the children. They only like their normal fish fingers and chicken nibbles. And besides, they get a little noisy. Maybe another time when I've farmed them out at a birthday party or something."

I hadn't wanted to tell them the real truth, and that was that not only was I scared of their dog, but I just knew my kids would be as well.

"As you like lass."

So with little more said, I went home to await the kids returning from school and Trevor and Bill set to work on my car.

When the kids arrived home from school they were full of it. Apparently my Jason was in the same class at school as one of Mary's boys, Charles. And my Emily was in the same class as her youngest boy Edward. And as both pairs had sat together on the journey to school, it had developed into a new friendship on both counts.

So Mary was now asking if I'd allow them both to have a sleep-over at her farm tomorrow night. And as tomorrow was Friday, she said she'd pick them up from school, regardless of my car being fixed or not. The kids were, of course, full of it, and begging me to say yes.

I didn't want them to be away overnight, not least, because I'd be on my own. But I also thought the whole thing was a bit quick. I mean I'd never met the woman before yesterday, and I'd never been to their farm. But she seamed respectable, and was related to Trevor and Bill; whom I did know. So after a lot of badgering, I agreed.

So as you can imagine, both my mind and body were fully occupied sorting out things in preparation for the next day. That was until around half seven (when I put them to bed).

And then as I sat on my own, and could see the lights still burning in their garage across the road, it reinforced just how inadequate my blackberry and apple pie was as a payment for the hours of work they were both putting into helping me. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't think of anything I could afford that could adequately repay them.

Well by the time the doorbell rang at a couple of minutes before ten, I'd still not thought of anything. So as the bell rang and I jumped up to answer the door, I never even looked at the clock. I just assumed it was ten thirty and Trevor had come to give me a progress report. But as I swung the door open and saw him dangling my keys, and the big beaming smile on his face, my heart leapt with joy.

I almost knocked Trevor over as I bounced forwards to confirm that my car was indeed returned to me. And as I saw it had been, I turned back and repeated the kisses I'd given Trevor the night before. As I dropped back onto my heals, and he handed me my keys, he said, "You know, I could get used to kisses like that every night."

"Oh don't be so silly. You know I'm only showing you how grateful I am. Is it really fixed; can I try it out?"

"Yes to both. But I wouldn't go too far. I'll wait in the doorway here in case your young'uns wake."

"No. I didn't mean I'd drive it anywhere, I just wanted to hear the sound of the engine."

"It'll sound much as it always did, but be my guest."

"No. I'm being silly. If you say it's fixed, I'm sure it runs fine."

"Well it should do. We've given it a service while we were at it. Oil change, oil filter, air filter, new plugs. Oh, and we replaced the top hose; it was buggered and about to split."

"Oh Trevor, I don't know what to say."

"Oh, before I forget. I've rang our Mary and told her you'll not be needing a lift tomorrow morning. But she says she'll still be collecting the young'uns from school and taking them back to her place; that is unless you ring her and tell her different."

"Oh no. I couldn't change that arrangement now; the kids would never forgive me. They're full of talk about tractors and farm animals." At this I walked him along the hall and into our parlour, as I'd done the night before. And then once he was seated in the same chair as last night, I said, "I've got a favour to ask you."

"Fire away then."

"It's connected to repaying you for the work you've done, and my husband's reaction to your approach to the problem. You see he'd be like I was yesterday. He wouldn't like accepting charity."

"It's not bloody charity. I told you..."

"No. Please hear me out. It's just the way we were brought up and what we're used to. But I can see your way is a lot nicer; helping each other as and when people need it. But my husband wouldn't understand. He'd look for an ulterior motive. So what I wanted to ask is, can the work you've done on my car be kept secret? I mean James never looks under my bonnet, so he'll never see what you've done."

"That's not a problem for us. We don't go around bragging and looking for praise. And as for him never looking under your bonnet, not all men are mechanically minded. Just so long as he pops his head under your skirts regularly and keeps your little fanny-ann satisfied, I guess he's fulfilling his marital obligations."

I was about to thank him for his cooperation in keeping my husband in the dark, but his secondary remark about my husband's sexual obligations, completely stunned me into an embarrassed blushing silence.

"My you are a bashful one and no mistake. I was only pulling your leg. One mention of anything to do with sex, and you shrink back into your shell like a little schoolgirl. I guess it's only to be expected with hubby being away from home so much; your fanny-ann must get excited by the merest mention of things of that nature. Still it's not his fault, I'm sure the lad does the best he can to make up in the week he is home."

Through my blushing I managed to say, "Please Trevor, I'd rather you didn't talk about that subject."

"Ok lass; I get the picture. I've set your fanny-ann to throbbing, and you need some privacy to rub one off; well it's time I was getting back anyway."

"Please Trevor, it's not like that, I just don't like that kind of talk. But there is something else I want to ask you before you go. I've been racking my brain all day, but I can't think of anything I can do to repay you both. Have you had any ideas yet?"

"I'd not worry your pretty little head about that. I'm sure something will crop up in the future. And until then, just to know we've helped you out when you needed help is enough reward for us." At this point he got to his feet and began making his way down our hall towards the front door. And then just before he reached it, he stopped and said, "Oh. No. There is maybe one thing you could do; that is if it's not asking too much?"

"Anything. Well almost. You know, within reason."

"The kisses you gave me yesterday, and again when I arrived." I blushed and was about to try to excuse myself. But before I spoke he continued, "I'm sure our Bill would be pleased if you gave him the same. You know, to show him you appreciate his help as well as mine."

"Oh I will. Should I go over now?"

"No lass. For one thing you've got young'uns in bed. And by now, he's probably got a video of Hills Angels playing. And I wouldn't want you to catch him doing his nightly wrist exercises."

It was blatantly obvious he was saying Bill would be at home letching at the TV screen, whilst he wanked himself! I couldn't believe this man could be so nice, caring, and considerate one second. And then in the next breath, come out with comments only fit for a public bar room.

I tried not to react to what he'd said, but as I was at a loss for words and didn't respond immediately, he said, "There you go again; there's no need for blushing lass. It's just a fact of life for us old bachelors. If we lose our wanking hand, it's almost like having your wife run off with the insurance man." And after following that with a self satisfied chuckle, he said. "Ok, I know, you don't like that subject. But back to your car, it should be fine, but any problems, don't hesitate to come and see us. Oh, and the cam belt cost thirty-six pounds something. But there's no hurry for that, drop it off any time you see we're at home. But just make it thirty-five; it's a nice round number."

I'd been stunned into a silence. Part shock at his frankness, and part anger; at him having the gall to talk about such things. And then mid-sentence, he was again showing kindness.

"But you've just told me you've put in new oil and all kinds of other stuff. I must owe you for that as well?"

He stooped down towards me, and said, "Ok. Give me another one of those smackers." And then he closed his eyes and puckered his lips.

My head was spinning, one second I'm ready to ask him to take his foul mouth out of my house. The next I'm feeling I owe him big-time, and a kiss isn't going anywhere near to being adequate.

But regardless of my misgivings about his choice of subject and the coarseness of his language, I knew I was deeply in his debt. So I put my arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips, and I even let it linger. And as we lingered, his arm went around my back, pulling me tightly to himself as he stood upright. So now my feet are clear of the floor, and for a split second I felt unnerved, thinking he'd miss interpreted the motives behind my kiss. But after no more than a minute of him hugging me closely to himself, he returned me to the floor. And then after letting out an exaggerated gasp of air, said, "Well I can't wait for your car to breakdown again."

I pushed him away with my open hand on his shoulder, as I said, "Get away with you. It was only a kiss. I know I'm still in your debt, and I won't forget it."

So with that I showed him out.

The next morning I got the kids ready for school, and into the car we all got. The first shock was the way it started. It normally wurres over and over before eventually starting with a lumpy vibration that shakes the car; and only gradually does it start to run sweet after about half a minute. But today it sprang into life almost before I'd turned the key, and it just purred sweetly. It also seamed to pull away from junctions and run with less effort than normal. Even little Jason noticed the difference!

So with the kids off to school, I then started to think about what I was going to do this afternoon. But there'd been a marked shift in my mood. Yesterday, I felt indebted and grateful for their help at a time when I'd been in between a rock and a hard place. But they'd gone way beyond that with the work they'd put into my car. They hadn't just repaired it and got it back to how it was before the problem. It was to all intents and purposes, as good as a new one. But even though indebted and grateful, didn't really cover the way I was now feeling, I still hadn't come up with any way I could repay them.

But I knew I still owed them the thirty-five pounds, well maybe a lot more if you included all the other things they'd sorted on the car. But as Trevor had said thirty-five, the last thing I wanted to do was to offend him by offering more. Or even worse, rile his temper and find out his threat of a bare arse spanking was in fact a genuine one.

So later in the afternoon, when I saw they'd arrived home from work, after giving them half an hour to get settled, I made my way across and knocked at the door. As Trevor opened the door I repeated my previous demonstration of gratitude by throwing myself bodily at him, and with my arms reaching up around the back of his neck, I planted a big kiss on his lips. It was only a short one, and as I broke it off, I'd intended to drop to the floor. But as I'd pounced up, he'd wrapped one arm around my back as he'd done last night.

So as our kiss broke and I said, "Trevor. You're bloody marvellous. And your brother. My car is so different. Its never ran the way it does now. I can't imagine how I'll ever repay you."

"Well maybe we can start like this." And then his lips re-joined mine. And from the off, this kiss on his part, was forceful. Not that I was fighting him. But as his lips pressed into mine, I detected his tongue probing my lips. And his other hand was cupping the back of my head, preventing me from breaking off the embrace.

I only had a split second to make up my mind. Should I allow such familiarity, or rebuff him. In the event, and bearing in mind my overwhelming feeling of debt, I decided that a wet tongue kiss was indeed a small reward for the trouble they'd gone to on my behalf.

And so as I let his tongue probe into my mouth, I offered my tongue into his. But as our embrace veered from the path of a show of gratitude, onto the path of sexual awakening. I became instantly aware of how steep and slippery that slope is.

I guess our tongue kissing hadn't been going on for a minute, before the hand that had been cupping the back of my head, slipped up inside the back of my skirt, and being so big, cupped both cheeks of my bottom.

As soon as I'd felt the hand going up under my skirt, I'd began to push myself from him. But my back was up against the wall, and he was so strong. In fact, to be fair to him, I'm not sure he was even aware of my feeble efforts. And he was so deeply immersed in the passion of his embrace; I think he was equally unaware of me attempting to break off our kiss.

Meanwhile, the hand under my skirt had forced its way in between the tops of my legs, and fingers were negotiating their way around the side of the gusset of my panties. It was as his fingers slid across the silky wet lips of my pussy, and he opened his eyes, that I think he became aware of the reality of my distress.

It was instantaneous. As his eyes locked onto mine, the dreamy look of rapture disappeared, to be replaced by a look of fright. And as his lips parted from mine, before I even got out a word, he said, "Oh no. No please. I'm sorry."

By now his finger, which had glided along effortlessly on my pussy juices, and penetrated into my pussy passed his second knuckle, was withdrawn along with his whole hand, and he was lowering me to the floor.

As soon as I was standing unaided, he backed two paces away and said, "Please lass. I thought you were. No, of course, you wouldn't. Please, tell me you're alright?"

I was, of course, furious at first. That was when I'd felt the intrusion and not been able to stop it. But his look, and action since opening his eyes had convinced me of his genuine miss interpretation of my signals. And then recapping the signals I'd given him. Maybe what happened was mainly my own fault.

Anyway, I answered, "Of course I'm alright. Just a little shaken to think you'd do such a thing."

"No. I mean, are we alright? You're not gonna tell your husband or report me to the police?"

"No. Of course not. I guess it was just a misunderstanding. I let you kiss me that way as a reward. But I didn't expect you'd take it as a sign I'd go further."

"I'm sorry. But your fanny-ann was so wet, I was sure you were ready to fuck."

"Please Trevor. It's over now. We don't need to talk about such things."

"But it was. I mean I was only going to play with it in my hand. But it was so wet and as my finger touched it, it opened and it slipped up. I guess it's with your husband being away from home so much, it's in need of a bit of attention."

"Trevor! I'm gonna go. I don't like you talking like that." I turned and was about to raise my hand towards the door handle, and a deep throated growl reminded me that as I'd walked in, Satan had sidled up to the front door, and flopped down on the floor. I slowly drew my hand back, then looking at Trevor, said, "Call him away. I want to go home."

By now, Trevor had started to make his way up the stairs. He stopped, turned, and said, "I thought you'd come to tell Bill how grateful you were for his help?"

"That can wait until I see you both outside."

"He's only in the back room. Go on. I'm sure he'll be pleased to see you."

"I'm a bit unnerved. Maybe another time. Just call Satan away from the door. Please."

"You don't mean unnerved. You mean your fanny-ann is throbbing. Don't worry. I know how you feel. While you're telling Bill how grateful you are, I'll be upstairs wanking off this hard you've given me." And with that he turned back and re-started up the stairs.

"Please Trevor."

He turned and paused momentarily, saying, "You go see Bill. I'm sure once you've given him his kiss, he'll call Satan to heal." And with that he turned and disappeared up the stairs.

I made several more attempts to get my hand to the front door handle, but Satan was having none of it. Then I tried calling Bill, but every time, I'd hear his voice coming from the back room, "I can't come now, you come here."

And as I began my walk along their hall, Satan followed my every footstep; dropping to a sitting position every time I paused. Eventually I was at the open doorway of the back room. And although I could see in and part of the room, wherever Bill was, he wasn't visible from the doorway. I again asked, "Please Bill, will you call Satan in to you, so I can go home."


"Please Bill. He frightens me."