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"I don't know. I'm not sure. Why d'you want to take them anyway?"

"That must be obvious. Once you go home, and we're sitting over here at night, watching your bedroom light come on. We'll be thinking of you all alone, and those pictures will help with the wanking."

"Oh my god! Trevor please."

"You asked."

"I know, but do you have to be so crude about it."

"Is there a Sunday-school way of saying we'll be thinking of you and wanking?"

"Ok. Take you're pictures, but if I think I could be recognised from any of them, they get deleted."

"It's a deal. Ok Bill, get snapping."

So I walked about and they had me posing in all kinds of poses; mostly ones where I knew they could either see my breasts, or worst still up under the dress. And then I was passed a skirt and blouse. It was fairly obvious they didn't want me to leave the room to change, as Satan was again lying in the open doorway. And as I hadn't any underwear, at each change, they saw me naked. And right from the first of these changes, Bill was snapping away. In fact before I'd done many of them, I'd become quite oblivious to the flashing camera.

But back to this first change, as I put on the blouse and then pulled up the skirt, I said to Trevor, "Are these really old rags?"

"Well, they're out of our rag-bag. If that's what you mean."

"But if they hadn't cut the buttons off this blouse or the zip out of this skirt, it would have been every bit as wearable as any of the clothes I've got in my wardrobe; and maybe a deal more fashionable."

"I guess that shows you've never been to the local church jumble?"

"No. I'd never thought of it."

"Well maybe if funds are tight, you ought to give it a try. Now what about posing for Bill?"

"I'll have to keep hold of the side of the skirt; otherwise it'll fall to the floor."

Trevor got to his feet, went to the sideboard, picked out a big safety pin from the draw, and passed it to me, "There you are. That should do the trick."

And so I stripped, re-dressed, and posed maybe fifteen times. And during all of this, Bill kept snapping away. I'm guessing, but I wouldn't be surprised if he'd taken as many as twenty or more pictures each time. (This was confirmed when they showed me the folder later in the evening).

Well anyway, I'd got blasé about this whole thing very early on, and now, as I was posing around in what I knew was the last combination of skirt and top, I began to feel a telltale knotting in my tummy. And as soon as I was aware of the knotting, it brought the conscious acknowledgment of an imminent fucking that would follow this little diversion. And the more that thought began to engulf my mind, the greater the throbbing in my pussy got.

And after Bill had taken his pictures of me in this last outfit, he passed the camera to Trevor and said, "Here, you take this, and shoot some video of us fucking. And be sure to get plenty close-up shots of her fanny-ann as I enter her." Then turning to me, "Come on lass, my balls are aching fit to bust."

I removed the top I'd been posing in, and had just started to remove the safety-pin from the waistband of my skirt, when he said, "No lass leave that on, it'll not get in the way. Just come over here, and back your fanny-ann onto this."

The this, he was referring to, was of course, his cock, which he'd removed from his flies, and was stood to attention. I complied without hesitation, as if it was the most natural of requests. I lifted the back of my skirt and backed myself up towards him, whilst Trevor videoed from a position as low down and close to Bill's lap as he could get. And as I came within reach of Bill, he took over holding my skirt clear, saying, "Ok lass, I've got that. You use your hands to ease yourself onto it." Then to Trevor, he asked, "Have you got a good clear shot of it?"

"God, yes. And the way it's pulsating, she's definitely keen for another fucking."

"You reckon she's keen enough to tease?"


Then as Bill's hands took hold of my waist, he said, "Change of plan lass. You hold your own skirt up out of the road, I'll control how much cock you're getting."

And so before I'd lowered myself close enough to even touch his cock, Bill's hands had taken control. And as he lowered me into position, my pouting pussy lips began to kiss his bell-end. And this was the position he held me in, only dipping very slightly every now and again; just enough for my pussy lips to latch-on, only to have him lift me off.

At first, I thought this was just a whimsical game; and maybe to him, it was. But to me, it very rapidly raised my already heightened libido to the point where I couldn't hold back my need.

I started with simple comments like, "Oh come-on Bill. A joke's a joke."

But it wasn't long before I was pleading, "Bill please. For god's sake fuck me."

Then came, "Trevor. Tell him. I can't stand this much more. Make him put it in."

And then it happened, Bill lowered me. Very, very slowly. It had only entered five or six inches, when my pussy clamped, and my body was shaken by a series of violent spasms. As these faded, and my brain resumed its functions, I became aware of Trevor and the video camera directly in my face. And as Trevor said, "Ok, she's back with us."

Bill said, "Tell the camera what you want."

"Please Bill. You know what I want. I want you to fuck me."

He didn't reply immediately, well not with words. But he just continued the lowering that my pussy clamping had interrupted. And I was so wet and juiced up; I slid down until I'd taken his full length. But no matter how much I tried to lift, in an attempt to get his shaft sliding in and out; Bill held me still.

This was almost as infuriating as being held with his bell-end touching my pussy lips. And after what seemed like an age, I pleaded, "Please Bill, fuck me, fuck me hard."

"What d'you think Trevor? Does she deserve it?"

Trevor was still videoing, but from behind the camera, he said, "Well. It's alright fucking her now, when she's got the need. But next week, when we're up in our rooms wanking; will she consider our needs. I'll bet she won't."

As my brain processed the meaning of his words, it split into two halves. It was like I had a righteous inner self, and it was now having an argument with the wicked me that needed Bill's cock. And I say needed deliberately; cos wanted doesn't cut-it with the urges in my body right now.

So as I'm wrestling with my demons, Bill said, "I'm sure she will. You heard her earlier. She really appreciates the work we've done for her, and she's keen as mustard to repay us in any way she can. I'm sure that whenever her husband is away, she'll nip over at least once a week. I mean, it's not only us who needs to empty our balls, you can see by how eager she is, she needs a regular supply of cock."

Then Trevor put his face to the side of the camera and asked, "Is Bill right? Will you come back next week to fuck us?"

What you have to realize is, although I'd been aware of what they'd been saying, well on some arcane level, I was deep into a mind-blowing arousal. And the words spilled over my lips before I'd even realised what I was going to say. "Please, just fuck me. I'll do whatever you want."

Well from that moment until two hours later, when Bill had had three more fucks, and Trevor four; I was fucked, fondled, licked, kissed, and caressed in every conceivable position. And for the most part, as one of them fucked me, the other, either took photos or shot video.

When they did eventually decide they'd had enough, I was again allowed to have a soak in the bath. And like the last time, as I bathed, I wrestled with my conscience. But unlike the last time, when I'd ended up feeling horny. This time, I was haunted by something lurking in the recesses of my mind. Had I really agreed to come back next week to fuck them again?

So once I'd washed the physical remnants of their beastly lust from my body, I dried and then dressed myself in a dress and cardigan that I'd picked from Trevor's rag selection. And minus underwear, I made my way downstairs.

As I walked in, they were busy viewing the numerous videos they'd taken. As Trevor saw me, he turned and said, "Come-on lass. Come and look at these, they're awesome."

"I just want to go home."

"But, I thought you wanted to check what pictures we've taken?"

"I can't; not now. I just want my bed and a pillow to cry into."

"Cry? Why on earth would you want to cry?"

"Just call your dog, I want to go home."

"Bill, call Satan, while I take her home."

"I've got another hard-on. Let's just have one last fuck before she goes."

"Have pity on the lass. Can't you see she's about done in?"

"So was I fifteen minutes ago. But those videos have reawakened my old friend, and once he's raring to go, he'll give me no peace until he gets some fanny wrapped around him."

"Well this time he'll have to make do with the palm of your hand. The lass is in no shape."

Bill wrapped his arm around me, pulled me onto his knee, and as his fingers forced their way in between my thighs and entered my pussy, he said, "Five minutes of this, and she'll be begging to be fucked again."

I attempted pleading to Bill, and at one point I even tried thumping him. But my pleas fell on deaf ears, and my puny blows, on a hard unyielding body.

Even Trevor protests had no effect, and seeing his ineffectuality, he turned and left the room. When I saw that, my heart dropped. I knew that without Trevor I had no hope. And as Bill realised he now had free reign, he rose from the chair, still holding me in his arms, and carried me to the settee. And once he'd got me on my back, his fingers resumed in earnest. And as before, no matter how dead set against any more cooperation I had been seconds previous. Within half a minute of his fingers setting to work, my pussy heaved up, and my legs spread wide.

I'm not sure how long he worked in my pussy with his fingers before he got to his feet. But even as he stood and lowered his zip with one hand, the fingers of his other hand kept me under his spell. But just as he was about to lower himself in between my welcoming thighs, the big long barrel of a twelve-bore shotgun appeared. It came around the door, followed by Trevor who was holding it.

"Ok Bill. This time, I'm calling the shots. And I say the lass has done enough for one night."

"You'll not pull the trigger. We both know that."

"Are you willing to bet your life on it?"

"But you're too late anyway. Look, she's ready. She's a begging for it. Aren't you lass. Tell him. You want some cock, don't you?"

I was heaving, and sighing, but coherent words wouldn't come.

"Put your cock away, before I blow your balls off."

"Trev no. look at her." At this he re-inserted his fingers, and I heaved up hard for him. "She wants it. And you do, I can see your bulge."

"Not this time. This time, I'm going with what she said whilst she was in control. Now take your finger out, and let her come down. If she says she still wants it once she's back, then ok, you can have her. Now stand aside."

Bill got to his feet, and as he sauntered back over to the chair by the laptop, he said, "Stupid bugger."

It was a good five minutes before I came to my senses, and the shame of my pose caused a rapid closing of my legs. And then as I sat up straight, my hands went to my face, and I began to cry. I'd only been sobbing for a few seconds, when Trevor said, "I'm sorry to hurry you lass, but if you want to go home, I'd not take too long. Our Bill is still getting himself worked up watching those videos of you, and I'd rather not have to let one of these cartridges off in the house."

I looked up, "Can I go?"

"Yes. But I'll come with you to see you safely home."

"No need. I'll be alright."

"All the same. I'll come. But before we go, I have to ask you two questions."


"Bill says you want another fuck. Do you?"

"No. Please no."

"There you are Bill. Now the other is, do you remember your promise?"

I did, but I didn't want to admit to it. So I said, "Promise? What promise?"

"Why are you blushing? Maybe you do remember, but don't want to admit it? So from that, can I take it you won't be keeping your word?"

"Please Trevor. I didn't know what I was saying."

"You did, other wise, you wouldn't be so shy about it now. So even after I've put our Bill's life on the line to protect you, you still won't keep your word. Not even to come back one more time?"

"Pleas Trevor. Don't make me promise. I feel sick enough already for going as far as I have."

"Ok, let's get you home."

Bill got to his feet, "If she's not coming back, like she promised. Then I'm having my fuck. Shotgun or no shotgun."

Trevor levelled it at Bill, "Don't be a cunt."

"You won't shoot."

Trevor dropped the aim, and with it pointing at Bills feet, said, "One more step and you'll be on crutches for the rest of your life." Then as Bill stopped dead in his tracks, without turning his head Trevor said, "Get yourself home lass."

As I moved towards the doorway, Satan got to his feet, and started that deep throated growl. This time it was me who froze in my tracks.

Still without turning his head, Trevor said, "Lift your dress, and spread your legs so he can sniff your fanny-ann."

"What? You don't mean it?"

"Do it. And be quick about it. He'll not hurt you if you let him have a good sniff of it. But get your legs good'n wide."

I was reluctant to comply, but I lifted my hem, and opened my legs. To Satan, this was like a starting pistol. He lunged forwards, I thought he'd tear me limb from limb. But as I backed against the door, in went his nose, and his tongue began to lap up the lips of my pussy. Just the bunting of his nose forced my legs open, and within a few seconds, his tongue was in my pussy, and lapping at my juices. And after Bill's fingering, just moments earlier, the effect of his licking held me motionless up against the door. So if it hadn't have been for Trevor's intervention, I'd have probably ended up sinking to the floor, and being brought to my climax by a dog!

But as it was, Trevor barked out, "Don't just stand there lass, he'll not hurt you now. Step over him and make your way to the front door. I'll follow you."

So I plucked up all my courage, and lifted my leg up over the dog. This, of course, spread my legs even wider. A predicament which Satan took full advantage of; and my god had he got a long tongue!

But Trevor had been right; Satan didn't show any signs of aggression. So apart from him trailing me all the way down the hallway, with his nose and tongue still working feverishly from behind me, he didn't impede my retreat. Trevor had done as he'd said, and followed us, walking backwards, still holding that shotgun. But even as I reached the door, there was no sign of Bill, so Trevor put the shotgun down just inside the door, and after pulling Satan from under my dress, ushered me outside.

It was now quite dark, and as usual at this time of night the village was deserted. I repeated my assurance that I didn't require any escort, but Trevor again insisted. So he walked me home, and up to the front door. Whereupon I said, "I'll be ok now."

"So you're not inviting me in?"

"No. I think from now on, maybe it would be better if we keep a distance between us."

"D'you mean we're no longer friends?"

"Please Trevor. What did you expect?"

"Well not the bum's rush; that's for sure. Do you feel hard done by?"

"You and your brother raped me. How on earth do you expect me to feel?"

"Well you're a rum'n and no mistake. If it hadn't been for you asking me, I'd not have even gotten involved. Well I'll say goodnight, mebe after you've had time to think on it you'll see things a bit clearer."

And with that he turned and went.

That night, as whacked out as I was (or as Trevor would have put it. Fucked), I couldn't sleep. I lay there for hours, attempting to apportion blame. And no matter how many times I turned the events over, or which way I looked at them, it always came out the same. Bill took 60%. I apportioned 39% to myself. And I could only level 1% at Trevor. And despite the old country saying and Trevor's reasoning that had gone with it. I could only see my husband as the injured party in this event, and felt he deserved no blame whatsoever.

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FastEddie26FastEddie26about 2 months ago

Great writing and love the Bill and Trevor characters

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago
Oh dear.

Was this written by a twelve year old. Rape isn't sexy and this wasn't sexy either.

Especially not with the grammar and spelling mistakes.

Seams? No seems. Heals? No heels.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. I hope you’re still writing.

CatricCatricover 4 years ago
Enjoyed it

Great story, thank you

EzrollinEzrollinabout 6 years ago
Bloody good ole boy!!!

One of the more enjoyable stories I've read so far, it has that old school English flavor that I'm partial too. Well written with an easy flow. I haven't read your other submissions yet but I certainly this story one of my rare five star ratings!

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