Breakdown Cover


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But less than a minute into their brawling, which up to then had been mainly struggling in a clinch, pushing and pulling each other around the room, there was suddenly a fist flying through the air. And when it made contact with the cheek bone of his opponent, it was for all the world, like watching a movie. A kind of slow motion, where at the same time as I heard the, "CRACK," I saw the head spin around, with saliva and blood flying from the mouth. And then he fell, with an equally loud, "CRACK," as his head made contact with the wooden floor.

And then he was still; motionless.

But Bill wasn't, he turned and looking my way, said, "Now look what you've made me do."

I got up, and dashed across, but as I did the torn remnants of my blouse and bra fell from my arms; leaving me totally naked. Then as I knelt by Trevor's side, I carefully lifted his head. But he was lifeless. Then putting my ear towards his mouth, I thought I could detect breathing. I also tried for a pulse at his wrist, but before I'd established one, Bill had taken hold of my elbow, and I was being taken back to the settee.

But even knowing what Bill was about to do to me once he got me there, I didn't attempt to fight him. But still worried about Trevor I said, "Please Bill. Let me make sure he's ok, and then I'll let you have me."

He didn't even comment, his only reaction was the return of that smug grin. And then once he got me to the settee, he lay me back down and pinned me into position, whilst he located the end of his cock. I still didn't attempt to fight him off; I think I'd given up any thoughts of being able to influence things by physical force. And as my appeal to his better nature had fallen on deaf ears, I'd given up that approach as well.

So as he began again cautiously probing for depth with his cock, I kept looking to my side, to ascertain Trevor's condition. Well within the first few seconds Bill had managed to re-establish the awakening of my libido, and he was again thrusting himself into me quite vigorously. But even though I can't deny my bodily reactions gave the impression I was an active willing partner, nothing could be further from the truth. With every moment that passed without a sign of life from Trevor, I was progressively getting more and more worried about him.

And being so worried, even though it seemed to me he'd been unconscious for ages, in reality, it was only around three minutes before I saw his eyes open. And the euphoria that caused, brought about a totally bizarre reaction. As the relief flooded my being, I lifted my legs, stretching them wide and high, whilst at the same time gripping Bill around his neck. And as he responded by picking up his pace and also thrusting harder, I let out a cry, "Oh yes Bill. Make me hurt."

I'd not intended either of those wanton actions, but even though I was aware of them, I couldn't stop myself repeatedly giving him encouragement; both verbal and physical. And seeing Trevor now picking himself up, and coming across to kneel alongside me, only seemed to enhance my feelings of elation.

Bill had been right when he'd warned me this fuck would take longer, and it did. Lasting somewhere between ten and fifteen minutes. And when he cum, he again lost any sense of control. But he wasn't alone in this respect, so did I. And like last time I again remember coming to my senses with Trevor mopping my brow with his fingers. But this time, his other hand wasn't busy fingering my pussy.

As I came out of my stupor, Bill was as before in the chair wiping himself down, and Trevor began to sit me up straight on the settee. But this time, as Trevor said, "I'm sorry lass. I tried my best."

Instead of blasting off at him, I carefully put my hand up to his bleeding face, and said, "Never mind that now. How are you feeling? Can you get up, so I can take you in the kitchen and clean some of the blood away. To see what damage has been done."

"I'm alright. But what about you? He was rougher that time. He hasn't hurt you, has he?"

From the chair the other side of the room, came, "Very touching. Both comforting each other."

"Ignore him." and then as Trevor removed his big shirt, and held it out for me, "Here slip this on. It's a bit mucked up, but you'll maybe feel less vulnerable."

So I got to my feet, slipped his blood stained shirt on, and was about to follow him to the kitchen. But the second I went to take a step, Satan growled. And even though Trevor told him to stop, and to back off, he ignored him. Then Trevor turned to Bill, "Tell him."

Bill didn't even speak, but by just pursing his lips, and blowing, it was as if he'd spoken. It wasn't even a whistle, there didn't appear to be any sound, just a whisper quiet escape of breath. But whatever it was, Satan got to his feet, sauntered past Trevor and out into the hallway where he flopped down again. And so I could now follow Trevor into the hall, and providing I turned right towards the kitchen, my way was clear. And as there was a back door in the kitchen, I did briefly contemplate that as a route for my escape. But knowing the only way from their back garden to the front meant going through their garage, and that was probably locked; I gave up on that notion.

So at the sink, I bathed Trevor's face, and then once he washed the blood from the inside of his mouth, I began to inspect to lesion on his cheek. He was reluctant to allow me to put a plaster on, but eventually, when he couldn't stem the trickle of blood, he relented.

Once he was again looking reasonable, I said, "I guess I'd better go back in, otherwise he'll only come and get me."

"I'm sorry. I did my best to persuade him."

"It's not your fault."

"Look before we go back in, can I ask you a favour? I mean, you kept asking what you could do to repay us for your car repair. Do this favour for me, and I'll consider we've been paid in full."

"Please Trevor. I don't think this is the time to be talking about such things."

"But it's about the things Bill's been getting up to, that I want to ask you. I mean, after all, he is my brother; even if I don't agree with what he's done to you."

"Well what about him?"

"Please don't report him to the police."

I gave him a long determined look, "I should. It's not right to let him get away with it. It'll only let him think he can do it again."

"But I wouldn't want to see him being sent down. And think of the scandal. I mean you didn't even want your husband to know we'd been tinkering under your bonnet. He'd not be pleased to know you came over here to settle your debts without any money. Even if he believed you had innocent intentions, in a village like this, I'm sure there'd be lots who wouldn't; and the gossip would spread like wildfire."

"Maybe you're right. But I'll only agree if you can get him to let me go home now."

So back into that room we went, and Satan followed, dropping to the floor just inside the doorway.

"Ah, you're back. I was just about to come and get you. The old cocks ready for action again."

Now feeling a little more upbeat, after getting Trevor to agree that I could go home, I said, "That's enough of that kind of talk. I've come to an agreement with Trevor. If you let me go home now, I won't go to the police."

"That's mighty big of you. Now get that shirt off, and get yourself down on your hands and knees on the floor."

"Didn't you hear me? I said I'm going home now."

"I heard you. But I haven't finished yet. And you're not going anywhere until I have. So get naked and get yourself on the floor."

I looked at Trevor, "Tell him."

"Come on Bill. She's repaid you handsomely, and she says she won't even tell her husband."

"I'm done talking."

Then as he approached me and Trevor again intercepted him, I said, "No please. I don't want any more violence."

But within seconds they were again brawling with each other. At this point it was just pulling and pushing each other around the room, as they struggled together in a close clinch. But then Trevor lost his footing and as he fell back into the chair, he took Bill with him. But then as Bill grabbed a handful of Trevor's hair, he turned and with his other hand raised high in a clenched fist, he said, "Unless you want to see more of his blood, you'll start to do as you're told."

"Ok. You win." And then as I began to remove Trevor's shirt, I asked, "Where did you want me?"

"On your hands and knees, on the floor, and spread your legs wide."

Once naked I got down into the position he'd asked for, and looking back under my shoulder I saw Bill threatening Trevor. Then once he'd made sure Trevor had got the message, he made his way towards me. And as he reached me, I felt an unexpected pain. He'd landed an open palmed slap, square across my naked pussy.

I let out a, "Shriek." But it wasn't really due to the pain; more the surprise or shock. But before I had chance to complain or protest, he'd taken hold of my hips, and he was thrusting his cock up into me. And as my pussy obviously recognised and presumably welcomed another visit from his monster cock, it dilated and my hips lunged back to aid his entrance. And regardless of my stance just a few moments earlier, when I'd refused to allow him to have me for a third time. From the very onset of this third fuck, you'd have been hard pushed to distinguish my performance from that of a willing partner.

I not only rode myself back to meet his thrusting, I also cooed and gasped as and when, to demonstrate my appreciation of his girth and length. But then at other times I actively encouraged him to fuck me harder, using language I'd never before used during having sex. It wasn't as if I didn't know how crude and vulgar I was being, but even knowing, it was as if I just didn't care. Which at that moment in time, I didn't.

And the only reason I can come up with, was the disgusting position he'd put me in to fuck me. I'd never had sex in this position before, not even with my husband James. And the only reference I'd got, was a porno film I'd seen years previously, during my university days. And so I think, that now I was down on the floor like this, with two almost strangers in the room, I'd taken on an alter-ego. And anything that crossed my mind, either came out on my lips, or was translated into actions by my body. Nothing appeared to be too crude.

And to demonstrate just how far I'd gone into this pseudo personality. When Trevor eventually made his way across to where I was kneeling on all fours, presumably to comfort me as he'd done previously, by mopping my brow. Instead of my reaction being the glazed expression he'd received previously, I demanded, "Get your cock out. Let me suck it." Even now I can remember the look of shock. No, almost horror.

And then hearing Bill say, "Well get it out. Even you can't say she's not keen now."

But Trevor didn't look convinced, and he wasn't in a mad rush. But after asking, "Are you sure?"

And me saying, "Come on. Spit-roast me."

He positioned himself in front of me, and I saw him lifting it out. It was bloody huge. I'd expected big, thinking cock size might be something in their genes. But it was easily as fat as Bill's, and from what I could see, probably longer. I remember part of my head screaming out, "STOP!" But no such words reached my lips; unlike his cock. Which was hard before it was released from his trousers and was in my mouth a split second later. I say in, being so fat, even with my mouth wide open, I could only just get the big purple head inside.

But I sucked and I wanked, using both hands. And even though Bill had been going strong for a good few minutes before I'd started on Trevor, before Bill's cum was upon him, Trevor pulled his cock from my mouth, and wanked his cum towards my face. Some went in my hair, but most landed on my forehead and then dribbled down and around my eyes.

But once Trevor had come down from the influence of his climax, his face showed an instant look of shock at what he'd just done. And whilst apologising and attempting to excuse his actions. He began to gently mop my face clean using his handkerchief, which he continually kept wetting with saliva from his mouth.

But no sooner had he cleared my eyes, than I was again reaching out for his cock. And once I'd taken hold, not only did it start to re-inflate. But the glazed look again took over Trevor's face. And as he glazed over, he stopped wiping my face, and lifted his cock towards my mouth.

So I again sucked and wanked, whilst at the other end of my body, Bill pounded himself relentlessly into my pussy. I'd be lying if I didn't admit that this was the most exhilarating sensation I'd ever experienced. But as Bill's cum thrusts began, the most cataclysmic orgasm just engulfed me.

I have no idea how long I was out of this world, floating in the realms of ecstasy. But when I came back, I was in Trevor's arms, as he sat on the floor. And once he saw my eyes open, he looked away and said, "She's back. Give us a hand."

And before I knew what was going on, Bill was easing me up by my shoulders, whilst Trevor used his hands on my hips. And as soon as they'd returned me to my kneeling on all fours stance, I felt Trevor's cock, as it entered and then he eased it up into my pussy. At this point, I distinctly felt Bill's grip on my shoulders tighten, I can only think he'd anticipated that I might resist. But although my mind might have been thinking along those lines. My body wasn't.

And as Trevor heaved his cock up for his first dip into my wet pussy, I lunged back towards him. I know I'd said Trevor's cock looked longer than Bill's, but I guess I'd not reckoned on just how much difference that would make. And as it just kept on going up, way past the depth Bill had previously been up to, it was very much like Bill's first depth sounding. But whereas Bill had obviously known I wouldn't be used to such girth, and so had eased himself in slowly. With Trevor's cock being only slightly thicker in girth, and my pussy being already acclimatised to Bill's cock, Trevor's cock just slid up on a gossamer stream.

And such was the urgency of Trevor's first lunge (I have to admit, maybe due to my heaving back onto him); it kept going even when it reached virgin pussy. And as I'd done with Bill's first invasion of my virgin territory, I let out a gasp, and then yelled, "STOP! Wait!" And as Trevor stopped and held onto my hips; Bill supported me by my shoulders. And as my body shook in uncontrollable spasms, I again gasped a long protracted sequence of sighs, as each contraction engulfed me. "Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh. Ohhh."

Then as my audible gasps subsided, Bill said, "Go on Trev, she's away now."

And go on he did. And again I gave as good as I got. I fucked Trevor harder than I've ever fuck my James.

In fact, I don't think I've ever really fucked James. I've obviously been fucked by him. And I don't mean I lay there like a wet fish. But with my James, it's always been gentler. Calmer. More loving.

But with both Bill and Trevor, I was actively fucking them. I mean even if either of them had stopped thrusting mid-fuck, I was fucking them so actively, I'd have completed the fuck without there help. Not that either of them did stop, apart from during my pussy clamping.

Trevor hadn't been at it for more than a couple of minutes before Bill got to his feet and left the room. And then in less than a minute I saw him return. But it wasn't until I saw the room whiten-up, that I realised he'd been to fetch his camera. And even though I was immersed in the build-up to another orgasm, I took fright. But Trevor's big hands held tightly onto my hips, and all the struggling in the world wouldn't have pried me free. I was making verbal protests, but they did nothing to hinder Trevor's fuck, nor Bill's photography.

So as Trevor pounded away, and Bill moved from one position to another, getting pictures from every conceivable angle, the arousal gradually took the upper hand. And as my awareness of Bill's presence faded, so did my futile resistance, to be replaced by my previous active participation.

But I guess the pause in my arousal meant I didn't reach my orgasm, in time to coincide with Trevor. So with me deeply under the influence, but not yet close enough to climax, Trevor delivered bolt after bolt of cum. I even remember thinking, he's still hard. And wondering if he was leaving it in, and would soon start fucking again. But no. After what seemed like ages, but was probably only a minute, it began to soften, and then just slipped out.

But I was still high, and my pussy obviously wanted the orgasm it had been looking forward to. So still on my hands and knees, with my bottom held up high, my pussy began to pulse. Opening and closing in harmony with the throbbing going on deep inside. I was obviously only aware of the throbbing inside my pussy. But the pictures Bill took during the half minute or so between Trevor pulling out, and him pushing his cock in, showed my wanton display in graphic detail.

And then the short silent video Trevor took of Bill teasing my pussy, before actually letting me have his cock, showed just how eager I was to get more fucking.

I obviously didn't see either the pictures or the video clip until later.

But as Bill was now satisfying my wanton pussy, I was again content to perform, regardless of Trevor and the camera. In fact, my only worry was, knowing Bill had already had me three times, I anticipated this wouldn't be a quickie. And I so wanted another simultaneous climax.

But no matter how much I tried mind over matter thoughts to slow down the arrival of another orgasm, the arousal Trevor had started was gathering momentum like a runaway train going down a mountain slope. And somewhere around ten minutes into Bill's fourth fuck, another orgasm just engulfed me.

I'm guessing my body was too uncontrollable, for even Bill to manage, and I again came back to consciousness lying in Trevor's arm. This time, with him sitting on the settee. As soon as he saw the life in my eyes, he said, "Ok. She's back. Put that camera down. Which way d'you want her?"

And as he placed the camera on the floor, Bill said, "Just hold her there; it won't take much longer now."

And so as I lay back in Trevor's arms, Bill climbed up onto the settee, lifting one of my legs up over the back of it. And as Trevor cradled my upper body, Bill humped my pussy furiously, to bring his forth fuck to its climax. And he was right, it didn't take him long. But it was long enough to span the few moments of doubt and reality that hit me every time I came down from an orgasm; and set me off once again on the road towards the next.

But thinking about it, it was more like setting off on a toboggan run, than setting me off along a road; on a road you can change your mind and turn back. Whereas once pushed off on a toboggan, no amount of regret could stop the run, or return you back to the start.

The reason I put forward the analogy, is I think this was their strategy. They'd always make sure they were ready for resistance at the moment I came down from an orgasm. But at times like this, as Bill finished his fuck, he leisurely pulled his cock out, and Trevor just casually laid me back along the settee. And even with neither of them holding me, I lay there; one leg sprawled out across the floor and the other stretched out in the opposite direction, hooked up over the back of the settee. And Bill once again began taking pictures.

And once Trevor had taken up his position in between my thighs, Bill took another silent video, documenting my pussy as it pouted, with every touch from Trevor's fat bell-end.

And then as Trevor eased it up, and I arched my back, lifting my pussy onto his cock; Bill said, "Still think I'm a bloody fool?"