Brother Asked to Correct Bratty Sis


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I heard her giggle as I hugged her. When I let her go she looked up at me smiling, "I guess the saying is true, 'Spare the rod and spoil the child', we should have been more firm with her," her smile turned into a frown.

"Hey, you happen to have any of that lemonade you used to make, I could sure use a glass about now," I grinned.

"Yes," smiling again, "if I didn't keep some made up your Dad would fuss. Come on in the kitchen your Dad should be home soon."

After a few minutes sipping lemonade and catching up on things about Deer Creek, I forced the conversation she was avoiding. "Mom, what's been going on with Ava?"

Wringing her hands, "Son, she has always been a handful, I know she's smart just like you, but for the last couple years she has been skipping school, letting grades slip. I'm surprised she graduated. Plus the past year she's been running with a bad crowd, like that Ray fellow she is now seeing. I don't know much about him, I think he moved here from Chicago."

"Dad mentioned drugs, are we talking hard drugs like coke, or heroin?"

"No, I don't think so, at least not yet, I believe it's mostly pot, but heck I could be wrong. I just don't understand....." she sobbed.

Holding her small hand and squeezing gently, "Now Mom, don't you worry, we are going to figure this out, just sorry I didn't know how bad it had gotten. I should have been coming home more often."

"Sadie, whose vehicle is out front?" I heard my father as he shut the front door.

"It's me Pop," I shouted as I started toward the den, "how are things at Home Depot?"

"Good to see you Son," he grinned brightly, "my you've filled out some since I last saw you," he chuckled.

"Yeah I've been working out more, I noticed I was getting soft setting on my butt in front of a computer all day," I laughed.

"Well you're looking good, sorry we had to drag you into this, I know you are busy with your job," he said sadly.

"Hey, is my room still where it used to be," I grinned, "if so I'm going to get my bag out of the car."

"Still pretty much as you left it," he laughed, finally smiling again.

"Well Mom's in the kitchen with a pitcher of her lemonade, I'll join you as soon as I grab my bag."

Later walking back in the kitchen I overheard Mom telling Dad I had spanked Ava's bottom, and that she was still in her room where I sent her. Then I heard Dad say, "Reckon I should have been more like my brother George," he mumbled.

"Speaking of Uncle George, how is he?" I asked as I sat back down.

"Not good, his daughter lives around here, and she helps her mom take care of him, the two boys moved away."

"I thought I might go by and see him while I'm here, if you think that's okay."

"Sure, he would be tickled to see you, I go by every week or so to see if I can do anything," replied Dad.

"Well if you men will get out of my kitchen I'll fix us some supper," she ordered.

"No," I grinned, "I saw Roster was still open when I drove in town, I'm assuming he still has the best barbecue in town, so do you want ribs, pulled pork or what?"

Dad rode with me to go get the food, I was wondering what Ava was up too. She had not come out of her room, which had me worried a little, she didn't strike me as one to give up easily. I found out later.

Dad and I talked and he relayed pretty much what I had gotten out of Mom. He did say when things really got rough, she would retreat to my old room and he would find her in there crying.

"I think in some ways it comforts her that she raised one decent child," he murmured.

On the way back home I asked him about his job and retirement. "Well Mr Jefferson said I could take early retirement starting in 2 weeks. I've been training the guy to replace me in charge of the Yard and Garden Center."

"You can tell me it's none of my business, but how are you on money Dad?"

"We're fine son, our homes paid for, I have saved money, hell I have $15,000 put back I had saved to help Ava start college, not counting an IRA I have put money into, plus stock from Home Depot employee stock option program. We're not going to go hungry," he laughed.

"Doesn't surprise me," I grinned, "I learned a lot from you and Mom about planning ahead. But I've been very successful Dad, and if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

"I'm asking now get Ava straightened out. It would kill your mom and I both, if we got a call that she was laying dead somewhere because of the crowd she runs with. It would mean we failed her," as a tear ran down his cheek.

That was the first time I ever saw tears on my Dad's face.

We had just got back to the house and carried the food inside, and Mom was telling us Ava was missing. That her window was open and she must have sneaked out.

When we heard a screech of tires, then a car door slammed. I immediately suspected Ava had run to Ray, and I didn't want him inside the house, so I hurried to the front door and stepped outside.

I saw him arguing with Ava and telling her to stay in the car. He looked to be about 6'2" 250 lbs, but it looked mostly fat. Turning toward me where I stood with my hands on my hips, grinning from ear to ear, seemed to piss him off more.

Stalking toward me, he growled, "You the mother fucker that laid your hands on Ava?

I just continued smiling not saying anything. Which pissed him off more.

"I'm fixing to wipe that smile off your face and cram it up your ass!" as he kept coming at me. As he got close he drew his right fist back, and I took a little skip and kicked him hard in the balls.

"Aggggggg," he screamed and dropped to his knees holding his groin. I stepped over and lifted his chin and hit him square in the mouth. Blood went everywhere, plus in seconds he was spitting out teeth. Then he rolled over on the ground bleeding and groaning.

Standing over him I told Dad, "Dad, call the police and tell them to come get this piece of trash off the front lawn, I'm pressing charges for assault and trespassing."

Ava came running over and dropped down next to Ray and said something, but he just looked at her with tears in his eyes, still clutching his balls, bleeding and mumbled something and rolled away from her.

Ava screamed at me calling me a bully, I just yanked her up by the hair, swatted her ass hard and told her to get back to her room before I took a belt to her ass!

She obeyed. Running past Mom and Dad on the front porch and disappearing inside. About that time the police car rolled up and an officer got out and strolled up to me. "What seems to be the problem?"

"This piece of trash trespassed and threatened to shove my face up my ass, so I had to defend myself," I smirked.

Looking closely at Ray, still rolling around on the ground bleeding and groaning, the officer looked at me and grinned. "Why I be damn, if it isn't Ray Simpson. He's only been in a town a short while, and caused more problems in town than we have had in the past 10 years."

He told Ray, "Lets get you up, when I get you to the jail maybe they can get you a bag or two of ice," he laughed.

"Looks like he might need some medical attention," I sneered at Ray.

"Oh he'll get some, I'll take by the emergency room first before I lock his ass up."

Looking towards my parents, "Sorry this guy caused you trouble Dilbert, he won't be back for a while....and if he does come back later....just do us all a favor and shoot his ass."

After Ray was taken away, we went inside. Mom was not as upset as I thought she might be, and Dad was just grinning. I told them to go ahead and set the table, I needed to wash the blood off my hands and change shirts, it had blood splatter all over it. But first I marched into Ava's room.

She was sitting on her bed and jumped when I barged into her room, startled. "I'm going to say this one time, so listen carefully. 1) wash that shit off your face, I don't want to see any makeup, 2) you will come to the table for supper whether you eat or not, and 3) you will be respectful to Mom and Dad, no foul language. You have 20 minutes, or I'm coming back and I'll spank your naked ass with my belt until you can't walk," I growled.

Leaving her room I stopped in the bathroom and washed my face and hands and got the blood off. My knuckles were scratched up from Rays teeth, but not bad, then I got a clean shirt and went back to the kitchen.

We had just started to eat when Ava quietly entered and sat across from me. Dad and Mom were at the ends of the table. I noticed Mom looking at Ava without the makeup, and she grinned slyly, "Ava hon, I know you like ribs, would you like for me to pass you some?"

Ava just nodded yes, I started to say something but thought at least she washed her face and came to the table and was going to eat. So, I just ignored her and talked to my parents like she wasn't there.

"Mom you still have that recipe for homemade chicken and dumplings?"

"Well since it's my own recipe I should, it's all up here," pointing to her head as she laughed. "I can write down for you, or Ava can, she can make them just as good as me."

"Is that so, well I would like to have it, I've gotten to where I enjoy cooking when I have the time." Ava never commented, but I saw her blush when Mom praised her.

"Ava used to make me homemade brownies with pecans in them," Dad grinned, "my friends at work said they were the best they ever had."

Again I noticed Ava blushed, but kept quiet. I was determined she was going to talk even if it was just one word. "Well maybe I can get her to make some for me, when we get back to my place," I calmly stated

Her head shot up, eyes wide, her lips covered in barbecue sauce as well as her fingers from eating ribs. Almost funny looking, but I didn't laugh, I just smiled at her.

"What....what do you mean....back at your place?" about to have a panic attack.

"Oh, I plan on taking you home with me," as I took a bite of my pulled pork sandwich.

"Mom....Dad......what's he talking about," frantically looking back and forth at them.

"Honey," Dad said, "Your Mom and I thought it would do you good to get away from here for a little while. Besides, you've never been there and I'm sure you will have a lovely time."

"What if I don't want to go," she snarled at Dad. At least she didn't use the fuck, so I guess that was some improvement, chuckling to myself.

Taking a drink of sweet tea, I grinned at Ava, "A few weeks in Orange Beach will do you good Ava. Put a little color in your cheeks (ass cheeks I thought to myself) you're too pale and need to get out in the sun more."

"I'm happy here thank you, so I'll pass on the invitation," she stated firmly, as she wiped barbecue sauce off her face and fingers, then started to rise from her chair.

"Ava, if you leave the table before I give you permission, you and I are going to need to have a private conversation," I growled and took another bite of baked beans.

"You're not my boss, besides I'm 18 years old and can make my own decisions," she hissed, as she got up and marched out of the kitchen.

"See what I mean," my Mom sighed.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm going to finish my meal, then I want you and Dad to take a drive around town. I'll call when you can come home."

"If that's what you think is best," she sighed again, "come on Delbert you can show me that new Dollar Store they just opened."

I waited until they were gone and went to Ava's room. Just as I entered she threw a bag out the window and was scurrying to get out the window herself.

She had her head and one leg out the window, as I caught her ankle stopping her.

"Where do you think you're going Ava," as I drug her back inside and dropped her on the floor.

"I'm not going to shit hole Alabama," she screamed.

Grabbing a handful of hair I dragged her over to the bed, her kicking and struggling, and threw her face down on the bed. Luckily a bathrobe was laying on a nearby chair and I yanked the belt loose from it and tied her hands behind her back.

"Leave me alone you asshole," she kept screaming and kicking. Using my belt I strapped her ankles together, now she was pretty well immobilized. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back I chuckled.

"You" just over and over one cuss word after another.

Returning to her room I had a ball gag, so I straddled her and stuffed her mouth with the ball gag and strapped it behind her head. Now all she could do was mumble incoherent words and drool around the gag. "Now Ava, you have two choices, 1) keep struggling and I'll take your pants down and wear your ass out, or 2) she can lay here quietly and go to sleep and we will talk in the morning. Oh yeah, I wouldn't try rolling over on your might choke to death on your own saliva."

I left the room and went outside and got her bag, then got a glass of tea and sat down in the den. I waited about 30 minutes listening and I didn't hear much struggling, I had left her room door open. Quietly I checked on her, she was still on her stomach, breathing okay, a pool of drool below her mouth, and seemed to be asleep. So I turned her lights off and closed her door. My room was next to hers so I figured I would hear her if she struggled or had problems. So I called Dad to come home.

They returned and I gave them a run down of what happened, and asked them to stay out of her room. I would check on her during the night and not to worry.

Early the next morning I went into Ava's room, she was asleep and a large pool of drool was soaking the sheets below her mouth. Gently shaking her awake, she looked at me like she could kill me. I pulled out the collar and put it around her neck and locked it in place. She tried to struggle and resist but it was useless, since she was still bound.

"Ava, I just put a shock collar around your neck, if you cause any problem after I remove your restraints you will regret it. Understand?"

"Yddii fidd ufgg bech," she mumbled around the gag.

"Suit yourself," I held my phone up for her to see the dial on my phone, with a scale numbered 1 to 10, and a red button on the screen, "I am going to give you a little shock, as you can see it's set on the lowest setting, a 1."

I pressed the button, and a low current caused her to jerk and shriek and bite down on the ball gag. I only hit it for a second, then chuckled, "See Ava, imagine if I had dialed up to a higher setting. Now I'm going to remove the gag and restraints and you better keep your mouth shut. Understand?"

Tears were rolling down her cheeks and she nodded yes. After removing her restraints she sat up and refused to look at me, but remained silent and was rubbing her wrists where she had been tied.

"Sorry we had to do that to you, but get it thru your head now, you are to do exactly as you're told. It's real simple, I make the rules and you obey them. Now go in the hall bath, and take a shower, wash your hair, remove that damn black nail polish. I'll have Mom pick out some suitable clothes for you to put on."

Those blue eyes were icy cold as she finally looked at me, her face a mess from drooling, crying, and lips swollen from having the ball gag in her mouth all night.

She just nodded her head and got up and headed to the hall bathroom.

I reminded her the collar was waterproof, and the dial was now set on 5 now. "you don't want to find out how painful that would be. Also that picture of you on the wall in the den, I want you to look like that when you're cleaned up," I smirked.

Mom and Dad got up and were surprised when I told them Ava was in the shower. I told Mom what I had told Ava and to go pick out clothes for her. That especially made Mom happy, that her little girl was going to look like her old self. I explained to both of them about the collar and that it was necessary until she learns to control her temper, and that it would not do any real damage to her.

While Mom was helping Ava, Dad called work and Mom's boss at Walmart and told them they were taking the day off. He and I were sitting in the den when Mom brought Ava into the den. Mom was grinning and smiling and so was Dad, me I was flabbergasted.

"Doesn't she look beautiful," Mom gushed.

"You look really nice honey," Dad replied.

Me, I was dumb struck. Her black hair framed her oval face, her long dark eyelashes drew you to her blue eyes, slender nose, plump bowed lips. Her long slender neck, down to her large luscious breasts that her white blouse couldn't hide, made my mouth water. Looking below her breasts, it tapered to a narrow waist inside a pale blue skirt that flared out over her curvy hips and stopped a couple inches above her knees. The blue skirt matched her eyes, and the 3 inch white heels enhanced her slender legs and calves. I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and carry to bed and fuck the hell out of her. Damn man that's your sister asshole, I told myself.

"You look really nice Ava" I said casually, like it was no big deal. All the time my pants were getting tight. Reminding myself I was here to break her not fuck her.

"Yeah I look really cute with this collar around my neck," Ava sneered.

"Baby, I just thought of something, that beautiful scarf you used to wear, it would go perfect and hide the collar. Let me go see if I can find it," Mom smiled and went in search of it. Coming back she had a scarf that was blue with pink and white flowers on it, which was perfect and covered up the collar.

Dad got up and went over to Ava, "You really beautiful Ava, I knew the minute you were born you were pretty as Ava Gardner the movie actress," hugging her, "that's why we named you Ava."

"Well if we are going over to see George, we better be going," Mom stated, "he will be happy to see you Ava, and your brother," tugging Ava toward the door.

We spent about an hour visiting Uncle George, he had lung cancer, and was doing poorly. He had first responded to treatment, then the cancer came back and the doctors were now just trying to keep him comfortable. I wished him well, knowing I would not see him again.

Leaving Dad helped Mom in the seat behind the drivers side of my Armada, and I followed Ava around to the other side. Her ass looked fantastic, making me want to just reach out and squeeze it, instantly I was hard again. Sliding into her seat her skirt slid up exposing a lot of her creamy thighs, making me groan. I quickly closed her door before I did something stupid.

On the way home I glimpsed in the rear view mirror, and thought I saw a smirk on her face, then she turned and looked out her window and frowned. I had to remind myself she was my sister, and I needed to control my urges.

"Son,...Son, you missed the turn to our house," Dad said as he tapped my right arm.

" mind was on a customer I should touch base with," I chuckled to cover my embarrassment. Then took the next turn and headed home.

I helped Mom out of the car, and Dad and Ava exited the vehicle on their side. "Ya'll go on inside I need to make a call and I'll be inside shortly," I grunted.

Climbing back in the drivers seat I placed a call to Sandy, if nothing else to get my mind off Ava. I FaceTimed the call so I could finally get a look at her, I hoped. On the second ring she picked up, and I saw her beautiful face.

"Hello Lee," she smiled, "I wasn't expecting to hear from you so soon, but it's a pleasant surprise."

"Just checking in on my favorite customer," I grinned, "and you're even as pretty as your voice."

She blushed, and I noticed she looked around before she spoke, "That's sweet of you to're quite handsome yourself," biting her lower lip.

"I take it nobody is around right now," I groaned not taking my eyes off her lips.

"I'm alone, my husband had to take my father-in-law to the doctor, he seems to be getting worse," her smile disappears.
