Burma Road


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With that Owl went to check on the drivers.

They were up and working on breakfast. There were also quite a number of female 'cooks' around. They were all sleepy-eyed. Apparently things had been cooking all night. Owl thought there must be some well cooked cocks and emptied balls based on the number of cooks.

Owl spoke with the head driver and told him to get the women off camp soon. The camp was back 'in discipline' from 06:15 until 18:00 this evening. The head driver spoke with the people. The girls got the message and started packing up and exiting.

The morning routines, roll call, breakfast and general chores were run with the usual dispatch. By 08:00 the day's work was ready to get started.

There was an assembly for soldiers and drivers. The camp rules were set out much as other bivouacs. Tomorrow reveille would be at 06:00. Visitors to be gone before assembly. They were in a war zone but tonight the camp would be out of discipline between 18:00 and 06:00. No alcohol allowed. No visitors during the day unless vetted by the commander or platoon sergeant. There would be a fire watch set during the same hours. No fighting, abusive behavior or drunkenness would be tolerated. The town itself was off limits. The river was dangerous so it was off limits too. Easy rules but punishment for infractions would be swift, sure and either painful or expensive or both. The goal was to get as many trucks maintained today as possible because there was always the possibility that they would be moving tomorrow. Working hours were 08:00 to Noon and 13:00 to 17:00 but all trucks needed to be ready to roll at the end of the day. Tomorrow they would finish what hadn't been done today.

There were no real questions. The platoon had been working together for nearly two years so they all knew how to work together. No one wanted any trouble and they all wanted to go home after the war in one piece. The lieutenant had been with them just over a year and was a 'good officer' if such a person was possible. Lt. Owl was smart. Sometimes he helped with dirty work. He always ate last if there was a chow line. More than once he had gone toe-to-toe with their company commander, a real bastard, in defending a platoon member in trouble. In return he expected that there would be no trouble. Serious trouble makers found themselves transferred to the infantry.

Also, Lt. Owl seemed to understand how to work around the Chinese drivers and people in the countryside. Little did they know that he had spent the first 18 years of his life in China and spoke the language like a Chinese.

The platoon sergeant was good too. He had joined up in 1938 to eat and escape the stifling small town of Afton, Iowa. When the war started he had been a private first class at Ft. Missoula, Montana.

DONNARAY -- Wednesday morning after 06:00

DonnaRay woke slowly. The sun was up part way and beginning to stream into the bedroom. The birds were chirping in the trees. Then she woke completely. One hand was holding Jesse between her legs. "Shit" she thought. "Just what was I dreaming about?" Then it started to come back. There had been some vivid dreams. Dreams that she hadn't had for years.

DONNARAY -- Wednesday morning -- Flashback

The first dreams were of her husband making love with her. He had a very pleasing cock and nice balls to go with it. He had red thatch. Much the same color as her hair. She had enjoyed playing with his wedding tackle.

Since DonnaRay had grown up on a farm with animals she knew the basic facts of life but in her world people stayed dressed, mostly, when they went to the swimming hole. On their wedding night she had been very curious just how his cock worked. They kept experimenting with his cock and her pussy until they got it right. Hubby had even sent off for a short book on the subject to expand their horizons. She loved the man and liked his cock. She preferred it hard and inside her with his balls slapping her ass.

During the first several months they had fucked at least twice a day. After the book arrived, it was in French, they had experimented Saturday evenings until they had worked out what they liked best. There was certainly more to fucking than simple missionary and doggie. She liked cowgirl and had learned to appreciate the lotus position too.

She had also learned to appreciate sucking dick. There was no real benefit to her but the reaction from Hubby was amazing. An amazed Hubby was a good thing so she had used sucking cock and sometimes hand jobs, to keep him focused on the home and hearth, and her.

DONNARAY -- Back to the present

There had also been an intruder in her dreams. This Lt. Owl had entered in. Over time in the dreams her hubby had fucked her less and this new face, Lt. Owl, had intruded. He had this shit-eating grin and pleasant way about him that lit her fire off. She wasn't sure how that occurred but it certainly had. All she could see in the dream was his face but in the dreams she had certainly felt his cock parting her thighs and bouncing his balls of her ass, kissing her lips and sucking her nipples. He had charmed her bra and panties right off her ass without even trying. During the last dream that she could remember hubby and Owl had taken turns fucking her in perpetual orgasm until the dream had ended. It was a nice dream but who was this Lt. Owl character. She blushed at the thought of getting naked and fucking with another man.

Nevertheless, she needed to get herself moving along. It was now past 6:30 and she needed to get breakfast. Wila, the housekeeper, wouldn't be there until after noon. DonnaRay suspected that Wila hadn't had much sleep if her suspicions were true. With that group of American soldiers camped down near the road she had probably gone off with some of the girls for some male entertainment.

She was up and dressed in a house coat within a minute or two. Naked as a jay bird under the thin cotton. Summer in Yunnan could be stifling hot. Besides, it felt good to feel the cloth blow loosely around her boobs and private parts.

As DonnaRay prepared her breakfast she thought about the past evening and the coming day. The evening with the young officer had gone nicely. She had enjoyed an intelligent conversation in English. She had, she had to admit, enjoyed teasing him just a bit with smiles, a laugh, holding her shoulders back just a bit, once or twice, or maybe three or four or maybe more times, to show off her chest. She hadn't had anyone to flirt with for 25 months except Jesse.

Jesse, God bless him, only had one thing on his mind. No matter.

The young officer would probably come visiting again. The invitation was there for a visit at 6 tonight, for a chaperoned, by the cook, visit. DonnaRay doubted Wila wanted to stay late.

"Oh my," she thought as she finished up cooking the egg and pork, she had mentioned that she went down to the hot water creek in the morning. Why had she said that? Did she want to tease him or, the unspoken question, did she want to get kissed, seduced and cocked? What a quandary.

As she slowly read her Daily Word study the question kept coming. "What do you want?" Part of her said that she just wanted more conversation. Part of her said she wanted to get nailed to the bed. She wanted to moan as Owl's cock-of-the walk hammer pounded her hot, wet, slippery cunt into willing submission. She wanted the smell of cum, sweat, piss, perfume and her juices to mingle into sex wax. Jesse was good. He never missed. But he was a fucking rock for crying out loud. She was greedy. She was needy. She wanted the male scent. She wanted to smell their sweat as she screwed her ass off with a man. Or did she? Was it a fantasy that would never be played out? In the end. Did it matter? What would happen would happen. "Nay" she thought. "We will keep it platonic. He can fuck the ass off any of the Chinese girls after he leaves here tonight!"

She put the book down. She had decided that she wouldn't let Lt. Owl disturb her routine. She cleaned up the kitchen. Cook would come and noon and prepare lunch and then dinner. Cook would stay until 8 pm when Lt. Owl would depart. No harm in any of that.

Meantime she, DonnaRay, would be going to the creek as was her custom and soaking for an hour or a little more this Wednesday morning. In the afternoon she had church work to prepare for Sunday morning. She was also doing lessons for a number of other churches in the district. Her command of Chinese was very good. She could write like a native. She did the lesson outlines in English and then wrote them out in Mandarin. She had the drafts read by two of the elders who usually made just minor corrections. Thinking about that got her mind off Lt. Owl. That was a good thing.

So at the appointed hour she dressed for the creek. She was dressed much as a local Chinese lady would for a walk around a farm. She was wearing a blue cotton skull cap, a long dark blue tunic jacket with knotted buttons, blue cotton trousers and Chinese sandals. She had a bag with a long cotton night shirt that she used as a swimming costume. It met the local modesty expectations. Naked bathing was forbidden. Wearing anything, even a sheer night shirt such as this was considered modest. She knew she wouldn't be bothered anyway. The rest of the village was busy with the farming or cottage industries.

As DonnaRay walked through the village she made a few stops to visit with folks she knew. She loved the local gossip. She didn't pass anything on but she did take it all in.

At the first stop, a tea and noodle shop, she heard, in the background, that there had been an event down at the spring. Details were lacking but apparently some of the girls and some of the soldiers had been trysting until well into the early morning. There were some grins and then quick silence as the gossips realized she was there. DonnaRay knew from living in this village for more than 20 years that she was not to know all the peccadilloes of the local folks. She knew though. More than they thought. Wila and the cook kept her up to date. Even Han-Han, the cook's husband added tidbits from time to time.

At the next stop, a cloth shop that now sold mostly locally made stuff, the owner, Bo-Bo, was less circumspect. "Yes my long-time friend. She, herself, a woman of more than forty years, had gone there with her naughty younger sister, and had seduced two soldiers. She had bite marks on her nipples to prove it. Her naughty sister had screwed the ass off one driver and one of the sergeants." She blushed and grinned modestly. "Yes my friend. I have been naughty but it has been worth it. Tonight she might do it again to get more of the itchy bitchy feelings out of her." DonnaRay and this woman had a long history of full, free and frank discussions. Bo-Bo was also one of the mid-wives in the town. Nothing phased her.

DonnaRay took it all in and smiled.

As they parted Bo-Bo said, "Miss, my friend, my confidant, we are the same in many ways. You and I have lost our men and we are still young. You probably won't, but you could come with us tonight and forget for an hour or two the devils in your head, heart and cunt. No one will think less of you for being one like us. We are all the same under the skin." DonnaRay thanked her for being so honest. Then she shook her hand, winked and departed.

The Chinese women and older girls were not feeling shy or out of order. In fact, as she thought about it, many had probably fucked until they dropped. No men around. Husbands and boyfriends were probably dead by now. Two years in the labor corps was very nearly a death sentence in the best of circumstances. With a war on it was akin to slavery. She was having those feelings too.

With the local gossip tuned to the one bit of news there was no reason to delay with more stops. DonnaRay headed for her favorite swimming hole. It was on a side creek leading from the springs. There were a series of small and semi-secluded rock-lined pools that were connected by the streams. She had a favorite one that was just a bit off the path. She could go there and no casual walker would see her from the path.

Within a few minutes she arrived at her hot creek pool. After a quick look around for gawkers she doffed her ensemble and wriggled into the swimming costume. Then she dropped into the hot water pool and began to relax as the heat began to enter her body. She had brought Jesse along. One of the pleasures of being here was that Jesse could be heated up by the water and give her a proper hot fucking. She relaxed more as the heat encircled her. She thought good thoughts of green hills and small children and her missing husband. As the thoughts worked into her mind she reached for Jesse.

DonnaRay closed her eyes as Jesse entered her greedy, needy cunt. She daydreamed as Jesse worked his magic on her mind and body. In and out. In and out Jesse fucked DonnaRay to the clouds and back time after time. First the clouds were fucking her. Then as the rolls continued it was her husband. Damn he was a champion fucker. A fucking expert with his sword. DonnaRay knew that he had been a virgin on their wedding night. She had been also. They had learned how to fuck and then to make love together. They had bonded at the heart, mind and crotch in that order.

Now she saw a new arrival. It was that shit-eating-grin on his face lieutenant from last night. Mentally she undressed him. He had a hard body. Thin but strong and hard. He had hair on his chest and a good thatch on his groin. A saucy cock poked up from his mid-section and his balls appeared to be full of hot cum. He fucked her. Then they kissed. Then they fucked again. She could feel his breath and smell his man scent as they met and fucked. He spread her thighs and entered her cunt with his thick hard cock, kissed her lips and sucked her tits like the stud he was. No apologies. No pretense. Just expert fucking until she climaxed again and then again and then yet again. Finally that grin began to twist as he came filling her cunt with his cum.

She semi-dozed more. The stream was quiet. As her mind drifted she heard a few ripples and felt the wind cooling her nearly naked body. She relaxed more and pulled Jesse out. Still her eyes were closed.

A few more gentle sounds of moving water and then the touch of a warm hand on each knee and the feeling of a hot cock between her legs. She woke with a certain calmness though. There was the young lieutenant standing between her knees. He was naked with his cock at full erection. One hand on each knee lightly holding them apart with his cock obviously ready to pleasure her.

Owl smiled and then nodded with a quizzical look. DonnaRay shook her head 'yes' and then spoke quietly saying "fuck me Mr. Owl. Take me like you probably fucked the Chinese women last night. Just this once I am your whore. Fuck me like you want to fuck me again and again!"

About 45 minutes and more than 100 strokes later DonnaRay and Owl were satiated. He expressed the belief that his balls were completely drained. It might be weeks before they refilled. She expressed the feeling that she had never been so thoroughly fucked in her life. Never before by someone other than her husband. They had exhausted their position repertoire except for Lotus which didn't lend itself to beach sand performances.

They hugged, then kissed and then cooed in a never ending repetition for another 45 minutes.

Then Owl, without asking permission this time, fucked DonnaRay in Missionary one more. He finished in 74 strokes that left her gasping for breath and him feeling as if his balls and cock had separated from his body.

They talked a bit more. Owl was invited again for dinner that night with some of the local elders. The food would be excellent Chinese fare. Some of the guests would probably get drunk. There would be a second servant helping with the food and cleaning up.

DonnaRay then asked "so lieutenant, I heard there was a bit of an orgy last night at the baths. Is that true?"

"Yes ma'am. From what I saw, there was considerable conversation between the visiting men and the local debutantes and their chaperones."

"Hmm. Come, come Mr. Owl. In common language there was a fuck fest wasn't there?"

"I suppose so Miss DonnaRay. I didn't check too closely but there appeared to be considerable carnal knowledge being taught and received by the participants."

"Hmm. Old fashioned screwing?

"To be blunt, yes!"

"Good. These women have been more than two years without fucking. They aren't nuns. The sex probably did them a world of good. I know my house helper, Wila, was present and probably got laid."

"Most probably was there and did get laid ma'am." Owl answered. He said nothing about the fact that he had been one of the men fucking Wila.

"Well. A good time was had by all. You certainly got rid of some demons on my part Mr. Owl. Thank you very much. I do believe that if my husband was watching from Heaven he would have approved of our antics. I know that you caught me in a weak moment. However, the attention was most enjoyable."

"You are welcome ma'am."

With that they parted. DonnaRay went on her way.

That night Lt. Owl attended the dinner while his men and the local damsels, cock hungry milf's and prowling cougars fucked themselves silly a second night. This time the fever pitch was missing and it ended earlier.

Owl arrived for dinner per invitation and enjoyed the dinner and social evening. He pretended only a modest working knowledge of the language. The other guests enjoyed the company and conversation among themselves. Once or twice Owl noticed Wila and DonnaRay both looking at him when he spoke. Apparently they both suspected that his language ability was better than he acknowledged.

During the evening Owl found a note on the seat of his chair with some instructions.

After the dinner Owl went into the smaller house and waited in the shadows. When the last guest was gone and the house helpers finished up and left, DonnaRay flashed a light three times from her bedroom window. Owl waited a few minutes and then scooted inside the main house through the back door. That night DonnaRay and Owl enjoyed the pleasures of the road until nearly daybreak. Several times DonnaRay felt as if her ass was permanently nailed to her bed. Before first light Owl fucked with DonnaRay one last time. They cuddled and kissed. Then he left before anyone was up.

During their stay fucking with DonnaRay became a nightly event. The third evening he had to leave to check the pickets and spend the night in the camp to relieve the platoon sergeant. On the way through the village he saw Wila talking with a girlfriend. She waved him down and asked him to walk her home. As they passed her door she asked if he would take her to the camp and a fuck her the rest of the night. He agreed, the camp was out of discipline at night except for the guards. During the rest of the night Wila got little, if any sleep, as Owl fucked her sweet soy sauce scented Chinese cunt in Missionary, Cowgirl and Lotus between checking the pickets. Just before official reveille Wila left with the rest of the cock hungry debutants and older women.

After five days camped at the village the order to move came. That night the reverie was limited and over by midnight. The next day they needed to up and gone by 08:00.

This scenario was repeated three times more. Owl and his platoon would contrive to be forced to overnight at this particular village on some real or imaginary pretext. They would manage to stretch it out for two and sometimes three nights. Each night was accompanied with much fucking, squeals and merriment. Owl and DonnaRay enjoyed each other's company at the swimming pool and in her bedroom. At least once each visit Owl contrive to fuck with Wila in his tent and/or at night by the hot springs.