Carnal Knowledge


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'You are so frigging fit,' Heather whispered up at her, watching a small dewdrop of juice forming there right on the tip of her lover's nose, desperately wanting to kiss or lap it up, but not wanting to spoil the moment.

'I love you,' Julia replied.

That didn't come as a big surprise. Julia had said it often enough before. But now, however, there was an edge. Now Julia had said it with untypical certainty.

'I love you too,' Heather replied, defensively.

'Yeah, but you love everyone. You love that cow Mary Rose, Carole, Lorna and a thousand others.'

Heather took stock. Julia did have a point. She had loved Mary Rose from maybe three seconds after setting eyes on her. And she loved lots of others too. Her parents headed the list . . . obviously . . . but lots of others were on there with them.

And Mary Rose was so not a cow . . .

Looked at, Mary Rose was the least likely female ever to be compared to bovine. She wasn't stupid either. Heather had hit starred results at all levels but Mary Rose was ahead of her intellectually, even if they were always snapping at each other's heels.

Snapping apart from in the gym and on the running track, that was; nobody ever won there ahead of Heather, not even the best. Three future Olympic athletes had never surpassed her. Well, okay they'd beaten her occasionally as schoolgirls, but not very often.

Usually she'd beaten them by miles.

If only she'd had their dedication!

'Love and me are awkward bed-mates,' she began awkwardly.'

'Right, as if I didn't know that!' Julia stared down at her, laughing as the dewdrop of juice suddenly fell only to be deftly caught and devoured by Heather's waiting mouth.

'Yummy, yummy,' said Heather. 'No wonder you're down on me all the time.' Then she added, 'I love you as best I can. There's been no one else since we got together. Only the two you know about and Mary Rose.'

'And now there's been Martin.'

'Yes; now there's been Martin. I can point him in your direction if you like. I can recommend him highly and there's no doubt he'd have a go at you. Everybody with a pulse would have a go at you. We could even share him for a night.'

'I don't believe you just said that.' Julia's sexy eyebrows shot up. 'That would be perverted.'

'Okay, forget it as an option. Shall I start pointing?'

'My sexual needs are being catered to by you. I don't need anyone else, highly recommended or not.'

'Well, if you're absolutely sure . . .'

'Sure I'm sure. Come on, let's go fuck in the shower before we go out for lunch.'

'Fair enough,' said Heather, 'why not?'

Chapter Four

(Sunday afternoon)

Dallying a while in Heather's shower, they arrived in the Union Bar around half past twelve. It wasn't as busy as it would have been on a weekday but it was still far from deserted. Julia bought them beer and baguettes and, turning from the bar, cast a glance towards Lesbians' Corner.

Heather chuckled inwardly. They had often sat on The Corner but Julia was never comfortable there. It wasn't her scene and the endless procession of blatant approaches unsettled her. In fact for some reason the blatant approaches from lezzies affected her more than the ones she got from guys.

And good grief, guys swarmed around her ceaselessly, suggesting all sorts. Maybe she was so used to guys she'd grown immune.

'Shall we sit over there?' Heather asked, indicating a free table at the other side of the room, close to the darts boards.

Julia agreed eagerly enough and took a seat with her back to the hordes of female admirers. Taking a place opposite her, Heather secretly smiled. The plan was to be here in the bar for two or three hours. In two or three hours Julia would be up and down out of her chair half a dozen times. The vultures on The Corner would visually violate her ass every time.

And then they'd get to visually violate her chest as she turned and headed to the bar or wherever.

'I love cheese and tomato,' Julia said, oblivious, tearing the cellophane off her baguette.

Heather meanwhile was watching Lorna. Lorna was sitting with Maxi . . . again. That makes it twice in two nights, she thought. The horny mare!

Chatting animatedly, the pair of them ate their sandwiches and swigged ale. Then Heather saw Lorna was on her way to the ladies'. Acting instinctively, taking advantage of Julia's ignorance of what was happening in the dead zone behind her, she excused herself.

'I need to empty my bladder,' she said. 'Wait right here. I'll be back with more Marston's.'


Lorna was already in a cubicle when Heather arrived. She knew that because only one cubicle door was closed. Waiting outside, Heather grinned. She was accustomed to Lorna's wild flings but hadn't expected her to go for Maxi.

Maxi was a force of nature. Maxi was wilder than wild.

And going with her twice in two nights . . .

Maybe Lorna's appetite had got ahead of her. Maybe Lorna was also running wild.

Soon enough the toilet flushed, a bolt clicked and the cubicle door opened.

'Oh,' said Lorna, 'it's you.'

'Little me,' Heather agreed.

'What are you doing here? There isn't a queue.'

'Yes there is. I'm queuing for you.'

There was uncertainty in Lorna's eyes. Laughingly, Heather said, 'Two nights on the trot with Maxi. I am seriously impressed.'

Abruptly switching modes, Lorna laughed with her. 'Who says it's only two nights?' she said, stressing "nights".

Heather did a double-take so Lorna enlarged.

'I've been with her virtually every second since six o'clock, Friday evening. And we're sticking together until eight tomorrow morning; sticking like superglue. We may do Monday, Tuesday and so on, too.'

'Tuesday's supposed to be mine.'

'Yeah, well let's wait and see. "So on" could go on a while.'

'You're going to sleep with her all weekend then every night for a week or more!'

'Who knows, but very possibly I am.'

'You like the way she is?' Heather's mouth blurted of its own accord.

Lorna's laughter was richer than ever. 'She's a lovely person,' she said.

'She's a crazy nympho bitch.'

'Correct. In a lot of ways she reminds me of you. It's always best to be in total control but hey, if your girlfriend wants a go, why not? That's a philosophy you both share.'

'Good grief, I've created a monster.'

Smiling knowingly, Lorna pressed past her, taking care to rub body parts, upstairs and down.

This time Heather's physical being blurted a response, grabbing Lorna, turning her 180 degrees and clamping their mouths together.

Lorna didn't resist. As per usual she kissed back hotly, pressing herself tight up close.

Heather responded by gripping Lorna's buns. Being a lot taller her boobs were pressing down onto Lorna's and that contact felt incredible. So too did the feel of Lorna's hands roving over her body.

Lorna had to be the best kisser ever!

Still acting on instinct, Heather adjusted the position of her leg, giving Lorna something to rub herself to heaven on . . .

And Lorna broke contact.

'Sorry lover-girl,' she trilled, 'but in case you haven't noticed, we're both out with different babes.'

Heather watched Lorna rinse her hands and fought off the impulse to drag her away, behind lock and key, somewhere where she could . . .

Could . . .

Maybe back in that cubicle she'd just vacated . . .

Maybe here on this very spot and bugger the less-than pristine floor tiles.

'We're both here with different babes,' Lorna repeated, retreating to the exit, still smiling. 'Screwing in toilets is gonna have to wait until Tuesday.'

Mind reader or what?

'I thought Tuesday was subject to doubt,' said Heather.

'Naw, I was winding you up. Assurances have been made, no? I'm like you in keeping my promises.'

'Does that mean I get to shag you in here, Tuesday night?'

'Is that what you want?'

'Yes, although right now would be infinitely preferable.'

As if that was likely to happen!

'Tuesday,' Lorna said in parting. 'I'll keep it warm for you.'


Armed with two fresh pints Heather returned to their table.

'Ah,' said Julia, 'it's the late Heather Hunter. I'd expected a much older woman.'

'I've only been two minutes.'

'Bollocks! It's been more like ten.'

'I got talking . . .'

'Yeah, I know; to that hussy of yours; the little blonde with the big tits. I bet you had a quickie, too.'

Julia must have had eyes in the back of her head after all.

'Lorna's connected,' Heather said reflexively. 'She has no use for me anymore. She's totally up for Maxi.'

'Does that mean she's dropped next Tuesday night and I can replace her?'


Julia was nothing if not sharp. She always had an eye on the main chance.

'We're still on for this Tuesday,' Heather said cautiously. 'After that, who knows?'

'Well keep me in mind if anything changes. I'm quite capable of adding in an extra night.'

Over on The Corner Lorna and Maxi were still sitting closer than close. Heather was sure they were up to no good under the table. Not that "no good" couldn't be great fun.

Suddenly an image formed in her head. Maxi loved to get in a harness and shag like a demon. It was easy to picture her taking Lorna from dozens of different angles: face-to-face; kneeling between wide spread legs; riding her on all-fours; standing up against the bedroom wall . . .

Or maybe it would be Lorna strapping on and taking Maxi every which way. Wild things like her were capable of anything and everything.

Blinking away the mental pictures Heather reminded herself of where she was. She was with the sex queen of the universe and Lorna could just flipping-well wait . . . until Tuesday at least.

And good grief, wasn't she excited! Umpteen consecutive nights of sex and still she was desperate for more.

Like imminently.

'You know today's my day of rest,' she said casually (she hoped).

'Solitary Sunday,' Julia agreed with a laugh. 'Apart from the first twelve hours of the day; they aren't ever exactly "solitary", are they?'

'Stuff the first twelve hours; I don't want to be solitary at all today.'

Cue a startled gape, swiftly followed by yet another eye on the main chance. 'Do you mean . . .'

'I mean let's repeat yesterday. Well, as far as the time scale's concerned. And remembering we need to get up earlier. The actual activities might vary a bit.'

As she spoke Heather was visualizing a strap-on plunging in and out of Julia. She genuinely loved her strapless device but using it called for a certain level of self-control. Julia may be cool with that level of control but Heather was into total lack of restraint. Not that she would ever hurt anyone to any degree.

Not apart from inflicting a nice, mutually appreciated ass-smacking or two.

Glowing with passion . . . possibly oozing below as much as Heather was . . . Julia closed in.

'Are you proposing another four o'clock kick-off?'

Heather made a show of consulting her watch. It was five minutes short of two. 'Why not,' she said.

Julia beamed back at her and said, 'Why not indeed?'

Chapter Five

(Tuesday afternoon)

Heather, in her last lecture of the day, was paying zero attention to proceedings down at the front of the theatre. The lecturer was one of her least favourite and she probably knew twice as much about Econometrics as he did, anyway.

Instead of listening she pondered on the mess she'd got herself into. Well, maybe not so much mess as confusion.

Yesterday had been, to say the least, interesting. Martin had sought her out in their first lecture, taking a seat next to her and grinning like a love-struck fool. Conscious of a million eyes on them (her being a notorious lezzie and all) she'd reacted discreetly.

That is to say she'd been as discreet as she possibly could.

As the lecture ended Martin lingered while other students flocked out. 'Friday night was best-ever for me,' he'd assured her. 'I really, really want to do it again.'

To her great surprise so did Heather. 'I can't do next Friday,' her treacherous mouth answered for her, 'but you can have Solitary Sunday night, if you like.'

'Solitary Sunday,' he echoed.

'Bear with me and just say yes or no. Will you be in The Oak at seven next Sunday evening?''

'Yes,' he said without hesitation.

So here she was a day or so on since last time, fully committed to shagging a guy again. Not that she feared the task; it was the thought of telling Julia that worried her.

Julia was becoming more and more possessive. One "Solitary Sunday" and she'd assumed her quota had gone up to five nights a week. Letting her know that wasn't necessarily the case was going to be a chore.

Deep down inside Heather was unsure about Julia. She honestly did love the girl but not with the pure sincerity she deserved. Truth was she genuinely did love lots of people (most of them female) but she simply wasn't capable of devoting herself to one individual.

There was nothing personal about it; it was just the way it was. Good grief, she'd been shagging Mary Rose for years and loved her more than life itself. They had an agreement, though. Indeed they had a competition.

Shag as many people as possible, preferably girls. Bet I can do more than you can.

Heather honestly didn't know who was ahead in the race. Both of them fibbed and exaggerated as a matter of course.

But both of them had lots of notches on their bedposts.

In fact by now both of them were probably into their fourth or fifth beds; all of them poster-less, and all originally four-posters at that!

Oh my, those old beds with their posts notched into non-existence . . .

Somehow surviving Doctor Boring's useless drivel (Heather had read ahead and by now was certain that she knew the subject lots better than he did) she shut out background noise and focused on the present day.

Shagging a guy again was so much not a problem. Preferences aside, she liked shagging guys. Guys were not an issue. She simply liked girls more. Except Martin had flashed his blue eyes, flickered his scintillating smile and . . .

And suddenly she'd promised him next Sunday with all sorts of extras!

How in hell was she going to explain that to Julia? Julia had a bad thing about Martin. A tiny little one-off shag had upset her. She obviously saw him as a rival . . . if not Satan himself.

Still ignoring the boring lecturer's boring words, Heather wondered about life, the universe and simply everything. Julia had "seen" her a lot lately. To be quite frank she'd seen her from Saturday afternoon through to early Monday morning. Then she'd been back for Monday evening up until eight Tuesday morning.

Sex forever and ever, Hev mused, why ever not!

Then she refocused. Yes, Julia was becoming ever more possessive and she needed to stem it. And yes, she was personally lost in a more directionless lust . . .

A harsh laugh ended that nonsense. Heather had promised Martin another go so it would happen. In no way did she intend to promise any other man anything. Never say never but, hey guys; please do not hold your breath.

Yet still, how in heck was she going to explain next Sunday to Julia?

Sorry babe, but I need a nice, hard penis once in a while . . .

I like the feel of a man spurting inside of me . . .

No, the truth wasn't going to prevail. She would have to wing it and hope that nobody saw them while they were out and about as a boy/girl couple.

Then her phone vibrated in her pocket.


At last Doctor Boring's ordeal was over. As Heather left the lecture theatre she checked her missed call, half-expecting it to be Lorna wimping out of tonight. But it had been Carole. Intrigued, she rang back.

'Are you done for the day?' Carole asked without any small talk.

'Yes, thank God.'

'Where are you? We need to talk face-to-face.'

'That sounds ominous,' said Heather with a frown. 'But okay then. Where are you?'

'I'm outside your university's Main Building, in the car park. And I'm in a patrol car, so you can't miss me.'

'Five minutes and I'll be there.'

It only actually took three minutes because (miracle of miracles) the lifts were all working. Spotting the police car straightaway Heather obeyed Carole's nodded instruction and got into the passenger seat.

'Where's your partner?' she wondered.

'This is off the record,' the policewoman replied. 'So he's having a cup of tea and a low-calorie bacon butty just down the road.'

'I didn't know they did low calorie bacon butties.'

'I strongly suspect they don't. But that's what I told him, and he believed me.'

'This all sounds ominouser and ominouser. So what's going on?'

'I've got a job offer. No, I've got an almost irresistible job offer.'

'I thought you already had a job.'

'I do, but I'm a million miles away from being chief constable. And insurance pays better in any case.'

'You know about insurance?'

'Yeah, I was a late entry into the Force, remember? Before that I worked in credit insurance. My old boss has just made it big-time. He's got the power of the pen and wants me to re-enlist, and not back at the bottom of the pile. It's a position with international implications. '

'Okay,' Heather said carefully, 'if it's someone you know and trust and the money's better, why not?'

'I'm torn. The job's based in Canary Wharf, you see, and you're up here in darkest Lancashire.'

Big shock or what!

Just how did she, Hev Hunter sit in that equation?

'Isn't Canary Wharf in London?' she ventured.

'It's on the Isle of Dogs. And call me a dog if you want your ass spanking.'

'Dog, dog, dog,' went Heather, grinning. Then, less cheerfully: 'Where do I fit into this?'

'I'll have to move house. I'll get the London Allowance and everything, so I can afford it, but I really don't want to leave you.'

Carole's expression was too earnest. Nobody could have queried it as anything less than authentic.

'Are you having this conversation with all your girlfriends?' Heather as good as whimpered.

'No. the others come and go. It's you I need reassurance from; you and no one else.'

Heather gulped at the responsibility. She also gulped at the level of Carole's feelings for her. They'd never mentioned "love" and had interacted like . . . well probably like police officers . . . forever joking and dissing each other with total disrespect when not frantically shagging.

And grunting, groaning, moaning screeching and screaming, naturally.

Good grief, she thought now, she really cares!

And, because Carole really did care, she answered from the heart.

'I'm only going to be here another year,' she said. 'Then maybe I'll go off backpacking or something. I don't know what will happen after that, but I'll be gone. I love this town but whatever I do, I won't settle here. Yorkshire is in my blood, just like Lancashire is in your blood.'

'Do you mean we're bound to part at some stage? That it's only a matter of time?'

'In a word, yes, I do . . . unless you want to move to the centre of the universe and live in Bingley.'

'It seems like I'm destined to be a Tower Hamlets girl.' Carole's smile was strained.

'I don't know all the financial implications,' said Heather, 'but if anything goes wrong in any way at all you can always join me in Bingley. Assuming I'm not still beating about the Australian bush.'

'Beating about in some Aussie Sheila's bush, more like.'

'Yeah well, whatever.'

Carole stared into Heather's eyes. Her own were brimming and the emotion was mutual. Then she laughed.

'Make sure you bring me back some kangaroo jerky.'

'I'll bring you back a whole joey,' Heather laughed with her. 'Now then, I've always wanted to have sex in a police car . . .'

'Hev, there are people coming and going all around us.'

'Congrats Carole, you got the potential thrill all in one.'

Chapter Six

(Tuesday night to Wednesday morning)