Carnal Knowledge


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Heather's date with Lorna was in "her" special pub (Heather had different pubs for different dates and was considered to be "local" in all of them). Both punctual, they met up at seven o'clock and kissed in the bar area, giving not one fig for other customers' sensitivities . . . or maybe playing up to the men's only-too-interested sensitivities.

And oh crap, Martin now had his own specific pub! How in heck had that happened!!

Lorna was, compared to her usual standards, subdued. Yes, she was game for finger interplay under their table and her kisses were hot . . . yet she was definitely subdued. Soon enough Heather took her home for a session of prolonged sixty-nine (after lengthily snogging and slowly stripping each other, of course). Then, because she knew Lorna adored it, Heather got out her transparent double-ender.

'Usual rules,' she said, beaming widely.

As if Lorna was about to protest about anything! They whiled away the next two or three hours in a most satisfactory manner, occasionally using the handle in the middle to be in control, mostly using nothing and shagging as mutually and equally as humanly possible.

They wrestled and rolled a lot as well. Normally they stayed on their backs, legs intertwined, focused on the motion of their equally hungry groins. Bang, bang, bang, shriek, shriek and shriek. That was as much SOP for them. But not tonight; tonight was more like their never-ending sixty-nines; Lorna would try to take over and, being deep down considerate, Heather would forget her own physical superiority and give way.

Being shagged by Lorna was ace. No, being shagged by Lorna was supreme. On top, underneath . . . who cared as long as it just happened?

Heather had always loved the mutual interaction. Okay, so the straddled legs arrangement was not so comfortable, but the groin-on-groin contact . . .


Given choice, Heather would have shagged Lorna any way she could. In reality they did shag mostly every last way they could. Right at the very end they got on all-fours and did it in reverse . . . although not in an anal way; they did it totally fanny to fanny.

Double heaven!

How could they possibly be so good together?

And why was Lorna crying when, their delightful toy discarded on the bedroom carpet, waiting for its inevitable trip to the dishwasher, they were on their backs, staring up at the overhead lights.

'That was incredible,' Heather said sincerely. 'We can go again whenever you like. And I'm well up for doing the doing. Just tell me what you fancy.'

They were currently fingering each other, albeit in a sobbing sort of way. That is to say Heather's left hand was idly stimulating Lorna's still swollen, engorged sex. Lorna's right hand was doing likewise in a noticeably distracted manner. And Lorna was doing all the sobbing.

Why oh why was casual girly sex so good? Stuff hard willies; merely lying here and touching her lover seemed a lot more than merely satisfying.

Being satisfied herself wasn't bad either!

Having a man spurting inside her suddenly seemed irrelevant. Having a man spurting inside suddenly was not an issue. Bringing Lorna off was infinitely more important.

Guess what happened next?


'I have a problem,' Lorna announced, her fingers deep inside Heather. Wriggling and writhing in all of the right directions.

Purring pleasure, Heather didn't waste time asking questions. If anything she begged for more. A little later (no it was an awful lot later) Lorna did enlarge.

'I'm in lust,' Lorna said.

Conscious of those fingers still wriggling deep inside her one moment and then finding her shallower, most reactive bits, Heather laughed.

'I'm in lust too.'

'Right, but I'm in lust with Maxi. Don't ask why. It's just beyond all control.'

Heather sucked on the fingers on Lorna's currently free hand, savouring the taste of herself and the feel of active digits of a fellow female in a similar state of excitement.

Delightful tastes and sensations aside, she was surprised.

'Maxi' she breathed.

'I can't help it,' Lorna gasped back. 'We have been . . . seeing each other . . . for a while.'

'Not just last weekend.'

'No, it's been weeks, if not months. And it's happening more and more often.'

That surprised Heather even more. But she was nothing if not resilient.

'I bet I'm infinitely superior,' she said. 'I bet I'm easily the best.'

'You are,' Lorna admitted, 'but you're too much for me. And you've no use for me every night. I can't go on as second best any longer. I need to be with Maxi.'

Stunner or what!

Softly, slowly masturbating Lorna . . . softly, slowly being masturbated in an enthusiastic response . . . Heather had yet another opportunity to reconsider life, the universe and everything.

Here she was, young, beautiful as well as intelligent and capable of anything.

The whole world was ahead of her.

Except Maxi had sprinted faster, overtaking her in the race for the ultimate goal.

Assuming there really was an ultimate goal.

She was unsure and duly retreated into silence.

'I know I'm a waste of space,' Lorna said. 'But I've got Maxi pregnant.'

Heather's head whirled.

'How the hell . . .'

'We had a three, involving a bloke. It was sort of a lottery. I might have been the one who caught. As it happened it was Maxi. Not that she's out in the open about it yet. Whatever you do, don't let on. She's going to tell everyone it was an anonymous donor and a turkey baster.'

'Lips sealed,' Heather said, laughing in disbelief. 'Cross my heart and hope to die.'

'I hope you don't die,' Lorna responded,' 'that's that last thing I'd want.'

'Never mind the last thing you'd want.' Heather grinned at her. 'We've still got three hours left; what's the first thing you want?'


Reality only sank in when Heather arrived at her first lecture of the day. She'd been dumped twice in the space of no time at all. Okay, so Carole would be working her notice and still around a while, but her unprecedented three relationships had effectively been cut to just one.

She brooded about Lorna for a spell, wondering if Maxi was capable of being faithful before deciding she was. Maxi had spent at least five years in a women's peace camp, sharing sleeping bags with the same girl for four of them. Despite her roguish uni lifestyle, she was obviously able to be stable.

And never mind Carole and Lorna, what about Julia. How would she react when she realized all of her competition had been whittled away?

Rats, Heather thought, she'll move in next day. And fibbing to her isn't an option. She'll see Lorna and Maxi together in The Union. She'll sooner or later see Maxi's bump, too.

The possibility of lying, pretending Carole was still round and about and now seeing her twice a week did occur. But Heather was better at fibs and fabrications than out and out lies. This was way beyond her blagging ability. This called for cards on the table.

I'll tell her straight, she decided. I'll tell her I need three or maybe four nights to myself every week.

She nodded, trying to convince herself that, by hinting at a reduction from four nights to just three, she would win the debate. Seemingly backing off and continuing at four nights would surely seal the deal.

She hoped.

Chapter Seven

(Wednesday afternoon)

After an unremarkable morning of lectures and tutorials, fortified by too much coffee, Heather needed a pee. Arriving at The Union soon after noon she quickly answered that most common call of nature.

When she exited her cubicle she found Maxi waiting for her, smiling at her.

'Sex here in the toilets is so droll,' Heather's mouth said of its own accord (going off like it always did).

'Happened before, has it?' Maxi replied, her smile transforming into a suggestive grin.

'It has, one or twice.' Heather brushed past her and rinsed off, turning to the absolutely useless hand-driers. Whoever invented these needed shooting. Old-fashioned paper dispensers were ten times as efficient . . . and ten times less infuriating too.

Okay, so paper was messy and maybe not so environmentally-friendly, but at least it worked.

'I'm here to thank you,' Maxi went on, catching Heather's attention. 'Lorna's told me all about the bits of last night that weren't X-rated. And she's told me all about your agreement too.'

Heather shrugged. 'There was no agreement to be made. I don't ever try to split up established pairs under any circumstances. Now you're established, I'll keep away.' Then she laughed. 'And before you hit me with a dozen examples to the contrary, all of them were all girls or guys who weren't nearly as footloose as they made out. I took them at their word and they lied.'

'I know how principled you are,' said Maxi, 'that's why I'm here. That's why I want a hug.'

Keeping her face well away from Maxi's, Heather opened her arms and they embraced.

And good grief wasn't Maxi keen! Heather was going for air-kisses while that little vixen was gripping onto her buns and grinding groins!!

Okay, so maybe that was yet another gross exaggeration, but the intensity all seemed to be one-way.

Heather's nipples instantly hardened. It was time to pour oil on these waters before they became even more troubled.

Make that before she herself did something she'd later regret.

'With a turkey baster,' she said into Maxi's ear, hoping to defuse her.

Maxi's chuckle was rich and hearty. 'So Lorna told you about that; did she?'

'Yes. And don't worry, I'll keep schtum. I just want to know what came over you. The last I heard you didn't do men.'

'I hadn't done men in five years. Then we were at this rather wild party and one of Lorna's old flames was paying attention. Not that asshole she went out with immediately before you: a different asshole, but quite good-looking. And he was persistent. When Lorna said she was sticking by my side all night he invited me along as well. Don't ask! The next thing I knew we were in bed together; all three of us.'

'Happens to me all the time,' said Heather. 'But . . .'

'I've never been on the pill and it might have been my maximum time of fertility,' Maxi interrupted. 'Or it might have been the three times he ejaculated inside me; three for luck and all. Whatever it was, I am where I am.'

'What's this asshole going to do about it?'

'He'll do nothing, because he doesn't know the details and never will. Lorna's cool about us moving in together and sharing in every sense of the word. We're going to keep quiet right up until my eighteen week scan then, God willing, we'll let everyone know about the turkey baster, make it seem planned.'

The idea of having a baby confused Heather. She could feel the inbuilt urge but not nearly as strongly as an instinctive aversion.

All in good time, she told herself. Maybe when I'm forty-something and on the scrapheap . . .

Yet still she was faintly jealous. Maxi was going to perform the ultimate female feat, and was going to do so with her eyes wide open, relishing every second.

'I'd best get you back to Lorna,' she said, attempting to change the dynamics.

That amused Maxi. 'Didn't I say?' she said. 'Lorna and I become a pair as of tomorrow. Today we get to say our goodbyes.'

'But . . .'

'But nothing, Heather, you were first on Lorna's list and first on mine. We've both got a couple more to see off today. And where could possibly be better than here and now?'

'My bedroom would be, for a start off.'

'We haven't got time. And I thought it happened to you every day. Come on girl. Get your sexy ass in that thar cubicle . . .'


The sex was gratifyingly short, sharp and sweeter than any natural nectar. Bolt-locked away from the world, doing her best to control herself, Heather climaxed after perhaps five minutes . . . four of them in which she was frantically, desperately trying not to cum.

Guess what? Once wasn't good enough. Maxi showed zero interest in stopping. Heather's fingers did make a bid for the zip of Maxi's jeans but they were immediately knocked away.

'This is my show,' Maxi said, briefly breaking off their initial (super-duper hot) kiss, 'just fucking take it and act grateful.'

Such an attitude was not unheard of. Heather was infinitely tougher than Maxi but Maxi nearly always played it hard. Heather knew which side of her bread had been buttered.

Why piss her off when everything was going swimmingly?

'I am grateful,' she said, suitably meekly. 'Do as you will.'

And Maxi suitably did.'


Half an hour and three orgasms later they were standing side by side by the washbasins. Maxi had a big smirk on her face while Heather had most of Maxi's pale pink lippy on hers.

'Red would look better on you,' said Heather as she used loo-roll to restore herself to makeup-free,

'Red would look better on your tits,' Maxi countered. 'Imagine it! We could make a Playboy centrefold. Boys love to see girls playing with girls. And especially a girl with red lipstick marks around her giant nips.'

Heather didn't object to that view because Maxi was patently right. She quite liked to see girls with red lipstick marks around their nips too, giant or otherwise.

Phantom kisses, recorded for all time . . .

At least kisses there for as long as the next shower, and the next application of soap suds.

'This is a one-off,' she began carefully.

'This is farewell for now,' Maxi confirmed. 'Who knows what the future holds? I want to have a family with Lorna and live happily ever after, but the big guy upstairs might have different ideas.'

Heather turned from the sink and held Maxi's gaze. 'One problem,' she said, 'I never took my top off. I am pristine on my breasts. Not a kiss-mark to be seen.'

'Fuck me,' countered Maxi. Then, laughing like a loon: 'Okay babe, but this has to be fast . . .'

Chapter Eight

(Wednesday afternoon)

Lorna was waiting for her new partner at a table on Lesbian's Corner. She showed no trace of outrage at the loss of God knew how much of Maxi's company. It was only too easy to believe the two of them really had agreed to end all previous liaisons in a swift, physical way.

It followed that, as from tomorrow, they'd be a unique couple, hands-on and totally devoted.

What had Maxi said? Lorna was going to move in so they would be as one forever? Okay, maybe not exactly in those words, but that's what she'd implied. Outside of lectures and tutorials they'd be joined at the hip.

Depressing as the thought was, Heather was happy for them. She really did value relationships of all varieties.

Yes, even if other folk's relationships did come at the cost of her recent happy lifestyle.

Making small-talk with Lorna was surprisingly easy . . . considering the girl had to know she'd just had some form of sex with her replacement lover. But Lorna was cool. Heather had to wonder how many other lovers she had to say goodbye to.

Was it really just ones or twos, or was it sixes and sevens?

Kissing both of them, playfully slapping Maxi's hand away from her butt, Heather made her way to the bar and ordered a pint and a sandwich.

Then Julia descended.

Clearly struggling to control herself, Julia was grinning and snarling at the same time. Eyes flashing in dizzying spirals, she snapped at Heather.

'I don't want to fight in here, you fucking cunt, but I will if I have to.'

Heather managed not to laugh. Mike Tyson may have intimidated her with such an approach, as may have, say, Jack Johnson or Jack Dempsey . . . but Julia wasn't remotely in their league. Well, not until it came to being pissed off. Then she was in a league all of her own.

'Have a beer and chill,' Heather said as easily as she could. 'I've got news and you'll find it good.


Somehow avoiding Rocky Julia's vicious left uppercut Heather escorted her to a table away from most of the eager vultures. The clock was ticking against them but Heather wasn't about to mention it, quite obviously. Instead she passed her lover a beer and spoke as if she'd just arrived.

(As indeed she just had.)

'I never expected you to be here.'

'Too fucking true you didn't,' Julia grated.

'If I'd known I wouldn't have been so late.'

'Right you wouldn't, my arse.'

'You're arse isn't half bad,' Heather responded on autopilot, 'I'll have to be late more often.'

That produced at least half a laugh. 'I have news,' Heather added, overselling herself,

'So you said. And . . .'

'Lorna and I are history. It's goodbye from us.'

Julia's eyes narrowed. She said nothing.

'Honestly,' Heather persisted. 'She's got a thing going with Maxi and it's for real.'

'You just fucked that ugly cow, not ten minutes ago.'

'Maxi is so not ugly!'

'She sure ain't beautiful.'

Julia did have a point. 'I think she's strikingly handsome,' Heather said diplomatically.

'And I think she's butcher than sin. There again, that works for you, doesn't it?'

'What can I say? I like girls in every part of the spectrum. I won't have you calling Maxi ugly, though, because she isn't.'

'What's this goodbye from us guff?' Julia asked after a pause.

'We've been saying our farewells,' Heather enlarged, 'Lorna last night, Maxi just now. Now was really, sincerely goodbye. And she fucked me, actually.' She ventured a grin. 'If you're going to spy on me, at least get your facts right.'

Julia looked at her as if she'd just climbed down the ladder from an alien spaceship.

'I got here just after twelve,' she said, 'just in time to see Maxi going into the toilets. I've been looking that way ever since, waiting for you to arrive.'

Heather nodded. The entrance to The Union was very close to the ladies' restroom; it would be hard to watch one and not the other.

Thank Goodness I didn't fib about what we got up to, she thought. Would that have been a shot in the foot or what!

'Forty minutes is a long time for her to take a leak,' Julia continued. 'And yours must have taken even longer. You were in there before her, weren't you?'

'I've confessed already; there's no need to keep piling it on.'

'I like piling it on.' Julia laughed abruptly, 'Especially when I'm the injured party.'

'Hang on a mo, you knew all about last night in advance. Just now was a heat-of-the-moment thing. It truly was a one-off. It'll never happen again. And you weren't supposed to be here anyway.'

Julia scowled at that. 'It's over, always and forever, right?' she asked eventually.

'Yes, it is.'

'So you've got a new slot in your weekly timetable, haven't you?'

'Looks like it.'

'How are you going to fill in?'

'To start with, temporarily, I'm going to fill in with Carole.'


For some reason Julia didn't go storming off but her eyes were blazing and she was snarling again.

'This is the good news,' Heather said, raising a placatory hand. 'At least it is for you. Carole should've resigned by now. She's moving down to London. I'm not sure what sort of notice she will have to work but, while she's still here, I want to see as much of her as I can.'

'She's resigning?'

'Correct. She's heading off for a new life.'

The briefest of brief hesitations ensued.

Then Julia sparked back up. 'What's she going to do in London?'

'She's going back to her old profession.'

'Would that be based in Soho?'

'I'll pretend I didn't hear that. It's in Canary Wharf, actually. She'll be based in that skyscraper at One Canada Square. It's one of the tallest buildings in Europe.'

'What will she be, a security officer?'

'No, she'll be some sort of credit insurance executive. She'll be jetting off around the world and living off a bottomless expense account while being paid megabucks.'

'So maybe a month and she'll be gone, never to be seen again?'

'I don't know about "never" but she's not going to be available for Friday nights in Lancashire; not so very often, anyway.'