Chess Ch. 03

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Autobiography true story understanding sex and women?
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/29/2016
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Back to 1975 and the lovely Diane. She was beautiful and sexy but also nice and never actually acted any kind of dominant "stuck-up" around me. Believe me, other really outwardly beautiful women had acted that way to me in the past. Just water off my back - I had learned to ignore them back.

I had started teaching her chess in a conference room during lunch while we ate. I don't even remember how the subject ever came up. We had been going out to lunch quite a bit - and generally with Jackie. Jackie had a mid-sized Plymouth with a bench front seat. I was mostly riding my motorcycle to work then. The girls always insisted I sit between them and we were all scrunched together. Diane especially would just melt into me. Often Jackie would touch my leg in conversation. I couldn't figure out what was going on. (If you read the original "Chess" you will understand my lack of confidence as any kind of casual male sex object.) Jackie was going thru a tough divorce and her soon to be ex might have even been abusive - she looked thin and gaunt in the face and often with shadows under her eyes. She was still a beautiful woman, maybe just a year older than me and still with those obvious great Playboy Bunny T&A. Diane and I just tried to cheer her up a little bit and we did end up laughing a bit on our lunches.

But now most days, it was just Diane and me playing chess. I was a pretty good player. My Dad had taught me checkers at a very young age. I learned chess on my own from another boy my age. He beat me all the time at first - but I read a few books from the school library and pretty soon got at least equal with him. In 8th grade Jr. High there was a school tournament in both checkers and chess. I won for checkers - and the boy I beat was also a finalist in chess and then beat me. But it was close. I continued playing with whomever I could ever since then.

So anyway, I am teaching Diane and always beating her, of course, but she is doggedly sticking with it. Why? Beats me.

One day we are just playing normally and she starts sniffling a little. "What's wrong?" I inquire.

"My manager (a woman named Carol - an AOM - Administrative Operations Manager in IBMese) just yelled at me for not wearing a bra. Did you notice?"

Hell yes I noticed - she had great tits and her nips were showing a little through her thin but fashionable (and opaque) blouse. Most of the guys in the office undoubtedly got hard whenever she walked by as they jiggled. This was 1975 and the age of miniskirts and sexy dressing even in the office. But IBM still had some rules of dress - guys all had to wear suits and white shirts - though some brave souls tried some muted pastel shades a bit. One Marketing Rep even showed up in a Nehru suit one day. One day only, though. And women were supposed to wear underwear...

But I merely said, "No, I hadn't really noticed - you just look as normally good as always. Here let me check it out" as I reached to grab one of her tits.

OK, that last part I didn't say or do - but desperately wanted too. I was afraid doing that would screw up our friendship. At this stage of my life, I was still under the illusion friendship with a beautiful and sexy woman could continue if I merely always remained respectful. In my later experience - that turns out not to be the case, anyway.

So anyway, I was confused at work about Jackie and Diane. Jackie actually was more touchy and flirty when we were alone together than when I was with Diane. But I was still married and faithful physically to my wife Lynn, even though emotionally I was really attracted to and friendly with these other two hot women. Basically I was going home and screwing Lynn every night while fantasizing about them.

Lynn had her own fantasies. She wasn't all that vocal and talkative when we screwed, but I knew that we had now been married or together for 8 years and a certain "sameness" had to be occurring for her as me. We tried to spice it up - like reading dirty books separately and then getting together. That seemed to work for me and her, a bit. I then sometimes started vocalizing fantasy situations when we were screwing. Just trying out different scenarios to see what "clicked" for her best. Apparently, situations with "Big Black Cocks" worked very well for her - and therefore me. I was totally happy to just let that be a fantasy. I was still basically virile enough to want and enjoy daily sex with my still young and hot wife. But, as I've already mentioned, Lynn wanted more than just a fantasy - especially when I was gone for more than 3 or 4 days at a time. (Maybe this explains a little more what I already covered in Chapter 2.)

Anyway, nothing really happened with Jackie and Diane. Then I met Susie. Susie was a friend of a friend. Another girl I really liked at IBM but saw infrequently was named Yvonne. She was a secretary in one of the CE (Customer Engineer) offices. CE's did the Hardware maintenance for IBM equipment and were more the Blue Collar guys - and would have been union if IBM wasn't so staunchly anti-union as a corporation. I naturally clicked with these guys a lot and often was on a league softball team with them. This was mid-Western serious men's fast-pitch softball. I could not even hardly see the ball, much less hit it. I grew up playing baseball and was pretty good - but the timing and everything is really different in fastpitch softball. But - bunting and base stealing is allowed in fast pitch and I had like an .800 on base percentage via walks or bunts, and then almost always stole second and I was a pretty good outfielder. Again, in baseball I was almost always an infielder, playing 2nd or 3rd base. But in softball the larger ball bounces so much differently I did better in the outfield - where my foot speed allowed me to cover a lot of ground. So soon I was a starter on the team and well-liked all around at our beer drinking bashes afterwards - and especially when Lynn came to the games too. She was still quite a bit younger than everyone and cute and sexy in dress and flirting with everyone whenever we were out together. (And whenever she went out alone I eventually discovered.)

It somehow happened we all went to a bar after work for some drinks. This happened occasionally, generally a Friday night - and Yvonne was there with this girl Suzie - a personal friend and non-IBMer, of Yvonne. Diane was there for sure and several other male and female IBMer's. I was sitting at a table with Diane on one side of me, Suzie on the other and Yvonne across from me. Yvonne was really cute and friendly and funny. Not in Diane's class looks wise but certainly attractive. Suzie was just - interesting. Dark complexioned with very thick and black shoulder length straight hair, a nice chest and thin waist, and muscular athletic legs and ass. My personal weak point. She was also very flirty with me and touchy right from the first moment I sat down. She kind of demanded a lot of attention from me and I couldn't help eat it up. Diane got mad about it.

I mean really mad to almost the cussing and yelling stage while I just sat there with my mouth kind of open. Then she got up and stalked out. What was that all about? She had a live-in boyfriend and I was married and I couldn't read her mind and she never actually paid me the kind of direct sexual attention Suzie just had. So, I was mystified - and still am. Another Catch-22 "cake and eat it too" situation I guess.

Suzie wasn't fazed at all - she just basically asked me if I was screwing her - Diane - and I truthfully said "nope, we were just friends". She kind of scoffed at that. "Friends, eh?" but otherwise let it slide. But that whole female competitive thing might have kicked in that a beautiful (if maybe crazy) woman like Diane could get that mad at me for doing nothing but paying a little attention to another woman. Maybe Diane thought she "owned" me - that she just got a little ego boost and in her mind I MUST have been obsessed with her - given our quite obvious (and I admit) different statuses in the sexual attractiveness sweepstakes. She was at the pinnacle and I was way down at the bottom. Obvious to everyone - but me and especially Suzie.

Suzie and I really did get "involved". That night we were tonguing one another and made a lunch date for tomorrow, Saturday. I made some BS excuse to Lynn - maybe even DID have to do some OT at the office and met Suzie for lunch - which turned into merely a make-out session in my car with a lot of kissing and me sucking her quite ample breasts.

Suzie was married also but her story to me was that her husband was impotent. Suzie didn't know exactly what his problem was but she had turned to another guy for comfort and had a fairly lengthy affair - but this other guy had to move away for work and she wouldn't go with him, even though he begged her too. So that affair was over with now. She used to be an ice speedskater, where her large muscular legs and great firm ass came from - and was currently a brown belt in Karate and close to being a black belt. She was about 5'5" tall and maybe weighed a solid 125 lbs. She kind of intimidated me a tad, I will admit.

I am not into rape or actually forcing any woman to do anything - but physical persistence is sometimes a necessary and wanted thing by just about any woman to pleasurably consummate a relationship. I got a lot of mixed signals from Suzie after our first 2 dates. Basically she liked kissing me and letting me fondle her breasts - but nothing else. I wasn't going to force the issue as she might break one of my fingers by accident via "secret Karate shit". Nor did she seem the slightest bit interested in checking out my cock. But THEN, kind of out of the blue when I was just about ready to pull the plug on whatever this was - she said breathlessly after kissing me and playing with my hair "I love you." Wow, how could a few words like that send a jolt through me - a bit of endorphin or oxycontin pleasure surged.

"I love you to" I lied. Well, it was and wasn't a lie, right at that moment.

I had to go on a trip out of town for a few days - and I ended up buying her a Native American craft silver and turquoise ring. Just a friendship ring - not real expensive but not just costume jewelry either. She seemed to like it. I bought a matching ring for myself and wore it for a long time. Lynn never noticed. Strange because I never wore any rings (other than a plain wedding band) or much other jewelry.

A few weeks later I was at basically another "IBM" party at a new semi-disco bar. Suzie was there but acting a tad strange - remote. Some other guy I didn't know ended up hanging around Suzie and panting over her. When she walked away once he kept saying how he was going to "nail that". I almost clobbered him with a beer mug right then - it flashed through my mind. I had to consciously NOT do it. Instead I told him if he didn't want me to beat the shit out of him he needed to go away - right this minute. As always he was a taller guy than little old me. But my deadly serious demeanor evidently percolated into his half-drunk mind and he slithered away. Probably kept me out of jail.

Suzie was close dancing with another tall good-looking guy. Then she came around again and finally told me what was up. Her old affair boyfriend was back in town and there tonight at this very club. It wasn't the guy she was dancing with, she was basically just trying to stay away from both of us.

OK, I don't need this shit, I was thinking as she drifted away again - so I just started to leave. I didn't even know she was watching me but as I started to leave, she grabbed me and pulled me into the pool room - then got tight onto me with her tongue in my mouth. "Please don't give up on me" she whispered. "I'm sorry." I didn't say anything and just left.

She called me Monday at work and said she wanted to get together and talk. So, we had a lunch date and she said she went back to her old boyfriend's motel room with him but they just played cards. She wouldn't sleep with him anymore - and she still wasn't going to leave her impotent husband for him. He was just visiting here for a short while and then going home to wherever. And she still wanted to see me. So - what was the truth? Who knows...

And did I still want to see her? The next time we got together we ended up parking in Creve Coeur park in her mustang. That's French for "broken heart" - how appropriate, eh? But she let me get in her pants that night, finally. Her mustang had bucket seats but she scooted over the console till she was sitting in my lap. She wore slacks with an elastic band, but they were rather lose. No problem slipping my hand down there once she allowed it, then right inside her panties and inside her. Another really wet one - but also really, really tight. Maybe she hadn't been screwed by anyone for quite a while? Maybe she actually had Karla level twat squeezing ability. She soon came in kind of a shuddering mini-orgasm right away - and got even wetter. Then she had another and another. And yet no interest in my cock, and when I told her "I really want to taste you", she just kind of grimaced. Was she just a prude? A cock teaser? Being faithful to her husband "in her own way"? What?

I went home to Lynn that night and practically raped her while still smelling Suzie's cunt juice on my fingers. I can't believe Lynn didn't smell Suzie's perfume on me. Suzie wore the best perfume I've ever smelled. I should have asked her what it was but I never did.

I had to go out of town again for a one week class. And what I did was actually get back home a whole day earlier than I told my wife, and then met Suzie at a local mall. I told her that I could get a room at a local motel and we could finally spend a night together. After all, she HAD recently spent the night in his motel room "just playing cards", right? She wouldn't do it. Maybe I was testing her. And all this WAS kind of a shitty thing to do with Lynn, even if by then Lynn seemed to be handling my absences out of town very well. She almost seemed happier when I did travel at this point in our marriage. Luckily I had not actually gotten a hotel room already, and I soon left Suzie and just went home. Luckily Lynn was home as well and seemed happy to see me - and I knew the whole thing with Suzie wasn't ever actually going to be consummated. No problem.

See, the strangest thing about Suzie and me is I never actually got an erection around her. Not once. I certainly did after being with her, sometimes masturbating thinking about her but generally just fucking my wife. But not with her, even when fingering her cunt. Maybe I could understand her own husband's impotence after all. Suzie was playing some fucking mind game that just wasn't real and wasn't good for anyone - not even her. (Though maybe she felt otherwise.) Maybe Diane instinctively knew this via "woman's intuition" way back when and wanted to protect me from her. An interesting thought.

Suzie and I only got together for lunch a couple of more times. I even touched her pantyhose clad pussy a few of those times but it was over between us and we both knew it. She knew I was going on a ski vacation with my wife for a week or so soon and we planned no more get togethers until after I got back from that. But the ski vacation and it's aftermath changed everything, eh? (That was pretty much covered already in Chess - Chapter 2.)

Postscript - I saw Suzie one time almost 2 years later. Her husband was a photographer and was shooting Yvonne's wedding. Yvonne had been married to someone else when I was "going" with Suzie - had gotten divorced, switched from the CE BO to the marketing office I was in as an order entry clerk, started dating a Marketing Rep and was now getting married again to him. Another "IBM Wedding." I knew of quite a few of those actually.

I was also divorced and remarried since my time with Suzie, but in fact already separated from my second wife Jen. Jen did not attend Yvonne's wedding even though she was related to Yvonne though Yvonne's previous marriage. I'll cover all this in the next chapter. Suzie was there helping her husband or just mostly enjoying the reception. After a while at the reception Suzie came by my table and said "aren't you going to even talk to me?"

I said sure and she said let's go there - into a hallway that was quieter and a little more private though visible from the reception hall through an always open door. I saw her husband glancing our way a few times and we never touched, of course. We just talked for about 10 minutes but nothing real consequential. She said nothing about our own failed relationship. Don't know if hubby ever got it up again but obviously they were still together and I had bigger personal fish to fry right then.

Did I learn anything from this? Maybe just one thing that stands out - only some kind of crazy women, one way or another, was ever going to really mess with me. Well - that could be all right, maybe - beats boredom and/or no women at all messing with me.

Never played chess with Diane again or had any private lunches either. Jackie remained very friendly and something might have developed there but our timing was always just off. By the time I was divorced and definitely over Lynn, Jackie was dating another IBM'er - a young, tall, and really cute if not handsome Systems Engineer in our same office. Oh well, she was out of my league, anyway. I would always have been insanely jealous of her if we HAD developed any sort of intimate relationship. They were still going together when I finally received my first significant promotion in IBM and moved to Atlanta - after 10 years working various jobs and in different branch offices in the St. Louis area.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Enjoyed writer’s technique- interesting story

widowedidiotwidowedidiotover 2 years ago
Here we go again.

Yep, here we go again. Same long winded stuff with no body or sense. And what is this author's obsession with black cocks? I haven't heard Lynn make any mention opf any black man. In fact I haven't heard Lynn say abuthing. It seems as if the proginator is in a dream state. And what make hin irrisistable to women? taken in all, This is a parhetic man. And the author is not helping much with his odsessiuon with black cocks..

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

Never could get into this one. Just too hard to understand and.get.into.

etchiboyetchiboyalmost 6 years ago
OK. Why “Chess”?

Chess played an almost insignificant part. I couldn’t even see if there were 2nd or 3rd levels within the story which used chess strategies (though I admit I’m not a very good chess player).

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