CoC: My Champion's Continued Story


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"What is worrying you today?" Jenny asked again.

"The portal..." Sophie panted and looked up at her, "You might not come back."

Jenny spread her big fat thighs apart and watched as cum issued forth from her pussy in thick streams. She grasped both her cocks together and put them against her pussy. Sophie's eyes went wide and she arched her back, but her huge pussy stretched easily around both of Jenny's big horse cocks.

"Both! Jenny! You haven't done that in so long! It feels so amazing! My head is going to pop!" Sophie screamed wildly, staring wide eyed at her belly where it was stretched out around the two massive pillars of flesh. Jenny sank herself up to her balls and leaned down on Sophie.

"There are only three words I want to hear from you." Jenny said and she locked lips with her. Sophie wrapped her winged arms around Jenny and their tongues writhed together. Her cocks plunged in and out of Sophie, her plush body jiggling wonderfully beneath her.

"What are they?" Sophie asked when they stopped to breathe.

"You'll know when you say them." Jenny said and she grabbed Sophie's breasts. She pulled on her nipples as she drove hard into her pussy again. Milk fountained from her breasts and showered down her soft belly.

Jenny focused on grinding her cocks hard into Sophie. She pushed and thrust, sending waves of blissful ecstasy breaking over Sophie's body. A long time ago, she had tried to count the orgasms, but there were just too many. Her brain became a disconnected mess when Jenny plowed her this hard.

She rammed herself right up against Sophie's burgeoning womb and battered it with fresh seed. A blaze of heat poured into her and Sophie gasped, her legs wriggling around Jenny's waist. The cum poured out of her pussy in a thick cascade as Jenny pumped more in. She pulled her cocks free and Sophie's gaping hole loosed a deluge of white goo.

"Have you figured it out yet?" Jenny asked, letting her orgasm spurt out on Sophie's thighs.

"Whaa...?" Sophie moaned, staring up at her.

"What are you worried about today?" Jenny asked.

"Why do you keep asking that?" Sophie said, breathing hard and struggling to get herself upright.

"Clearly you haven't." Jenny grabbed her waist and turned the sexy harpy over. Her butt was glazed and jiggling, a sight as sexy as Jenny had ever seen. She gave it a firm slap and dug her fingers into it.

"Eeek! Jenny! Jenny, what're you doing?" Sophie squeaked, looking back as Jenny spread her thighs.

"Continuing. My dicks can still go." Jenny said as she pressed her cheeks apart. Her eyes fell upon Sophie's cum-seeping asshole.

"Your dicks can always go! Why are you being do confusing!?" Sophie squealed in annoyance.

"It's a good thing you have such a big, stretchy booty. We've not done this yet." Jenny lined both her dicks up with Sophie's asshole.

"What? Jenny, are you-" Sophie cut off with a wild shriek as both cocks plunged into her asshole, "You aaaaarrre~!"

Sophie howled with pleasure and arched her back, her eyes positively sparkling as monstrous horse meat sank into her bum.

"Woo! So tight! Sophie, you're really squeezing me back here!" Jenny pressed down on her big messy ass and held tightly to her hips. It was amazing to feel her sphincter convulsing around her cocks. She pushed them past the thick sleeves and got right down to her balls.

Sophie was gibbering and gurgling incoherent sounds of pleasure as an avalanche of orgasms fell upon her. Jenny bucked her hips and pistoned her cocks in and out of Sophie faster with each passing second.

Her balls slapped wetly into the harpy's pudgy thighs and cum splattered messily everywhere. Jenny plowed her hard for at least a straight minute before she was overcome once again by the wet, velvety heat of Sophie's innards. She pressed down on her and began pumping gallon after gallon into her asshole.

"What is it Sophie?" Jenny grunted, pushing out as much cum as her balls could produce.

"I... I don't... I... Oh goodness..." Sophie panted hard and she felt her body growing heavy with pure cum.

Jenny thrust, redoubling her efforts, and cum spewed anew. She hugged to Sophie and panted, "What are you worried about?"

"I don't know... I don't know!" Sophie felt the cum bubbling up her throat and she coughed. White goo splattered the ground in front of her. Cum began to pour in earnest out of her mouth and yet Jenny kept going.

"What are the words, Sophie? What worries you?" Jenny felt her balls start to ache from the strain.

"Grrrrgggll." Sophie threw up more! cum. She coughed and shook her head before choking out, "Nothing at all!"

Jenny drew back and pulled her dicks free. She stroked herself wildly and blew the last of her seed all over Sophie's fluffy wings and down her well-glazed ass.

"Ohhh... Fuck..." Sophie gasped, collapsing in the inch deep lake of cum that filled the cabin.

Jenny slumped back on the bed and took a deep breath, wiping the sweat off her head, "Get it now?"

"You'll never abandon me?" Sophie mumbled weakly, turning her head to look at Jenny with pure adoration and worship in her face.

"Right. So don't worry yourself or I'll have to fuck it out of you again." Jenny chuckled, pointing at her.

"I'll remember that." Sophie groaned, laying her head back down in the warm cum.


The next day, Jenny was pleased to get up and find her cabin in pristine order. Elie and her little fairy friends from the deep woods were a fantastic bunch to have around the Fort. They were amazing at cleaning with magic and they loved living here where nobody tried to rape them. Apparently it was a serious problem with the diminutive race.

Sophie snuggled sleepily next to her and Ember was on top of her with her belly bulging from the night's cum. Jenny brushed a hand over Ember's cheek and the dragon stirred.

"Morning sexy." Jenny whispered, sliding her hand down to grasp her tight butt. She slowly drew back and pushed into Ember's holes, making her cheeks flush with heat. Ember wasn't as loud and passionate as Sophie, but she was every bit as lovely.

"Good morning lover. Your cocks feel amazing this morning. You're so hard." Ember cooed, her tail wriggling about eagerly

"Really? I hadn't noticed." Jenny raised her hips and lifted Ember off the bed with her cocks. Ember inhaled sharply and her eyelids fluttered from the pleasure. She moved to kiss up Jenny's neck and lick playfully at her earlobe.

"Your morning loads are always the best." Ember cooed in her ear and she wrapped her arms around her neck. Jenny picked up the pace between them a bit more and Ember gave a deep moan.

"Well, I won't wait then." Jenny thrust again and pushed her cocks as deep as they could go, making Ember tense up against her. Heat poured into her holes and bubbled deep in the flood of cum already filling her.

"Yes! Oh Jenny! Yes! I love this!" Ember gasped and her pussy convulsed with an orgasm. A wave of cum splashed over their nethers and Ember lifted herself from Jenny, "Simply the best, lover. Thank you so much." She kissed Jenny on the cheek as she sauntered out of the cabin.

"Mmm... Morning." Sophie cooed sleepily, snuggling closer to her.

"Let's go down to the beach today, Sophie. You and some of the girls, we'll just go down and splash in the waves." Jenny suggested as Sophie turned over and wrapped an arm across Jenny's breasts.

"That sounds wonderful. I always like fucking on the beach." Sophie smiled sleepily and she idly lapped at one of Jenny's hard nipples.

"Always priorities with you." Jenny snickered.



Jenny stood before the swirling purple portal on the bottom floor of the dragon's tower. It was inert as always, but one of her children still stood guard near it. Today it was a gorgeous bronze dragon named Sae. She was a voluptuous example of her species, huge J cups that obscured half her chest and wide hips with a naughty swagger to them. She was Jenny's third draconic child and easily the horniest of them.

She was either working or fucking, pretty much nothing else.

"So what happens?" Sae asked, standing before the portal next to Jenny. Ember and Sophie stood there as well. Behind them were a few of her other dragons and a dozen of the Harpies all's fidgeting about eagerly to see. A little cloud of colorful fairies fluttered all about overhead.

"When the portal opens, it'll be open for twenty four hours. It's happened on this day for as long as I can remember. Until now, we've rarely had contact back from the champions that go through and usually that's never more than a letter passed back or a few quick words. Nobody has ever lasted the year here before, as far as we know." Jenny shrugged.

"I think I see something happening." Ember pointed at it. A small purple swirl had appeared in the opaque pink disk.

"That's the beginning. The portal is opening between our worlds. A champion is sure to come through immediately so please be calm and kind. They're expecting the worst when they come through, I know I did. Nobody over there knows what we've managed." Jenny said, watching the purple swirl grow wider in the pink light.

It began churning and rotating in the portal. The magic crackled in the air around them and it burst open. They couldn't see through the portal except in flickers and bits of light, but it was open.

Before any of them could breathe, a woman in a long robe and wielding a gnarled wooden staff stepped through. Upon seeing them, her eyes widened and she raised the staff, "Back demons! Back! Begone from here!"

She raised her hand and a blaze of fire spread from her. Without even thinking, Ember and Sae stepped in front of Jenny, their wings spread wide. The fire fell upon their dragonscales without even so much as a smudge. The dragons around the room drew their swords in a blink and the woman looked around frantically.

"Stop! Stop!" Jenny pushed between Ember and Sae's wings. She looked at the woman and her eyes widened, "Cait? Kitty Cait, is that you?"

Even in her robes, the woman was curvy and beautiful with long red curls falling about her shoulders. She had deep brown eyes behind large glasses and she didn't look that much different from when Jenny saw her last year.

"Jenny? You're still alive? What... OH BY THE GODS, WHAT IS THAT?" She screamed shrilly when she saw Jenny's cocks hanging from beneath her black minidress.

"Oh, yea. That's a long story. Look, you don't need to be scared. These are all my children. We all built the fortress you're in to protect the portal!" Jenny laughed nervously, suddenly feeling a bit self conscious over her dicks for the first time in almost a year.

"What? You... Protect... Daughters?! Jenny, I don't understand. What happened to you?" Cait stammered in confusion.

"Well, when I came through the portal, this was a forest clearing. I worked on building traps and setting things up. I met some friends and without them, I never would've survived. The craziest thing about this world, Cait, is there are potions and things that change your body. Magic too. One thing or another happened and I just sort of ended up with these huge dicks." Jenny chuckled, lifting one of the monster horse cocks. Cait blushed deeply as she glanced at them and then around the room again and all the naked dragons and harpies. Her eyes lingered on Dana, her mouth falling open slightly. She apparently realized she was staring because she shook her head and lifted her staff before her.

"So... So you've... Become corrupt then?" Cait took a step back towards the portal.

"What? Cait, no. Nothing like that. I'm not some evil demon it something. This is my family. We are just living here together and keeping Ingnam safe." Jenny shook her head and gestured to her daughters and sons.

"You keep saying family. What do you mean by that? How can these be your children?" Cait asked fearfully.

"Childbirth is weird over here. Sophie and Ember here can have a kid every month and they grow up in days. I've been having two children a month. That's how we've grown this whole fortress. The dragons are amazing at it and the harpies are fantastic hunters." Jenny wrapped an armed around Sophie and Ember.

"So they're all corrupt too, then?" Cait looked around, "And you're... You're practicing polygamy? With them?"

"Cait, its a different world over here. You just don't understand it. Between this blasted thing..." Jenny slapped her enormous horse meat, "And a demon curse, I have to fuck every night or my dicks just start going on their own. Not like it's really that bad. I love fucking all my daughters."

"What?!" Cait squeaked, "That's incest! Jenny, what is wrong with you?"

Jenny shook her head with a laugh, "I thought the same. But it's just something you get used to over here. Look, I've got a lot I need to tell the elder and I'm really eager to see my dad again. Let's go back to Ingnam. I bet everyone will be real happy to know that they never have to worry again."

Cait raised her staff to Jenny, "J... Jenny... Don't... Please don't try to go back to Ingnam. You know what the champion's task is. I can't let corrupt things get to Ingnam."

"Cait! Come on! I'm still your friend, I'm still Jenny-Jen!" Jenny said, her face falling, "I just want to go see everyone. I haven't been home in a year."

"No!" Tears welled in Cait's eyes, "You can't go! I won't let any demons through! You aren't Jenny, not anymore!"

Jenny felt a flare of anger through her and then she sighed. She understood what was going through Cait's head. This was a lot to take in and she didn't understand any of it. Jenny turned around, "Kids, go on back to your duties. Leave Cait and I alone. I need to talk with her privately."

"What?" Dana cocked an eyebrow. Cait glanced at her when she spoke.

"But mom, we wanted to see your home!" One of her harpies, Quinn, whined loudly.

"Go! If anything changes, I'll tell you. But for now, nobody is going through the portal!" Jenny said sharply, pointing at the doors.

With a slight grumbling, all her children filed out the doors and a cloud of colorful fairies fluttered out with them. This left her standing there with just Ember and Sophie.

"You two as well. I said privately please." Jenny sighed.

"Really?" Sophie chirped, "Please, don't leave without me!"

"I'm not going anywhere you feather brained goof." Jenny slapped her pudgy ass.

"I'll be waiting right outside with Dana, Sae and Ben. If you need us, just holler. We'll be in here instantly." Ember said, glancing at Cait and then back to Jenny.

"Ember, I trust her. She's one of my friends from back home. You don't have to round up a war party around me." Jenny grasped her shoulder, "Don't worry. It'll be fine."

"Right outside." Ember repeated and she headed out the door, followed by a highly reluctant Sophie. The wooden doors closed with a soft thud and they were left in silence except the gentle hum of the portal.

"This won't change my decision, it only make my job easier." Cait said sternly, still holding her staff in the direction of Jenny.

"Cait." Jenny sighed, pulling over a chair and sitting down in it. Her balls settled heavily on the wood and her massive cocks dangled between her knees. Cait's eyes went to them again before flicking back up to her face with a fresh blush in her cheeks. Jenny rubbed her forehead, "Every second we are here is a second I don't get to spend with my father or connecting with my old friends. The portal is open until midnight and I want to be able to tell the elder what I've done over here. You have nothing to fear from me."

"I can't know that! You could be a demon in disguise! Even if you aren't look at yourself! You're unnatural! You're clearly corrupt!" Cait exclaimed, pointing at her dicks with a bright heat in her cheeks.

"If you keep thinking like this, you're going to be stuck here until next year as well. Pointlessly I might add. Come look at what I've done, Cait. My children have built a fortress. Not just this tower, but huge walls and a moat full of spikes! We've killed hundreds of demons. Ingnam has never been safer!" Jenny said, clasping her hands and leaning her elbows on her knees.

"It's never been safer because I'm here to stop you!" Cait yelled.

"You have to sleep some time." Jenny pointed out.

"But I only have to remain until midnight. Then the portal closes!" Cait said sharply.

"But what if I've found how to open it from this side?" Jenny asked.

"You would've already gone through with your army of demons!" Cait yelled.

"Unless of course, I am telling the truth about guarding it." Jenny said.

"But then you would've gone through yourself to speak to the elder and you haven't. You're desperate to let me through." Cait said.

"You're quick. Always smarter than me, kitty." Jenny chuckled.

"Stop trying to befriend me! Even if you were Jenny once, you're no longer my friend. You are a corrupt casualty of this world and I mourn you!" Cait snapped sharply.

"You realize that if I wanted through, I could make you, right? My daughters out there, all legendary dragons. They built this entire fortress by claw and scale in the last year. At my command, they would rip you into ribbons and there isn't a thing you could do." Jenny said as she stood back up.

A sweat broke across her forehead, "Tr... Try it! I'll stand before you with all my courage!"

"Oh come on Cait, I'm not going to do that. You're my friend and I wouldn't dream of hurting you. I just wanted you to know, if I were corrupt in the slightest, you wouldn't be standing there." Jenny sighed again and she stepped out the door.

"Jenny!" Sophie leapt on her and hugged her tightly, rubbing her face against her shoulder.

"What happened?" Ember asked.

"She won't move. She thinks I'm corrupt and you're my evil invading army." Jenny said with a shake of her head.

"I can move her." Dana said, cracking her knuckles menacingly.

"NO, YOU WILL NOT!" Jenny roared. Her voice was loud enough to shake them and the entire fort fell silent, everyone looking in her direction.

"I wasn't... Wasn't actually going to do it." Dana whimpered, her arms dropping to her sides, "I'm sorry mom."

"Honey, are you okay? I've never heard you yell like that." Sophie asked with a worried tone.

"I didn't know you could yell like that." Ember said, her eyes still wide.

"I just... I don't want Cait hurt. She gave up her life in Ingnam for the good of everyone there and she is terrified." Jenny said, a little surprised at her own outburst. She rubbed her forehead, "Nobody goes in the tower. You'll scare her too much, just let me try and talk with her."


Jenny walked back into the tower a half hour later with two bowls of stew in her hands. She had traded her minidress for a full length blue robe one of her harpies had bartered off a trader for a helluva blowjob.

"Jenny!" Cait jerked up from the chair she had dragged over in front of the portal.

"Here. Venison stew. Figured you might be getting hungry." Jenny said, handing her a bowl and then pulling over another seat from the table near the stairs.

"You think you can poison me?" Cait raised an eyebrow.

"Use your magic. You can detect poison and malicious things, like that time you did a few years ago when you saved me from being drugged by that vagrant." Jenny pointed out before digging into her own bowl.

Cait raised her eyebrows and set her staff in the crook of her arm. She waved a hand over the bowl with a soft murmur of words. A gentle white glowing radiated from the stew and she huffed, "You're not lying. It's safe."

"Of course it is. You're my friend Cait. I brought you some breakfast. I imagine you're feeling kind of strung out right now, scared of everything." Jenny said through a mouthful of potatoes.

"I'm not! I'm perfectly fine!" Cait exclaimed, grasping her staff tightly to hold it forward.
