Comhlacht Gadaí: The Body Thief


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"Hoo, that is an understatement. You seem to bring out the darker part of a woman's nature. I can only speak from my perspective. The first time you recorded us having sex, I feared you might put it on the internet. By the time you videoed me taking you up my ass, I no longer cared."

"And now?" I asked, watching how her expressions changed and finally settled on hungry. "I see. I must have been seriously selfish," I said, and June nodded. "So, if I ordered you to bend over and grab your ass cheeks?"

"Yes... please," mom moaned. "I keep it clean just in case the mood hits."

"Can I ask you a question?" I asked, and June sensed the change in me. "Have you seen this ring before?" June sat in my lap, straddling me, and lifted the ring for a better look.

"No. The only jewelry you ever wear is your grandfather's signet. I don't remember you ever wearing this. When you were younger, you wanted the signet so bad, and your father rewarded your good grades when you graduated. He called it a late birthday gift. So close and yet so far away, your cock, I mean."

"Let's move to the pool," I said. "I need to puzzle this out."

"If I can help," June grinned. "I am right here."

"Computer, send a text message to Erin Winchester. The text reads, what exactly did I tell you about the ring. Leo."

"Message sent."

June begged to blow me while I waited for a response.

"Pfft, fuck that," I growled. My fingers snagged June's hair. I pulled June to her feet, shoved her against the edge, and slid into her. "Nnn, that's the ticket. Now, shut up and take it."

"And if I don't?" Mom challenged. My hand struck her ass hard, and she cried out. "You hit like a girl."

"You are in a mood," I hissed as I pulled out, took aim, and slowly buried my length in her ass.

"Finally," she gasped. "I earned it this time." I stopped moving. "Hey, quit fucking around."

"I got a better idea," I growled as I walked us to the steps in the shallow end. I sat with June, still impaled. "Let's see how you like this." It took little time to put mom into a full nelson. I moved my hips slowly, and she whimpered softly. "I thought so; you are just a little bitch at heart."

My range of motion was limited, but that didn't reduce the pleasure one bit. Mom's body began to quiver, and she made soft squeaking noises.

"Are you close?" I asked. June gasped. "Are you going to come for me?"

"Uh-huh," she whispered. "So close."

"Scream for me," I ordered as I moved as fast as I could.

The little minx squeezed her ass around me a minute before she climaxed. We both howled as we lost control.

"Wow, what a show," Larah added.

"That looks like fun," Zelda purred.

"I'm home," Mora giggled.

I released mom, and she spun around and kissed me in front of the others. Mora led the twins upstairs. June entered the pool and told me to wash up to take on the sisters properly.

"Text received," the AI announced. "Message reads, you told me that Stan borrowed your ring, and it had sentimental value. I found it hidden right where you said it would be. I kept it safe until you woke up. I like having something of yours close to my skin. Can I come over and play? Message end. Do you wish to send a reply?"

"What do you think?" I asked June.

"You have four women to deal with; what's one more?" The AI laughed.

"Send a reply. Come on over; the party is just getting started."

And that is how it began. Each triumphant climax I delivered just seemed to recharge me. By four in the morning, we were all exhausted. Erin snuck back home. Mora and mom slept in Mora's room while the twins and I snuggled down in mom's bed.

The dreams were more intense than ever. I soared above the Earth, but it wasn't the planet I knew. A single supercontinent lay below me. An orange atmosphere replaced the bright blue I knew so well. It could only be a much earlier Earth that I recognized. The things poured out of the depths of space. Formless and shapeless, they swarmed the young planet below. The shining host appeared from the far side of Earth and met the nightmare invasion. It became clear that the invaders would require more than mere force of arms to overcome. Instead, they were corralled and locked away. The dream leaped ahead in time.

I looked down upon the Earth and watched the collision with another heavenly body, and over time, the planet healed, and the moon formed and slipped into a stable orbit. The orange atmosphere changed as comets bombarded the Earth and its surface became covered with water. The parade of continental drift pushed the single landmass into many, and then eons later, they slammed together. The cycle of tectonic activity continued, and a familiar-looking world began to take shape. The titanic meteor arrived from the solar system's edge and struck the Earth. A cloud of debris was thrown into the upper atmosphere killing the dinosaurs giving rise to mammals.

As the primates evolved, we watched their progress. So many human ancestors arose, and while some perished, many survived. As time proceeded, they grew closer to humanity with each generation. The spark of self-awareness drew the other watchers and me to specific tribes of pre-humans. One of us broke the covenant and could not simply watch. They nudged one of the brightest groups and accelerated their progress. Out of them rose the failed society humans would later call Atlantis. Their collapse and self-destructive nature were a lesson for us to follow, and sadly, it wasn't to be. We became enthralled with the daughters of men. They were far too beautiful to ignore. They gave birth to the Nephalim vessels for those of us willing to cloak our immortality. The bloodline survived Atlantis. So strong was our influence on humanity that to this day, the halfbreeds endure.

The sound of a car door slamming woke me. I winced as the sunlight streamed in through the eastern window. The aftermath of last night's festivities was everywhere. The twins still slept, but my bladder demanded attention. I slowly disentangled myself and crept to the bathroom. As I flushed, I turned to face Iris. If I had to hazard a guess, she was severely hungover. She glanced at the sleeping sisters and then at me.

"Twins," she said softly. "We are moving up in the world."

"I lost track of you and Karina last night."

"We hung out after you left. We found two cute guys and made a long night of it. I drank too much, fucked a lot, and fell asleep in one of Carson's spare bedrooms. Trust me; I gave as good as I got. Wanna see my ass and the handprints?"

"Sure," I said and then whistled. "Damn, you took a beating. Why don't you take a shower and I'll call you a cab. Take the day off or if you want, join the twins and sleep up here. Unless you'd prefer using my bed instead of sharing one with other girls."

"I like girls, don't you remember? I will take that shower and a nap." Iris undressed, and took a long hot shower. She dried off and walked into the bedroom. Iris sniffed the air and wrinkled up her nose. "Smells like a whorehouse on coupon night in here."

"I suppose it does," I said. "Get some rest."

Iris took my spot between Larah and Zelda. Having done my good deed for the day, I decided to take my advice.

"Hot shower," I called out, and the shower began. A minute later, the interface responded.

"Temperature achieved. You may enter when ready."

I stepped in and let the water drive out the last remnants of the dreams. What in my waking life inspired images like the ones I had experienced? I returned my focus to the ring that Erin had given me. Try as I might, I had no memory of the damn ring. Even the hiding spot was one I had never used before. What was so damn important about it? I removed it from its chain and looked it over. It had a thick band with dozens of beveled edges, and it appeared to be a non-corrosive metal. It shone like red steel, but I had never seen that alloy color before. No markings decorated the ring's surface inside or out.

"Chromium steel," I suddenly remembered. "How could I forget? This stuff has been around for centuries."

I returned the ring to its chain and enjoyed my shower. The twins staggered in, used the toilet, and then joined me. I diligently helped them wash hard-to-reach spots and urged them to join me for breakfast. When I dried off and went to my room, a suitcase was on top of the blankets. The twins followed me, opened their luggage, and dressed in the clothes they had brought with them. The feeling of a well-oiled machine seemed more and more likely.

"How long ago?" I asked.

"A month," Larah replied. "We went to school with Mora. She used to brag about a guy she knew with a supercharged sex drive."

"Mora left out the fact that he was her adopted brother," Zelda added. "Explains why she and your mom have no compunction with the taboo thing. I suppose it adds spice to everything."

I suspected Mora lied to them to save face. Who wants to admit to sleeping with a sibling?

"The doctors said that your condition was improving a few weeks ago. Mora brought us to the hospital for the first time."

"Yeah, the thought of putting a smile on your face after being through so much appealed to us," Zelda said. "Sexy angels of mercy watching over you and all that."

Something about the words angel and watching triggered something. I felt dizzy and leaned heavily against the doorjamb.

"You okay?" Larah asked. "You went pale there for a bit. I hope last night wasn't too much."

"I will be fine. Can one of you help me down the stairs? My balance is still off, and I don't want to tumble down to the bottom."

The twins flanked me as we slowly walked down to the kitchen. The scent of a full English breakfast greeted us. Karina not only cooked but served the five of us. Mom and Mora were already awake and waiting. Mom's attention was on her tablet computer. Mora had her cellphone out and took selfies of last night's aftermath. The indefatigable Karina looked no worse from the previous night's shenanigans.

"And this is where he bit my neck," Mora narrated the photos. "I'll show you after breakfast the handprints on my ass."

"You are so lucky," a voice came over the phone's speaker. "I can't find a guy that treats me right."

I was wrong. Mora was face timing with a friend at the kitchen table.

"Here comes the conquering hero and his twin prizes," Mora said and aimed the phone at the sisters and me. "Do you have any words of advice for your number two fan?"

"Learn to swallow," I said, and the girl on the other end of the conversation blushed. "Sorry, I just woke up. I'm not used to being interviewed before coffee."

"I get that," she said.

"Guys need to eat pussy, treat the clit like the Holy Grail, and if your partner isn't screaming your name. You are doing something wrong. Get your shit together."

"Amen, you are preaching to the choir," the girl said.

"Oh yeah, for what it is worth," I added just before Karina set down our plates. "Tell a guy what he is doing right and wrong. We are not telepaths, and the same is true for guys. Talk to your other half."

"See ya, girlfriend," Mora said before ending the call. "Words of wisdom."

"I try."

"It appears we both had a late night. I figured you'd need a proper meal to recharge," Karina said. "Impressive kill count if someone isn't bragging."

"I came four times," mom began. "Mora had like six, or was it seven?"

"Do multiples count as one or more?" Mora purred.

"Knowing you, let's call it three per," mom laughed.

"Final count is like nine plus three is twelve," Mora said.

"I had four," Zelda offered. "A multiple and one other. I was too busy recording it on my phone."

"Six for me," Larah said dreamy-eyed.

"Damn Leo, you don't do anything by halves, do you?" Karina praised me.

"I was in rare form," I said as I began eating. "More strange dreams last night. They're not scary, just weird. It seems like the damn things plague me."

"We are here for you if you need to talk," mom offered.

"I know I just need time to process them," I replied.

"Understood," Mora said.

The doorbell rang, and when I lowered my utensils, Karina glared at me. She went to the door and opened it. A short while later, she returned with Erin in tow.

"I brought your book back," Erin said and then balked. "I forgot it last night."

"Pull up a chair and sit down here next to me," I said, and Erin never hesitated. "That's a good girl. Show me this book."

"Here," Erin said and placed the tattered leather-bound volume in front of her. "It was hiding among Stan's hentai collection. He had a thing about anime girls and tentacles; who knew? I've never seen this language before," Erin said as she opened the book.

"I have," Karina remarked, surprising everyone. "It is called angelic script. A church with pillars carved with those characters is in the town I grew up in before immigrating. I don't know what it means, but the priest told me that an angel lived in that region hundreds of years ago and etched the symbols to protect the town."

"It reminds me of how a bear will claw trees to mark his territory," I laughed.

"You don't believe in angels, do you?" Mom asked.

"No, the angels of the bible are myths to try and describe something alien, like inventing sky gods to explain the rain or lightning," I offered.

"That is an interesting slant on things," mom said. "Are we talking ETs or off-the-scale strangeness?"

"Who knows, maybe they were always here. Perhaps when a world shows the promise of life, they are drawn to it like moths and flames. They are so different it would be impossible to figure out their motivations or even perceive them. The things people call angels might as well be ghosts or the byproduct of creation itself."

"I guess guardian angels are out of the question," Larah said.

"The universe is indifferent at best and hostile at the worst of times," I said, and a flash of the dream last night manifested. "There might be things so terrible just viewing them would drive you over the edge. Shapeless horrors locked away behind mirrors, within shadows, and on those rare occasions someone glimpses them, and they can reach out and snatch them away to places so dark and terrible..."

"Stop!" Mora snapped. "Just fucking stop; I won't be able to look in a mirror ever again if you keep going."

"I am sorry," I said and absently touched the ring hanging around my neck. "Just purging the dream from my head. What was your favorite part about last night?"

The moment of terror passed in lieu of more pleasant recollections. I took mental notes to improve future endeavors. The ego boost didn't hurt either. I ate while they shared personal experiences and precise moments where pleasure overrode everything else. Mom switched on the TV to check the weather report. Cold but clear with a tiny chance of freezing rain by nightfall. That growing impulse that had taken over the night before slipped cold psychic fingers into me. I sat back, crossed my hands behind my head, and unfastened the chain about my neck. The weight of the ring allowed it to tumble. After a moment or two, I collected the rugged scarlet band and clutched it tight. Ambiguity seemed to melt away. The ever-present identity crisis resolved itself in a moment.

This transition was rougher than most, but it was over now. How could I have forgotten? I remembered, reemerged after so long, and closed my eyes as my recollections drowned out the minuscule lives I had used for cover until now. They were as much a part of me as the others. A constellation of mortal lives remembered but only as mere reference points for culture, language, or societal norms. I took in a deep breath, held it for a ten count, and let it go just as slowly. After three such cleansing breaths, I opened my eyes.

"Better?" June asked.

"Much," I said. "I could use another cup of coffee. Does anyone else care for one?" I began to stand when Karina narrowed her eyes and grinned.

"Sit your ass down," Karina ordered. "My kitchen, my rules."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Karina began a new pot of coffee as I explored what had been Leo's body. There, buried deep, the Nephilim blood coursed stronger than most. The one limitation to my continued existence. A host body must contain that genetic link, or transfer was impossible. Few past hosts carried so strong a tie to the Atlantean bloodline as Leo. Stan had barely enough to allow me to ride his soul. Leo's body would allow me to purify his cells and sire a new generation of Nephilim, and ensure my continued existence.

"Breaking news," the panicked news anchor exclaimed. "An undetected asteroid passed the international space station and entered the Earth's atmosphere."

Footage from the ISS filled the screen as the four-mile-wide hunk of space rock grew red hot, then white-hot. Everyone stared at the screen and missed the hard metallic clunk as the ring struck the kitchen table. I felt Stan's psychic push. Did he believe it had any effect on reality?

"Well done, Stan," I chuckled.

As my ring spun on its side like a coin, something happened.

"The meteor is breaking up," the anchor announced. "It is leaving streamers of steam behind it."

"That's no meteor," I said as streamers shot from the rear of the comet as its surface became unstable.

The path of the ISS matched the comet perfectly. The camera caught the moment it fractured, shattered midair, and struck the ground and water like a cosmic shotgun blast. There was damage and loss of life, but nowhere near if the core had been stone instead of ice. The comet received a nice long name consisting of a string of numbers and letters. It also got the nickname Woebegone. NASA would spend years trying to backtrack Woebegone's trajectory and its origin. The ring wobbled and toppled to remain still.

"Did you say something?" June asked.

"I said well-done, man," I lied. "If the station had been slightly earlier, everyone on board would have died. No one would have gotten a warning. Well done."

"Is that your ring?" Mora asked. "Oh, it's the one from around your neck."

"Yeah," I said as I tugged off Leo's signet and set it aside. When I reached for my ring, the room grew silent. I looked up to see June frowning.

"What are you doing? Don't you want to wear your grandfather's signet anymore?"

Her voice faltered. Had she sensed the change somehow? I couldn't have that.

"I um, just wanted to see if it still fit," I stammered, feeling guilty. Why was I feeling like this? Leo! First Stan and now Leo trying to crawl his sorry ass from oblivion. "I'm sorry. I'll put it on my other hand as a reminder of a near miss."

I slipped the signet back on my left ring finger and my crimson band on my right. My spirit and my host body are aligned. At last, I can wear my memento again; I feel lost and confused without it. Even an immortal needs a reminder of its past.

"Does it bother you the lives you've snuffed out?" Stan asked from the shadows.

"You murdered us," Leo screamed.

"You used me to get to Leo," Stan growled. "You hooked up that device. You loaded that app on my watch. You cast me aside like trash and let me die."

"You stole my life!" Leo wailed. "You fucked my mom, my sister, and identical twins. They belong to me. I own them. I broke those bitches and trained them."

"Whatcha thinking about?" Erin asked as she straddled my lap. "Mmm, you can still get it up after last night, impressive."

"Do not fuck my mom again," Stan begged. "This is so wrong on so many levels."

"My ass is a little tender, but what do you say, Leo? Can I ride it before I go home?" Erin asked while Stan watched and listened.

"Go on," June chuckled. "She did return your book."

"No," Leo roared. "She is mine."

"No, not my mom," Stan sobbed. "And fuck you, Leo, we were supposed to be friends."
