Cougar House Ep. 031: Bitch Please!


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"I know what you're thinking Margo. Don't grill me, I'm not ready to talk."

"I'm here when you need me Master." She paused as he zipped up, "Talk! Shit! What time is it?"

"2:48! Why?"

"May I get up Sir? I'm supposed to skype with Elliot at 3:00."

"No shit? Time to call him Master."

"If I must." She planned on it anyway due to Farouk sitting in on their facetime session. "My legs are asleep."

"Here let me help you up." Heath snatched up her hair and pulled her to her feet without touching her body. Yes it hurt, no she did not complain. Once on her feet she stretched and turned her back to him.

"Untie me?"

"When you get inside." She slapped her on the ass and sent her scurrying to the front door. "Fuck! I never get tired of watching that ass wiggle." He was still hard. That much had not changed, only his outlook to a degree. He just needed to get over Riley's rules. He did get to continue fucking Frannie whenever he wanted. That was a plus. It wasn't her fault what happened, other than not admitting she recognized her husband's brother. Pleasing Frannie as much as she enjoyed pleasing him was forgiveness enough as long as there was no more of that gay shit he endured. Time!

The door having been left ajar she nudged it open and went to her dining room where her laptop sat ready. Her clock saying 2:52 PM she couldn't wait to be untied so sat down on her sofa long enough to show her escape artist skills. Lifting her legs to bring her arms under her ass until she could slip her elegant legs up through her arms was an amazing talent. In front of her now she used her teeth to untie herself. At the door Heath watched her Houdini act and applauded. "Damn! Momma's got game. I never knew you could contort like that."

"There's many things you don't know about me Master." She winked, "Forgive me but I need to get ready for Elliot."

"MASTER!" He growled.

"Yes, my Master." She raced to the kitchen for a wet paper towel to wipe her mascara away from looking horrendous. Using the glass on a curio as a mirror she decided her appearance was as good as it gets. Returning to the dining table she sat down and fired up her laptop until ready to accept any request on Skype. With a deafening sigh she peered over at Heath just watching her. "Heath? Master...can I ask you something?"

"Sure." He moved in but just stood there hands in his pockets.

"I had a proposal earlier that might assist me financially. It requires me to leave home for a week or two."

"Who and where?"

"Paris. Elliot and I texted earlier. His roommate Farouk offered to buy me for a week as his slave. Obviously, I need the money but now that I serve you need your permission." Not really, but she wanted it to look good on her part.

"That Farouk guy rich?"

"Very! He Father is a businessman in Cairo Egypt. I'm not certain what he does but that part doesn't matter."

"Means you get to spend time with the douchebag." He meant Elliot.

"Yes. I miss my douchebag very much. Although, dare I say it I'm looking at this in a monetary gain more than seeing Elliot. He and I..."

"Don't care! We can survive two weeks if it sets you up better. The guy dead serious?"

"Yes. I believe so. He is the boy who bought the pictures and videos I made from Elliot."

"Conniving fucker! Whoring his mom to get money."

"As Brian did? As the party in a few days will do? All at the behest of my Master's."

"Which we'll continue to do once you get back home."

"I live to serve." She winks at him. "Do I have your permission to go if this turns out to be real?"

"I say we all talk to Smelliot here with you. Let me go run it by the guys. We can call Eric for his input."

"Thank you Sir."

As Heath heads upstairs she sits back and stares at her laptop. Elliot was late by five minutes. The second she got a text from him that he was ready she awaited his online request. Accepting it the screen evolved into a brave new world. "There you are handsome Man."

"Sup Slut?" Elliot looked smug, his eyes darting back and forth to his left. She knew Elliot was clueing her in that Farouk was just out of frame.

"I am well Master."

"Good! I want you to meet my buddy Fuk. He's the guy who bought the pictures I had you take." Farouk eased his chair closer to Elliot so that both of them could be on screen.

"Hello Sir. It is an honor to meet my Master's trusted friend." Farouk was cute in a geeky kind of way.

"You are very beautiful Elliot's slave."

"Thank you kind Sir. I must look my best for my Master."

"Have you been crying?" Elliot had to ask, her eyes still a mess from mascara trails, luckily her face was clear.

"I miss you so. I cannot help it." Ohhh Margo was good.

"Gotcha!" Elliot nodded, grateful for her act. "I'm going to bring you over to Paris to serve Farouk here for a week. It's his birthday soon. Two weeks from now."

"How shall I get there Master?" Game played to the fullest.

"I will send my Father's private jet to America. Would you like to serve me?"

"That is up to my Master. I have no say."

"Yes, of course. I will pay him very well for your services."

"I am certain he will take care of me in all ways."

"You know I will Bitch. Please!" Elliot rolled his eyes with a scowl. Inwardly, Margo told herself, "I'll show you Bitch you little stinker." His treehouse movie collection was a tender spot at the moment. For now though, this was about money, not her abuse. "He won't hurt you. Right Fuk?"

"No, you are too lovely to see harm done to you. However, I have requests." He points toward the ceiling, "If I may confer?"

"What requests?" Elliot winced.

"I would like to tie her up."


"Spank her bottom." Farouk was blushing but sincere.

"If you don't I'd think you were queer." Elliot shook his head. "Anything else?"

"I wish to put it in every hole."

"Anal too?"

"Yes indeed! Would you like this Elliot's slave?"

"She has no say..." Elliot interrupted her reply.

"As my Master orders, my holes will accept you." She answered dryly.

"Oooo! I am most expectant. I will as they say...tear you up." He then adds, "Without hurting you Elliot's slave."

"Wine her and dine her while she's here Fuk. If I sell her for a week I expect her treated well."

"Of course my friend. When you are as wealthy as I, I can even buy alcohol at my age." Margo almost laughed but maintained her sparkling gaze. Even Elliot had to hold a hand over his mouth trying to mask his amusement. Coughing clouded his expression until he could slow his temptation to crack up.

While they sat idle Margo heard footsteps coming down from upstairs. All three Cabot, Heath, and Brian showed up totally nude and grinning like devils. She knew she was in trouble at three erections being stroked as they approached but remained quiet and out of view. She swallowed and blushed slightly trying to continue her talk without acknowledging them. Elliot would likely blow a gasket seeing his friends naked around his already nude mother. Trying to avoid looking at them she made it clear to wait before their making things worse. Her finger wagging off camera gave them pause but it was only temporary at best.

"I'm going to show you something Slut!" Elliot lifted his cellphone and brought up his online European bank account before sharing a money transfer into his banking statement. He had already sealed the deal with Farouk before their Skype as a surprise. Having told Farouk only $500,000 as a down payment of good faith he wired money just to prove sincerity. Showing his cell screen to Margo, Elliot chimed in with, "This is how much your fucking holes are worth Bitch. THANK ME!"

Wincing to read the up close cell Margo realized his gift and placed a hand over her mouth in shock. "OH MY GOD! MASTER!!! That's a lot of money."

"I'm worth it." He chuckled, "If you're good to my boy Farouk here maybe I'll buy you a new collar."

"I will not fail you Master." She grew flush, she knew the boys wanted to see but held back. Finally as if to torment her Brian dropped into a crawl under the table and ripped her knees aside to dig in and eat her pussy. Tensing at his teeth tugging her labia she offered a yearning glare toward Elliot.

"That's right Bitch, look at me with those starving eyes." Elliot was getting cocky.

"I miss you so much Master. It's as if I can feel you." She placed one hand in her lap to caress Brian's cheek. Fingers penetrated her pussy deep and began surging back and forth. Her composure troubled she maintained her conversation. "Might I have a word alone with you Master?"

Nodding Elliot told Farouk, "I need thirty minutes Buddy." Farouk in turn complied and waved goodbye, offering, "I will await your flesh against mine."

"Can't wait Sir!" She exhaled with a pant. Watching Elliot's eyes she knew he was now alone. Laughing Elliot sat back smugly.

"Told you he was on the up and up. We broke bank Mom."

"Yes! I...still can't believe this is real. I'm nervous."

"Don't be. I got ya Mom."

"Always Elliot. I mean Master."

"You don't have to keep calling me that. He's gone."

"Keeping in character." She giggled, fluttering her flashes at Brian's feasting. She was slouching a bit due to placing her feet along his back beneath the table. "I...thought your girlfriend was coming over."

"Should be here any minute. Maybe the Dorm Monitor held her up."

As if on cue Elliot heard a tapping sound on his dorm room window. Sitting up straight he looked back to see Giselle outside the window in a black fur half coat and a black mini skirt. Waving at him excitedly he jumped up and left Margo to watch as he went to let her in. The second he had turned his back to her Margo threw her head back moaning.

"Oh my God, Brian. Your fingers are so fucking deep." In her arched back Heath moved in crouching next to her and began rubbing her clit along with Brian's appetite. Margo Needy was quickly closing in on an orgasm.

Cabot holding back was trying to decide how best to enter the chaos without Elliot seeing. Luckily he was busy helping Giselle from the window and calling her insane for being out there on a ledge four stories up from certain bone breakage should she fall. Strangely, the girl was without shoes but looked radiant otherwise. Leaping into Elliot's arms they kissed feverishly. Elliot at the time couldn't even think. Funny, neither could his mom.

"Fuck!" Margo huffed, Cabot finally deciding to crawl behind her chair and reaching around to play with Margo's breasts. If Elliot had returned he could have witnessed huge hands palming her tits, but in the angle might think them Margo's without really paying attention. She was cumming all over Brian's devouring tongue. Fingers drenched and fighting for a scream. She resisted as hard as she could but still squealed beneath compressed lips.

Elliot pawing up Giselle finally helped her out of her fur coat and found her wearing a black halter top beneath that matched her skirt. Belly jewelry visible the girl with beaded hair looked gorgeous. If Margo's Master's had seen her first, Margo might not be moaning. Giselle was just that hot in her petite youthful body, tits perky and jiggling a bit as Elliot led her back to his computer for an introduction. Still slouched Margo hid Cabot's hands even as he pinched her nipples.

"Mom? I mean Bitch...this is Giselle." It was a good thing Giselle was deaf and not reading his lips, the term Mom might have made her question him. Turning Giselle toward him by her chin he mouthed, "This is my American slave." Expressing awe Giselle signed, "So I am not yours?" He presumed her searching soul and said, "YOU ARE MINE!" Giselle smiled vividly then pointed at Margo with a hint of misunderstanding. Finally, Elliot just fessed up. "MOM!" Giselle looked puzzled but sat there waving at Margo. Margo returned her wave just as she heard the front door open. In walked her fourth roommate Eric Crowe.

"What's going on?" Eric laughed seeing the guys playing it coy and defiling Margo. Margo merely looked his way and said, "Eric? I'm Skyping with Elliot. Come say hello." Eric being the only one dressed stepped behind Margo and squeezed her shoulders offering a massage as he leaned next to her cheek.

"Hey Elliot!"

"Wassup Crowe? Meet my girl Giselle." Eric's eyes bulged at the cute blond before him.

"Holy shit! How did you land that hottie?" Giselle blew him a kiss. Evidently she read his lips because she shifted her shoulders from side to side playfully. "I'd fuck that."

"HEY! MY BITCH!" Elliot snapped. Giselle looking at him as if worried. "ONLY I FUCK HER." He wanted to. Tonight felt right, he did promise her sex while being watched by her cam whore paychecks. Regardless, Giselle did really like Elliot. It wasn't just about her and her loyal masturbators.

"That's cool. We got our own Bitch." Eric tugged Margo by the hair and kissed her on the lips. Elliot seeing this turned red.

"WHAT THE FUCK CROWE?" Even observing their kiss Elliot knew it was only the beginning. Sure enough Brian removed his wet fingers from Margo's sloshy cunt and lifted his hand up enough to flip Elliot off. Cabot holding Margo's tits did the same with double barrels. Finally, Heath finished off the bird watching. Jaw dropped Elliot burst a blood vessel. "YOU MOTHERFUCKERS."

"You got that right Douche!" Eric laughed. Margo fanning her face sat up straight and looked directly at her son.

"Now you know. No more hiding Master. Yes, I'm having sex with all of them. I will continue to do so as long as they desire me."

Before Elliot could snap the guys all yelled, "FOREVER!" Even Margo had to laugh then blushed.

"Elliot? I serve all of them. Note my collar?"

"I thought you wore that for Farouk." Elliot winced still steaming at his friends for defiling his Mother. Giselle was lost trying to decipher everything at such a rapid pace. Regardless she did enjoy looking at Eric.

"By the way young man. I know the truth. I found your movies up in your treehouse. Including the carved hearts on the tree trunk."

"Oh shit!" Elliot had a hard on up to that point. Giselle smelled entirely too good. Glancing back and forth between Giselle and his Mother he opted to pull his dick out in hopes to keep Giselle busy. Wagging it at her she scooted from her chair and dropped to suck him off. "So now you know. Disowning me after I just made you rich?"

"Not at all. Elliot I love you." Margo pouted, "I just...I'm trying to understand how your Father could have...let you have sex with me without never telling me."

"Dad was awesome. He just wanted me to lose my virginity with someone he knew. I joked about you and he decided to make it happen. We agreed it would devastate you so we kept it quiet. I'm...I'm..."

"Don't you dare say sorry. I'm over it Elliot."

"MASTER!" Heath yelled.

"Yes, I'm over it Master. I live to serve all of my Master's, this includes you Elliot."

"Dude?" Eric waved, "Lower your camera I wanna see your girl blowing you."

"I can do better than that asshole." Elliot prompted Giselle off of his saliva glazed boner and stood up, coaxing Giselle higher while kneeling he rammed his cock down her throat and fucked her hard, leering at Eric with a Billy Idol grin. "Fuck dude! Where did you get her?"

"Teacher's daughter. You should see her Mom, she looks like Margo only with thick rimmed glasses. HOT AS FUCK!"

"Quiet or she's gonna hear you." Eric cringed.

"Deaf!" Elliot pointed at his ears, Giselle oblivious. It wasn't like he was bragging but it was a fact. While he continued face fucking Giselle the other guys crawled out from their hiding places to stand nude around Margo. Taking Margo's hands Brian and Heath made Margo jerk them off while chatting. Elliot shook his head wanting to kill them but kept it cool not wanting to scare Giselle. "Do I give Farouk his money back?"

"No." Margo calmly spoke, enjoying her handiwork. "I need to talk to you about something else."

"Great! What now?"

"I'm turning our home into a Bed & Breakfast. I can use the money to build with. I've been talking to my bank about a loan."

"Bed & Breakfast? Where do I live when I come home?"

"Here! Just as you were. This is still your home Elliot." She wasn't going to tell him that Brian's brother was going to rent her son's room until he got home. Topic for another blood vessel breakage.

"MASTER!" Heath was getting grim.

"Master." Margo smirked.

So if I own you, I own the Bed & Breakfast?" Elliot laughed feeling himself building a worthy nut.

"No. But, the money we make will enable us to continue living here. Darryl's money is almost gone Elliot. This is a wonderful solution. The boys here..."

"MASTERS!" They all bellowed laughing.

"The Masters here are staying on to work for me."

"Why? If they're your fucking Masters why are they working for the slave?"

"He has a point." Brian chuckled. "Yo Elliot? Get your slut naked I wanna see her."

"You have her naked Handcock."

"Not this slut, the blond one." Margo closed her eyes giggling at their banter. Slut indeed!

"Oh! Why? You can't get her over here Asswipe."

"We just wanna see what she looks like."

"Fine! Fuck you dickheads." Mainly spoken because Elliot himself wanted to fuck Giselle. No time like the present to see if he could piss his Mom off. Pulling her head away from his erection Elliot helped her up and set out disrobing Giselle. Her appetite increased at his brusque face fucking she giggled and let him take off every stitch. Dancing in step before Elliot she jumped into his arms and kissed him. Just as quickly she assisted him in removing his own clothes. Amazingly shy suddenly Elliot used her to block his nudity, in doing so giving them a full frontal of her absolutely stellar body, lily white but curvy beyond reason. Shaved pussy slick as a whistle, nipples pink and perky tight. Bubbly at being watched she fluttered her fingers at the clustered boys all around Margo. Margo was suddenly chopped liver.

Strangely turned on by their reaction to Giselle, Elliot found his erection returning and decided with his earlier nut still holding out on him he wasn't going to waste any time. Nudging Giselle by her shoulder to lean forward Elliot lined his crown up to her tight little clam and fought to penetrate. She was tighter than hell but he managed. It was obvious even as beautiful as she was she hadn't had much sex with others. Lucky him!

As he forced his cock deep Giselle's expression toward her viewers was pure ecstasy. Tits swaying in front of the guys they began jerking themselves off in front of her. Margo merely scooted her chair back and leaned her head on her knuckles. She felt cheated but hey, this was her Master's. Giving up she went to the kitchen for a piece of apple pie.

Elliot ignored the guys as even Eric disrobed to join the pecker pack. Feeling honored by their masturbation over her Giselle secretly wagged her tongue at them without Elliot seeing her. She was having the time of her life. Elliot opting to choke Giselle from behind made her crazy, thrashing her hips back into him as he rushed his into hers. At the joining of forces she came on his cock almost instantly. Feeling her warm saturation over him he snarled and cut loose. Nutting so hard inside her that he didn't even consider the consequences. She made a soft barely audible scream of delight and fought to make him fuck her some more. Standing up straight she reached her arms up over her head and grabbed Elliot by the back of his scalp and wiggled her butt against, his still imbedded cock enjoying her sensual gyrations.

Hearing the guys snarling Elliot looked toward his computer monitor and found it appearing as if milky streaks on it. "Did you fuckers nut on Mom's laptop?" Just as he said that Elliot laughed then shuffled both he and Giselle toward his monitor. Gripping the back of her head he pushed her face directly up to the monitor. Eying the messy screen Giselle giggled and licked the monitor. She adored Elliot's show as much as she enjoyed giving a show. To her surprise she found four cocks taking turns rubbing the jizz as if slapping their beasts against her face. Even Elliot had to laugh about it. "Fuck you losers."