Daddy, Take Me Ch. 26


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"Keep it up, Ms Madden," she chuckled, straightening her hair and walking out. I waited a few moments to leave, shaking at the thought of someone seeing us in this more-than-compromising situation.

I made my way to my seat, my breathing nowhere near normal yet. I began to giggle to myself. God, had I turned into a little slut or what? I thought. My panties soon turned cold, my moisture coating them. This was going to be a long flight, 'til I remembered my 'spare' panties. Like my daddy's Amex card, I never, now, left home without an extra pair. God, I thought. I must be a slut. Humph!

Victoria was the proverbial bee to honey for the rest of the flight, her professional demure shattered.

She leaned down at one point and whispered, "Feel better, honey?" her eyes alive with a beautiful playfulness.

"I won't feel better until I'm between your gorgeous legs, sweetie," I smiled.

"Well, let's hope that's sooner rather than later. I have...plans for you, Chloe. God, you are irresponsible, you know? Call me. Soon," she sighed, and carried on with her job.

We finally landed and I collected my case and bag. She caught my eye, as I headed for the open door, my hand playfully washing over my still-excited and hard nipples. I loved the look on her face as she caught her breath. We shook hands cordially and professionally, but the tremors she sent through me were unimaginable.

Uncomfortably, I made it home eventually. My sisters always seemed to know when I returned home, their shrieks of joy always filled me. Moms were in the garden, pottering about, and dad was not back from kayaking yet. I poured a glass of wine and went to join my moms. They asked how the weekend went, and I blushed.

"That's a story for later," I giggled.

"Are you...with us tonight, sweetheart," mum asked.

"After you hear about my weekend, you'll understand why I'm declining tonight, 'kay?" I laughed too loud. "Who knows, uh, story may make me change my mind!" I chuckled.

"Now we have to hear it! Come here! Sit!" mom said, her face red from the sun.

I spent the next thirty minutes recounting their daughter's exploits. I probably went into too much detail, but they were my moms, hmm?

"A stewardess? Really, Chloe! I thought we brought you up better than that," they said, their faces stern...until they broke into fits of laughter.

"Don't tease," I chastened them both. "It's all Maisie's fault," I griped.

"Hmmm," mum sighed. "Perhaps you'd like to, uh, tell your...daddy what you've been up to? He does have a right to know, Chloe," mum said, smirking at me.

"Maybe tomorrow, hmm? My vagine is sore right now," I apologised. "It's just been so...remarkable, though."

"Vagine?" mum asked.

I laughed as they repeated the word. "'s Jo's word. I love it. It's so...cute," I giggled.

"Well, it sounds pretty exotic, sweetheart...but I think it suits your...pussy," mum said, slurring the word.

"Behave you two! You can have each other's vagine tonight! Mines in recoup mode right now," and we all laughed, my sisters, running out to see what all the commotion was.

I went back inside, unpacking and catching up with Lily and Maggie, both bouncing on my bed and harassing me, wanting to know what I had planned for next weekend. Maggie asked if she could sleep with me tonight, as she missed me so much.

"How about tomorrow, sweetie? I'm so tired, 'kay? We'll make time tomorrow night...just you and me. long as you don't snore!" I mocked. "And you'll watch your feet, too!" I laughed, as did she.

Dad finally arrived home and popped into my room on his way to the shower. He easily laid on the bed, and I moved my head to his chest, my arms around him. I always felt safest in his grasp. He asked about the weekend and how Ewan was getting on. I didn't go into the details, as I had done with my moms...although the longer I lay on his strong shoulder, his piquant scent stirred my pussy. I lifted my head, looked at him, and kissed him, his hands firmly around me. I knew all it would take to egg him on was a little soft moan into his mouth. Daddy's are so easy! To hell with what I told my moms. My vagine was sore, true, so what's another real...cock going to do, hmm? I'm sure couldn't hurt that much! It was my daddy, but I needed him for some obscure reason. My thoughts turned sordid, as I imagined Maisie taking Jo, and Jo taking her.

"I...I need you tonight, daddy. Is that...'kay?" I asked in the coyest, most coquettish way I could. I had years of practice, and I grew to know what would work on my...daddy.

"What's up, Chloe? Is...everything okay? Nothing bad has happened, has it?" he asked, his fatherly concern, so damn touching.

"No...daddy. Everything is wonderful, actually. I...I just miss you, that's all. I want to use this time Maisie and I are apart to be with you, that's all," I sighed. "I need you tonight, daddy. Tonight, 'kay?" I timidly appealed. What a duplicitous daughter I was! I loved having this power over him, and knew by playing the bashful daughter, I'd have him. Now, don't get me wrong, I had never used him for sex, 'kay? I wasn't like all those other spoiled girls out there, playing up their lithesome, youthful bodies to get a new car or a fancy wardrobe. I loved my dad and would never take advantage of him.

"I think I'd like that, Little One. It's been way too long, hmm?" he smiled, giving in so damn easily, as he leaned over, his lips again on mine.

I rolled from his side and straddled his body, my covered pussy sitting on his aroused cock. I wiggled around, leaned down, and engulfed his lips. Daddy had his hands on my petite bum, holding me, and moving me over his hardness. I moaned, as he flexed his hips up.

"Fuc—daddy...that'," I whined, then came to my senses, sliding down his body, my head hovering over his thick daddy-cock. I leaned down and kissed the covered shaft, his hands pressing my head down onto him.

I lifted my head and smiled.

"Later...daddy," I smirked, kissed his cock again and rolled off him. In my mind, I was hoping he'd spank me, forcibly rip my clothes off and take me. Fuck. I was a slut! I giggled to myself.

He pulled my supple body up, rolled on top of me, kissed me and ground his cock on me.

Just as quickly, he moved off me and smiled. "Later then, Little One," he smirked, and left my room.

My body felt so alive, and I knew the anticipation would grow over the next few hours. I distracted myself by spoiling my sisters with my time. I knew I had been a bad sister, but hopefully next weekend would go far to heal the minor rifts. We headed out to the annexe, their little hideaway for their budding creativity. Lily showed me her journal dad and I had bought her in Paris. I was surprised it wasn't filled, but she said she only put her best stories in there. I laid back and she read to me, as Maggie lifted her smock over her youthful, developing body, and made some tentative water-coloured strokes on the canvas she was working on. Of course, as the dutiful sister, I gushed at the work they had both been producing. God, I loved their smiles.

Mum came out, as dinner was ready, so we cleaned and cleared up, happily running to the kitchen table. The meal was a cacophony of talking over each other, gentle jibes, pokes in the arms and laughter. I didn't ever want to leave home and get my own place. What could possibly compare to this?

I sorted out their bedtime, giving my parents time to have their usual Sunday evening talk. I was amazed at myself, that for all these years, I had never even thought of sitting on the stairs and listening to what they were talking about. It's not that I'm not, or wasn't a naturally nosy person, but I just seemed to innately know this was their time.

After my sisters were in bed, I FaceTimed Maisie, catching up on the rest of the day. She had just returned from Jo's, enjoying a delightful, relaxed dinner.

"And no, we didn't have sex, leannan. It was so easy, darling. We just sat, listened to some music

and relaxed. Okay, we kissed a bit, but that was all," she chuckled. "'s your stewardess, hmm? she teased.

I held my breath, telling her I was a complete slut now and told her what had happened. To say my Maisie was excited would be understating her response. As I was retelling her, she made me laugh with a little, "Slow down, Chloe! You're going too fast. Tell me....slowly," she giggled, her hand inside her pyjamas.

"Humph!"I said. "I thought we weren't going to use our, uh, adventures to get the other off, hmm? That didn't last long, did it?" I laughed.

", leannan. Let me enjoy this, please," she pouted.

I teased my girlfriend, purposely exaggerating my encounter. She was getting so close to an orgasm, so I smirked and told her I had to go to the loo, and that I'd be right back.

"Don't move, sweetie. Just wait 'til you hear..." I began, and giggled.

"Don't you...fucking go...anywhere! Sit! Tell me!" she groaned.

"Be right back, sweetie," I chuckled, and ran to the bathroom.

When I returned, I recounted when Victoria fingered me, and the aftermath of our exceptionally rude time in the lavatory. I knew how to push her over and what buttons to tweak. As the coup de grâce, I whispered, conspiratorially, "I'm going to have my daddy tonight, leannan. I...I asked him if he would earlier. You and Jo have me all wound up, sweetie. And, as I didn't get fucked by Jo...

or you, well..." I sniggered.

"My God, Chloe. We have turned you into a little tart, hmm?" she laughed, then went quiet, her fingers firmly working on her building desires. "God...I wish I could see that, leannan. That's so...God...yessss, oooooh—fuck—yesss—you— good."

She had brought herself back from the exquisite edge, intent on hearing my voice.

"You know, as I watched Jo...take you, you looked so...unbearably beautiful. I watched you, darling. Watched you succumb to our...cock. Can you even imagine what my daddy's going to feel like, hmm? I can feel it now, sweetie. His hard, throbbing, pulsing prick, buried inside your girlfriend. I...I want you to watch us, Maisie. Do you want to watch my daddy...fuck me?" I grinned, salaciously.

"Christ almighty, hen. That'—," she groaned, her face so red and tight, as her fingers burnished her pussy.

I smiled as she convulsed, her sweet body twitching, her breasts heaving and full.

"That's Do it. Think of me...and my daddy," I taunted, desperately trying to keep my fingers from pleasuring my anxious valley.

With a series of loud grunts, her body shuddered, and her delightful laughter interrupted her gasps.

"Don't,," she giggled, whilst still trying to breathe. That was..." she sighed, but couldn't finish her sentence.

"Deep breaths, sweetie. That's it, darling. Just breathe," I encouraged her.

She had dropped her iPad, giving me a great view of her ceiling. I collected myself, waiting for her to do the same.

"What are you like, Maisie? God...let's talk slutty, 'kay?" I laughed.

"It''s you, leannan. Whew...that was a good one!" she giggled.

"It's all in your mind, darling," I chuckled, still enamoured with every deep breath she took.

"Yeah, you're probably right," she smiled, and we chatted, catching up on a whole bunch of inconsequential things. Eventually, I saw her eyes fading, so we decided to call it a night.

"Chloe...I'm so tired right now. I think it's about time for you to shower and go to your...daddy, all right?" she smiled so beautifully at me.

We signed off, and I did as she asked, washing my body, and fixing my hair. I couldn't decide what to wear, though. I decided on my boy-shorts set, knowing daddy would love me hiding my body, to begin with, giving him the extra time to watch me. I spritzed myself with my Parisian perfume, pulled my robe on, and quietly took the stairs to their room. I softly knocked on their door, then silently opened it. I was greeted by smiles from my parents.

"Come in, sweetie. Isn't this a surprise, Emily? And here we thought Chloe needed time to recover, hmm?" she smirked.

"I can always leave," I smirked right back, my robe falling from my shoulders. "Be nice, mom. Please?" I sighed, and slipped into their oversized bed, moving between my moms. I cuddled up to my mom and she wrapped her arms around me. Emily, mum, shifted behind me, her hand on my hip, and her other in my hair. I felt her lips come to my neck, covering me with the most delicate kisses. I looked over at my dad, his eyes fondly on mine. His chest was bare, and his breathing was even.

"Is our Chloe okay, hmm? You seem a bit out of sorts. C'mon, you can talk with us, you know," mom sighed.

"Ever...ever since Maisie and I have been separated and we decided to explore possibilities without each other, my head seems to be all over the place. I told you about Victoria, and it seems to have awakened something in me. Why aren't I jealous of Maisie and Jo, hmm? I should be, shouldn't I?" I asked, perplexed by my questions.

"What you both have agreed on is good for you both, Chloe. You're young, and the only partner you've had is Maisie. I think it's extremely brave...and kind of her to give this to you. It takes a special woman not to have this resentment. Your mum and I never had, either. Sure, we were older than you, but we understood, for the most part, what we were getting into. We've had our problems," she said to all of us, "haven't we, darling? I...I couldn't live without Emily or your father. It's who we are. You and Maisie are still figuring it out, right? You'll get there, though," she smiled, and gently kissed me. "Now...I do believe you've been missing your...daddy?" she smirked.

"Don't mom," I smiled, getting all coy and shy now.

"Go to him, darling," mum whispered, and with no hesitation, I shimmied over mom and wobbled over to my father.

I placed a hand around his shoulder, and he pulled me in.

"Hi there," he smiled, and kissed me.

"Hi, daddy," I shyly smiled back, his scent wafting around my head, as if I was in a garden of sex. I could feel the bed shift, my mom moving closer to me. I slid between the sheets, wiggling my small body on his. Fuck, he was naked! I apprehensively lifted his semi-flaccid cock, and laid it on his stomach, my body on top of it.

He looked at me with the love only a father could have, and murmured, "Are you sure, Little One?" and smiled.

God, whenever he used my pet name, I gushed, my heart beating so fast.

"I...I need you...daddy," I sighed, and took his lips in mine.

Whereas I was ready to just take him, just sit up, stroke his shaft, wipe it across my now-wet pussy, and slip his hardness inside me, daddy had other ideas in mind.

He was too gentle, too subtle with his lips and his fingers. My hair laid on his chest, as his fingers touched my cheek, running it up and down, and then playing with my earlobe. I could feel my wetness, even now, seeping onto his manhood, as he softly kissed me, every touch accompanied by a low moan from my dry mouth.

Daddy wrapped his hands in my hair, pulling my head from his mouth, and he looked at me. We lay there and stared at each other; any shyness was forgotten, as we looked at each other. His fingers slid dangerously across my neck, my throaty desires filling the room. I could feel a soft hand on my bum, my mom tenderly touching me.

"Do you have any idea how...incredibly beautiful you are, Chloe?" daddy whispered, but loud enough for all to hear.

"Only a few people...really see me, daddy," I said, as I leaned down and kissed him, my tongue slipping between his lips.

I leaned down, burying my face in his neck, and inhaled the scent that I remembered, the heady aroma, both woodsy and comforting. I shifted my body over his, sitting on his now-hard member, and teasingly slid my vagine over his cock. His hands came to my little mounds, smirking at me, and running little circles around them, never touching my burning nipples. My fingers slowly wafted across his tight chest, my fingers shadowing his, as I unhurriedly made an imaginary figure-of-eight from one nipple to the other.

"Mmmmm," I moaned into the room. "Just...just like that...daddy," I lazily groaned. My hips were gathering pace, getting so close to having him 'accidentally' enter me. He knew what I was doing, controlling himself, as much as myself.

His hands were almost too gentle, my desire for him to fuck me had clouded my mind. I kept moving my body so his fingers would glide over my hard nipples, but he was always one step ahead of me.

I had to just tell him what I needed. My voice urgently croaked, as I moaned a simple, "Please daddy. Just...just touch them. I...I know you want to... so..." I grumbled. His stoic face was so maddening, his smirk stoking my excitement.

I looked to my left, Emily had her hands around my mom, slowly fondling her breasts, her lips on mom's shoulder. Mom's hand was on my thigh, moving up and down, as I continued to slide my vulva over his shaft. Daddy's hand left my right breast, deliriously gliding down my body, 'til he deftly touched my pussy, my wet mess leaving the most luscious trail of juices on his throbbing cock. His finger slid into the oozing valley, prodding my clitty. I arched my back, as the firm digit playfully massaged me. I moved my hips back, lining up his thickness against my creamy vulva. His free hand swatted my bum...hard.

"Behave, Little One. We'll get there soon enough."

I could hear my moms giggling next to us.

"But...daddy...just, you know..." but he wouldn't relent.

"Okay," I thought, and began my sultriest slipperiest moves over his engorged cock.

I'll...make him take me, I said to myself, and quickened my pace, my hands teasingly caressing my tits, my head was thrown back, and my lithe body slid along his magnificent shaft.

"C'mon...daddy...oooooh—just—yessssss—that's—oooooh—don't...tease...fuc—" I shrieked as he grabbed my hips and pulled me forward, his hands gripping me so...daddy-like. I was sitting on his chest, my vagine seeping on him. He pulled my butt forward, my pussy virtually at his mouth. Ohhh, fuck... yesssss, I thought, as his hands grasped my bum, and I slid onto his waiting mouth. My hands grabbed the headboard, as I slid my wanton pussy over his face. His tongue almost pierced me, but I pulled back this time. I lifted myself up and looked down at my sexy-as-fuck daddy. He looked at me, as I lowered myself, daddy's face smiling.

He spanked me, and with a loud grunt, my pussy found his mouth.

"Fuc—yesssss," I squealed, as his hands clutched onto my warm arse, his fingernails digging in, pulling me down. This is what a needed, I thought, as I slid over his tongue, his mouth suckling my still-abused muff.

His subtle, tiny kisses to my vagine were exquisite, as his mouth took me, the sound was low and faint, but it was there. I should have felt embarrassed by how much I was dribbling on him, but I wasn't. My musky scent floated through my nose, spurring me on, as daddy's tongue fiddled with me. My mom's fingers on my bum did nothing to stop me. We had been here before, her touch was so welcome, not intrusive. Mum knelt next to me, and as I turned my head, she kissed me. At one point I was afraid I was hurting daddy, my hips almost violently flicking over his face, my body innately knowing where I needed his touch.

"That's it—oooooh fuc—daddy. Kissaaaaahkissyesssss—my—mmmmm—cunt," I rasped, as his firm daddy-tongue sucked my hard, throbbing clitty.