Daddy's Poker Chip - Vegas Strip


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"You're wearing that?" I asked, yawning.

"No, I've got something else in mind," Katie said. "But does this not look good?"

She stared down at her behind self-consciously.

"I honestly wasn't sure I had the butt for it."

"No, no," I said quickly, realizing I'd hurt her feelings. "You look fine, it's just... a little revealing, don't you think?"

"Oh," Katie said slowly. "I've kind of been into that of late."

"What about the looks?"

"That's kind of the point," Katie said. "You should see what I've got for tonight. It's going to be like in Casino Royale, where the hot girl comes in and kisses James Bond on the neck, distracting the other guys from the game."

"Wow, I knew Uncle Chuck like to gamble, but using you like that?"

"Who's using me?" The bright upbeat tone in her voice suddenly changed, replaced by a hard accusation. "I like dressing this way. It makes me feel sexy."

"What about all the attention?"

"I like attention," She said. "Don't get me wrong. I don't want some creeper breathing down my throat. But I don't think it's anywhere near as fun to look pretty without someone noticing."

"What about our dads though?"

"I don't know that I would be comfortable without them around," She answered. "They have seen everything anyway."

"Everything?" I asked. "I mean surely you've changed since you were little."

"Not as much as I would have liked," Katie said.

"Don't do that," I said. "I could never get away with not wearing a bra."

"You noticed?"

"Everyone noticed," I said. "But still, it's way different now that we are 18. It's not like they've actually seen your tits."

Katie looked down, her toes short of moving in a circle around the carpet.

"Yeah..." She started.

"Okay, what happened? Were you sleeping naked or something?"

"Well... you have to promise not to judge me," Katie said.

"I promise," I said.

"No really, you can't tell anyone, especially not your dad," Katie said.

"I swear! You know I love you," I said. "You're my favorite cousin."

"I'm your only cousin," Katie retorted.

"All the more reason not to go blabbing your secrets..."

"Okay," She took a deep breath. "So a few weeks ago, my dad was hosting a poker game. Everyone was drinking, having a good time, they let me play. And..."

She clearly wanted to tell me this, but the words seemed caught in her throat.

"Just tell me Kate. I'm not going to judge," I said.

"It turned into... well... a game of strip poker..."

I burst out laughing. The idea of those old men all sitting around in their boxers, reliving their youth with their niece. It seemed more silly than anything.

Katie smiled.

"I thought you'd be freaked out," She said.

"No, no," I said, collecting myself. "I'm sorry it just seems so ridiculous."

"It was pretty stupid," She said slowly. "But kind of fun."

"Those old horndogs, who lost? I'm guessing you stopped at underwear."

"Not quite," Katie said.

"Oh... so you saw their..."

She nodded.

"What about my Dad?"

"He uh, he didn't win..."

She looked a little scared of my reaction. Only I smirked.

"He's pretty big, huh?" I said, knowingly. "Like one of the mini bats you get at baseball games."

"How do you?"

I told her the story of me catching him masturbating, both us laughing at how ridiculous desperate our dads had become. Horny old men, lusting after anything with legs. For some reason, it didn't scandalize me to think about my dad wanting to see Katie's body - maybe because part of me wanted to do the same thing.

"He was so embarrassed!" I said finishing the story.

"I'll bet..." Katie said. "So I guess he owes you one. You should join me tonight, dress in something sexy. He can hardly be mad."

"Oh, I don't know..."

"You never liked to tease?" Katie said. "I know it's an all girl's school, but are there no men around in Dallas? No lesbians?"

"You'd be surprised," I said.

"Come on, Emily," She insisted, joining me under the covers. "Nearly a year at college, you have to be able to share something sultry. Please? I promise not to judge."

Slowly, I started spilling out every sexy thing I'd done online, going into vivid details as my cousin lay in bed next to me, our bodies almost touching underneath the covers. Katie looked at me wide-eyed, hanging on every word until I finished.

"So, can I see them?" She said.


"Your photos," Katie said. "They sound hot."

"Isn't that kind of weird?"

Even though I protested, I wanted her to see. Not because I had some innate lesbian interest in displaying myself, just that this online community filled with comments and creativity had become some integral part of my life. I guess I wanted to share that, not necessarily in a sexual way. I just needed to create a space to share my burgeoning sexuality with someone, anyone who wouldn't sneer or shame me for having needs.

"Is it weird?" Katie said. "I mean, any stranger can see. I could have accidentally stumbled on them and never known."

"Yeah, but you wouldn't know it's me."

"That's kind of hot. It's so forbidden. What if you make it worse? Suppose I find your pictures, and it awakens something in me, not knowing I'm really lusting after my cousin."

"Come on..."

"It could happen," Katie said. "Female sexuality is so fluid. Plus you have to admit it sounds like the start of some steamy letter in a Playboy. Dear Mr. Hefner, I saw some boobs, they may be my cousin's. Now every time I see her, I feel the need to rub them until a genie pops out!"

I couldn't help but laugh. We both did.

"Jesus... you don't quit, do you?"

"I know you want to show me," Katie said. "Just like I wanted to tell you about the poker game. It kind of sucks that sex is so important and complicated, but we aren't supposed to talk about it with anyone. I was so nervous to tell you about the poker game - I thought you'd never understand and then - "

"And then you find out I'm also a pervert."

We laughed.

"Okay," I said. "Let's sleep a little first. If you are going to talk me into strutting around with you, I'll need a little rest."

"Just one," Katie pleaded. "So I can get it out of my head."

"Okay..." I said, pulling out my phone. "What do you want to see?"

"Show me a photo of your tits," She said.

At first I had been careful, deleting every image once I had placed it online. But they'd started to build up, as I hadn't always collected myself immediately after climaxing. I found one I liked. I was standing in front of my bathroom mirror, my hands held over my nipples, supporting my ample bust. I held it in front of her, afraid to let her start swiping.

"Hot!" Katie said. "Can I see?"

I couldn't bring myself to scroll through my pictures while she watched, so I just handed her my phone. It helped that I didn't remember what was on there, I knew a few shots of my breasts pressed up against the mirror, another with me on my hands and knees I managed after a dozen tries with a timer.

But had I deleted all the ones with the vibrator?

"These are amazing!" Katie said. "I wish I had your figure."

Katie stared wide-eyed, shamelessly scrolling through the photos.

"You don't think my breasts..." I couldn't quite say it, settling on a weird euphemism. "Are too low?"

She squeezed my leg.

"I love them. Thanks for showing me."

Only she kept scrolling, and part of me was thrilled Katie wasn't just being polite.

"Okay, enough," I said, grabbing at my phone.

"Aww, but I was just about to upload them to Facebook."

"Oh my god, you're too much!"

I grabbed a pillow, smacking her in the head with it. And suddenly we were like kids again. She used hers as a shield, guarding her head as I swung down at her. She turned, swinging her own and I could see the bottom half of her breasts - right before the padding connected with my chin. We rolled around over the bed, our bodies intertwining our naked thighs rubbing together. I could feel her braless breasts touching me through her shirt.

Was it her nipples or just the feel of her fabric?

We hit each other a few more times, none too serious, before I collapsed, winded, her knees on my stomach.

"Okay, okay, enough! Let's sleep."

"Sounds good, I'm getting tired myself. Do you mind if I take off my shorts?" Katie asked. "The button is digging into me."

"Go ahead," I said, yawning. "It's not like they were covering up much anyway."

I turned, feeling her squirm underneath the blanket. Without removing the covers, she threw her cut-offs across the room.


"What is it?" I said sleepily.

"I don't want to be weird, but I kinda need to take care of myself," Katie said. "I can't usually sleep unless I do."

"Go ahead," I said.

"I can go to the bathroom-"

"I'd still probably hear you," I said. "So did my pictures get you going?"

I rolled over, facing away from her, giving her the illusion of privacy.

"A little..." Katie said. "You have a beautiful body."

I could hear her moving. My mind started to wonder, what exactly she'd been wearing underneath those tight shorts.

"But mostly, I was thinking about doing the same thing."

"Really?" I perked up.

Then I heard a slight little cooing sound, the heavy breathing that could only accompany one thing. The blankets moved a little, twisting away from me.

"Yeah.." She said absently. "I want men to masturbate to me."

"It's a lot of fun," I said. "I love the comments.

"What... what do they say?"

The words barely came out.

"A lot of guys message me, saying what they would do to me. How much they want to fuck me."

Katie moaned.

"Do you think they'd say that to me?"

I couldn't help but turn. I opened my eyes, seeing one hand underneath the blanket, her neck arched, her eyes closed as my cousin rubbed herself. I know I shouldn't be watching, but the conversation had turned into me feeding her masturbatory imagination.

"Yes, Katie," I said. "You're so hot."

"Would you help me?"

Her eyes fluttered open, meeting mine as she masturbated unseen underneath the covers. I thought for a second, she was asking me to have sex with her. I stammered, not sure what to say.

"With.. .with what?"

My mind raced with the possibilities. I imagined myself diving down under the sheet, finding out first-hand what another woman tasted like.

But she's your cousin.

The thought whispered in the back of my brain, only to be replaced with another.

So what?

It's not like either of us could get pregnant.

"Would you help me post the pictures?" Katie said. "Maybe even... take them?"

"Are you sure that's okay?" I asked.

"I've already seen yours," Katie said. "Besides, I'm sure with someone else to hold the camera, we can do more things."

I thought about it, imagining the provocative poses I could do with Katie. How much attention we would get if we were together, holding our breasts against each other, teasing each other, kissing.

"Okay.." I said. "We can do that."

"Really?" Katie breathed. "You don't mind seeing me naked?"

"I think I'm excited too," I said. "Anyways, I'm already watching you masturbate."

I looked down at her, my head cocked into my palm.I swore I could feel a new heat emanating from her body. She blushed a little bit, her knees bunching up a little as her breathing grew more rapid.

"Oh God, Emily, you're about to see me cum," Katie said.

"Good," I answered, feeling strangely comfortable as I watched my cousin play with herself. "Cum for me, Katie."

Her face contorted, her eyes fluttering, her legs kicking out, thrashing against me under the blanket. She moved around a little, her mouth twisted into a familiar o shape. A few seconds later, it was all over, replaced by a few quick breaths.

"Thanks, Emily, that was..." My cousin said.

"I know, for me too," I said.

"Do you need to..." She let the question hang.

"No, not yet," I lied, my pussy was soaking wet.

Katie almost seemed dejected.

"Maybe later tonight," I said. "After our photo shoot."

And then somehow, we both managed to sleep.


I woke up first, dragging myself out of bed. Truthfully, I'd already decided to dress sexy for the evening, but I hadn't really packed anything that matched up to Katie's standards. Frustrated, I threw my bag against the wall, only to hear my cousin stir.

"What's wrong?" Katie said.

I looked over, she had the blanket clutched to her chest. I hadn't noticed, but sometime during our nap, she had discarded her top. She held the sheet at her neck, letting it drape down her body. I tried to speak only for my brain to go completely blank as I imagined her naked body underneath that almost see-through piece of fabric.

She looked stunning.

Why was I trying so hard to look?

A small, pleasant shiver spread up between my thighs, thinking that she must have been near enough to rub her bare tits against during our nap.

"I'm sorry," Katie said, realized that I was staring. "I was just so uncomfortable. Here..."

She turned, dropping the sheet only to reveal her bareback. Katie bent over, grabbing her shirt. She stood for a second, revealing her dark pink underwear, not quite a thong, but barely anything more. Most of the fabric disappeared into the crevice between her cheeks, riding up and angled so that I could see the bottom half of each cheek, the waxing crescent of her bare bottom.

Then she sat down on the bed, demonstrating that she was not putting on a show, just getting her bearings. The shirt slid down, and again for a second, I saw her barely covered buttcheeks while she pulled up her shorts. Turning, her body again covered, she saw me sitting on the floor, my clothes strung out all around me.

"Did you forget something?"

"It's stupid!" I fumed. "I thought I could find something fun to wear, but I didn't pack a damn thing."

"Oh well, maybe I can help you out."

She moved to her suitcase next to mine. Despite myself, I couldn't help but gawk at her perfect porcelain legs, perfectly shaped, lean, toned. My eyes followed her thighs up to her jean shorts, which barely did more than her underwear to conceal her thigh behind. She was all bulge, her buttocks begging me to reconsider our relationship.

I shook my head, needing to physically pry my eyes from her body, just in time too. She turned back at me, holding up the garment she selected.

"Okay, how about this?" Katie said. "I was going to wear it, but I think it will actually fit you."

"I'll look ridiculous!"

"Not at all," Katie said. "It's such a common fantasy. You'll drive every man crazy."

"Will it even fit? We aren't the same size."

"Let's see. Go ahead, take your clothes off," Katie said.

I hesitated.

"Emily," She said, placing her hands on her hips. "I've already seen that beautiful triangle you have over your pussy. I don't think your underwear is going to shock me."


"Now or never?" Katie said.

"Are you sure I don't look silly?" I said. "I mean, I've been trying to get out of this outfit most of life."

Thankfully, the hallway to the elevator had been barren, giving me a chance to get used to being out in the open. But no one else had seen me yet.

"Emily, if I had a dick..."

"Come on," I said.

"I'm serious, I'm half tempted to go to an Adam and Eve and pick one up."

"I'm your cousin!"

"And I would knock dat ass up," She said. "Seriously though, Emily you look stunning."


"Really, really," Katie said. "I just hope it doesn't backfire. Your dad could be losing all his money tonight."

"It's my dad."

"Trust me, Uncle Drew is just as horny as the next man."

She looked down at her phone.

"They are apparently already getting seated. There's quite the crowd."

The elevator doors dinged opened, it was hard not to feel the eyes of everyone on me as I strutted down the hallway. Katie had dressed me in one of her plaid, school girl outfits, which looked more like a slutty Halloween costume than the actual uniform she wore at St. Francis. The skirt did not quite fit me, I had to pull it up near my belly button. The result meant that with every step, the hem of the garment threatened to swish up and expose my panties.

Katie had insisted on loaning me some underwear, a black thong being the only pair that fit comfortably. As scant as these panties were, it was somehow less embarrassing than revealing boy shorts or granny panties if I ended up accidentally exposing myself. For a top, she had taken one of her white shirts, rolling up the sleeves past the elbows so that no one would notice that they didn't quite reach my wrists.

Not that anyone would notice. She tied the bottom ends of the white dress shirt together into a perfect knot. I had the distinct impression that my cousin had done this before, the end product leaving a nearly see-through, tight-fitting, bust-bulging eyeful for everyone to see. Anyone looking for more than a second, would be able to see my bra straps. The full front of my cups were visible, looking more scandalous, more sultry than any two-piece I'd ever dared to don.

At first, each step was a challenge, a test of my commitment and courage. But I wanted to join in the fun. I had the distinct thought that my dad might have been distant due to some conflict about seeing his niece naked. I'm not saying I necessarily wanted to strip in front of my father, but I didn't want to feel left out either. Besides, I was already having so much with Katie. Yes, part of me knew it was a little wrong to be looking at my cousin, but that only made it hotter.

There's something alluring about the forbidden, that's why someone bothered to put up a barrier.

Though Katie wasn't dressed any different; she walked in a way that flaunted her fearless with each steps. Her Daisy Dukes showed off even more of her ass than the skirt. She let a few button down off her top. I was sure if she moved in the right way, someone seriously looking could make out her nipples. As it was, standing a few inches taller than her, looking down I could see the slope of her breasts as the shirt hung loose from her tender skin.

In Texas, I'm not sure they would have let us out in public.

But then again, this was Vegas, where adult models wearing pasties signed autograph in the street.

Still, I could sense more than few wandering eyes landing on my nearly naked body. I pulled down on my skirt, trying to keep the hem from moving up with each step, focusing just on breathing. My breasts heaved up and down each time I exhaled. Certainly one of us was destined for an inevitable wardrobe malfunction. Maybe it was my imagined, but as we walked, every head seemed to turn, their stares trailing after us as we made our way towards the game.

We followed the two signs with arrows directing us to the Clementine Charity Poker Championship, showing our audience passes to the ticket taker. Then we walked into the crowded room, where maybe a hundred men were jockeying around, trying to find their positions at each table over the sound of the band. In the stand at the far end, the rock music wailing out, at an almost impossible live tempo.

"Well Johnny doubled up with a royal flush

I had three Jacks and a pair of niiines"

Belting out the elongated line was the lead singer, a woman who would have fit right with our outfits. Long, ruby red hair, expertly styled up, the woman wore a dress that looked almost like one piece swimsuit. Only in between shimmering sequins, bare skin showed out in deliberate spaces in the outfit. She leaned over, displaying her cleavage, leaving one hand on the microphone stand as she dipped.

God she was hot.

And the woman could sing. She put on a performance, waltzing around the stage, captivating men who should have been finding their seats. Ignoring the group of men staring at her, she smiled, batting an eye at the guitar player. Maybe it was just the instrument, but man looked absolutely dreamy. Intently focused on what he was doing, he somehow managed to grin back at her. It was the authentic gesture of man who seemed to exude this masculine energy. Not that he wasn't handsome, thick dark brown hair, that popular stubble beard, a thin muscular frame. But there was something more than that.
