Daddy's Poker Chip - Vegas Strip


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"I'm not sure I ever thought of things in quite this way," Samuel said. "Not that my wife and I aren't progressive enough, but I have a daughter a little older than you. I'm not sure I would be comfortable with her dressed in the same way."

"Do you ever look at porn?" Katie asked sharply.

"You caught me," Samuel said. "I should have cleared my browser history."

"Would you want your daughter doing porn?"

"What kind of porn?"

"Does it matter?"

"Fair enough, the answer is no," Samuel said.

"So why do you use a profession you don't respect?" Katie said. "You enjoy the services, but you look down on the people who perform them? What kind of bullshit is that?"

I was shocked to hear Katie take this man to task, but Samuel only smiled.

"To be fair," Samuel said. "I depend on dishwashers and garbage men. I'd rather Alice not take up either trade."

"But would you feel the same way if she worked as a dishwasher for a few years in college as you would if she did a few videos? What's the difference?"

Samuel paused.

"You make an interesting point..."

"I'll go further," Katie continued. "Because she can't tell you or her friends about her job doing porn, she's more likely to be taken advantage of. I'd argue that porn star is a more legitimate trade than dishwasher, since some people really like making porn, whereas no people like washing dishes, that's why there's a machine for it."

"Oh there are machine's for sex too," Samuel said.

"Your kinks are your own business," Katie retorted.

The conversation paused for Samuel to look at the table. It was down to two, an all-in bet. My dad flipped over the cards, a few seconds before the other man did the same. I couldn't see the cards, but I made out the crestfallen expression on his face. He'd come so close to the championship, only to have it pulled away at the last minute.

"Tough break," Samuel said. "Tell you what, I'm really enjoying this conversation, but I'm due at a private, no-limit game. I don't suppose you'd want to join me?"

"And our dads just warned us about getting into the car with strange men who hosted poker tournaments..."

Samuel let out a laugh.

"Go ahead and bring the folks," He said. "And don't worry, it's on the top floor. No need to jump into my windowless van."

"What about our uncles?" I asked, more to Katie.

"Bring them," Samuel answered. "Wait, how many family members did you bring? I am not sure I'm prepared for a reunion."

"Just two, so six of us," Katie said.

"Oh that's fine," Samuel said. "See you there."


"So who is this guy?" Uncle Chuck asked.

"He's a rock and roll writer," Uncle Terry said. "Not terrible, a little gonzo for my tastes. Did a few reviews in bass player magazine I liked. A number of columns in Playboy."

"Which you just read for the articles?" Katie asked.

"I don't care," Dad said. "I'm just stoked to be invited to a no-limit game."

"You came so close, Daddy," I said.

"Oh well," He said. "Who knew the two of you dressing like this would get us onto the top floor. This is going to quite the weekend."

The elevator doors opened into a large sitting room, almost like a palace. Everything seemed stunning, down to the ornately embroidered carpets. It was hard not to feel out of place in this hotel room, like I was wearing a cheap Halloween costume. Seated at the table with Samuel were two other men, along with the gorgeous female singer from earlier.

Samuel met us, coming up from behind one of the card tables.

"Welcome, welcome, this is my chance to play," Samuel said. "How uncouth it would be to win my own charity tournament."

He wheeled around managing not quite to introduce himself.

"I hope you enjoyed the tournament, I know you weren't able to make the final table, but so few do. Forgive me for saying so, but your daughter has some enlightened views on ponrnography. You must be quite proud, you've raised quite the intellectual."

"Uncle Terry... " He said, looking at the large black police officer. "Pardon me, I must assume this is a distant relationship."

"We aren't actually related," Terry said.

"Both of us serve with her uncle in HPD. So we're kind of like family," Uncle Jeff added.

"Of course, the closest family is the one we chose," Samuel continued. "And of course, our second place participant, a pleasure to meet you Drew."

"The same," Dad said. "I must admit I'm eager for a shot at redemption.

"Oh?" Samuel said. "Well come this way. I'm afraid the buy-in can be quite substantial. Your wall may want to run screaming for the hills."

"I'm sure I can manage without a few dead presidents," Dad said. "Besides, when I am going to be able to play with a man of your stature again?"

"A fan?"

"Not at all," Dad said.

'Excellent, now I do not have listen politely to faint praise throughout the card game."

"Samuel, I think the game has gotten a bit too rich for my blood," the woman said. "I think I'll entertain the girls."

"You're the singer, Violet Femme, right? You were great!"

"Thank you, thank you, but please call me Vivian. The band is just a rip-off of the 90's grunge vibe all the old men want to hear."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Vivien," I said.

"You two," She said. "Samuel has been absolutely gushing about the two of you. Apparently you have such a counter-culture vibe that he just had to bring you up here. That said, if you don't mind me saying so, I can think of a few more visual reasons Sammy might want your company. What I would give to be your age!"

So while our uncles sat down to play, Viven showed us around the large suite. Katie and I explored the lavish room, stopping to gaze down out the window at the sparkling city. The neon lights blinked back at us like a kaleidoscope of different colors and advertisements, beckoning us forward. And even as we are talking about nonsense things, sipping champagne we shouldn't have, there was something invigorating not just about the view. Looking down over the city, we couldn't help but share in a sense of ownership, of belonging, even if it was just temporary.

There was a feeling that I had arrived.

"We really loved your performance," I said. "The song you played at the beginning, and your dress..."

"If you wanna to see a real performance, stick around and I'll be wearing even less than you. Samuel promised to put on a private show publically with me later."

"I get the impression you don't mean a musical act," Katie said.

"Hey, do you girls want to have some fun? I'm going to the powder room."

Vivien's hand went to her nose.

"Oh, um not for us.." I said.

"No worries," Vivien said casually. "I'll be back. I've just got a meet a friend downstairs. Let me know if you change your mind."

It had been only a few minutes, but we came back to the table to see my dad already looking like a wreck. There were no chips in front of him, hands clutching his head as he sat at the table. My uncles were gathered around him watching, either reluctant to play, or already tapped out.

"Daddy, are you okay," I came closer, my arm around his.

"It's fine, baby girl," Dad said, collecting himself.

Other than Samuel, there were only two other men at the table. I didn't pay much attention to them, other than to see that one seemed a little too large for his chair, the other too old to be up this late.

"Samuel, this is why we don't invite the common folk," the larger man said. "I don't mind taking your money, but this seems cruel."

"I'll raise you," My dad said, throwing his key-ring into the pot.

"Drew, I can't accept that," Samuel said.

"Why not?" Dad said. "It's a Honda Civic. Less than fifty thousand miles on it. Worth at least ten grand."

"I have no way of knowing either of these things," Samuel said. "Nor do I really want to take away your car in front of your girls."

"Just let me play," Dad growled.

"We can play," Samuel said. "You just don't have anything to add to the pot."

"What about this?"

I saw first the garment fling into the pile of chips and money. It took me a second to realize what had happened; Katie had pulled off her crop-top and thrown it onto the table. With her hands on her hips, she stood proudly baring her petite, athletic shaped breasts.

They were spectacular, perfectly portioned, her skin immaculate, like what every teenage boy imagined. In the middle of her gorgeous, almost oval shaped tits, pointed out small button shaped nipples. But more than her boobs, I along with the other men, were taken aback by the sheer bravado behind the act. Katie's blue eyes blazed below her blonde hair, almost if dazing anyone to suggest her body wasn't worth ten grand.

"Katie!" My dad said.

But he didn't look away. No one did. The table riveted their eyes on my cousin's chest, unable to turn away.

"This is hardly-" The heavyset man started.

Riding the crest of her courage, I attempt to follow suit with the same gusto. Unfortunately, the top I wore wasn't so easy to discard.

I struggled at untying the knot, so much so that Katie actually started to help me. A slow bemused smile spreading across Samuel's face while we watched the two of us pry free the garment. With the white dress shirt removed, I attempted to cooly undo the strap with one hand, only to fidget awkwardly instead, producing an imagine not unlike a girl trying to itch her back.

I took a deep breath, actually finally the snapes, when my dad spoke.

"Emily, don't - "

And for a moment, I stood with my bra unclasped, holding it against my tits.

"You don't want to see?" I asked. "So you only wanted to see Katie's? Is that why she got invited to your games?"

The last statement came out dripping acid, but poker games had always been guy's night. Even so, I knew I was being overly dramatic, maybe even a little spoiled, but part of me felt incensed at the attention my dad paid to my cousin. Yes, it was my father, but he was Katie's uncle. Why should he lust after one inappropriate teenage girl and not the other? Was I just not as pretty as my cousin?

Part of it was built up lust, part of it a jealous type of insecurity, a ridiculous feeling of neglect at being left out of the game. Finally, there was a burgeoning defiance. If my father was going to break all of society's rules to stare at Katie, he would have to stare at me too. To admit that after a night of looking at my half-naked body, he wanted to see more.

I tore off my bra, dangling it in front of me for a second before tossing it onto the chips.

I expected him to turn away from my larger, teardrop shaped breasts. To avert his eyes from my puffy, already hardening nipples. Instead I saw my father was looking right at them, his eyes unblinking, his hand moving obviously over his pants, which he adjusted several times.

There was no denying it.

I was making my daddy hard.

I blushed. Now that I commanded their attention, I wasn't sure quite what to do with it.

My dad spoke first.

"Emily, I'm sorry," He said. "It's not that I don't think your beautiful, it's just that... well father's are not supposed to think that way about their daughters."

"It's not like many people have thought about me that way," I said.

"Um... Emily," Uncle Chuck interrupted. "I probably speak for all your uncles when I say we only didn't invite you to the game because we didn't think you were interested in that sort of thing. If you haven't noticed us taking innocent peeks at your breasts over the past few years, it's just because we've done a good job of hiding it."

"I for one, have decided to openly gawk at you from now on," Uncle Jeff said.

"You're clearly interrupting something," Uncle Terry said.

Given the difference in their stature and character, Terry and Jeff might have been cast in a buddy cop comedy. In fact, I often wondered if the chief had just been fucking with them when he gave the tall, somber black man a firey Irishman who ran his mouth more than the rest of his body.

Though I'm sure more than just my family members and the table were staring at the two girls naked in front of the poker table, it was all I could focus on. I stood there, wavering a little, my father's eyes boring into me. Part of me wanted to slink into the floor, another part wanted to have him treat me like Katie, like that girl in the video -

Then it hit me. When I had caught him masturbating, had that been my cousin? Had they done more than just see her naked?

But before I could really consider this, my dad ask me another question.

"You really want this?" My dad asked.

"I know it might surprise you," I said sarcastically. "But there hasn't been a lot of male attention at the women's college."

"I'm sorry," Dad said. "I thought you wanted to go there."

"I did, I just -" I said. "You know, at first I thought you were keeping your distance, creating boundaries because we were family and at a certain point the things we used to do like daddy/daughter dates start seeming weird. Then I find out you're perfectly willing to play strip poker with your niece? So what, she's the cool one you want to hang out with, and I'm... I'm..."

"It's not that," Dad said softly. " Maybe there shouldn't be a difference between niece and daughter, only there is. And most men end up sexualizing every daughter but their own. I'd like to still see you as my baby girl, but if you want to play, that's okay. But I can't look at you in the same way as Katie."

I wanted to cry, to scream, to pout, but somehow I held it together, my lip quivering.

"I'm sorry, I've just really been lonely," I said softly. "I shouldn't... I mean, of course, Katie is a lot of fun. I just don't want to be left out."

"Are you sure?" Dad said. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"I'm sure, let me in on the game," I said.

"Okay..." Dad said. "But back out at any time, no matter what."

"I will, I just, I want when I come home for things to be like they were, without you sneaking off to have fun without me."

"Ahem -" The older man at the table said. "Samuel, I must say that I've had quite enough theatrics. Whenever you conclude this spectacle, do invite me back to the table."

"Same here," the heavier man said. "No offense to the ladies, but we are both here to actually play. Our pleasures remain in our rooms."

"Forgive me, gentlemen, but I'm afraid I'm now feeling a bit... oh, I suppose theatrical is as good of a word as any," Samuel said. "Tell you what, say I return the money you both lost to me so far, will that maintain my reputation?"

"Of course, Sammy," the heavyset man said. "That's mighty Christian of you."

"Hardly the word I would choose, considering my present options," Samuel said as the two men moved away from the table. "If you'll excuse me, ladies, if I might make a suggestion..."

"What?" Katie said, almost beaming.

"I'm inclined to accept your offer of payment through... let's say service," Samuel said. "However... though I'm certain seeing your nipples is worth ten thousand dollars, I'm already seeing them. What more would you offer?"

"Do you want to fuck me?" Katie said.

Did my cousin really just volunteer herself to cover my dad's gambling losses?

Samuel almost choked on his drink.

"Of course," Samuel said. "But not like that. Not under duress."

"What if we did something else?" Katie said. "Something service oriented?"

Katie thought for a second, her tits moving as she moved her fingers to her lips.

"Are you a fan of lesbians?"

"More than they are of me," Samuel said. "But I suppose that's inherent in their nature."             

I think I knew where Katie was going with this, and already my panties started to dampen with anticipation.

"So, let's say if Uncle Drew loses this hand, I'll make Emily cum," Katie negotiated. "With my mouth..."

I couldn't believe what my cousin was suggesting, but spurred on by the night's activities, I found myself dreaming that my dad would lose.

After enough time for a reaction passed, my dad finally broke the hanging silence.

"Girls, I can't have you doing that," Dad said. "I made the bet; I can pay up."

"I'm inclined to think similarly," Samuel said. "Much as I desire to see this, I find it distasteful to use money to manipulate people. I don't want to pressure you into a kissing cousin's situation."

"Well..." Katie said, almost shyly. "Not to give away my leverage, but I kind of planned on doing it with Em anyways."

"Really?" I said, not sure if I should be shocked or flattered.

"Why do you think I was so insistent on you dressing up?" On taking pictures together? Katie asked. "I've never been with a girl before, and I wanted you to be my first."


"I'm sorry, that's too much," Katie said. "I'd hoped it would happen a little more naturally, but at least it's out in the open."

"But, but we're cousins..." I stammered.

"So what?" Katie said sarcastically. "I don't think you are going to get me pregnant. I'm on the pill."

"But still, I mean -" I couldn't find the words, nor did I really want to, but Katie jumped ahead.

"Emily, it's okay if you don't want it," Katie said. "I won't be hurt if I'm not your type."

My head was spinning.

"I don't - I mean I don't have a type," I stammered. "I think you're beautiful though... but what if... what if..."

"I thought about those," Katie said. "What if you feel awkward about it after? That's okay, I'll still love you. What if you want to do it more often than I do? Hard to imagine, but I think I can work the time into my schedule. What if we are hot and heavy at first, but then one of us drifts into another relationship? One of us might be sad for a while, but I think we could still love each other and be a family."

Everyone looked at me, expecting an answer. I didn't know what to say.

"I think as long as we talk to each other about it afterwards, even if it's a little weird, it will be fine," Katie said.

"You really want to have sex with me?"

"More than him," She said pointing at Samuel. "And I think he's pretty hot for an old man."

"Had you just stopped that sentence halfway through," Samuel said wistfully.

"Okay," I said. "Either here, or we march down to our room."

"Are you sure?" Katie said.

"I really want to know what it's like to feel more than just my hand between my legs," I said. "And I trust you."

Katie took a step towards me, our bare breasts rubbing together as she moved her hand up to my neck. My lips met hers tenderly for one brief, beautiful moment.

"Well okay then, I can live with this, if Daddy can," Samuel said. "Do you care to flip your cards over?"

"You're sure about this?" Dad asked.

"100 percent," I said.

And it was as close to the truth as I could estimate, given the extraordinary circumstances. But I certainly didn't want the cool members of my family off having fun without me, sneaking around to play dirty games because I was too prudish.

More than that, I wanted Katie. That someone so sexy, regardless of the fact she was my cousin, wanted me, only added to my fledgling confidence, even if it still seemed daunting and surreal.

Not that it seemed overwhelming to my uncles. They watched, gaped jawed at the topless girls in front of the table. Their eyes targeted my breasts, as though actually touching me. Reddening, I covered myself, maintaining a little modesty, but also looking almost cross. In reality, I only felt the opposite. I was actually on the same level as my more attractive cousin, compelling the same attention from men who were practically my family, unable to look away even though they knew better.

And my dad was the same way, seeming to savor the stare at my barely covered breasts as he lay down his hand.

"Drew, I'm just going to come out and say it," Uncle Jeff said. "You better fucking lose."
