Daisies in July


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We finally said good night with a long kiss and went to our own rooms. I had moved into my parents' room which had its own three quarter bath. Dan would use the main bath and that way we wouldn't be in any kind of conflict there.

As it was, I got up, showered and dressed and was just heading towards the kitchen when I heard Dan moving around. I called out, "Will you be ready for breakfast in about twenty minutes?"

He answered back, "Sure. Anytime."

I fixed bacon and French toast and had it nearly ready when Dan entered. It suddenly struck me that here I was, being very domestic with a man, even if it had only been half a day. I had never done anything like this except with my parents. Somehow it felt good.

That day and the next we mostly did things around the house. Dan helped me with some work in the orchard. He also helped with the dishes and the cooking and obviously knew what he was doing along those lines. We did take a couple of short walks out in the summer woods but otherwise we just spent the time getting to know each other a little better.

Dan had arrived on a Saturday. Monday I decided that on Tuesday we should do something more interesting and suggested a picnic up in the valley. Dan readily agreed and on Tuesday morning we put together some stuff from what I had in the refrigerator and freezer. No chicken breasts this time but we made sub sandwiches and I did find some cooked shrimp in the freezer. When I was getting the deli meats I suddenly saw a bottle in the back of the refrigerator. I pulled it out and held it up. "I don't remember this being in there," I commented.

Dan laughed. "I would worry if you did remember it. I put it in there last night. I told you we should have champagne some time." Then more seriously he said, "If you don't want it, don't worry. I'm happy either way."

"No, I think it's wonderful. In fact we should take it with us today." I found an insulated bag and filled it with the bottle and ice.

As we were putting things in a pair of small packs Dan asked, "Should I bring anything else? Like a bathing suit?"

"Sure. It's warm enough." Then I gave him a look and teased, "I suspect you just want to get me in a bikini again, right?"

He clasped his hand to his chest. "You wound me. That was not at all my intention. In fact it would make me happier to get you out of a bikini. I would rather you didn't wear anything to swim."

I laughed at his antics. "I think I'll take the suit anyway." We went back into our bedrooms and put on suits beneath our other clothes and I added a couple of small towels to the packs.

By ten we reached the valley and it was once again completely filled with clover and daisies. Dan looked around and asked, "Is this place always full of daisies?"

I laughed. "Not always but every summer. And other seasons there is always something. In the fall there are purple asters and some ironweed and goldenrod. A little later frost flowers, then snow and by spring the whole valley is covered with violets, both purple and white." Then I quoted from my father.

"Asters in September

Frost before the snows fly

Violets in the springtime

Daisies in July"

Dan smiled and I said, "My dad always said that."

I think Dan must have seen something in my eyes because he came over and put his arms around me. "I'm sorry about your parents. I didn't mean to bring back any bad memories."

"You didn't. Those memories are all good." But I stayed in his arms a little longer than needed.

In a few more seconds I pulled back and said, "OK. Want to go for a swim?"

"Sure. I'm always ready for you to take your clothes off."

With most any other boy I had dated, such comments would have sounded vulgar and been unwanted. Somehow when Dan said such things I found them welcome. I think maybe it was that we could tease back and forth and I knew that when he said such things he was just doing that. Well, maybe not JUST doing that, but it wasn't a vulgar sexual comment.

I answered in kind. "Oh, I would have thought that you would have preferred to take them off for me yourself."

A gleam came into his eyes and he said, "That's a wonderful idea." He started towards me and I first laughed but then started backing slightly away. He was faster and caught my arm pulling me into a kiss while he held me tightly against him. The last couple of days we had definitely spent some time in kissing but never in a really long make out session or anything. Now his kiss felt hotter than usual and I kissed back just as hard.

I suddenly realized he had started unbuttoning my shirt and let my hands pull back from around his neck. He caught my wrists and said, "No, you suggested it, didn't you?"

With my breath beginning to come a little faster I slowly nodded and let him finish. He slipped the shirt from my shoulders, leaving only the bikini top which was more string than bikini. I held still as he reached for the snap on my cutoffs and very soon they followed the shirt. He unfastened my shoes and I pushed them off my feet. He looked me slowly up and down and in almost a whisper said, "You really are a beautiful woman."

Still breathing a little fast I reached for his shirt buttons. "Only fair," I softly said. In another minute he was wearing only the short trunks. I'll admit I looked at him as intently as he looked at me.

At last we broke the spell and turned towards the pool below the falls. For the next half hour we splashed around, stopping now and then to kiss. We left the water at last, drying our faces with the small towels and moved back to where we had spread the blanket on the grassy bluff.

Nothing was said but we both stretched out in the sun and then turned towards each other. This kiss went on for a long time and when it ended we were both aware that a nice make out session would probably follow. We were right. For the next hour we lay together, mouths locked, tongues exploring, hands roaming. Dan placed his hand over my breast and gave a slight squeeze. The suit top only covered part of it so I felt his finger tips on all sides. I wanted to feel more.

I put my mouth against his ear and said, "Dan, you missed something when you took my shirt off. I still seem to have the suit top on. Please remedy that."

He froze for a second and asked, "Are you sure, Lisa?"

I nodded. "Yes. Do it." He did.

He pulled me against him again and this time the touch of his skin on my bare breasts sent shocks throughout my system. But not nearly the shocks which followed when his fingers grasped my nipple. Then even those paled as a few minutes later his mouth moved to replace his fingers. I had never felt anything like this. Not with any other boy. Not when I played with myself. My eyes closed and I moaned.

Dan continued to stimulate me and I arched to aid him and continued to moan. I could feel his hard member pressing against me through his trunks. I had no experience in these matters but he felt rather large and the thought of that made me flood lower down.

I let my hand grasp him through the thin cloth, exciting both of us. My hand wrapped around the hard, hot flesh and I felt myself flood with the desire to be penetrated. Any experience with my vibrator paled in comparison. I let go bringing a groan from Dan but then changed that to a long sigh as I slipped my hand inside his trunks to grasp him directly.

"Oh, Dan, I want you. I want you now."

Breathing quite hard he managed to say, "I want you, too. More than I could have imagined. I don't have any condoms."

We stopped, his hand holding my left breast, mine wrapped around his stiff organ. "Dan, I've never done this before, but I am on the pill. Do I have to worry about catching anything from you?"

He looked slightly embarrassed. "No" Then he somewhat sheepishly added, "I've never done this before either."

I think I must have looked rather startled. "You haven't? But you seem to know what you are doing so well."

"No, I never have." A second later he added, "I guess I read the right things. But you seem to know exactly what to do, too."

"Instinct." I gave him a squeeze. "You said something about being ready to take my clothes off. Why don't you complete that now?"

He smiled and gave my nipple a quick kiss. In another five seconds the strings on my suit bottom were loose and that slight garment was lying beside us. Not many seconds more and I made his trunks join it.

We stopped long enough to look each other over, an act which seemed to make both of us breathe a little faster. I looked at his erection. It did seem quite large to me, probably somewhere between six and seven inches although I wasn't measuring at that time. Then I suddenly had the urge to do what some of my friends had talked about but I had never even tried. I leaned forwards and placed my lips on the end. Dan sucked in his breath which I took as a favorable sign. I felt no aversion or hesitation and used my tongue to give a couple of licks. Then I thought I might as well go the whole way and opened my mouth to take a couple of inches of the rigid tool inside. I let my mouth slide up and down several times, sliding my tongue all around, while Dan made loud moaning sounds. In a few seconds however he pulled slightly back and gasped, "Not yet, Lisa. I want to last longer."

I raised my head and he kissed me, undoubtedly tasting himself along with me but he didn't hesitate at all. His hand moved to between my legs where he found that I was soaked and when his finger touched, it slid in easily. He moved his finger in and out several times and then suddenly moved his own head between my legs. When his mouth touched I nearly screamed as an incredible excitement raced throughout my body. His tongue began to stroke up and down my slit and I cried out, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" as I began to feel myself start to come. Dan continued to lick and even press his tongue into me throughout until my contractions slowed a little.

"You liked that?" He asked.

"I loved it!" I gasped out. Then I had to ask, "Did you like it?"

"More than I can say. You taste wonderful."

I knew a lot of girls didn't like that activity at all but I also knew that some thought it was great. I was with the latter ones.

During this exchange we had not been still, our hands sliding over bare flesh, our bodies squirming against each other. I reached to grasp Dan's rigid organ once more and tugged it towards where we both wanted it. Dan moved above me, holding himself slightly up with his hands. I rubbed the head of his rigid rod against my slit a couple of times and then brought him to the soaked entrance. I looked up into his eyes, finding them looking directly back into mine. "Are you sure?" he simply asked.

"Yes! Just do it." With that he started to push inside. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever known. Never had my own touch or the little bit of petting in which I had engaged excited me like this. I could feel my entire world shrink to that small area between my thighs as the hot flesh slid deeper. Then I felt a resistance, a push back from something within. Dan hesitated slightly and I cried out, "Now, Dan," and he drove harder. I felt a very small sharp pain but the wonderful sensation overwhelmed any discomfort in a single second. Later I would realize that most likely my hymen was probably already at least mostly torn but at the time all I felt beyond that one slight sting was unbelievable pleasure.

My hands were tightly against Dan's back, pulling him against me, urging him deeper. They slid down to grasp his ass and I could feel my fingers digging hard into his firm muscles. It must have been instinct because neither of us had had any real experience at this but somehow we started to move together. My world continued to exclude anything beyond our joined bodies and I felt myself flying higher and higher. It couldn't have been very long but it felt like both forever and less than an instant when Dan's body tightened and I felt him drive hard against me and then his hot flood as it was released inside me.

This was the trigger. I was no stranger to orgasms, although self induced, but this was as unlike what I had known as a candle to a forest fire. My whole world exploded and I felt myself flying apart. Little pieces of Lisa spreading out and out and out to fill the void of the entire universe while I ceased to exist leaving only a beautiful flower of hot and brightly colored sparks. These faded to black and the void was back. Slowly I felt myself coming back together.

I opened my eyes to see Dan's blue ones looking back at me with an expression of awe. He was still deeply inside, still semi-rigid and our arms were still locked tightly about each other. "Oh, Lisa, that was more wonderful than I ever dreamed."

"Yes, oh yes! I've never felt anything like that. Never!"

He kissed me, first on my eyelids, then my nose and then my lips. This last turned into a hard and deep French kiss and our bodies seemed to once more grind against each other of their own accord. For several minutes our tongues played together and I felt Dan once again grow hard. Soon we were moving against each other once more and this time it went on for much longer. Much longer but maybe not as much as we would have liked. When Dan again exploded inside me I had another quite satisfying orgasm although not as strong as that first one.

We finally separated and lay quietly, still touching, our hands gently stroking, occasionally coming back together for a nice kiss. "That was wonderful, Dan."

"You don't regret it?"

"Not at all! This was the right time and you are definitely the right man. Are you sorry for anything?"

"No. Unless that it's the fact that I have to go back in another couple of weeks." I must have looked a little uncertain because he added, "But not forever. You'll be going to OSU in another month or so and Columbus isn't that far away from me. We can still see each other - as long as you want to."

"I want to. Oh, Dan, you must know I've been attracted to you since we first met. I don't know if it will be forever but I want to find out. For now, I know it's good."

We lay together for another hour. After some time I said, "Aren't you getting hungry? Should we get dressed and have lunch?"

Slowly he looked at me and answered, "I do feel hungry. Let's have lunch, but ..." After a few seconds he finished, "I like the way you are dressed now."

My breath caught in my throat. "You want to eat lunch naked?" I asked incredulously. He slowly nodded. For a couple of seconds I remained still. Then I felt a smile cross my face. "All right. I'll take that as a dare. As long as you stay dressed the same."

He returned the smile. "Deal. We can have the sandwiches." Then with a leer he added, "And I'll eat you for dessert."

I felt my face warm but I also felt my breathing quicken and a few interesting twinges from lower down.

We did stay naked and ate, sitting side by side, our hips and thighs touching. We ate and fed tidbits to each other. A couple of times we also cleaned a smear of food from the other's lips with a kiss. Much better than a napkin. I would never have guessed that I would find a meal like this as exciting as it was. And afterwards Dan kept his word and brought me to three nice climaxes with his tongue. And I found that a real blow job was exciting to both of us. Surprising even myself I found no repugnance in the act or even the taste as I swallowed when Dan climaxed in my mouth. Despite this being the first time for both of us we were discovering that we both truly loved every aspect of sex we had tried.

Again we lay in the sun for a while. Then we had another swim but this time we didn't bother with the suits. In fact we remained nude all afternoon and into the early evening, mostly just being together, talking and gently touching each other.

The day had been quite warm - even without our heated activities - and we were quite comfortable in only skin. Even after the sun had set and a nearly full moon had begun to rise we were not chilled at all.

We had moved over to a nice area of soft grass and clover and were no longer using the blanket. All around us were the millions of daisies and the sweet smell of the red and white clover blossoms. We were lying side by side on our fronts, Dan's hand rubbing my back and bottom, our legs touching along their length, when he asked, "How are you feeling?"

"You mean physically? You know there was only a tiny spot of blood. I think my hymen must have been already largely gone. I'm fine."

"That's good but actually I meant more emotionally. No regrets at all?"

"Not in the least. I'm happier than I could have imagined. Don't I look it?"

"Yes, you definitely do look happy. Not to mention incredibly sexy. In fact, if this were a musical you would probably be about to burst into song."

I laughed and replied, "Oh, what should I be singing?" Then before he could answer I suddenly exclaimed, "I know what!" I let him wonder for a second then took a deep breath and began,

"Roll me oooover,

In the cloooover,

Roll me over in the clover,

Do it again."

At that point we both broke up laughing but when we got our breath back Dan did exactly as I had said.

It was after nine when we finally packed up everything, got dressed once more and headed back to the house. Once there Dan didn't even go to his room. There was no question that now we would both be using mine. Also no question that neither of us would need pajamas.

For the next two weeks we went nowhere else and saw no one except each other. We saw all of each other quite frequently, both in bed and outside. We made several trips back to the daisy filled valley where we did roll each other over in the clover again and again. We had discovered a wonderful new world and we both were determined to enjoy it as much as we could.

The night before Dan had to leave I doubt either of us got more than two hours of sleep, but at eighteen and nineteen we could get away with that. We promised to keep in close contact and for the rest of the summer there were long e-mails or chat sessions every day. Many would probably have embarrassed even the NSA guys if they had been intercepting us.

Near the end of August I left for Ohio State. As a freshman I would be living in a dorm. This didn't bother me as I wasn't expecting a wild social life there. The only male I now had an interest in was Dan. He felt ... right is the only word for it. While I had liked the other boys I had dated, some quite well, none had ever felt like this. Not that they were totally wrong, but each, in their own way, had been lacking, and if they weren't completely right, I thought, then they were wrong for me. Dan was completely right.

Was I in love with him? Yes, I'm sure I was but neither of us ever said so. I think we were both waiting to see if it was just a passing fling. We wanted to be sure.

I quickly became involved with my classes and Dan mentioned some of his also. We continued to stay in contact electronically and every few days by phone. Class work took up a lot of our time and communicating with each other a fair amount also, but I still found time for a few non-academic activities. I attended a couple of dances, played some spontaneous touch football games, and attended a couple of movies with a group from my dorm. Dan occasionally mentioned some similar activity in which he engaged but never seemed to be really involved with any of them.

Then Saturday of the fourth week of classes I got a call from the desk in the dorm. "Lisa, there's a man here who says he needs to talk with you about something. He asked if you could come down to the lobby."

"He didn't say what? Or who he is or represents?"

"No, just said it was personal and asked if I could get you down here."

"OK, I'll be right down." I supposed it might be some legal matter concerning my parents' estate or the property or something similar we had missed earlier. I went down the stairs and when I entered the lobby and looked around, I froze. There, not six feet from the door was Dan. He had a smile on his face but a somewhat serious look and I was a little unsure just what this was all about. His e-mails had given no hint that he might come here. I moved closer to him and started to ask, "What are you doing here?" but before I could get the question out he brought his hand out from behind his back. In it was a single long stemmed red rose. He then said simply, "Lisa, I love you."