Dark as Daylight Ch. 06


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"I want to go shopping with you Colonel. Everything here cost a fortune."

"Have you ever gone to Soldier of Fortune magazine?"

"Can't say that I have Colonel."

"You can't believe the deals you can get, and usually shipping is free."

"I know you're pulling my leg."

"I'll give you an example. A gentleman in Canada put an ad in the magazine. In the ad it said, 'I have 8 Singers for sale or rent. Preferably for sale. Price is not negotiable at $6500 each. No less than two per order. Then he puts his email address.' In the back of the ad, behind the singers, is a fuzzy, but recognizable stinger missile."

"A stinger missile for $6500. Did you buy all eight of them?"

"Yes I did, and I advise the FBI immediately, because I wanted this guy shut down. If he had stingers for sale at that price, God only knows what else he had.

So the Bureau, and the Mounties traced this guy, as I'm sure this guy traced me to make sure I was good. When the money was exchanged, and they went to move the weapons, they were found 40 feet underground in a steel reinforced concrete bunker. This guy could've started his own war with what he had in there.

The FBI offered me a finder's fee of $1 million. I thank them, but said I was just being a good citizen, and I knew something was wrong with that ad."

"However, for 50 caliber machine guns, with ammunition included, you can't beat prices. The chaff pods we bought were listed at $50 apiece. Who the hell needs a chaff pod. We offered the guy $30, and he took it."

The problem with Pave Low, in today's battlefield, is rocket propelled grenades, and handheld missile launchers. Both give us very little time to protect ourselves from them. The superheated copper from the rocket propelled grenades is impossible to stop, and they will always fire it at you from the rear. We've put quarter inch lead shielding on the floor, and both sides from the ships, all the way up the rear ramp. If we come under attack, we lower the ramp to protect the rotor blades, but we also have a stinger attached to it. We have 450 caliber machine guns, with 10,000 rounds of ammunition each ready to go. Anyone shooting up at us, is in for a really rude awakening. The ship also has its regular armament capacity. It has its rocket launchers upfront, along with its canons, and its rocket launchers under each winglet. We've made little doors in the floor just behind the flight deck for a few more 50s, and drop grenades out of. The chaff pods are located fore and aft of the wheel wells.

If you're a fan of John Wayne's movies, they would call this 'A War

Wagon,' and rightfully so."

"Hello Colonel, I wouldn't want to see this coming over the horizon."

"If you did Colonel, you would think it was carrying troops; boy would you be in for a surprise."

"Why don't you hop in to my SUV, and I'll show you my defensive layout."

"How old is your coffee?"

"We have one of those machines that you can make your coffee one cup at a time."

"May I suggest you buy one of those 50 cup urns for my encampment please, and a very long extension cord."

"It will be here in a few hours, and if you have someone that can give us the rest of your needs we can take care of that also."

"Sergeant Zachary, where the hell are you?"

"Right behind you sir."

"Everest would you kill this guy for me? He's been a pain in my ass for nearly 50 years, and I can't get rid of him. I've sent them to places only idiots would go, and he still comes back. I've run out of things to do. I'd send him to kill the president, but he would be successful, and not get caught. I wouldn't want that on my conscience."

"Sounds like a good man to have on your side Lucius. Have you tried marrying him off?"

"I locked him in a sorority house for a week. When he walked out all the girls were crying for him to stay. His uniform was sharp as a tack, his shoes were shined to a gloss, but the only time his eyes twinkle was when he walked into my tent, saluted, and asked, "What's my next job Colonel?"

"That's loyalty; you don't find that around a lot nowadays."

"Paul, come with us. You are going food shopping."

"Colonel get Stan to do it. You know I hate shopping."

"Why do you think I'm sending you. I love putting you in pain. It also takes you away from your rifle, which you have probably already field stripped, cleaned to within an inch of its life, oiled, reassembled, and sited in. Am I correct Sergeant Zachary?"

"Yes sir."

"I give up. We are here 25 minutes. All aircraft are covered, our bivouac area is set up, and you've had time to take care of that fucking rifle of yours.

If you weren't needed here I would have them take you to Columbia to go shopping."

"You say the nicest things Colonel."

"Get in the back, before I run you over with this thing."

"I thought they took away your drivers' license Colonel? It had something to do with age."

"Zachary should I get out my rifle and test our marksmanship?"

"No sir, I'm trying to keep our expenses down."

"You are a lying sack of shit."

"I can't wait to get back to Vancouver sir. You are much more docile up there. Did you take your pills this morning?"

"That's one Paul; that's your one for this week."

"Forewarned is forearmed sir. I'm just trying to keep you healthy."

"Are you beginning to understand why I want him killed?"

"You two would not know what to do without one another. You're like Laurel and Hardy, the Lone Ranger and Tonto, George Burns and Gracie Allen, and Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. You think about it Colonel, and he is already doing it. It's a great symbiotic relationship."

"Disgusting, absolutely disgusting."

"It's like the child you never had, but he's more obedient, and you never had to change his diapers."

"Thank God for that."

"Here we are Colonel, my home away from home."

"Paul, I want a landline from here to our bivouac area tomorrow."

"Yes sir."

"Why a landline Lucius?"

"Because they can jam our cell phones. We will be bringing it over our transceivers for the helicopters tomorrow. They are coded, so they should not be able to jam them. They won't know where the landline is. If they are this far into our area we've already lost."

"I agree. Let me show you are perimeter defenses and tell me what you think."

"I have to get a hold of Rod Laver. I have a present for him from the President of the United States."

"You can't get any higher than that in this country."

"No you can't, it's just the way we got it that was interesting."

"If you don't mind Colonel, I don't want to know."


"Mister Laver, Colonel Lucius Canyon, I have a present for you."


"Jack rabbit."

"Welcome back Colonel, did everything go well?"

"William Junior sends you his greetings. I have a mainframe for you filled with information from the big guy. Where would you like it delivered?"

"A fucking mainframe?"

"Yes sir, directly from Patrick's purview."

"Holy shit. Delivery directly to Dycke Schneider's headquarters building, under heavy guard. Do not let anything happen to that computer."

"Tell the people at the headquarters building to leave enough space for a large helicopter to land, and a heavy lift carrier to move this thing into the building. We will deliver it at 8 AM tomorrow morning."

"I'll take care of it Colonel. It will be good to see you again."

"Same here Rod, where are the principles?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow. I am not on a secure line."

"Until tomorrow then, take care."

"Sergeant Zachary."

"Already done sir."

"What is... Oh fuck it."

"What type of granola would you like tomorrow morning sir?"

"Plain, with fresh blueberries if they have any."

"All you had to say is the regular sir."

"That's two for this week Zachary."

"Thank God it's Friday. I'm going shopping sir, I'm safer that way."

"I hate you Zachary."

"Thank you sir, I will make sure no harm comes to so you can say it again."

"Get out of here, get out of my sight."

"I'm gone sir."


"If you are finished playing with your Sergeant Colonel, I'd like you to look over our defenses."

"Yes, I may see what you've done."

"Colonel, we are dealing with extremely wealthy people, and they told us not to spare any expense protecting this area. So if you see any holes at all, please tell me about it, and we will plug them immediately."

"At 10 miles out, we have signs every 30 feet that this is private property and do not trespass, which is the only thing allowed by South Carolina law. If anyone goes by those signs, over 150 pounds, we have tensor wires around the property that will set off an alarm here at headquarters. Our rapid deployment force will go to that area, and set up behind the sixth layer of defense. 50 yards in from the signs, we have razor wire stretching around the entire property. I won't bother telling you what that cost. The opposition force will see another barrier across what looks like 100 yards of open ground, with grass, and weeds growing. It actually is mud trap. 10 feet deep, and 20 feet wide halfway in. As soon as they are in it, the flood lights come on, and our first line of defense opens up and starts firing upon them with 50 caliber machine guns along their entire front. They are backed up by rocket propelled grenades, and mortars that are zeroed in along the entire 10 miles of our property. Our fallback position is a series of ditches that are covered by tarps. We know where they are, but they don't. Our only weakness is from above. I suspect that's why you're here. We have more than our fair share of ground to air missiles, but if they do a hi-lo parachute drop, we will never hear or see them coming."

"That's what little bird is for. She will go up every evening and do night patrols. She is equipped to see everything from UV light to infrared. If anyone jumps out of an airplane within 30 miles of this place, she will pick it up, and you will know about it within seconds. I don't like killing helpless people, but they wish to do harm to this project, and I will not allow that to happen. Little bird is equipped with machine guns, and I will cut as many down as I can before they hit the ground. The remainder will be up to you. Do Huey, and Cobra will be up, so we will have to find a way to establish the good guys from the bad guys. We don't want any friendly fire incidents."

"You said Little Bird could see UV light. Can the Huey, and Cobra do it also?"

"Of course."

"What if we spray the back half of our guys' helmets, and vests with UV spray that can only be seen by your reflectors. Would that work?"

"Go to Soldier of Fortune Magazine and start buying. Don't buy it here, someone may be watching. As a matter of fact, have Dycke Schneider buy it. With all the supplies he buys every day it will get lost in the shuffle."

"Will the UV show up in the night vision goggles?"

"Only the one with the three lenses that the special forces use. If your guy's see someone wearing one of those, take him down quickly."

"Why don't I set up a few training sessions so you can give our guys the benefit of your experience?"

"Okay, I like doing it outdoors, where the men get the feeling of what they're up against."

"I'll set it up for Tuesday morning at 0800 hours."

"Make it 0700 hours, I like grumpy men."

"I'll be one of them."


27. The Fight

Monty posted the fight on all the screens in the ship, and everyone roared with approval, except for one man, and he was about to overrule her.

"No you can't. I am operating on him the day after tomorrow. I can't do it if he gets hurt."

"I've waited since he was four years old to knock that kids block off doc; don't do this to me."

"He has a cancer in his head. I have to take it out before it starts growing again. What's more important, his health, or your pride?"

"Don't make me answer that doc. For 16 years, I've waited for this day; don't take it away from me."

"I agree with her doc, let us do this thing and get it over with."

"Gordon, you're out of your mind."

"There are a lot of things I should have done in my life that I didn't do in time Doctor Finch. Instead of talking to my father before he left us, I went to talk to a chef about turkeys. If anything happens to me while you're operating, there is one thing I will not left undone.

I promised Monty we would fight one time, and tonight I will give it my all to see which one of us is the best. She tested me, she tried me, she trained me, and she loves me. I will not deprive her of this."

"Your both out of your minds."

"Just make sure you have two beds in the infirmary ready for us. This fight is going to be a bitch. Good luck Monty, I'll see you at 1800 hours"

Gordon turned and walked away from the two of them. Monty was steaming because of what he said about her. It was all true, but he didn't have to say it.

She yelled, "I hate you Gordon Luck."

Gordon continued on, but raised his hand and waved it at her.

He walked into the apartment, where Zoey was nursing Payne. He smiled at her, said hello, and kissed her.

"Can I use the other one?"

"Gordon, you are so kinky."

"Was that a yes or no?"

"Go ahead, leave some for her."

"I need some high protein, high fat energy for tonight's match against Monty. This is the best source of both."

"Then why did you go after them before I was pregnant?"

"They were attached to the most beautiful woman in the world."

"I was just checking to make sure you hadn't changed your mind."

"That will never happen Zoey. I loved you from the instant I saw you. I will love you until the day we die."

"I'm so happy I didn't jump."

"You did jump. It's only because your father was willing to give up his life to save yours that you're still here. I would have killed you if you died. Look who is in your arms now. She would not be here if you weren't."

"I hope she's not like me when I was young."

"We already have the answer for that; we will put her on birth control pills."

"You're going to put her on birth control pills at two years old?"

"Hey, if it works don't knock it."

"I think she's finished for now, would you put her in the bassinet please, and take her into the other room?"

"You've got it. I will be back in a second."

"Can I get you something to drink or something else?"

"You can get me something else."

"Pray tell what might that be?"

"I know were not allowed to have sex for another 10 days, but I have an itch, would you scratch it for me?"

"Oh Zoey, it's an extremely delicate job, but I think I can handle it."

"Hurry up, you're being graded."

"You're getting a little fuzzy down here, maybe I should shave you first?"

"Your grade is down to 95 already, do you want to go lower?"

"Can I get extra credit to bring it up to 100 again?"

"Not if you keep talking you won't."

Gordon's fingers zeroed in on one target, while his mouth zeroed in on another.

Sometime later, when she returned to the here and now, she gave Gordon the extra credit, and a grade of 110.


The alarm woke him up at 1530 hours. He dressed and expected to find Zoey and Payne in the kitchen area. What he found was a note.

Dear husband, I will see you tonight 1800 hours. I expect you to win. I want you to win. I know she is your best friend. However, once you enter the ring, friendship leaves, and you are two combatants. I will be rooting for you and you alone, my dearest husband. Zoey

Gordon put the note in his pocket, and went to the fifth floor to begin loosening up. He was there for about 20 minutes when Monty arrived, and started her routine. Neither one of them said a word to each other. It was a first for both of them.

Greg and Helena joined them, and begin loosening up for their fight for fourth place. Janet would be sitting in the audience tonight, secure in third place, but fuming for being put in the rack by Monty. She knew it would take either a miracle, or superior speed and agility for her to beat either Gordon or Monty to reach first or second place.

Since his father passed away, Gordon stopped training her. Actually he stopped doing all his extracurricular activities, and spent all his time with his family. Tonight was the only night he made an exception, and that was because he made a promise, and he never broke one in his life.

At 1720 hours, the match between Greg and Helena began. Greg was faster, but Helena was taller, and had more arm strength. The match was a good one, and went back and forth many times before Helena was able to get Greg in a scissor block under his arms and chest.

Greg tried desperately to use his legs to twist her off him, but she would not let him go. After holding him in this position for nearly 2 minutes, it seemed like Greg would have to give in. However, at the last possible second, he used his legs and somersaulted over her head. Even though she had the superior position, her shoulders were pinned to the mat, and the referee pounded: 1-2-3, and the match was over. Helena lost, and no one was more stunned than Greg.

The applause from the crowd was raucous, and the opponents received a five-minute standing ovation.

Monty and Gordon were so in tuned with their workout regimen, they didn't hear a thing.

Five minutes before the match the watch on Gordon's wrist indicated it was time to stop what he was doing and prepare for the match. He took his little workout bag, went into the dressing room and took a quick shower to rid himself of the sweat and salt of this workout. He changed into his wrestling uniform and went to put his sweats away. He heard the crinkle of paper as he stuffed his sweatpants into the bag. He pulled it out of the back pocket and realized it was Zoey's note. He smiled and reread it. He put it safely into the bag, zipped it up, and he was ready to go.

On the opposite side of the platform, Monty was doing the same thing. She showered, dried off and put on her wrestling uniform. She sat down and contemplated how she would compensate for Gordon's superior speed. Everything else was on her side. She was taller, heavier, had longer arms, and more experience. All she had to do was control her emotions. This was like the spanking she so wanted to give him over the long years she had known him. What a wonderful idea she thought, when I have him down, I'll spank him. She smiled, stood up, and she was raring to go.

Their doors opened simultaneously, and the crowd roared, as if it was planned.

The announcer moved towards center stage and he was all hyped up. Gordon was not going to allow him to do what he did at the last event. He pulled him towards Monty so she could hear what he said.

"All you are going to say is this. 'This is a 30-minute bout for first place between Captains Montgomery Jamison, and Gordon Luck.' That's all."

"Yes Captain."

The announcer went back to center stage, made the announcement with a trembling voice, and left in a hurry.

Neither combatant stood in the center ring to wish the other luck, which was the usual courtesy at all matches. The whistle blew and Gordon made sure that Monty knew he was in this whole heartedly. He charged at her, and at the last second slid to the floor, and through a devastating punch to her left anterior knee.

Monty's leg collapsed, and she went down. She screamed but was not in pain. She screamed, because the little bastard got the first punch in. She also remembered what Janet said about how fast he actually was. He never showed it practice, but he was lightning quick. She would have to compensate for that.

Gordon knew she wasn't hurt, except maybe her pride might be hurt a little. However, several more of those punches on the hamstrings of her left leg would debilitate it.
