Deep Talks


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"Lily's friend. It's a long story."

"No, wait, hang on, why did-"

"Point is, people are finding out. It's gonna start getting out there. Sooner or later Mom and Dad'll hear even if we don't tell them. They should know. They shoulda probably known already."

Xander groaned again. I slipped my arms around him and pestered him with kisses until he warmed to my embrace and started kissing back. I let him grab my butt and get some feels in too.

"It's gone ok somehow, hasn't it?" Xander said softly.


"I keep thinking the world should have ended by now or something."

"Nah. Turns out no one really cares that much if a brother and sister wanna fall for each other."

"You'd think there'd be more of a fuss."

"Enh. Why though?"

"I don't know. Just seems like there should be."

I kissed Xander some more. "S'that bother you? You want more attention?"

"No. I like just being left alone to love you."

"Well then you got what you want."

"Seems too easy."

"So? The rest of it wasn't. Let's take an easy win for once."

"... that actually sounds like a good idea. I just wish my stomach wasn't all in knots thinking about telling the 'rents."

"I know. It'll be fine though. Promise."


The day came. Our parents' anniversary. I felt the same nervous flutters and painful tensing in my tummy that Xander did. The closer we got to actually revealing our secret, the more real it felt. It didn't help that Mom and Dad were having such a good evening with their friends, and it felt like we were running the risk of ruining it belatedly.

I began to have doubts that the timing was even right. Maybe it would be better to put it off. To do it some non-special day, perhaps.

But if we delayed it now, what was to stop us pushing it back indefinitely?

By the end of the night it was just us. The family. Me and Xander, Mom and Dad. All four of us were lightly buzzed, enough to make the conversation seem more doable.

"Are you two spending the night?" Mom asked. "I don't want you driving drunk."

I looked at Xander for reassurance. "Nah. We'll probably stick around and clean up some. Xan'll be fine to drive in a bit, yeah?"

Xander shrugged. "I expect so."

Mom pursed her lips. "Well you best be sure. There's no point in you-"

"Yeah yeah, we get it." I took a deep breath, then kept going before Mom could start again. "So listen. There's something I want to tell you. We want to tell you."

Mom arched her eyebrow. "Oh?"

"Yeah. Dad, don't sneak off. This is something I want you to hear too."

"Wouldn't dream of leaving the fun," Dad assured me.

I got everyone wrangled, all sitting down together. I made sure Xander was right next to me, as close as we dared. I took his hand and squeezed it, even though our parents could see the gesture. In a few moments, hopefully it wouldn't matter.

"You've really wanted to know who I've been seeing," I said hesitantly.

Mom snorted. "That's an understatement. Does this mean we get to find out? Why didn't you just bring him?"

"Or her," Dad said.

"Yes, dear. That was implied."

"Just making sure."

I smiled nervously and squeezed Xander's hand tighter.

"She did," Xander said before I could work up to speaking again.

Mom tilted her head in confusion. Dad's eyes flicked to our hands.

I had to just go for it. It'd be easier to just say it now than let it linger.

"It's Xan," I said, not meeting anyone's gaze for a moment. "Xan's who I've been seeing. Who I'm with."

There was dead silence for the longest few seconds of my life. I clutched Xander like I was about to be torn away from him.

"Oh," Dad said.

"What?" Mom said a second later.

"I guess that would explain it."


I cautiously looked at Dad. He didn't seem to quite know how to react yet, but there was warmth in his eyes.

"I love him," I said in a quiet voice.

Dad smiled small and crooked back at me. "You always did."

Mom was still in the midst of absolute confusion. Her face flashed about every emotion one could imagine, some more than others.

"Is this real?" she finally asked. "You're sure?"

"Couldn't be more sure," Xander said gently but without any shred of hesitation.

I favoured my brother with a look of pure adoration and had to restrain myself from kissing him. I didn't want to risk it just yet.

Mom slumped back, still thinking. "Well... it makes sense why you wouldn't tell me," she mused.

"Yeah. Sorry about that," I said.

"And why you were so happy."


"I always thought you'd be happy if you could just marry your brother." Mom chuckled with only faint undertones of actual mirth. "Then you just did it anyway."

"We're not married," I said. "I mean, that's probably not really happening."

"No, I know. I just meant..." Mom waved her hand helplessly. "You know what I meant."

"We do," Xander said. "You're not mad?"

Dad shrugged. "How could we be? I didn't expect this, but... it's not like we couldn't have seen it coming if we'd really wanted to look. You're both just who you are."

"And you're happy," Mom said. "Happier than I've ever seen either of you."

I grinned, feeling warmth flood into me. Relief and acceptance, and the constant flow of love from Xander's hand squeezing mine. And our parents too. They'd take some time adjusting, but the worst was past, and it hadn't been that bad at all.

I had to free my hand so I could stand and walk over to Mom and Dad, giving them each a big, slightly tearful hug.

"Love you," I whispered to each of them.

"You take care of each other, ok?" Mom said. "I'm going to be very upset if you break each other's hearts."

"Even if it meant we'd be more normal?"

"You think I didn't see how unhappy you were with all your other relationships? If this is what you need... normal can get fucked."

My eyes went wide at Mom's sudden vehemence and I couldn't help giggling hysterically. Xander, going in for hugs too, looked at me curiously. I didn't deign to repeat Mom's words.


"So your parents know and everything," Lily said.


"And our friends basically all know."

"We're getting there. I'm kinda surprised the rumours haven't taken off more."

"Enh. Maybe everyone wants to be respectful."


"It's pretty crazy though, huh?"

"It really is. I just feel..." I squirmed in my seat. "I feel happy. I feel free. It's just all really working."

"Yeah it is!"

Lily offered me a high five. I rolled my eyes at her.

"You think I'ma forget where that hand's just been?"

Lily grinned and went back to playing with herself. Our movie nights were rarer these days than ever, in particular ones where it was just us, but it was nice getting them in every now and then when we could.

A lot of the time the porn we watched did little to nothing for me anymore. It had been my substitute for Xander when I had nothing better. Now that I had him, I was settled into being with him, no pretend sibs getting all hot and bothered together could ever compare.

Lily still rubbed herself all bottomless and horny next to me. I sat with my panties still on, not even really pretending to masturbate. It was, weirdly, mostly about an excuse to hang and chat anyway. Plus even though she wouldn't admit it, I was pretty sure Lily liked an excuse to get off to some incest porn on occasion.

"So hey, as long as everything's going super well and everything..." Lily said.


"I was wondering... how would you feel about Hazel moving in?"

"Fine, basically. She's pretty cool. We've got a whole bedroom we basically don't use. Though I'm sure we probably still won't."

"Ideally." Lily grinned. "I'd like having her around more."

"Yeah? You lurrrvvve her?"


"Or you just want someone to play with your naughty bits whenever you want?"

"It can be both."

"I guess that's probably the dream for you, huh?"

"Is for lots of people."

"Sure. Love's better than naughty times, though. Just sayin'."

"Enh. Depends on the night. Overall probably yeah."

"That's a fair assessment." I checked the time. "Shit. Now I'm just thinking about when Xan's gonna be back."

Lily laughed. "Hey! This is s'posed to be our hangout time."

"I know. But now I kinda want Xan to play with me some."

"You literally just said love's better than-"

"I know what I said. Doesn't mean naughty times aren't really awesome too."

Lily nudged me with her elbow. "Take care of yourself some. You can still do it, I'm sure."

"It's better with Xan."

"He's ruined you, huh? Even your fingers can't compete?"

"Not usually, no."

"Ah, alas. I'm gonna be doing movie nights all alone pretty soon. You won't want to bother."

"That's not true. I still like 'em. Just not for sexual reasons necessarily."

"Porn and masturbating's the whole point."

"You know that's not true. We bonded a lot over this stuff."

"That's true."

"Maybe you and Hazel can bond over it too. If I'm not around or whatever."

"Nah. She doesn't super dig porn generally. She's ok with it, but it's not exactly her thing."


"Right? Ah well. Her loss."

I scratched my head. "You think me and Xan are gonna bother her if she moves in?"

"She's spent the night enough. She knows what the deal is."

"True. I can't promise we'll ever behave more than we do now."

"Wouldn't want you to. Love seeing you happy, Kase."

I smiled. "Yeah. Same."


Having Hazel around full time didn't really change anything. I caught her staring sometimes when Xander and I got a little too into each other around her, but that was nothing new. She seemed curious more than anything.

"How'd you do it?" Hazel finally asked one morning.

"Do what?"

"You know. Decide you could be with your brother."

I smiled over my coffee. My mind flashed to Xander still lazing in bed. I had a fresh load of cum in my pussy from wake up sex, and if I didn't have to get to work, I'd still be snuggling with him.

So far, I wore only a pair of panties to ensure my brother's mess stayed put, and one of his shirts that hung loose on me. I'd have to get changed, of course, but it was the sort of outfit I loved wearing when I could. Especially any of Xander's shirts that carried his faint scent.

"It wasn't something I decided, really," I said. "I had to figure it out, sure, but... it's just what I've always needed. It was always him."


"Yeah. Even my best attempts at finding something 'normal' were kinda bad." I sighed wistfully, again thinking of Xander. "With Xan, everything just works. It's so easy."

"Easy? Being with your brother?"

"I know. Doesn't sound right, does it?"

"Not really, no."

"But it is. Social problems and all. It's still so much easier being with him than anyone else. So much better."

Hazel squirmed and looked away for a moment. "That actually sounds pretty romantic."

"You think?"

"I mean... he's the one, right?"

"He is."

"And... and it's like you guys had to get together even though it's something you're not supposed to do."

"Correct. Plus it took Xan a lot longer to figure things out."

"Right. You might never have been together. You could have known each other your whole lives and longed for each other and stuff, and you might never have gone for it."

"Very true." I shuddered. "What a hellish existence that would have been."

"And you're so in love! It's crazy. Just, like, constantly. The way you're always looking at each other... jeez, it's not fair."

I grinned. "It's just how we feel."

Hazel nodded, tapping her fingers nervously on the table. "No, I get it." She coughed awkwardly. "This might be a bad question to ask. I don't know if you'll like it. I mean, what you and Xander have is kinda beautiful and shit, and I don't want to cheapen it or anything, but-"

"Haze? What do you want to ask?"

She took a deep breath. "I kinda maybe want to ask Lily if she'd pretend to be my sister sometimes. Or something like that. Is that weird, you think?"

I laughed. "Ha, seriously? No, of course it's not. Why would it be? Me and Xan don't even have to pretend."

"That's exactly it, though. You guys... it's all romantic and stuff 'cause you found each other in spite of being siblings. That's way different from... from going for the kink of it."

I shrugged. "Sure. Maybe. I mean, I can't promise what Lily'll think, but I can guarantee she won't be bothered by the suggestion. And I'm not either, if you're worried about that."


"Yeah. You should watch some videos with her sometimes."

"The... porn ones? Not really my thing."

"I think Lily mentioned that, yeah. But like, maybe it's just an excuse for you two to get into some roleplay stuff. Maybe she could be kinda like your big sis teaching you some bad, bad things."

"... well when you put it that way..."

"Think about it anyway. And seriously, just talk to Lily. She won't be upset. Promise."

"I was pretty sure she wouldn't be. She's so close with you, and she has an incest kink already."


"It's newer to me, is all. I think maybe I'm looking for permission to... to feel some stuff."

"Not really something I can give. But... you have my blessing, if that counts for anything."

"It weirdly kinda does."

"Nice. Good luck with Lily."



Chapter Fourteen: Kasey at Thirty


"We're really doing this?"

I smiled and squeezed Xander's hand. We stared together at the front of the house.

"We really are," I said.

"It just feels so crazy."

"I know. But it feels good too."

"It does."

"It's weirdly not that much more expensive than our apartment was."

"It kind of is when we're only splitting two ways."

"Well, yeah. But you know what I mean."

"I do."

"We can afford it."


"I'm gonna miss Lily, but I think it's time we were on our own."

"Plus she's been talking about moving into her own place with Hazel."

"Plus that, yeah."

Xander put his arm around my shoulders. I nestled against him.

"It's a good house."

"Mmhm. Small, but we don't need much room."

"Right. Yard's big enough we could get a dog though."

I pouted. "You keep going on about that. If anything, we should get a cat."

"Dogs are better."

"You would say that."

Xander ruffled my hair, but then smoothed it out for me. "You know, we could get both."

"That's so much responsibility all of a sudden."

"One at a time, then."

"I don't know. Maybe it'd be better to get both at once. So they aren't territorial with each other."

"But it also means getting them both adjusted at once."

"Our kitty'll be fine. You're the one gonna have to train a puppy."

"They're gonna be our pets, Kase. You're still gonna have to be a dog mom."

"I don't know how to take care of a dog."

"We'll learn."

Xander squeezed me tighter to him. I couldn't resist anything at all that he asked when he held me like that.

"Ok," I murmured. "We'll learn."


Moving into a house and trying to make it livable was a whole thing. Not that it was all that complicated, but there was just a lot more stuff needed for a house with just Xander and I in it, as opposed to splitting an apartment, or indeed living at home when we were younger. In the latter case, our parents had to deal with all that stuff anyway.

"We're still gonna be working on getting things for months," I complained, sliding into a seat out on our back deck.

Xander, already sitting and sipping a beer, just nodded. "True."

"It's so much worrrk."

He grinned. "But it's worth it, isn't it?"

"I mean, yeah, obviously."

Xander's gaze flicked up and down me. I was free to wear as much or, more commonly, as little as I wanted around the house. It was just us. No one else to offend.

I didn't have the same youthful body as back when I'd first tried to catch my brother's eye with daringly skimpy attire. That didn't seem to bother him one bit. Nor did my experimentation with wearing even less. Like my go-to sleepwear of cami and panties, only without the panties.

Xander really liked me wandering around bottomless. Topless and fully nude were excellent too, based on his reactions, but casually bottomless got him interested the easiest.

Right now I had underwear on, but that was mostly because we were outside, and I wasn't yet confident in how much privacy we had. I'd probably be fine to go naked if I wanted, but there were definitely a few second-story windows around that I could be spied from given the right timing.

"It's our own place," I said, snagging Xander's beer and sipping from it.

"Sure is." Without missing a beat, he grabbed a backup beer and cracked it open.

I'd really only wanted to tease Xander and see if he'd fight me for his drink. Hopefully very physically. But since he wasn't biting, and now had another beer going, I took a longer swallow of the one I'd stolen.

"Have you seen Wisp around anywhere? Haven't seen her in a bit."

Xander looked at me, then down to his lap. I followed his gaze, then giggled. Wisp, our new kitty, was curled up napping atop my brother.

"You know, for someone who didn't want a cat..."

Xander shrugged. "What can ya do?"

"She likes you better than me, even."

"I don't know why."

"I do. But I'm biased. 'Course it's gonna start being a fight over your lap, you know."

"You'd fight our kitty?"

"If I'm horny enough, probably, yeah."

Xander softly scritched Wisp, who flicked an ear and yawned in response.

"Bad influence for our little one, you are."

"I am?! You remember yesterday when you yanked my panties off and bent me over the-"

"Shush. Not in front of Wisp."

I made a rude noise. "You didn't even want a cat. Now you've gone all cat-dad on me. It's kind of annoying."


"Kinda, maybe. Yeah."

Xander grinned wider. He carefully picked Wisp up and set her in my lap. Wisp stretched, got resettled, then purred contentedly on my tummy.

"Aw, there's my baby," I cooed, previous jealousy forgotten in the blink of an eye.

Xander's expression remained teasing, but that was fine.

"You're kinda right, though," he said. "More pets might mean less fun times for us."


"So... we could just run with Wisp for now. Maybe."

"No doggo? Even though you were dead set?"

"I didn't think I'd like having a cat so much, ok?"

"Hehe. Softie."

"Maybe. So what?"

"I love it."

"Of course you do."

I picked Wisp up again, kissed her forehead, then set her down on the deck. She grumped a bit, but then padded off to explore her domain. I watched her for a moment before slipping out of my chair and kneeling in front of Xander.

"Really? Here?"

"What's the point of having a yard if we can't use it?"

I got Xander's shorts down and his cock out. Something I'd become very proficient at. He groaned happily as I caressed him and felt him grow in my hand.

"You want the neighbours to see?"

"No one's looking."

"You don't know."

"Xan, darling, I want to suck you off."

"... well when you put it that way..."

"Fuck the neighbours?"

"Yeah. Fuck 'em. Let 'em watch."

I grinned and stroked Xander with a firmer grip. "No one's watching. But yeah."

I sucked my brother off. I sucked him off so good. It was so freeing. Out there in broad daylight. In our yard. On our deck.

His slutty, happy, horny little sister, doing all the wonderful things I could think of with my mouth. Making him a very happy and satisfied brother.

I worked Xander's cock lovingly and with all due care and attention. I took him deep, I bathed him with my tongue, I made the most adorable eye contact I possibly could.

It got me horny and wet. I was already kind of worked up, but this took it to another level. Doing stuff with Xander always did. Nothing turned me on like he did. Not even close.