Destined Hearts Ch. 01


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"No!" Harvey raised his son up and walked to the woman. "How can we forget about it like that? You have no idea what you have just done. I am ready..." He quickly rubbed his tears. "...I am ready to do anything for the woman that has just saved my son and..."

"No!" The woman shook her head, speaking in a voice that was a bit low. She slowly moved her head and looked at the statue of the almighty. "I don't want anything for what I have done. In fact, what I did also makes me happy because I have just saved an innocent little boy. I thank God that I was nearby and I grabbed the little boy before that truck did anything bad. What matters the most is that he is alright."

Harvey and Emilia looked at each other, proud of what they had just heard from the woman. They heard what she had said to them and honestly they completely understood her, but still, she had saved their son and they couldn't just let it pass like that.

"Look..." Harvey pleaded. " name is Harvey Gonzalez and..."

"I know who you are, Mr. Gonzalez." She said softly. "Who doesn't know the Gonzalez family in Ashton?"

"Great!" He said in a serious tone. "Then you do realize that you have just my precious little boy. You have saved my family from misery and pain of losing our little boy." He said in a casual tone. "Ask me anything, any amount of money and I will give it to you. I am even ready to give you one of my companies if you ask for it."

At that moment, Grace knew that what Mr. Gonzalez was offering her was something that would change her entire life and her unborn baby's life. She and her husband were poor and the life they were suffering. Taking the offer was the wisest thing at that time but...

"I'm so sorry sir, but there is no price for humanity." Grace inhaled in deeply, shaking her head. "I accept that I come from a really poor family but I don't think I need what you are offering me. Besides, I don't think my conscience would leave me in peace if I decide to accept your offer."

"No!" Emilia quickly took the woman's hands in hers. "Please, just accept our offer. You saved our son and..."

"I know that I did and I also know the reason why." She said with her usual smile. "I think God just used me to save your son and I know the reason why." She smiled. "When I came in here, I could see how broken hearted you were when you thought you had lost your son. I could feel your pain and I could also hear the anger in your voice. But like they say..." She paused and stared at the idol again. "...the almighty never lets his devotees down. He is always there for them. Your son is safe and that's the most important thing. It also makes me happy knowing that I saved a life."

Grace rubbed on Emilia's hand, smiled brightly and then turned to leave. She didn't even take a single step before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She quickly turned and found Emilia looking at her.

"Please," Emilia pleaded. "Can you just wait for a minute? I just can't let you leave like this. You don't know what you have done today."

"Don't worry." She said simply. "I will..."

"Please, just wait for a minute." Emilia just couldn't let the woman go just like that.

Grace stared at Emilia and her husband and then softly nodded. Emilia smiled softly and she and her husband quickly went at a distance. They started talking to each other but no one heard what they were talking about. Grace was staring at them and honestly, she didn't want anything from the couple. As long as the little boy was fine, she was happy.

After what felt like forever, Emilia and her husband came back. Emilia couldn't hide the smile that was on her face. She took Grace's hand and sweetly rubbed on it.

"I owe my son's life to you." She said with simple directness. "If not for you then I don't know what would have happened."

"It's all the almighty's doing." Grace said.

"I know that." Emilia said softly. "But still, without you, my son wouldn't have been here. That's why I owe his life to you." She moved her eyes to Grace's tummy and smiled brightly. "You are pregnant and you risked it all just for my son. Something bad would have happened but you risked your unborn baby's life for my son. Such people just don't exist and that's why I would like to thank you."

"It's really fine."

"My wife is right and we really respect your decision." Harvey shook his head, holding his son tightly. "But since you don't want anything from us, my wife and I was talking and we believe that the almighty had sent you to us for a purpose. We would still like to have you in our lives?"

To say Grace was surprised would definitely be an understatement. She couldn't understand any of the things Mr. Gonzalez was telling her.

"I don't understand what you are saying."

"Okay." Harvey cleared his throat. "I can see that you are pregnant."

Grace rubbed on her tummy and nodded, feeling her nerves getting to her. She definitely had no idea what Harvey was telling her.

"My wife and I would really want you to be part of our lives." He was going straight to the point. "We owe our son's life to you and that's why we want you to be part of his life."

"I still don't understand." She sounded confused. In fact, she was more than confused.

"Okay, let me just ask you." Emilia cleared her voice. "How old is your pregnancy?'

Grace was really confused. She had no idea why they were asking her those questions. "Um... ma'am... I am only seven months gone and..."

"What's the sex of your child?" She asked softly. "I mean, have you gone for a scan?"

"Err..." Grace stuttered, looking at the both of them with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, I... I just came from a scan and they just told me that it is a baby girl."

Hearing what Grace had just said to them, Harvey and his wife looked at each other and smiled.

"Even the almighty wants you to be part of us." Emilia chuckled nervously, rubbing on Grace's hands. "Since you don't want any of what we have just offered you, then let our son be part of your life."


"What my wife is saying is that we want our son to be part of your daughter's life." Harvey announced, staring into her eyes.

"I still don't get you."

"Let our son marry your daughter when they grow up." Emilia pleaded, trying her best to smile. "It's the least that we can do since you don't want to accept any of our offers."

"What?" Grace gasped as her eyes widened.

Grace couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew that the offer they were giving her was something that was gonna change her child's life even before she was born. Getting married to Harvey Gonzalez's son was gonna change her child's life. Her child's life was gonna be secure. It was gonna be really bright.

"But..." She paused and inhaled deeply. "...I don't think I can accept that as well and..."

"Why not?" Emilia frowned.

"You do realize that I am a poor woman right?" she sighed, losing her smile. "My status cannot be compared to yours. My husband and I are just live in a really small house and it cannot be compared to yours. I have saved your son and..."

"We just want him to be part of your life." Harvey said in a serious tone. "We actually don't care whether you are poor or not. We wanna get to know you better, make you a part of our lives."

"But sir, I am not asking for anything else." She said with a deep sigh. "I don't think I can..."

"Well, I am truly sorry too." Harvey said. "But I will not allow you to leave this place without getting something from me."

Harvey looked at the woman and stared at his wife. Both of them nodded because they had agreed on something and knew it was for the best.

"You have saved my boy and I am gonna do something for you as well." He cleared his throat and smiled. "Today..." He raised his voice, making sure that everyone heard him. " front of all these people and the almighty, I make a vow to you that my son and your daughter will be together in future. You have saved my son and in return, I shall make your daughter a part of his life. Today, in this temple my wife and I promise that we shall fulfill this, our son will marry your daughter."

Grace didn't know what to say anymore. She was speechless, completely dumbstruck. She looked around and saw that some people were smiling back at her. At that moment she knew that she had to think clearly because it involved her child's life and future.

"Okay," She smiled, feeling a little nervous.

Harvey and Emilia were really happy to hear that from the woman. They offered their prayers to the almighty, received blessing from the priest who in turn told them that what had happened was destined to happen and that Antonio and the unborn child's future was really bright. The parents were happy.

Since that time, Emilia and her husband became great friends with Grace and her husband. They were visiting them from time to time, bringing gifts and just hanging out when they had time. Their friendship was getting stronger and stronger.

Two months later, Grace gave birth and although it was a really wonderful day for her, something happened that completely changed everything. Instead of having a baby girl like the scans had showed, Grace had a beautiful baby boy, a really beautiful baby.

She couldn't understand anything because the scans had showed a girl. But she didn't really worry because it was the will of God. When Emilia and her husband visited, they were also disappointed when they found out the child was a boy.

Though things were confusing, Grace told everyone not to worry. The vow was void since the child was a boy and the almighty had already made his decision. Although it was like that, Harvey and his wife promised that they would at least remain friends with the Garcias.




It was a great day. The sun was almost setting and the wind was blowing lovingly, making it cool and really wonderful. It was quiet... It was peaceful... it was absolutely amazing and the weather was just adorable.

The cool breeze was making everything seem really magical and the setting sun was really amazing to see. It was setting the right mood for someone to have a wonderful day.

"Hmm," A young man breathed in the wonderful breeze, letting it take him places he'd never been before. "This is really wonderful."

The young man moved his eyes to the magazine he was holding, a fashion magazine. He really loved coming to that place, a quiet beach where he day dreamed about his future and cleared his head whenever he was troubled. It was always a place of comfort to him and he absolutely loved it.

The beach was really quiet, except for the sound of the waves and the birds chirping from trees nearby. This beach was usually quiet except for when kids came playing on the shore. But it was also a beautiful scene because it reminded him of his childhood.

"I know it will happen soon." The young man said softly, rubbing softly on the cover of the magazine. "I know I shall enter a fashion house one day. My dreams shall be fulfilled."

A smile appeared on his gorgeous face when he saw what inspired him the most in all the fashion magazines that he had been reading. It was the way the designers made their designs, the way the light from the camera captured the designs and the way the models just sparkled in those designs.

All he had ever wanted in his life was to work in a fashion house, any well paying position as long as he was in the fashion house. He had developed the great passion after learning how to sew from his mother. He could still remember how she used to take care of him, how she used to kiss him every night before he went to bed and all the words she used to say to him. He held on to them like his life depended on them.


He could still remember how she used to talk to him, her tender touch and her loving kisses. It was a great shame that she was no more. She had died when he was only 16, two years back to be precise. She just got sick one day and the doctor couldn't treat her. Apparently, she had cancer and she had hidden it from him. It was too bad that when everyone had actually found out, it was too late. He missed her so much. His father had also passed on when he was only 8 years old. He still missed the two of them and he knew they were gonna be in his heart forever.

He could still remember his mother's words,

"My son, hold on to your dreams. Never let go of them. I know that one day, you shall be really happy and all your dreams will come true. I will always be there for you."

Remembering her words was always painful for Praveen, too painful. But they also brought comfort to his soul when he was lonely. All he had to do was hold on to them. He knew his parents were watching over him and their love was upon him. He wasn't afraid of anything.

Praveen Garcia was 18 years old. He was a really, really handsome man with a really charming face that could seduce anyone. He had deep blue eyes which growled as if a light was emanating from them. His lips were pink and absolutely wonderful, seductive.

Praveen was just an average guy, neither tall nor short. He had a great body, great light skin and a well curved hairless face. He wasn't too fat or too thin but that was what made him look sexier. His body was to die for. In fact, he looked more feminine especially with his bubbly butt and smooth skin.

His really long dark hair is curly and is worn is long braids. Praveen was a really handsome man but he wore spectacles that made people in high school call him a nerd. He didn't mind at all since he didn't care about it. After all, what mattered the most to him was that he was studying and making his mother proud.

"Hey Praveen!"

Praveen got out of his thoughts when he heard someone calling him, a really familiar voice. He quickly got up and moved his eyes to the direction of the voice. He saw his best friend, a boy that was like a brother to him. His name was Mike and the two had been really close ever since they were young.

In fact, since his mother's death, Praveen had been staying with Mike's mother, his aunt. She was his mother's friend, a really great woman. She loved him so much and showed him so much care. She had been like a mother to him for the last two years and he loved her so much. Her name was Victoria and she had three children. The oldest had gone abroad to look for a job and her daughter and youngest son, Mike were with her.

"Hey!" Mike waved childishly when he saw Praveen. "I knew that I would find you here."

He started running towards Praveen and started gasping for breath when he reached him while chuckling like a little kid.

"Don't tell me you came here running all the way from home."

Mike gave a teasing laugh, lovingly punching Praveen.

"As a matter of fact..." He breathed in deeply. "...I did."

"You are crazy." Praveen picked up the magazine from the ground. "What was the need? You know I was just about to come back home."

"Yeah, right..." Mike rolled his eyes. "...we both know how crazy you get when you are reading that magazine of yours."

"Yeah," Praveen smiled, chuckling softly. "I always like to..."

"I think I have heard what you are going to say to me before." Mike said before Praveen even finished his sentence. "By the way, your mother in law is at the house. She is waiting for you."

Praveen lost the smile on his face the moment he heard what Mike had just said to him. He moved his eyes and stared at the ground, getting lost in his thoughts. He knew exactly the person that had come to see him. It was Emilia Gonzalez, his mother's other friend.

Praveen was set to get married to her son, Antonio. He was a man Praveen had never met before, well he had seen him before in newspapers and magazines but that was it. They had never met face to face and honestly, Praveen was really worried and scared. Sure! The man was famous and he was rich but Praveen didn't care about that. All he was hoping for was to be happy with the stranger he was gonna get married to.

Praveen had come out as gay when he was fourteen years old. He had suddenly developed strong feelings for a guy and had once kissed another boy. He could still remember how his life had changed one day a few days after telling his mother that he was gay.

Out of the blue, Emilia had come and she and his mother had explained things to him. Unfortunately, her son was gay and that meant the vow they had made had to be fulfilled. He had no choice and the thing was that his mother had made him promise that he would get married before she actually died. He had no choice but...


Mike shook Praveen, getting him out of his thoughts. Praveen looked at him, trying to put up a fake smile. But Mike saw through him.

"You know you are not fooling anyone with that fake smile, right?"

"What?" Praveen gasped, giggling softly. "I have no idea what you are talking about?"

"I can see through your fake smile." He teased, raising his eyebrow. "You are not fooling anyone. Besides, I don't think you should be giving me that fake smile. You are soon going to be the son in law of the great Gonzalez family and I don't need to remind you what that means." He wrapped one arm around Praveen's neck.

Praveen looked at his friend and took a deep sigh. "I know what you mean by that, Mike." He gave a gloomy sigh. "I know you think I am gonna be rich and finally meet my Prince Charming but..."

"What could be better than that?" Mike giggled, patting on Praveen's back. "He's famous... he's rich... He's handsome... He's sexy and I know that he'll make you happy. You will be famous too and I know that aunt will be happy wherever she is because her final wish for her son will come true."

His weakness... Mike just had to use his weakness.

"Yeah," He gave a half smile, shrugging and shaking his head. "You are probably right, Mike. Thank you so much."

He opened his arms wider and hugged Mike. He was still unsure about his marriage but he had no choice. He loved his mother too much. All he was hoping for was for the handsome hunk to show him love. He was really hoping Antonio was the right man for him. He was hoping that with time, he was gonna fall for Antonio. At least, Emilia seemed nice enough. He hadn't met anyone else from her family.

"Let's go." He chuckled nervously. "I don't wanna keep her waiting."

"Ooh..." Mike teased, pulling away from the hug. "Someone doesn't want to keep his mother in law waiting."

"Shut up, you are just too crazy."

Praveen shook his head and he started heading back to the house with Mike right beside him. They were talking and laughing together, enjoying each other's company. It wasn't long before they reached the house. It was a small house but it was at least a home. They were happy and it was the most important thing.

The first thing they saw when they reached the house was a really beautiful car with a tall guard who was dressed in a black classy suit. The car was a big, golden Bentley Bentayga W12. It was beautiful and as much as he wanted to admire it, he had to go and see Emilia and find out why she had come to see him so late.

He quickly rushed into the house and found her and his aunt talking and laughing like long lost friends. He didn't want to disturb them so he just stood there and watched while getting lost in his thoughts once again.

His aunt was a really beautiful blond woman with short straight hair. She was a kind hearted woman and he loved her like a second mother. Emilia on the other hand wasn't only beautiful; she was also rich and classy. She was also kind. She was looking beautiful with her long chocolate brown hair tied in a knot. She wasn't young but anyone that saw her could easily mistake her for a thirty something old woman. She was simply beautiful and...


Praveen got out of his thoughts when he heard his aunt's voice. He smiled genuinely and slowly walked towards the living room. He could already his soon to be mother in law smiling at him.