Destined Hearts Ch. 01


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"His only wish was for the vow to be fulfilled and for you to be with someone that would make you happy." She was speaking softly in order to make him understand. "Before he died, he made me promise him that I would get you two married." She sobbed. "...and to make sure that it was fulfilled he willed you our entire wealth but with the condition that you marry the boy. Only when you get married will the wealth be yours, ours. If you don't then..." She paused and gave a gloomy sigh. "...then everything may be transferred to him and we may be left with nothing."

Emilia was expecting her son to say something but he was really quiet and she got a little worried. She didn't like seeing him the way he was but she was really sure that he was gonna be happy with Praveen. That was all that she wanted.

She took a deep breath and got closer to him. She held his hands, rubbed on them and sweetly cupped his cheeks, rubbing on them.

"My son," She started softly. "I have seen this boy and his character. He might be from a village but I tell you that he is very nice, kind and really handsome. He will make you and our entire family happy. I know that what telling you this right now is probably not good and I should have told you earlier but during that time, we were all in mourning and I kinda wanted it to be a surprise."

She smiled at him, looking in her eyes. "You will agree to marry this boy, won't you baby?" She asked in a cautious tone. "You will do it for you and I, won't you?"

Antonio couldn't believe he was actually having that conversation. He couldn't believe his mother was serious? What the fuck, he thought as he clenched his fists harder. The pain he was feeling was deep and he felt betrayed. He had a fucking boyfriend who he freaking loved and his mother was telling him to marry some psycho? Oh hell! It wasn't gonna happen.

Antonio furiously turned and stormed out of the room without saying anything to his mother. He banged the door so hard that Emilia swore the floor shook. She followed her son.

Antonio was heading straight for the staircase. His head was pulsing, hurting terribly. His anger was overflowing and his hormones had gotten out of control already. He was sweating terribly and his eyes were starting to turn red. He had never been so mad in his life before.

"Antonio!" She called behind.

"No, mother..." Antonio yelled throughout the house, furiously coming down the stairs. "...I am not stupid and I will not accept those conditions..."

"Well, you are gonna have to accept them because it's the only way that you are gonna get your wealth." Emilia shouted, coming behind her son. "Besides, you are just gonna fulfill your father's wish and all the promises that we had made in the past."

"How is that supposed to be my business?" He furiously turned to face his mother as soon as he came downstairs. "I don't care what fucking promises, vows or whatever you had promised whoever!" He yelled. "I will not accept anything."

By then all the family members had already started gathering in the living room and they were just as confused as Antonio because they had no idea what was going on. What they couldn't understand was why Antonio was arguing with Emilia when he had just returned but anyway, they were about to find out.

"It also concerns you because without them then you wouldn't have..."

"I will not accept it." He furiously kicked the chair, ignoring the pain it inflicted on him. "You can do whatever you want but I will not accept to marry some stupid guy because of..."

"You will do that!" Emilia furiously moved closer, panting like a wild beast. "You are gonna marry that boy whether you like it. I am your mother and what I tell my son is what is gonna happen, okay."

Antonio couldn't believe his ears. Not for once had his mother shouted at him because of someone else. It was all new to him. He couldn't believe it. He just stood there with tears in his eyes, staring at his mother like he didn't know her at all.

Everyone's mouths were gaping. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Mom!" Andrea gasped, looking at her as if she had just said the most abominable thing. "Marriage? What is going on here and..."

"Shut up, Andrea!" Emilia said without even looking at her. "I think it's better if you just don't talk right now. This doesn't concern you."

"But mom, I..."

Before she could even finish her sentence, granny held her hand, squeezing it to stop her from talking. She got the signal but God knew she was really pissed. She had heard what her mother had just said to her brother and she was concerned.

"So are you..."

"Mom, I have already told you my mind." Antonio said, looking away. "I don't care what you and father had promised. I am not going to marry some stupid boy." He said with warning in his voice. "If you want me to marry, I am fine with it. I am ready to get married even now but to someone that I love. I have a boyfriend and..."

"I don't care even if you have a fiancé." She retorted, signaling him to stop talking with her hand. "I have told you exactly what happened and..."

"Why mom?" Antonio couldn't hold himself anymore. A million tears flooded his face. "Why are you doing this to me? It's me..." He pointed at himself with more tears going down his face. "It's your Antonio, your little boy, mom. You used to do everything that I wanted, mom. What happened? Am I not your son anymore? Don't you love me anymore?"

"Of course," She sighed, getting a little broken. "I love you so much. But this is something that I have to do. Vows in Ashton are of great importance and they must be fulfilled no matter what? We made a vow and it must be fulfilled." She started getting closer to him. "I know that this boy will make you really happy. He is a good boy and I promise you will like him. The priest had even confirmed years ago that you are destined to be together." She touched his hands softly.

"Please, agree to marry him and I will start making marriage arrangements as soon as possible." She pleaded. "You will do this for your mother, won't you my love?"

Antonio remained quiet just crying softly. His mind was only on one person, Bruce! He loved him so much and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt him. That was gonna mean hurting himself too. He wasn't gonna do it.

"My love, will you..."

"Fuck them all!" He cursed, furiously releasing his hands from his mother. "Fuck all those vows you made and..."

Before he could even finish his sentence, Emilia raised her hand furiously and smacked him across the face really hard. Antonio had never expected that and it hurt like hell. He felt as if his cheek had just been set on fire. It was his first slap from his mother and he couldn't believe she did it.

The entire family had their hands on their mouths, surprised by what Emilia had just done. She always treated Antonio like a prince and now she had just slapped him. It was a really great surprise to everyone. They couldn't still believe it.

"I will not have you use such language in front of me, young man." Emilia was furious. "What about everything that I have taught you, uh? Is this the son that I raised? Maybe I am to blame for all this because I spoiled you too much and I am warning you never to use such language with me."

"Wow mom," Antonio said with a billion tears following. He was super mad. "You should clap for yourself for this. And here I was thinking that I was coming back to my mother, the woman that loves me so much. I was happy to be home and to see you but you have changed so much.

I can't believe you are still the same woman that used to sacrifice everything for me." The pain in his voice couldn't be masked. "I shouldn't have come back. I made a really big mistake and..."


"No, Eduardo!" He stopped his brother before he even finished calling him. "Mom has really changed. And now she is using father to blackmail me but I shall not be moved and I will not marry that boy." He warned, pointing at her. "As for father's wealth, I shall find a way to get it without you, mom. I can't believe this." He furiously rubbed his tears. "As soon as I get everything, I will go back abroad and leave you alone. I will live happily without you in my life because it seems you've gone crazy."

He angrily shook his head and quickly turned. But before he took even a single step...

"I think you are right." Emilia said with tears following behind. "I have changed a whole lot. I have changed so much that I have even lost the love my son had for me."

Hearing what she had said, Antonio turned and looked at her.

"I am crazy but I have also failed." A tear went down her cheek. "I have completely failed in everything. I was given a really simple task and yet I can't even do it." She cried. "I have failed Harvey completely. I promised him with my life that I would make sure his vow is fulfilled but I have failed,"

Suddenly, Emilia started laughing bitterly. "You know what," She quickly rubbed her tears. "I don't care if you go back abroad or do anything you want. But I will not stand here and watch with the thought that I failed my husband, my life partner. Go!" She pointed towards the door. "Pack your clothes and go back to that man you claim loves you more than me. Go!"

With those words, Emilia furiously turned and started going away. Everyone was expecting her to go to her room, lock her door and come back to her senses. But what she did surprised and scared everyone in the living room.

"What are you doing?" Granny gasped, quickly rushing to the dining room. "Are you crazy?"

Everyone rushed to the dining room including Antonio who was no longer mad but scared.

Emilia was standing near the dining table with a big fruit knife in her hands which she was holding firmly with her right hand. She had the sharp edge resting on her left wrist ready to slice it open. Everyone was scared.

"Emilia!" Granny shouted. "What do you think you are doing?"

"What do you think, mother?" Emilia said softly with tears following. "What can I do when I feel ashamed? I don't think I can continue living with so much shame and humiliation. I have failed my husband. I have failed to fulfill the promise I had made to him and..."

"Mom!" Eduardo gasped, trying to get closer but his mother stopped him. "Please, we can talk about this. My brother just came home and we should all be happy right now and..."

"Happy?" Emilia chuckled bitterly, shaking her head. "All of you will be happy without me in your lives. Let me die and be with my husband and..."

"Mom!" Antonio quavered, feeling really scared. "Please, don't do this and..."

"What do you care?" She yelled. "Go back abroad and live happily with that man you love. Why do you care if I live or die?"

"Because I love you." Antonio said softly. "Please, I love you so much and..."

"Oh! Now you love me?" She laughed. "I don't need your fake love, Antonio!" She yelled. "You have just proved that you neither love me nor your father. But it's fine. Just turn around, get out and go back abroad and..."

"How can I?" Antonio quavered. "What you are about to do is..."

"You have your life to live and I have mine." She said simply. "Why should you make decisions for me? Get out and..."

"Mom, please..." Andrea pleaded, putting her hands together. "...please, don't do this." She rushed to both her brothers. "Do something please..." She cried. "Don't let anything happen to mom."

They all started begging her to think twice before she did anything stupid but she had decided to end her life. She couldn't live in a place where no one understood her, especially her own son. Celine and Eduardo begged her to think twice and at least see her grandchildren being born but she didn't want to hear it.

Antonio had never been so scared in his life. He had lost a father. He didn't want to lose a mother also. He loved her too much but she didn't want to hear anything.

"I am just a mother who is trying to do what's best for her son." She cried softly. "I am a wife that is trying to fulfill her husband's wish and protect his dignity but it seems you don't understand anything. It's better if I die so that I won't be here to see you going astray. I am sorry but I have to do this."

Emilia added pressure to the knife, ready to slice her wrist. She wasn't gonna back down but suddenly...

"Okay! I will do what you want." Antonio yelled, pleading with her. "I will marry the boy you want me to marry. Just don't hurt yourself."

Emilia felt a cold wind blow on her face. Her heart stopped beating for a second. She held her breath and her tears stopped flowing. Her strength left her and she slowly raised her face to stare into her son's eyes. She still couldn't believe it and she thought she was dreaming but...

"I will do what you want." Antonio said again. "I will marry him. Just drop the knife and I promise to marry the boy. I promise you, mom..."

Tears started flowing again as she stared at her son. Then a smile popped up on her face and she dropped her hands. Eduardo ran to her and quickly took the knife before she changed her mind.

"Really?" She asked.

"Isn't it what you want?" He asked with tears in his eyes. "You've won mom."

Without saying anything else, Antonio furiously turned and stormed out of the house. Andrea followed him behind, calling his name but it was as if he had suddenly become deaf. Emilia on the other hand just looked at him as he went away without saying anything. She felt really sorry for him but it was something that she had to do for his happiness.

She stared at the remaining family members and they just looked at her without saying anything. She didn't want them to judge her or say anything. She quickly turned and went upstairs to her room.

Reaching her room, she sat on her bed with her hands on her face and just thought about her son. She loved him and she had no idea things would reach that far but she was sure her son was gonna appreciate her for choosing someone like Praveen. She was gonna talk to him after he calms down to explain things to him.

As she was still deep in thought, she heard her door open and close. Someone had just entered her room.

"Don't you think what you did was kinda dangerous?" She heard a familiar voice ask.

She raised her face and sighed. "I am sorry, mother but I was left with no choice. I had no choice but to do it." She stood up and walked towards granny. "I had no idea my son would react like that and..."

"I told you I should have been the one to break the news to him." She said with a sigh.

Of course, granny knew the vow her son had made years ago. He never hid anything from her.

"I know that, mother but Antonio is just stubborn at times." Emilia said with a smile. "When he sees Praveen, I know that he will fall deeply in love with him."

Granny nodded slowly, taking a sigh of relief. She was scared. "I hope you are right, Emilia."

They both just stood there, still in deep thought.


"Ah..." Antonio screamed in pain, picking up the pool chair furiously from the ground. He threw it right into the pool. "Fuck!" He cried.

Antonio had never experienced such pain before. He needed something to punch, something to get his anger out on. If only the boy his mother wanted to him to marry was near then he would have strangled his neck and ended his life.

"No!" He screamed at the top of his voice, gripping his hair painfully. It hurt a whole lot but he just wanted to hurt himself. "This cannot be happening!" He cried. "No!"

He took another chair and threw it right into the pool. Everything that was in his way, he either kicked hard or threw it away. He was screaming like a mad man. His voice filled the whole compound. His face was flooded with tears.

He wanted the pain to leave him but it kept on increasing. He surely needed something to punch but he had nothing near him. His mother had just blackmailed him and it hurt. He didn't know if he knew her anymore. It was really painful.


Andrea came rushing to the pool in her high heels. She had tears on her face. She couldn't bear to see her brother in such pain. She rushed to him and wrapped her arms around him to make him or try to do so.

"Please, calm down and..."

"How could she?" Antonio cried in a rasping voice. "How could she do this to me? I thought she was my mother. I thought she loved me. I thought I was her little boy and now she wants to destroy my life by getting me married to some... to some..." He couldn't even say it and he burst into tears. " could she?"

"I'm so sorry." Andrea cried, holding on to her brother tightly. "I understand your pain and..."

"No!" Antonio shook his head. "You don't understand..."

"Trust me!" Andrea pulled from him, staring into his eyes. "I do because I love you so much. I know you are hurting deep inside and..."

"How could she?"

"I know." Andrea sobbed softly. "She didn't even think twice before saying that to you. What is going to happen to you? And forget about you..." She was panicking. "...what is gonna happen to Bruce? How will he take all this? How will he feel when he gets to know that you are getting married?"

The thought of seeing Bruce hurting made Antonio cry even more. Andrea knew about Bruce because they were great friends. They had been friends for a long time, way before Antonio and Bruce started dating. All Andrea had wished for was for her brother and Bruce to end up together but now...

"This is really bad." Andrea shook her head. "Mom shouldn't have done this and..."

"But she did." He cried. "And dad... how could he do this to me? He left his entire wealth into that boy's name. I can't do this!" He raised his hands. "I am going inside and I am gonna tell mom the truth. I don't care if..."

"What are you saying?" Andrea gasped. "Are you crazy? Do you want us to leave in the streets? Mom told you that unless you marry that boy then..."

"I don't care." He snapped, breathing as if he was ready for war. "All..."

"That is our wealth and we cannot lose it." Andrea said, cupping his cheeks. "We can't lose it and..."

"Are you saying that I have to..."

"I bet this boy and his family just manipulated dad." She said. "Just agree to what mom wants. It's very easy, bro." She chuckled bitterly. "Marry this boy and then we will get our wealth. After that, it will be very easy to throw this boy out of our lives for good."

"What?" Antonio clenched his hands. "Are you saying..."

"This is our wealth, our pride." Andrea said, holding her brother's hands tightly. "We cannot lose it no matter what happens. Mom is probably being manipulated by this boy and she will realize it sooner or later. But don't worry," She chuckled bitterly. "He wants to be part of this house. Then let him come. We will deal with him so much that he will beg to be out of this house in just a day."

Tears poured down Antonio's face even more. "But..."

"I know that you love Bruce but trust me on this one." She reassured. "This is very easy to get out of. I know you are hurting but let's just agree to it. We will win this game together, bro."

Antonio stared at his sister for a long time before he finally agreed. He was still unsure about it all but he knew one thing for sure. He loved Bruce so much and he wanted to spend his entire life with him.

Andrea smiled when he agreed and opened her arms wider. The brother and sister hugged tightly and at that moment, there was only one thing in Antonio's mind and he swore he was gonna do it.

"You have made my mother turn against me for the first time." He thought, hugging his sister tighter. "You are gonna pay for this. I will destroy your life so much that you are gonna beg for death." He sobbed. "You will pay for this. I promise..."

He was gonna fulfill it.

Meanwhile, Praveen couldn't sleep. He kept on turning and thinking about the new life he was gonna start. What was it gonna be like? Was he gonna find peace and happiness finally? Was the man he was marrying the right one? There was just a lot in his mind.