Destined Hearts Ch. 01


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"You are about to make me cry." Bruce sobbed on the other end. "You have no idea how happy you have made me. If I was right there, I swear I would..."

"I know, my love." Antonio said in a soothing voice, rubbing on his lips. Fuck! He missed Bruce so much that he just wanted him beside him. "You shouldn't miss me that much because it will affect me. You will be joining me soon and that's what's important. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Antonio just loved Bruce so much. He was the only one he wanted to spend his entire life with. Bruce was a great guy and Antonio had been with him for quite some time. They loved each other and he had introduced him to most of his friends home and abroad although he hadn't introduced him officially to his parents.

Bruce was a famous professional model and really rich too. He used to model in Ashton before he actually started dating Antonio. He moved abroad so that he could be with Antonio and now that Antonio had returned, Bruce was also about to return. Antonio was pretty sure Bruce was the man he was gonna spend his entire life with. He had never loved any guy the way he loved Bruce.

Anyway, Antonio had just come from showering after checking out his room. It was really beautiful, huge and elegant. There was a huge queen sized bed at the far right with red beddings, a huge, really big couch near the bed and a small living room with a fire place.

There was one door which led to a big room where all the clothes and shoes were kept. Another led to a small office and the remaining led to a three in one bathroom. There was a multiple shower head system, bathtub fire display and a huge Jacuzzi. As if that wasn't enough, he got to enjoy the pleasure of listening to music while showering. He was really living the life.

Inside his room were pictures of him from infancy to adulthood. He loved it a lot. His mother knew exactly how to make him happy. Now that he was back, he was ready to take over the family wealth and take it to different levels while also managing his music.

"Don't worry, baby..." He smiled brightly. "...I will be waiting for you when you arrive."

"Hmm, I will really like that, Mr. Gonzalez." Bruce chuckled in that sweet voice that turned Antonio on. "And then I will kiss you for the whole world to see."

"Yeah!" He chuckled. "I really can't wait for that. And by that time, your boyfriend will be a billionaire and the president of all the companies."

"And then we will get married." Bruce giggled. "I can't wait for that my love."

"Me too." He spoke softly. "Anyway, I gotta go. I will talk to you later."

"What?" Bruce gasped. "Without my kiss?"

"Oh!" Antonio breathed. "I love you."

He took the phone and kissed it until he heard Bruce chuckling and kissing back. They told each other how much they loved each other and then cut the call. Antonio remained smiling as he stared at the stars, missing his lover so much. The night was wonderful and the beautiful stars were just making him miss Bruce even more.

But as much as he wanted to stare at the stars the entire night, he still had things to do inside. He made a quick turn and went back to his room. As soon as he entered his room, he found his mother just entering and he was happy to see her.

"Mom!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Emilia walked to her son and held his hands. "I would like to talk to you. Are you busy?"

"Err..." He was about to start doing something but for his mother, he was ready to leave it pending. ", you can talk to me. Is there any problem?"

Emilia smiled, shaking her head. She took her son and they both sat on the bed, holding each other's hands tightly.

"My love..." Her hand started rubbing on his sweet cheeks. He had beards now but he was still her little baby. "...I really have something important to tell you and I am sure it's also going to make you happy."

"It's going to make me happy?" He was curious. "What is it mom?"

"A surprise!" She announced, giving him the most beautiful smile ever. She couldn't wait to tell him. "I know this surprise will make you really happy and it will also make me happy."

"Okay!" He said with doubt in his voice. Not that he doubted her but he had no idea what she was talking about. "What is it?"

Emilia took a deep breath and looked into her son's eyes. "You know that I love you so much, Antonio and your welfare is my priority. All I have ever wanted to do is just to know that you are in perfect hands even though..."

"Wait, mom..." He stopped her before she went on. "...what are you telling me? Are you going somewhere or what? I have no idea what you are talking about?"

Emilia rubbed on her son's cheeks and ignored his questions. "I can still remember when you came out as gay to me and your father a few years. Do you remember that?"

"Yes!" Antonio shook his head. "I can remember that very well. You weren't mad at me. You kissed me and told me that nothing was ever gonna change. You told me your love will remain the same no matter what I am."

"Yes!" Tears built in Emilia's eyes. "I accepted that you were gay and I also know the reason why." She quickly rubbed her tears. "You love me so much and I love you too. That is why I just want what's best for you."

Antonio had never been so confused before. His mother had never spoken like that and he was getting worried. He just wanted her to tell him what she meant by what she was telling him.

"I know that, mom." He said with a frown. "But why are you talking to me about this? Are you leaving me?"

"No!" She shook her head. "I am not leaving you or our family. It's just that something is..."

"What?" Antonio sounded even more confused. "What are you talking about? I mean, you came here and..." He paused and just tried to understand what she was saying to him. "You said you have a surprise for me." He rubbed on her hands. "Please, don't scare me like this. What surprise do you have for me?"

Emilia was getting nervous every second that passed. But she was getting anxious to tell her son the truth too. She just couldn't wait to see his reaction.

"Okay!" She took a deep breath to calm herself, holding his hands tightly. "Guess what?"

"What?" He raised his eyebrows, getting a little nervous himself.

Emilia laughed in excitement and took the deepest breath ever.

"You are gonna be getting married real soon." She announced followed by the greatest smile ever. "I have found someone for you to marry."

When Antonio heard that from his mother he just sat there staring at her as if she had just grown another head. His breaths seized... his blood stopped flowing and his heart simply stopped beating. He didn't know how to react... he didn't know what to say. It was as if he had forgotten how to do everything. He was like a statue.

Emilia stared at his son and wondered whether he had gotten any of the things she had said to him.

"Son!" She shook him. "Why are you quiet? You are happy right?'

To her a surprise, Antonio just smiled and burst into laughter, a really loud laugh. He started laughing like he had never laughed. It was funny. It was hilarious. He couldn't believe his mother had just said that to him. She was really funny.

Antonio stood up and laughed his lungs out until tears of mirth started coming out of his eyes. He was laughing so hard that it got Emilia worried. But she couldn't do anything rather than watch him laugh. She didn't know if he was happy or what?

"Ha ha ha..." He laughed, touching his chest. "Mom, you are really so funny." He couldn't stop laughing. "Since when did you become a joker?"

"What?" Emilia stood up, staring at him with angry eyes. "What are you talking about and..."

"Of course, mom..." He laughed louder. "...someone should have told me that you have become a joker. If this was the surprise then you have really surprised me, mom."

"What are you talking about?" Emilia shook her head, getting even more serious. "This isn't funny and I am not joking. I am serious."

"Oh!" He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek. "You are still joking even when I know you are. You can't fool me, mom."

He continued laughing and Emilia just stood there, watching him with her arms crossed. "Are you done laughing at me?" She asked angrily. "Antonio, this is really serious and I am not joking."

"No, you are..."

Antonio had never laughed the way he did at that particular time. He looked at his mother while he did and just continued laughing. But suddenly, his laugh faded when he stared at his mother long enough and saw that serious look on her face. He lost the smile and just stared at her, trying to convince himself that she was only joking but he knew his mother very well. But even though he did, he just didn't want to believe her.

"Mom!" His voice was low, filled with fear and something that he just couldn't understand.

Emilia just nodded. She couldn't bring herself to saying anything to him.

"Mom!"The surprise in his voice couldn't be masked. "Mo..." He gasped. "Please, tell me you are joking. Tell me this is all just a joke because you missed me."

Emilia got closer to her son, held his hands and smiled softly at him. "No! I am serious, my son. I am telling you the truth. You are gonna be getting married soon and I promise you will love him. He will make you happy and he will love you. He is a very nice boy."

Antonio just froze. He couldn't move an inch. His mouth was shivering. It was as if he had suddenly gotten a really terrible cold that made his whole body freeze. He had his eyes fixed on his mother, trying to get what she had just said to him.

"You are going to get married soon..." Her voice rang through his head. "He will make you happy."

"Antonio!" She shook him. But he just stood there like a statue. "Aren't you gonna say something? Say something my son."

But he was still standing still, just staring at her like a stranger. He didn't even express any form of emotion to her.

"I know it's a big surprise, right?" She chuckled, rubbing on his shoulders. "I know that you are really surprised and I am sure you are happy." She said in burgeoning excitement. "Now that you are back, you will be carrying a big responsibility and getting married will be the best thing my son. I know that you will be happy and the marriage will be..."

"Tell me you are still joking!" Antonio said hoarsely, clenching his fists.

"What?" Emilia got near him. "I thought I told you I am serious. You don't have to worry. You will meet with him very soon and you two will..."

"How could you?" Antonio snapped, pulling away from her. "How could you do this?"

To say Emilia was surprised would be an understatement. She was shocked, scared and definitely caught off guard. Never had she seen her son behave like that, not even when he was angry.

"Son, I..."

"Who asked you to do this, mother?" He snapped at her, breathing as if he was ready for war. "Why?"

"Antonio, I thought..."

"You thought what?"

Antonio's heart was pounding deep in his chest, threatening to rip out. His breaths were really harsh, scaring Emilia. His jaws were shaking terribly and his eyes were fixed on her, staring at her as if he wanted to rip her head off.

"My son, let me explain this to you." She tried to get closer but he took a few steps back. "You see, your father and I..."

"I don't wanna hear it." He shouted at her. "If this is a joke then I am begging you..." He put his hands together pleading with her. "'s not funny, please."

"Do I look like I am joking?" Emilia asked. "I am dead serious and..."

"What?" He furiously groaned, his voice sounding like flames of fire. "You are being serious right now? Look mom," He warned, pointing angrily at her. "I don't know what you are talking about and I don't care either. I will pretend that I never heard this from you and please," he angrily put his hands together. "I don't want to hear this from you ever again because mom..." He chirped, shaking his head angrily. " seems like you have lost it."

"What?" Emilia snapped, trying to understand what her son had just said to her. "Are you talking to me like that? Do you realize that I am..."

"How do you expect me to talk to you when you have completely lost your..."

"Excuse me!" Emilia yelled, pointing angrily at him. "Are you calling me mad or something? Do you realize that you are talking to your mother?"

"Yes!" he snapped. "I know I am talking to you mother but please," He spoke softly, putting his hands together. "Stop this, because, because it is..."

"Antonio!" She smiled and quickly grabbed his hands. "I know that you are probably mad right now but calm down and I will explain everything to you. I promise that you will..."

"Mom!" he furiously moved away from her. "I don't wanna hear it. Whatever it is that you are gonna add, please, I don't wanna hear anything."

"But I..."

"Just stop it!" He yelled at her, surprising her even more. "What part of I don't wanna hear it don't you understand."

Now Emilia was definitely mad. She couldn't believe her son, her own son was shouting at her.

"Okay, I will not have you talking to me like that." She warned, angrily pointing at him. "You are talking to your mother and you better watch it."


"I am your mother and besides, what's wrong with getting married, uh?" She asked angrily. "You are not getting any younger and I think it's best if you..."

"Don't you think if I wanna get married I will find a boy myself?" He barked, breathing terribly. "I tell you again, if this is a joke then..."

"My love..." She started getting closer to him but he took a few steps back.

"Don't!" He raised his finger. "I don't wanna hear it. It looks like you have lost it and..."

"My love, I love you so much and I want you to be happy." She said abruptly. "He's a really nice boy and he will..."


Just the sound of his voice was good enough for Emilia to understand what her son was trying to say to her. But she still needed him to understand what she was telling him. He needed to agree to what she was telling him.

"Son, please listen to me and try to understand..."

"Understand what?" He seethed, getting even angrier at his mother. "What is there to understand?"

"I am only doing this for you, my love and I promise that you will be very..."

"No!" Antonio furiously turned, feeling as if his blood was boiling. He started heading towards the door with Emilia following right behind him.

"My son!"

"I don't wanna hear it." He yelled, rushing towards the door. "I can see that you are trying to ruin my mood mother and..."

"Don't you dare walk out on me?" Emilia demanded, trying to catch up with him. "Antonio!"

But Antonio was just too mad to listen to his mother. He didn't even know if he wanted to see her right at that moment. He was just so mad at her. His plan was just to get out of the room and just completely avoid her until she came back to her senses.

He reached the door and angrily gripped the knob. But just when he was about to open the door, his mother said something that made him stop in his tracks. He just stood there like a statue, trying to get if what he had heard was right.

Antonio's heart was pounding like a washing machine. His breaths came out harshly, dangerously. His blood became extremely hot and his thoughts just stopped. He had no idea how to make of what his mother had just said. He was confused.

"You are gonna get married if you truly want to inherit your father's entire wealth!" She hollered, making sure that he heard it loud and clear.

"What?" Antonio quickly turned and rushed to his mother. He stared at her and just wondered if she was his mother or just someone else. "I think this joke has gone really far, mom. I told you that it's not funny and..."

"I already told you that it's not a joke. I am dead serious and..."

"I don't care, mom." He snapped. "I am not going to follow what you are saying to me. What have you turned into?" He chuckled bitterly, staring deep into her eyes. "Are you gonna..."

"Antonio, I am your mother and I would never lie to you." She said with seriousness in her voice. "The only way you are gonna inherit any of your father's wealth is if you get married."

Hearing what she had just said, Antonio burst into laughter. He couldn't believe her. Emilia on the other hand just got really mad at her son. He was making her look like a fool and she didn't appreciate it one bit.


"Mom, please..." He got serious again. "...are you that desperate to see me married? Okay!" He furiously dropped his arms, still angry. "Fine! I will get married like you want but I am going to get married to the man that I love, someone that makes me happy and..."

"You don't understand anything!" Emilia got closer to her son and held his hands, still trying to get to him. "Look, it is more complicated than you think. Of course, I want you to settle down and manage your father's wealth. But you can't just marry anyone at all. There is this beautiful boy and he..." She paused and just smiled when she thought of Praveen. "...his name is Prav..."

"Really mom?" He raged, getting his hands away from her. "You are still going on with this?"

"But son..."

"I thought you were joking but now... Now I don't even know what you are telling me." He yelled. "I don't know who the woman standing next to me is. You are gonna start blackmailing me now with my father's wealth so that I can..."

"You can say whatever you want." She breathed, taking control of her anger. "You can call me crazy or whatever. But the truth is that, you are going to marry that boy and that's final."

"Wow!" He clapped, chuckling bitterly. "Are you gonna force me to marry that boy? Are you gonna drag me to the altar or point a gun at me or..."

"Neither of that is happening." She laughed, giving him an evil grin. "But you are gonna do it willingly. You are gonna agree to it because it's the only way you are gonna get to your father's wealth."

To say Antonio was surprised would definitely be an understatement.

"What are you turning into?" He asked in pain, feeling tears forming in his eyes. "Who are you? You are not my mother because she would never do this." A tear went down his cheeks which he quickly rubbed. "You are using my father's wealth to blackmail me now? That's my right and mom..." He sniveled, suppressing his tears. "...I am sure father must be disappointed and I will not..."

"You will do that if you want to gain your father's wealth." She smiled at her son. "And my husband wouldn't be disappointed because he is the one that left that condition in his will before he died." She could still remember her husband's final words before he died. She had promised to ensure that his vow was fulfilled.

Emilia chuckled bitterly, rubbing the tear that was going down her cheek. "There are some things that you still don't understand but calm down right now." She pleaded. "I will explain everything to you and..."

"Father would never do that to me." He shook his head. "He would never..."

"He would and he still did." She said softly, staring at her son. "The only way you are gonna inherit all our wealth is if you agree to marry the boy he had chosen for you. Unless you do that..." She paused and chuckled softly. " will lose everything including this house."


"Please!" She put her hands together. "Try to listen to what I am telling. You may not remember this because you were young but 18 years ago when you were very young..."

Emilia started explaining to her son exactly what had happened years back. Antonio just stood there, staring at his mother with tears building in his eyes. He was getting angry as she went on but he just stood there and listened without moving an inch of his body.

"...and when we found out that both of you were gay, your father was ill by that time." She rubbed her tears softly. "But we both found out that since both of you were gay, the vow had to be fulfilled. At that moment your father knew he had to fulfill what he had vowed in front of the people and the almighty." She breathed in deeply, getting a little emotional.
