Dilemmas of Love


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...so tonight...well...I'd been avoiding Trevor for some time now. Okay, yes, all of us are busy with exams and stuff but that's just a pretext. I'd been wanting to straighten this thing out but I didn't want to do it during the exam period...He texted me to come over...for...well...for a quickie...I thought...what the heck...I was dead tired anyways, I didn't want to confront him...or I was too tired to come up with an excuse, take your pick...in any case, we ummm...did what we did...he finished inside me which he knows I detest...I got angry...told him it was over, end of story..."

"Well from what you've told us it seems like a cut and dry case...so why the long face?"

"Because I cared for him Em...I didn't love him but I cared for him. I wasn't crying because of the relationship ending...I was miserable because I led him on! Because it just wasn't there for me! Because there was no spark, no warmth, nothing! And the sex...I'd just as well eat cardboard, that would probably have more flavor! And, I guess that about wraps it up! I hope he's going to do okay...that he has someone to talk to. At least I'm lucky enough to have you two to pour my heart..."

"It's the very least we can do Chloe, you know that..."

"Yeah, thanks you guys...I'm really sorry for ruining your alone time and all..."

"Chloe? When exactly do your exams finish?" interjected Abigail who had been a mostly silent observer until then.

"Ummm...well...I have two more to go for next week and then I'm clean I guess...why?"

The blonde exchanged looks with the redhead and continued. "We're planning on having a barbecue with friends the weekend right after your exams finish. We'd really like you to join us if that's okay with you. It'll be good fun!"

"Pleaaaaaaaseee Chloe? Pleeaaaaaaaseee?" said the redhead, putting in her best I'm-a-lost-puppy-looking-for-love face.

Chloe couldn't help but smile. "Barbecue you said? I'll have to check my extremely busy calendar..." Chloe made a notion of checking with her cell-phone. "...yeah...it's a tight fit but I think I can make it..."

Emma had started to cheer when Chloe interjected: "...under one condition! Promise me that there honestly will be other people there? I wouldn't want to play third wheel for you guys all night! Especially when you two get all lovey-dovey with each other!"

"Us? Lovey-dovey?" said the redhead trying to suppress a laugh. "We never do that stuff...well...almost never..."

"...we never do that stuff..." mimicked Chloe. "...never...it's just that from time to time you need a pry bar to separate us..."

They were all laughing now. Emma winked at her blonde girlfriend; once more her well timed intervention had saved the day. Chloe had been all gloomy and miserable when she came upstairs and now the weight had been lifted. Soon her exams would be over and then she'd have the summer to look forward to. Summer was her favorite time of the year. The weather was fine, vacations where coming up and you could unwind and meet new people. And after a tough final year with so many ups and downs Chloe couldn't wait for some summertime to enter her life.

Chapter 2 (Sandra)

The two girls where running along at an easy pace, pony-tails bouncing about, as their legs rhythmically hit the pavement in tandem. Since the day was a bit on the warm side, Abigail was clad in just a pair of blue running shorts and pink racerback sports bra. Her running mate, a slender and athletic sandy blonde, had chosen a pair of black, short running tights along with a lime colored racerback tank-top.

"I'll race you to the finish!" huffed the sleek blonde and immediately opened her stride and changed her pace.

Abigail, with a grin on her face, switched her pace and bolted after her fleet-footed friend. Soon they were neck and neck as they run at full tilt towards their imaginary finish line. In the end, the sandy haired girl managed to clinch it by half a body length. Still huffing from her exertion, but with a big smile on her face she begun to do a victory dance of sorts. Abigail, with her hands on her hips looked towards her with amusement.

"You're such a child sometimes, you know that?"

"Αnd YOU...are getting OLD, my venerable friend!"

"Shut up Sandra! And besides...you cheated...you called it and then bolted off!"

"In any case: YOU lose general Kenobi!" said the sandy blonde with a solid smile on her face.

"Yeah...a deal's a deal I guess...what will it be this time? Caramel Cream?"

"Yup! Business as usual!"

A Frappuccino from Starbucks right after their Sunday long-run was both girls' guilty pleasure. The sugary-milky content of the plastic cup that they were both holding had actually been the conduit through which they met. Both girls happened to share the same training area and routine and both enjoyed the sweet ice-cold treat right after their practice. With time, they begun talking to each other, until later, they both joined the same running team and became friends. Although Abigail had been through bumper to bumper relationships so to speak, their friendship hadn't suffered and they both diligently kept their Sunday running date.

Of the two, Abigail was the more "mature" athlete having practiced long distance running during her school years. What Sandra lacked in experience however, she more than made up with her exemplary athletic physique. Her five foot, eight slender body was well muscled and toned but without outright discarding its femininity. The sandy haired girl looked the female equivalent of a sleek and agile gazelle and she had the energy to burst off on a sprint even after an eight mile run.

Sitting side by side on a bench, they wordlessly savored their liquid treat when Abigail broke the silence.

"Sandra? I was wondering if you have something planned for the coming Saturday evening."

"Ummm...nothing I can think of, no. Why?"

"Emma and I are planning on having a barbecue, you know, a small get-together with friends. It's a celebration of sorts...both Emma and Chloe are graduating so we decided to have this little gathering. Would you like to join us?"

"Yeah! Sure! Count me in!"

"Great! You know the place...as for the time...Anywhere around five and you're good. But you can come like whenever..."

"I can come in early if you guys want a helping hand!"

"That'd be great...shall we...I mean...are you coming with company or..."

"Nawww...Just plain old me!"

"Still looking for the perfect girl huh..."

"Yeah...does Emma have any friends of hers she can spare?" asked Sandra with a laugh.

"As a matter of fact she does, come to think of it. It's Chloe!"

"Not a straight girl Abi, please!"

"No hear me out on this. We both thought her straight but about a week ago she broke up with her boyfriend...no, no wait...wait...hear me out. So anyways, she came upstairs that night for some comfort and we got her talking. It would appear our friend isn't having the best of times with her ventures in hetero relationships. Later, when we were alone, Emma told me that she too got the feeling that Chloe was not all straightness. That her time with her previous boyfriend was also cut short...and that more than once she'd catch her asking questions about female to female relationships, how they worked out and stuff like that. Em thinks that there might be some curiosity there but Chloe is a bit low-key and probably doesn't know how to express that."

"Your sales pitch is quite impressive you know...do you teach marketing as well in your free time?"

"Look...you're a good friend and a decent person. I'd only want the best for you. Just come over and have a chat with her, nothing more. Harmless isn't it?"

"Guess so...It's not like I have them lined up my door is it?" said Sandra a bit downcast at the thought.

"Awwww Sandie...come' ere..." Abigail wrapped her arm around her for a friendly hug. "Don't you worry...you'll find your girl...we all do! Remember what I went through before I found Emma? You never know how things will end up. You're a beautiful girl with a huge, kind heart! You have your life ahead of you..."

"...said the elderly oracle..."

"...to the beautiful, kind hearted girl with the quirky sense of humor...So?"

"...I'll be there Abi...just no promises okay? I'll chat with your friend and we'll see."

"That's the spirit girl!" said Abigail giving her a playful punch on the shoulder. "Wanna give you a lift?"

"Naww...I'll just walk, does me good after a long-run. See ya on Saturday!"

And, just as she usually did, Sandra bounced off the bench, waved towards her blonde co-runner and was on her way, once more alone with her thoughts.

>I mean...Abigail's right isn't she? What could possibly go wrong with a friendly chat?

<What could go wrong Sandra? What went wrong with Carmen then? Huh? Don't you remember that sordid mess?

>Well yeah...it's not that I can forget it but life goes on and we're supposed to move on as well!

<Aren't there any other options?

>What other options are there Sandra? You've tried the bars, you've tried on-line and you've even tried "HER". What good ever came out of those things?

<Yes, but with the phone app you didn't really try...for these things to work you know that you have to invest in a decent profile...some nice photos...that sort of thing.

>If you, my dear devil's advocate are advising me to flaunt my ass on the internet then forget it! I'd rather stay on my own, thank you very much! And I must be going to cuckoo land! I'm having a dialogue with myself!

Immersed as she was with her inner musings, her long legs carried her in no time in front of the place she called home. Sandra rented a small one bedroom apartment in an old three story brick and mortar complex. The building was old and creaky but the rent was relatively cheap and that's what really mattered. Because when you're laden with student debt up to your neck and you're just starting out as a young professional, pricing is just about the only thing that matters.

Letting herself inside she begun to strip. Off came her tank top followed by her sports bra. Next to go were here running shorts followed by her panties. Finally naked, she stared at her reflection in the full body mirror in front of her. An athletic sandy blonde stared back at her. Muscles flexed as she shifted her weight from leg to leg. Bringing her hand up, she unconsciously cupped her right breast. The apparition in front of her begun toying with a nipple. Another hand appeared in view; fingers went scurrying towards her pubic mound.

Sandra closed her eyes and for a moment, just basked in the pleasurable feelings her hands were eliciting from her body.

I'd better get moving towards the shower...

Opening her eyes, she could see the athletic apparition give her a knowing lopsided smile. She was beautiful in her own unique way, she thought.

I may not have a full set of curves but what I do have stands out and proud! And, I'll run anyone a ten mile run without breaking a sweat! And, I like who I am! I'm Sandra Robinson ladies and gentlemen, aspiring landscape artist, long distance runner and jokester extraordinaire!

The apparition laughed as it dove in a mock bow.

You're a nutcase Robinson, you know that? Now onwards to the shower to get the grime off...and possibly some self-love on!

The blonde languidly made her way towards the bathroom. The large, glass enclosed bathtub was the only first class amenity that her apartment offered and she often put it to good use. Shutting the door behind her, she swung her long legs inside and sat on the porcelain bottom. The initial cold blast of water spray prickled her skin and hardened her nipples. She always welcomed this cold shock; it made her body feel alive as it went into sensory overload. Hugging her legs, she rested her chin on her knees as the water gradually turned warmer and warmer.

Closing her eyes, she relished the feeling of this warm rain hugging her body. She let her mind focus on all the pleasurable sensations that she was receiving and having her eyes closed only helped to sharpen her senses. She felt a warm, prickling sensation spread throughout her body making her pleasurably shiver in response. Her hands travelled up and down the pyramid created by her legs, softly reveling in their taught magnificence. Whenever her fingers loitered near the folds of her butt, sparks would shoot through her pussy and fly to the four corners of her body.

But those initial feelings only helped to fuel the hunger for more. Her fingers ventured further, toying with the wet strands of her pubic hair and bouncing on her rapidly expanding outer lips. Her seating arrangement wasn't the most conductive in the world for what she had in mind, but the added difficulty only served to heighten her pleasure.

With her eyes still closed, she begun to strum the outer and inner lips of her pussy, feeling the liquid briefly coat her fingers before her personal warmth-filled rain washed them clean. And finally, her fingers found their very own El Dorado. They located the exposed tip of her clitoris. Because of the peculiar angling of her hands - looped bellow her arched knees and pointing upwards - she couldn't caress her clit the way she wanted to.

Ever so slowly, she edged herself towards her orgasm with her fingers maddeningly fluttering against her exposed clit but refraining from exerting that critical amount of pressure to send her over the edge. Her body was trembling, essentially begging her for the much needed release but her inner desire for a slow burn was adamant; she would have to crawl towards her orgasm inch by inch.

She was whimpering now; the pleasurable pressure in and around her pussy kept up increasing and increasing until...

Oh fuck...oh fuck...OH FUCK HERE IT COMES!!

The first contraction hit causing her to squirm uncontrollably on the bathtub floor. And then another...and another, until her clit became too sensitive and her body flinched at any further contact.

Fuck that felt good! Who needs physio after race day when you can always resort to this!

Sandra opened her eyes and without any rush, started to wash her hair and soap her body. The orgasm had felt refreshingly luxuriant; gone where the aches and pains of her earlier run. She felt refreshed and eager to enjoy her Sunday.

>Enjoy my Sunday with whom, is the real question here. Is it too much to ask for a partner? Is it that hard to find a nice gay gal? Just to have a chat! A hug! Something! Anything! Arrghh!!

<Just cool it Sandra! Yes, it's too much to ask for a partner! That "nice gay gal" is not going to fall from the sky now, is she? Feeling sorry for yourself is not going to cut it sister! So, stop bitching and start acting! And for starters, why don't you start from Chloe? Of all the people, Abigail would be the last to bullshit you or offer you pipe dreams. So why not follow that lead?

>Because she's straight doofus, that's why! We all know how well those things end! The girl is probably just curious, that's all!

<As if YOU...were born all-knowledgeable and prescient! What if the poor girl is simply confused and doesn't know how to express herself? You never know what might come out of it Sandra!

>You know, I always hate it when you're right! And I also hate it that I'm having these conversations internally instead of having them with a normal human being. If anyone got wind of this they'd think I'm schizophrenic!

<So give it a shot then! You've got nothing to lose! Call Abigail, tell her that you'll definitely be there, that you'll chat with her friend. At best you've lost an evening in your life. But at least you won't have any regrets later on, will you?

Sandra chuckled to herself. Yeah, the rational part of her brain was probably right. She had nothing to lose by going to the barbecue and chatting up Chloe. Nothing at all. And in the final analysis, it wasn't as if she had girls lined up her door now was it?

Chapter 3 (Lydia)

Rivulets of sweat were crisscrossing the raven haired girl's face as her long tan limbs carried her onwards. Her black ponytail bounced left and right with every stride she took. Her left arm bristled with various blinking gadgets; on her wrist she had a running smartwatch. Higher up, was an arm-band for her I-pod. Red colored earplugs traversed her torso and ascended her graceful neck, finally terminating in plug holders around her ears. Strapped tightly around her waist was her running belt; on her left hip rested her cellphone pouch whilst right above her butt hang a water bottle.

With Diplo's Revolution (Sean & Bobo Remix) blazing through her plugs, she made the final push to finish her training round for the day. Ignoring the dull pain from the back of her thighs, she accelerated her pace whizzing past other slower runners and pedestrians. The majestic music hall, which marked the end of her training lap started looming larger and larger in the horizon. Gritting her teeth, she lunged forward until finally, she reached a string of cement blocks marking the end of the pedestrian sea pier she was running on.

Pressing the large stop button on her watch, she took a much needed swig of water while waiting for her watch to synch the results to her mobile.

"04:55 km/minute" read her cellphone when she swiped it open.

YES!! YES YES YES!! Finally below five minutes!!

Just then her mobile buzzed informing her that she had two new e-mails. The first one was from her college's student office. It informed her that through the student exchange program to which she had enlisted, she had been allocated a college graduate from the United States to act as her host and guide for the time she would spend in Greece. Her name was Chloe Zimmerman and she would like to arrive sometime by the end of June the email said. There were contact details provided as well as a studio photo of a smiling brunette.

Well she certainly looks cute! I hope she's good fun too!

The other one was from Yale's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs to which Lydia had applied for her graduate studies. With trepidation, she swiped the message open. "We're pleased to inform you..." was all she managed to read before she started jumping up and down clapping her hands and squealing with joy, running pains totally forgotten.

Wait till mom hears this! Dad too!

Rapidly going through her contacts she found her father's face first. Clicking on it speed-dialed his cell-phone. After a few pips, his characteristic I-am-too-distracted-from-work voice resonated in her earpiece.

«Λέγετε;» (Hello?)

«Μπαμπάκα! Μάντεψε!» (Daddy! Guess what!)

"What is it sweetheart?"

"I've been accepted by Yale! For my graduate program!"

«Συγχαρητήρια αγάπη μου! (Congratulations sweetie!) That's wonderful news! Have you told your mom yet?"

"I'll be phoning her next. Will you be coming home early?"

"Absolutely! We're going out for dinner tonight! Θα το γιορτάσουμε! (We'll celebrate!)"

And with that, Lydia killed the line. She'd tell her mom up close and personal she decided.

Hopping inside her red Toyota Yaris, she quickly made her way back home. "Home" in this case was an upscale mansion in the hilly suburbs of her home town. After parking her car in the garage basement, she practically raced up the stairs and headed towards the kitchen; the mouthwatering scent of freshly cooked food indicated where her mom was bound to be.