Don't Get Mad, Get Even

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A coed gets revenge on a cheating boyfriend.
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Amber met Ben when they were seniors in college. They had seen each other around campus before but never connected. Amber was either dating someone or if she weren't, Ben was dating another girl. They had some mutual friends and had socialized at various times with their groups of friends but nothing ever happened between them.

Then one Friday night they found themselves in the same bar with their friends and started talking. Ben always noticed Amber's petite frame and beautiful face, enhanced by her long blonde hair and blue eyes. He was captivated by her dimples when she laughed or smiled. Maybe it was because he was single and looking for a new girlfriend but for some reason, he couldn't keep his eyes off of her tight ass that filled out the back of her jeans or her body-hugging tank top that perfectly highlighted her young firm perky breasts. Part of his newfound attraction was because he noticed she wasn't with a date.

Ben had previously caught Amber's attention and she was intrigued by his dark hair and eyes. He was tall with a decent build and always seemed to be the center of attention which was the opposite of Amber's more subdued personality. When Ben approached Amber, she was more than open to striking up a conversation with him. They exchanged pleasantries with Ben inquiring where her boyfriend was that evening.

"Where's, uh, what's his name?"

"I dumped that loser a couple of weeks ago."

"Oh really, that's too bad," Ben replied with a big grin.

"Where's your girlfriend tonight?"

"Same thing. We broke up. It was quite messy but we're done."

"Gee, I'm sorry to hear that," Amber said with a smile.

They talked almost exclusively with each other for the rest of the night. It was a foregone conclusion that Ben was going to ask Amber on a date at the end of the evening. From that day forward, they were almost inseparable.

Ben had two roommates, Rick and Dave, who got used to seeing Amber around the apartment. It was the same with Amber's roommate, Meg. It seemed like they were spending the weekends together or occasionally during the week at one of their apartments. They both seemed to enjoy their own space at times so they never seriously discussed moving in together. They were more focused on their schooling and it wasn't practical to alter their living arrangements while they were both in school.

At first, Amber felt awkward spending the night at Ben's where Rick and Dave would know or even hear them having sex. She would make a hasty retreat in the morning to the safer confines of her apartment. However, the longer she dated Ben the more comfortable she became around his roommates. She became one of the guys.

Ben and Amber weren't having sex all of the time and would sometimes simply hang out at his or her apartment. She knew she would probably be spending the night at his place, especially on the weekends, and even had some of her makeup and other belongings in Ben's room. If Amber and Ben had fucked early in the evening, she would sometimes put on one of his t-shirts while they were watching a movie or playing video games. A sight that wasn't lost on Rick or Dave.

It was impossible for a couple of young men not to notice a beautiful woman not wearing a bra or getting a glimpse of her panties while she was lounging on the sofa with Ben. Her trim legs and thighs were exposed for them to see and her nipples would be poking through the shirt. There were times when she would bend at the waist which allowed Rick and Dave a quick view of her tight little ass. Sometimes they would catch a quick downblouse view of her bare tits. While her breasts weren't very big, they were still pert and firm.

On more than one occasion, Rick or Dave barged into the bathroom not knowing she was in there peeing. It wasn't unusual for Amber to take a shower at Ben's place and she'd walk back to his room with just a towel wrapped around herself. She didn't think too much of it because she had been around them so often it didn't matter to her. She wasn't worried about them trying to get her to have sex with them seeing she was Ben's girlfriend.

Amber would be aware of when her admirers were stealing glances at her and she may have given them a purposeful view of her panties, breasts, or ass cheeks at times. It was a little game she played that never failed to turn her on or her little fan club. She did it so discreetly that Ben was oblivious to what was going on. However, he was the recipient of Amber's horniness later in bed. Amber got an extra special charge when she would see Rick or Dave adjusting their dicks in their pants from a growing erection.

Ben's roommates weren't the only ones stealing glances at someone. Amber liked Rick's athletic body and especially liked seeing him in a tank top that showed off his biceps and shoulders. It also gave her a peek at the abundant chest hair. He had a nice firm butt too. While Dave was a little overweight, he never failed to make Amber laugh and he was definitely more charming. He never failed to compliment Amber on her looks or attire. He would even notice a new haircut even before Ben.

As time went on, Amber was less concerned if Ben's roommates heard them fucking. When they first started dating, she tried to be extra quiet but she became more comfortable in Ben's apartment and wouldn't control her moans as much as before. She also got a charge of excitement when she and Ben would come out of the bedroom after they just got done fucking and seeing the knowing looks and grins on Dave and Rick's faces.

Little did she know that Ben's roommates had developed a crush on her and would talk among themselves about how sexy Amber was and what a hot piece of ass she must be. They would undress her with their eyes and imagine what it would be like to see her naked and fuck her themselves.

Amber wasn't the only person to become more comfortable having her around the apartment. Dave and Rick also became more relaxed around her too.

They knew that when Amber would look at Ben and say, "I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight," it meant she wanted to fuck him.

It wasn't unusual for one of the guys to comment, "Could you two keep it down tonight? It gets distracting while we're watching TV."

Amber would teasingly respond, "We'll try but sometimes I just can't help myself."

Ben's bed would squeak during sex so everyone knew what they were doing anyway. His friends would even comment on the possibility of Ben breaking his bed. The harder Ben fucked Amber the louder the squeaking would get and so would her moans and calls for him to fuck her harder.

"That's it, Ben, give this pussy a good fucking. Oh god, it feels so good. Oh yes. Oh yes. Oh yeah, fuck me harder."

"Take this dick, bitch. Oh, your pussy is so tight."

Sometimes they would come out of the bedroom to get something to eat or drink and go right back at it again. They were both young, horny, and in love. Rick and Dave weren't always around the apartment and they had girlfriends of their own so it's not like they were there all the time when Ben and Amber were fucking.

Ben had a habit of bragging to his friends about how hot Amber was in bed and what a great cocksucker she was. She had a voracious sexual appetite that he was more than happy to fulfill. He liked taunting his friends but that only served to have them look at Amber in an even more sexual manner whenever they saw her. Dave and Rick would wonder what her lips would feel like around their dicks or what it would be like to fuck her. Amber had become the subject of many of their masturbatory fantasies.

When Amber wasn't around, Rick and Dave would tell Ben what a great woman Amber was and not to fuck it up as he had with other relationships. Little did Amber know, but Ben had a habit of going out with a girl for several months and end up cheating on her. He seemed to be scared of a serious relationship. Ben promised his friends he wouldn't repeat his behavior this time. They weren't sure if he was trying to convince himself or them but only time would tell.

Things weren't always perfect in their relationship. Amber would get annoyed sometimes if she wanted to do something and Ben wanted to hang out with his friends instead. That would frustrate Ben as well. However, Ben would also get possessive if Amber made plans with her friends. It didn't happen often but every couple has their ups and downs in a relationship.

As the months wore on, Rick and Dave got more friendly with Amber to the point where they would do some mild flirting with her. They always seemed to mention how pretty she looked or how nice she looked in a particular outfit. Naturally, she appreciated their compliments, especially when Ben wouldn't say anything to her. At least someone noticed her. They also became more playful and suggestive in their comments to Amber.

Dave would use that corny old line when Amber's nipples were hard and poking through her shirt by saying, "Is it cold in here or are you just happy to see me."

Amber would shake her head and call him a "perv" and smile to let him know she wasn't offended.

Rick might comment if he saw her panties by saying something to the effect, "Gee, pink is my favorite color," and give her a wink.

Sometimes Amber would blush but there were times when she would get up from the sofa and spread her legs while looking at Rick to see if he was staring between her legs. The first time she did this, she made him blush which caused her to grin. Rick didn't know what to make of seeing his roommate's girlfriend flash her panties for him. However, it only increased his curiosity about what she was like in bed.

One time Amber got back from going for a jog with Ben and was wearing very short compression shorts that looked like they were painted on her and a sports bra. She didn't realize that her shorts and pulled up between her legs to give her an obvious camel toe. Her nipples could be seen through the haze of her white bra which was made more transparent by her sweat. That fact wasn't lost on Dave. While Ben was showering, Amber realized Dave was closely following her with his eyes. She enjoyed the appreciative stares and noticed his growing erection.

Amber smiled at Dave and asked him, "Do you have something in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

Amber had gotten revenge on Dave who was now blushing but he managed to reply, "Hey, I can't help it if I think you're a sexy lady. I hope Ben appreciates you."

"I'm sure he does, Dave."

The fact that his roommates and other guys were paying attention to Amber wasn't lost on Ben. He started to get more jealous and possessive and even had to tell his roommates to be more respectful of Amber even though she kind of liked the banter among friends. It was harmless fun in everyone's mind except for Ben. He started to get more jealous when they were out in public and guys would check her out. He even got mad when Amber would talk to male classmates around campus. On more than one occasion, he had to leave Amber alone at a bar so he could use the restroom or refill their drinks only to find some guy trying to pick her up when he returned. He would be furious but it wasn't Amber's fault.

His possessiveness began to wear on Amber and it started to cause more problems between them. She got really mad at him one time when he accused her of cheating on him. She swore she'd never do anything like that. He began to act funny after that. He was colder and their lovemaking wasn't as passionate but she still loved him and wanted to make it work.

One evening when Amber was back at her apartment, Meg was acting funny so Amber asked her what was wrong.

Meg replied, "Nothing is wrong."

"Come on, Meg, we're best friends. I know when something is bothering you."

It was obvious that Meg was contemplating what to say and asked, "If I tell you something, do you promise not to get mad at me?"

"Of course not. We can tell each other anything."

Meg was very hesitant but finally said, "When I was out on my date last night, I saw Ben having dinner with another girl."

Amber was stunned and couldn't believe what she was hearing and replied, "You must be mistaken, Ben wouldn't cheat on me."

"No, it was Ben."

"Maybe they were just friends or classmates," Amber replied trying to rationalize what she was hearing.

"They were holding hands and kissing, Amber. It's been bothering me all night and day. I wasn't going to tell you but I didn't want you to get mad at me for not telling you either."

"No, I'm glad you told me. I just don't know what to do about it."

Amber began to think about what she had just been told. She had tried messaging him that night but Ben didn't return her text messages until that morning. He claimed he wasn't feeling well and went to bed early. Now she knew he was lying. She then began to cry. She felt like a fool. Meg felt horrible for giving her best friend the bad news and tried to console her. They talked even more over a couple of glasses of wine.

The more Amber thought about the situation the more she realized that Ben was probably cheating on her for a few weeks. This wasn't the first time he hadn't returned text messages or made up some excuses not to see her. Emboldened by the wine, she decided to call Ben.

"Hey babe, what's up?" Ben said.

"I was calling to see how you were feeling. I was worried about you."

"Oh, uh, I'm, uh, fine. I must have had a 24-hour bug or something yesterday."

"Yeah, that could be it or maybe it was something you ate at the pub last night with that girl you were with."

There was dead silence on the phone while Amber waited for a response.

"Uh, um, uh, what are you talking about?" Ben replied trying to stall for time to think.

"You know, you were at the pub last night with another girl. Why did you lie to me?"

"Oh, uh, that was nothing. I just ran into her."

"Don't bullshit me, Ben. Meg saw you two together. She saw you holding hands and kissing her."

"It was nothing, Amber, trust me."

"Trust you? You were on a date with another girl. How long has this been going on?"

"I don't know, not very long. She doesn't mean anything to me."

"Did you sleep with her?"

"Aw, Amber. Let's get together and talk."

"I asked if you slept with her?"

"I love you, Amber. She meant nothing to me."

"That's what I thought. You were cheating on me with some tramp."

Amber hung up on him and began to cry as Meg held her. She felt foolish for believing Ben might be the man of her dreams only to find out differently. After another glass of wine, Amber and Meg polished off a pint of chocolate ice cream. Ben kept calling and text messaging Amber but she ignored him. She didn't want to hear any more of his lies. She was hurt and didn't want to talk to her lying, cheating boyfriend.

Amber ignored Ben's calls and texts for the next few days while she sorted through things in her mind. She kept going back and forth between dumping him and giving him another chance. Ben even stopped over the house but Meg said Amber wasn't home.

Finally, Amber agreed to meet Ben at his apartment to talk things over. Ben was thrilled that he would get a chance to plead his case. Amber told him that she didn't want Dave and Rick around and they agreed to make themselves scarce. They also told Ben what an asshole he was for fucking things up with Amber. She was the best thing that ever happened to him and they weren't shy about making their feelings known. They told him that every time things get serious with a girl, he fucks it up by cheating on them. It was like he would sabotage the relationship on purpose and now he had done it again.

Ben was distracted and worried the entire day before he was to meet with Amber at 7 PM on that Saturday night. He kept going round and round about what he was going to say to her but finally decided to quit lying, come clean, tell Amber how much he loved her, and plead for her forgiveness.

Amber's mind was made up but she wanted to hear what Ben had to say. She decided to wear her shortest mini skirt, a red one that came to only a couple of inches below her ass, a pair of five-inch black heels, and a tight white cami crop top with no bra. Her areola was barely hidden and her nipples were pointed and poking through her top. Her hourglass waist was highlighted by the contrast between the color of her top and skirt. Her trim legs looked longer in the high heels and gave her ass a distinct wiggle when she walked. She wasn't wearing panties and it was impossible to sit down without flashing anyone who happened to be seated across from her.

A couple of glasses of wine and a pep talk from Meg gave Amber the courage to go over to Ben's place. Meg drove her and waited outside. Several guys were walking in a group as Amber got out of the car and she naturally attracted their admiring stares and comments. She was on a mission and ignored their rudeness.

When Amber got to Ben's apartment, she gathered up all her courage and knocked on the door. Within a matter of seconds, Ben opened the door and was shocked to see Amber dressed in such a sexy outfit. His first thought was they were about to have makeup sex.

"Wow, you look great tonight. Come on it."

He tried to kiss her as she walked by but Amber coldly turned her head. Ben offered her a drink but Amber declined. Ben sheepishly sat down on the sofa expecting Amber to sit next to him but she purposely sat down across from him and watched the look on his face when he noticed she wasn't wearing any underwear. He had no clue what was going on. After Amber had let Ben get a good look at her bare pussy, she crossed her legs to cover up.

He started by saying, "I'm sorry, Amber. I swear on my parents' lives that I will never cheat on you again. I love you and I'm sorry I hurt you. It meant nothing to me."

"Why did you do it if you love me so much?"

"I don't know. I can't explain it."

"Well Ben, I don't know that I could ever trust you again. You were so jealous of me talking to other people, it was smothering me. Now, I find this out."

"I promise I can change. I love you, Amber."

"I'm sorry Ben, but I'm done with you."

"No, please give me another chance. Please."

"Absolutely not. I can't trust you."

Ben started to cry and kept pleading with Amber to change her mind. She uncrossed her legs and spread them wide and told him something that was like a stab to the heart.

"Do you see this pussy, Ben? Well, you're never going to see it again. You're so fucking jealous well I'm going out tonight and I'm going to get laid. Someone will appreciate me."

Ben was stunned, "No Amber, please don't do that. Please. I love you."

Amber got up and walked to the door with Ben pleading with her not to leave. She was fighting back the tears herself but didn't want him to see her cry.

Before she closed the door behind her, she looked back and said, "Just think, sometime tonight I'm going to be sleeping with someone else. I don't even care who it is."

Amber was crying when she reached Meg's car. Meg drove off but parked down the street to console her best friend. She was happy that Amber broke up with that cheating bastard. Her friend deserved better.

When Meg asked Amber what she wanted to do, she replied, "I want to go to a bar, get drunk and fuck the sexiest guy I see."

"Are you sure you want to do that? Maybe you should wait a while and think about it first."

"Nope, I'm going to teach him a lesson. I told him I was going to fuck someone tonight just out of revenge. You know what they say, don't get mad, get even."

"Alright, I'll go with you on one condition. You have to let me help you screen the guy."

"Sure Meg, what are friends for?"

Meg drove to a bar away from campus that catered to a younger working crowd.

Meg told Amber, "You look hot in that outfit. You won't have any problems finding a guy tonight. I still think you should wait a few days or longer so you don't do something you'll regret later."