Don't Look Like a Seal Pt. 01


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"Yes." Addison answered.

"He was in the Navy," Lissa sobbed as she felt her lovers blood seeping through her fingers making them slick.

"Navy huh? Well I won't hold that against you, brother," He told Scott's unconscious form. "You just keep fighting! Help is on the way. You hear me, Scott. Help is on the way."

Calabash, NC

The Next Day

A man entered a seedy bar just up from a rundown marina in Calabash, NC. He was completely out of place in his fancy suit but the regulars gave him a wide berth even with the pronounced limp he walked in with. He looked around for a moment then spotted the reason he came into this place seated at the bar.

"You know of all the people I thought might walk through that door looking for me, I never thought it'd be you," I said before he could reach the seat beside me. "How did you manage to find me?"

Alexander Kortesis sidled up to the bar and took a seat beside me. He started to prop his elbows onto the bar then frowned and stopped himself when he spotted the stains there.

"You didn't make it easy, Grayson," He stated as he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped an offending stain from the bar.

"It took you less than a day to do it so I didn't make it hard enough," I stated as I took a sip of my drink. "So how'd you manage it?"

"I've got a guy," Alex answered and I laughed.

"You haven't changed a bit, Alex," I laughed. "You always have someone that will do the dirty work for you."

"That's right, Grayson," He shook his head. "A quick records search by my computer guy was filthy work. About as filthy as that place you call home now."

"Found the apartment huh," I nodded.

"I did then one of your neighbors told me that I might find you here. Shocking I know what with the type of company you're keeping these days that someone would drop a dime on you for a measly Franklin but hey times are tough all over I guess," Alex commented as he waved off the bartender.

"A Franklin huh," I chuckled. "A Jackson would have probably had the people I live around wagging their tongues for you. It's nice to see that you've gotten so generous, Alex. Are you sure you just dazzle'em with that million dollar smile of yours?"

I pushed aside the empty shot glass in front of me and waved at the bartender for a refill. Alex placed his hand over the rim of the glass to prevent the pour and smiled at the bartender.

"Give us a minute," He told him.

The bartender shrugged and headed toward the far end of the bar to give us some space. He could feel the tension between Alex and I, and didn't want to be anywhere near us if it hit the boiling point.

"So you know about Scott," Alex stated.

"Carjacking gone sideways or some such according to the news," I sighed. "How did you hear about it?"

"Scottie worked for me for a little while," Alex explained. "He went to work for a marina in Myrtle a while back. He met this girl and was looking to settle down."

"So he decides to settle down but then gets shot fighting with a carjacker? That doesn't sound like a mistake Scott would make," I stated.

"Men do strange things when the woman they love is involved. I'd think you of all people can understand that particular character flaw," Alex said and tossed in a sideways glance when he did.

"The fact that you see it as a character flaw is very telling, Alex," I chuckled.

"Says the guy that is in here getting sloshed at two in the afternoon," He countered.

"So, are we going to sit here discussing each other's flaws? If so, I'm going to need a refill before we really get rolling," I told him and started to wave the bartender to return but Alex reached over and stopped my arm.

"So if you know Scott's in the hospital why haven't you gone to the hospital to see him?" Alex asked switching gears of the conversation.

"You know how I feel about hospitals," I told him. "I've seen my fair share of the things, not looking to see anymore."

"Even if there's a man in one that saved your life! What the hell happened to you, Grayson?" he asked angrily.

"You know exactly what happened, Alex. You were there and have the limp to prove it," I answered him sourly.

"You've got to stop blaming yourself for what happened to Ricky. He died in battle, there was nothing any of us could have done to prevent that not even you. His dying is not just your burden to carry. All of us carry that burden," He sighed.

"You weren't the one that was supposed to get him home! That was my job, my responsibility and I failed!" I nearly shouted.

"You didn't fail anyone, Ken," He said calmly. "You got the rest of us out of that Hell alive."

A chuckle escaped my lips and I reached for my empty glass then sighed.

"So you're saying that you owe me, huh? Then get the hell out of here and let me drink, Alex," I told him.

"So you're just going to crawl inside a bottle and drink your life away, is that it?" He asked.

"I think I've earned that much," I replied.

"Have it your way, Grayson." He tossed a hundred dollar bill on the bar and waved over the bartender. "Whatever else he wants, it's on me. Enjoy what's left of your life, Grayson. That's what you've earned ."

Alex got to his feet and headed out for the door. The patrons continued to give him a wide berth as he hobbled passed. The door closed behind him as the bartender reached for the bill but I laid my hand over it and held it there. He glanced from the bill to me then back before he gave a single nod and backed away. For the first time in what felt like a lifetime I looked up at my reflection in the mirror behind the bar. Instead of my reflection I saw Ricky standing there staring back. Dressed in the desert BDU's he was wearing on the day that he died. He stared at me questioningly for just a brief moment before I shook my head and vanquished the phantom back to wherever he came from but not before I clearly heard the question that he wanted to ask me.

"What the hell happened to you?"

Seated in that dark bar staring at a man that was long dead I found that I didn't have as easy an answer for him as I did just a few minutes ago.

Grand Strand Regional Medical Center

The Next Morning

Alex entered the ICU waiting area of the Grand Strand Regional Medical Center and approached the guard he assigned to watch over Scott's fiancée.

"Hey, Steve, do you have anything to report?" He asked as he took a sip of coffee.

"No sir, it's been pretty quiet around here except for the police coming by for another round of questioning," He reported.

"Did they have anything new to go on?" Alex asked as his eyes panned the nearly empty room.

Lissa was seated on the far side of the room by a large bay window with a blonde woman who was talking to her quietly while she held her hand. Alex watched as the woman patted her hand then lovingly brushed her hand over the side of Lissa's face.

"If they did they didn't inform me, sir," Steve answered businesslike.

"I'll check in with them in a while. Thanks, Steve, I appreciate you watching out for my friend," Alex told him.

"Not a problem," Steve assured him with a nod.

Alex walked toward Lissa when the blonde woman she's talking to turned his way. She, like Lissa, looked like she hadn't had much sleep.

"Hey Alex," Lissa said as she got to her feet.

"Has there been any change?" He asked as he gave her a hug.

She shook her head slightly and pulled away from him.

"He's still the same," She told him her voice raw with emotion. "He's still in a coma. The doctor says it's a wait and see sort of thing, whatever that means."

"I'm so sorry, Lissa, but Scottie is one of the toughest guys that I know. If anyone can pull through this, it's him," He said.

"Thanks, Alex," She said. "Another friend of his was here early this morning and he was saying pretty much the same thing."

"Did he give a name, this friend?" Alex asked wondering if one of the guys from the team had made it into town already without alerting him.

"He told me his name was Kenny and that I should give you this," She said as she pulled something from her pocket. "He said that you would understand."

She handed him a crumpled hundred bill and he smiled.

"I do understand," He assured her. "Did he say anything else?"

"He told me that I should go home and try to get some rest but I just can't," Lissa shared. "What if he needs me?"

"There are plenty of doctors and nurses here that will take great care of Scottie," Alex told her. "He'd want you to take care of yourself too."

"Your friend said that too and had Addison agreeing with him," She said. "Two on one isn't fair."

"Three against one," the woman with her mumbled.

"It might not be fair but it's the truth. Scott would want us to take care of you just as much as you're taking care of him," Alex explained.

"I'll make her go home in a little while," The blonde spoke a little louder."

"I'm sorry Michelle, where are my manners?" Lissa asked.

"You have a lot on your mind, Lis," Michelle shook Alex's offered hand.

"Alex, this is my friend Michelle Ripley. She was in Orlando when it happened but she came back home to be with me through this," Lissa informed him.

"Pleased to meet you, Ms. Ripley. I was on the same SEAL team as Scott," Alex shared. "Is there anything I can get for you ladies this morning?"

"Can you keep Michelle company while I go and sit with Scott for a while?" Lissa asked. "I promise that afterwards I'll let her take me home so I can try to rest and get cleaned up."

"I'm fine by myself, Lissa," Michelle told her. "You should know that by now."

"I do know but I just keep hoping, sweetie," Lissa gave her a wane smile. "I'll be back in a little while."

Alex nodded then took a seat opposite Michelle. He checked his watch then looked around the room.

"Do you know what time my friend was here?" He asked Michelle.

"I came straight from the airport this morning so I got here about ten minutes ago and Lissa told me that I just missed Addison so I'm guessing pretty early," She answered him.

"And here I thought we were early," He said as he gave her a smile.

She nodded and went back to the magazine she was flipping through when he arrived.

"So Orlando huh? Nice place," He commented trying to engage her in a conversation.

"I suppose so," She answered without looking up from the article she was reading.

He tried a couple more times to engage her in conversation but she didn't reciprocate except for one or two word answers each time.

"Guess I should take the hint and just shut my mouth," Alex thought to himself as he leaned back into the barely comfortable chair to wait. Lissa rejoined them shortly thereafter and told him that it was okay for him to go back now. He nodded and limped back to the ICU unit to check on his friend before heading to work.

"I heard Grayson stopped by," He stated and was answered only by beeps from the machines that were keeping his friend alive. "You know how much he hates hospitals, so you should feel honored or something, Scottie."

He quieted down for a moment and half-expected Scott to open his eyes and tell him a story of Grayson ducking out of a hospital or infirmary back when they were together on the team but that didn't happen.

"I found him in this dive bar up in Calabash of all places. Can you believe that? Practically in our backyard and we didn't know it," He shared. "He's a P.I. now but that's not so hard to imagine I guess. I mean what the else would he do, right? Yeah, I know Ramon thought that he was off running some off the book ops for the CIA but he's not. At least, I guess he's not. Who can tell with him, ya know? Anyway, I'm worried about him. He still blames himself for Ricky and yes, I tried to tell him he shouldn't, but you can guess how well that went over. He came here and saw you so maybe I got to him in time. Guess only time will tell huh? I need you to wake up, Scottie. For Lissa. She needs you, man. We all need you, okay?"

He walked back out to the waiting area after a few minutes with his friend then hugged Lissa again.

"If you need anything you can just call me, all right? Even if its just to talk or whatever you need." He told her. "You call and I'll answer, okay?"

"I know. Thank you, Alex," She told him.

"I'll make sure she gets home in a little while," Michelle assured him with a nod.

"Michelle, I'm fine," Lissa tried to argue.

"No, you need a shower, some sleep, a change of clothes, something to eat and that's just to start," Michelle stated.

"But I..." Lissa started to argue but was shut down.

"No arguing, Lis. It's going to happen. You have been here the past two days without a break," Michelle stated. "You are walking out of here with me. We are going to your place so you can take care of your own needs. Got it? Good."

"My quiet friend here is quite the pit bull about some things. I think that's why I love her," Lissa told Alex as she pulled Michelle in for a hug.

"Scott's still a big guy, Lis. He'd kick our butts if we didn't take care of you for him and none of us want that," Alex joked.

"He might at that. He'd also want me to thank you both for helping out and being here with me during this," She told them.

"Just tell him that he owes us a dinner when he's up to it and no drive thru crap either, we want a sit down restaurant, all right?" He said with a chuckle.

"Deal," Lissa answered.

"Now I've got to get going but one of my guys is staying right outside Scott's door just in case and Steve is going with you to your house to pick up some clothes then he'll escort you to the Voss residence," Alex explained.

"Really Alex, there's no need for all of this. Those guys were clearly after Addison," Lissa said.

"I understand that but I'm not taking any chances where you're concerned either. I have the resources for this and it's the least I can do for Scottie so please let me do this," He practically begged her.

Lissa thought for a few moments then nodded begrudgingly.

"All right, Alex, but only because I'll be staying here most of the time anyway," She instructed him. "At least until Scott wakes up. No arguing, Michelle."

"I wasn't gonna," Michelle said, "but if you're here then I'm here too."

"No you aren't," Lissa stated. "You will be watching out for Addison by staying with her at the estate."

"You need me more," Michelle argued. "I can go back and forth. I can be with you for awhile then with Addison. Final offer. Take it or take it."

Lissa shook her hand then hugged Michelle tightly.

"I suppose that I'll take it," She agreed as she wiped tears from her eyes. "Alex, make sure that nothing happens to my friends. Scott and I are counting on you."

"I won't let you down," He assured her. "Either of you."

* * *

Alex's cell phone rang as soon as he pulled out from hospital parking lot.

"Alex Kortesis, what is up with you my brother?" A familiar voice asked when he answered.

"T.J.?" Alex asked.

"You know it," He stated. "Ramon and me just got into town and were wondering if you could pick us up from the airport or should we catch a cab to the hospital?"

"Hey, I didn't know you guys were coming in so soon," Alex told him.

"Yeah, when you called and told us about Scottie we hopped the earliest flight. He and Lissa could use some support, ya know?" T.J. shared.

"He'd appreciate that I'm sure," Alex answered. "I'm not far from the airport. I can be there in about fifteen."

"Sounds good, see you then. We'll be the two bad ass looking dudes out front in case you forgot," T.J. said with a chuckle.

"I could never forget you two," Alex laughed as he pressed the button to hang up the call.

In a little under fourteen minutes he pulled up to the Arrivals gate and easily spotted his two friends. The pair are hard to miss. T. J. stood six foot four, caramel colored skin and bald while Ramon stood five foot six with dark eyes and an ever present smile. He could hear them whistle as he pulled his Silver Jaguar XJ to the curb in front of them.

"Gentlemen your ride is here," He told them as they opened the door.

"Damn, this is nice," Ramon said as he slipped into the back seat.

"Yeah, you've either done all right for yourself, Alex, or you conned someone out of this fine automobile," T.J. remarked.

"Hey, I'm legit now!" Alex stated which elicited a laugh from the two men.

"Yeah right, Alex," Ramon laughed. "You go legit? That's impossible!"

"He's probably married to some rich widow and this is her ride," T.J. postulated.

"Is that it, Alex? Are you some old lady's boy toy?" Ramon teased.

"I can put you two jokers back on a plane you know?" He told them as he pulled out onto Highway 17 and headed back toward the hospital.

"Not until we check in on Scottie and Lissa then out for drinks at least. What's the latest on him?" T.J. asked.

"He's still in a coma," Alex answered. "He was lucky that the shots to his chest were at an upward angle. They only nicked a couple of major organs but he came close to bleeding out and the shot to his head didn't do him any favors."

"I never thought I'd say thank god for that last firefight of ours but if Scott didn't have that plate in his head," Ramon commented.

"I know what you mean," Alex agreed. "The doc's aren't sure if it's the blood loss or the shock of a nine mil round to the plate is what's keeping him under but they say that he should be fine if... I mean when he wakes up."

"They get the guys that did this to him yet?" T.J. asked.

"I trust you guys with my life, so what I'm about to tell you can't leave this car, understood?" Alex asked them and got affirmative nods from them both. "It wasn't an attempted carjacking that got him shot, that's just a cover story being reported. Scottie broke up an attempted kidnapping and that's how he got shot."

T.J. shook his head once the story was told.

"Damn, that sounds like some shit Grayson would pull. Charging into a fight with a group of armed men," T.J. commented.

"Funny you should mention Grayson," Alex said. "He's here."

"What? Grayson came here to see Scottie?" Ramon asked.

"After I gave him a metaphorical kick to the head he showed up. He even lives here. I mean it's like a twenty some odd minute drive from here but still. It shocked the hell out of me when I went looking for him to let him know about Scottie. I couldn't believe that he's been so close all this time and neither Scott or I knew it."

"What is Grayson up to around here?" T.J. asked.

"He's got a license to be a private investigator both here and in North Carolina and when that doesn't pay the bills it looks like he runs a fishing charter business too. That's what I was able to dig up on him," Alex answered.

"Damn that boy just stays in water doesn't he? Remember that time we were up in the Rockies training and his ass falls into a frozen lake?" T.J. chuckled.

"You were lucky he stepped on the ice first otherwise it would have been you standing there naked in the snow," Ramon laughed.

"His teeth were chattering so bad he couldn't tell us anything for over an hour," Alex added while laughing at the memory.

"I'm surprised parts didn't fall off the man when that happened," T.J. said. "Damn, you've got to call him up so we can all go out for a drink."

"I'll see what I can do but you know how he gets. I make no promises," Alex stated.

"You just tell him that I said to bring his ass or Ramon and I will come up and drag his ass with us," T.J. commented.

"I'll do what I can," Alex agreed as he pulled to a stop at the hospitals main entrance.

"You're not coming in with us?" Ramon asked.

"I've got to get to the office for a little while. Just follow the signs to the ICU, you can't miss it. And take this," He handed them his card. "Grab a cab to the office and my assistant will set you up with a car and place to stay for a few days."