Dream Girl


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"Well, I was wondering if perhaps you might like to ask her to join us for dinner sometime. If you feel comfortable telling her about this, of course."

"Oh, wow. I don't know about that. I know she loves working for you, but she might feel really awkward having dinner here. I mean, for us, going to Red Lobster is a big deal. That's about as fancy as we get."

As they prepared to sit back down, Tyler turned to her and took both of her small hands in his and looked at her as he said, "Danielle, it's obvious I like you very much. I've already asked you out and if you'll allow me to, I plan to ask you many more times. That means I'd love to get to know your mom...and your sister, too, but only when you..and they...are ready and comfortable with that. Okay?"

"Okay. I'd like to tell her about this, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I can't very well just spring this on her."

Cadence spoke up saying, "I have an idea. Let me take a few pics of you with your phone and that way you can sit your mom down, tell her you want to discuss something with her, and then when you're ready, you can gently ease her into 'meeting' Danielle. That will give her time to adjust to this, ask whatever questions she has, and feel more comfortable with it."

"She really is brilliant," Danielle said to Tyler while looking at Cadence. "Okay, I like that idea. It sounds perfect."

Cadence took several pictures then the three of them spent the next couple of hours talking about their families, past experiences, school, growing up, and their passion for pretty things.

"Class valedictorian. Wow. Beautiful and smart. Sounds like my sister," Tyler said.

"Oh, stop!" Cadence said. "I'm not even in her league. Look at her. She's freaking gorgeous and I'm...turning 30." She looked at Danielle and said with feigned anger, "You know I hate you, right?"

Danielle smiled and told her, "You're actually a really beautiful woman, Cadence. It's none of my business, but I can't help but wondering why you're not married."

Cadence looked up and sighed. "Oh, boy. I don't know. Work I guess. I've been so invested in getting Tyler's company up and running and making it successful I haven't even thought much about dating. But that was a very sweet thing to say. Thank you, honey. That was really nice to hear."

"You know what? Maybe we could double date sometime. You know, once Danielle feels comfortable enough to go out in public."

Tyler looked at Cadence who looked at Danielle who smiled and nodded. "Well, I can't think of a single reason not to," Cadence said.

Danielle spoke up and said, "I'm definitely not ready yet. I think I might need some help getting there just like you helped me get...beautiful." She stopped immediately and said, "Oh, I didn't mean that to sound like I was calling myself...."

"It's okay. We both know what you meant, Danielle. And you are beautiful," Tyler assured her. "You know what? I bet Cadence knows just the right person to um...coach you. You know, someone who can help you prepare to go out in public." He turned to Danielle and said, "Would you like having a kind of personal social trainer?"

"Yes. I'd like that very much. That would be wonderful, but I am working full-time now and...."

Tyler politely interrupted saying, "I've told Cadence more than once that money can't buy love and I never, ever want you to feel like I'm trying to buy your affection or 'bribe' you to do anything. But you don't need to worry about money, Danielle, or even working, unless you want to work. If you'd like, you can quit your job and I'll be happy to pay you what you're making now while you focus on learning how to better handle your new role. You won't have any trouble passing as a woman in public in terms of looks. You just need some assistance with all of the things women do as second nature. Once you have them down, you'll feel very comfortable going out in among other people."

Danielle was stunned by the offer. "Really? Oh, my goodness. That would be so amazing!"

"We have many spare rooms here and you could use one of them anytime you like to come and go as you please, work with your new lifestyle coach, and be Danielle as often as you like," Tyler told her.

"That's incredible! I'd love that. I really do need to discuss all of this with my mother first, though. I think she'll be okay with everything as long as I tell her I'm still going to college. But I do need to run all of this by her first."

"Of course. Just let us know what you decide. If she's not comfortable with you quitting work altogether, you can work here as my own personal pool maintenance specialist." Everyone smiled at the way he turned 'pool boy' into a very official-sound position.

Just before midnight Danielle said she told her mother she'd be home by 1am. "Okay, well that gives us just enough to turn you back into your alter ego and get you home. I have to warn you, though, you might feel a serious letdown when you see your old self again," Cadence warned. "Just remind yourself you can and will be beautiful Danielle again...many more times."

Tyler stood again to assist her with getting up then took both of her hands again. "I can't tell you how much I enjoyed spending time with you this evening, Danielle. It was absolutely wonderful and I loved every minute of it."

"Same here," Danielle told him. "I'm already excited about our...."

"First date?" he said finishing her sentence.

"Yes, our first date," she said. She'd smiled so much that evening that it was almost painful to keep doing so. Her back also hurt from sitting straight all evening and her legs were killing her from crossing them so much. Cadence wasn't exaggerating when she said being a beautiful girl wasn't easy.

"So...good night, then," Tyler told her. He looked into her eyes and could tell she was feeling the same way he was.

"Good night, Tyler," she said softly. "Thank you for a lovely evening."

"You're welcome, Danielle. It was my pleasure." She was still looking into his eyes as he leaned slowly toward her. As he continued to lower his head toward hers he saw her close her eyes just before his lips met hers for the first time. It was a short kiss but it wasn't a peck by any means. It was a very nice, open-mouthed, first kiss.

Danielle opened her eyes as his lips pulled away from hers and became aware she was tingling inside from head to toe. "Wow," she said looking into his eyes. "That was...an amazing first kiss. Well...good night," she said again as she looked down and let go of his hands.

"I'll text you soon as to the details of our date. Sweet dreams, pretty girl," he told her. She smiled one last time before heading off with Cadence to transform into plain old drab Danny.

She was indeed feeling almost depressed after she became her old self again. Danny took a quick look at himself on the way out, and it seemed as if this evening had been a distant dream involving someone else; someone he was already very much wanting to be again.


"Mom? If you have some time, can we talk?"

"This sound serious. Is everything okay? Did something happen? Are you in trouble? Oh, my heavens. Did you get some girl in trouble?"

"Mom! Slow down. No, nothing like that. Not even close. I just want to talk about some stuff with you. That's all."

"Oh, okay. Thank the Lord! You know I worry about you so much, right? I just love you. You're my whole world!"

"But no pressure, right?" he said under his breath but not in a mean way.

"We have to get ready to go to work pretty soon. If it's not an emergency, can we talk later this evening?"

"Um, yeah. Sure. That'll be fine." Danny didn't want his mom going to work upset no matter how little this might affect her. He knew it would take her a while to process everything and it really did seem like a good idea to wait until they got home. Of course, that meant Danny would be working that day rather than doing what he really wanted, but one more day wouldn't make any difference and it was for his mother so....

After a dinner of homemade tacos that evening, Danny asked if this was a good time to talk. "Oh, my. I forgot all about that. I was so relieved it wasn't something bad that I didn't think about it again all day. Okay, let's sit down and talk."

"You might want a glass of wine, Mom," he told her. That was a mistake.

"Wine? Oh, no. It IS bad, isn't it? Is it the police? Danny, what have you done? Oh, my baby!"

"Mom. Please. Get a gripe. I'm not going to jail. Just relax."

"Okay, but I am getting that wine. This just doesn't sound good at all." Anna poured herself a big glass, took a sip, then sat down. "Okay. I'm listening."

Danny took a deep breath and began by saying, "So last night I was out pretty late."

"Pretty late? It was 1am before you got home, honey. I was worried sick!"

"Mom? That was the time I said I'd be home by. I wasn't even late."

"But it WAS very late. You know I can't sleep when you're out."

Danny sighed. He loved his mother so much but she could be so overprotective. He couldn't help but almost wish he was spending his senior year with his father like Katie was but then he'd have never met Tyler.

"Okay, yes it was late, but I was at Ty...Mr. Regan's house."

"What? Oh, my God! You're getting fired. What did you do, Danny? We need these jobs. Both of them! How will you afford to go to college? You're so smart! You have to go to college, Danny!" She reached for her glass and took a huge drink.

"Mom? Calm down, okay? I'm not getting fired."

"You're not? Then what were you doing at Mr. Regan's house until after midnight? Did his pool get something stuck in it? Of course! He had an emergency and you did such a good job he called you to take care of it. Oh, Danny! I'm so proud of you!"

"Mom?" He waited for her to calm down. "Can I talk now?" He could tell he'd just hurt her feelings, but she just nodded and took another sip of her wine.

"Nothing like that." Danny got up and sat next to him mom on the couch. "You know I love you, right?"

"Oh, no. This is going to be bad, isn't it?" she said, her hands trembling.

"Mom? Shhh!" He'd never shushed her before in his life and it took her so much by surprise she finally stopped talking. "There's something you don't really know about me." She started to speak and he put his finger to his lips. "It's not bad. It's just...different." So far, so good.

"Remember when I was little and I used to wear Katie's things?" She just nodded but did so very slowly. "Well, I kind of mostly stopped doing that, but I never stopped wanting to."

"Oh...I see," she said finishing off her glass. "Maybe one more?" His mother rarely drank and she never had a second glass.

"No more, Mom. You don't need more alcohol. I just need to let me tell you something about myself that's really important. I'm even hoping you'll understand and possibly even be supportive." His mother didn't say a word. "I spent the evening at Mr. Regan's house...he said I could call him Tyler, by the way." Her eyes got very big but she still didn't speak. "Anyway, he knows about this part of me and he's been very...encouraging. In fact, his sister Cadence, helped me with it."

"She did? Miss Cadence helped you with something?"

"Yes, she did. Here. I want to show you some pictures, okay? But I want you to keep an open mind and not overreact."

"Ooo-kay," she said hesitantly.

He scrolled through his phone until he found the half dozen pics Cadence had taken of Danielle. "So what to you think?" he asked as he handed her the phone.

"Oh, my," she said. "She's a very beautiful girl. She reminds me of your sister. Is this Katie? No, it can't be her. Is it?"

Danny assured her it wasn't Katie. Anna looked through all of them and said, "Oh! Are you telling me you finally have a girlfriend? Did Mr. Regan set you up on a blind date with her? Do you like her? Is she nice? Is she Catholic?" Her face was very hopeful as she asked her questions.

Danny took the phone back then showed her the first pic again. "Mom? Look again." She did. "You really can't tell who that is?"

"Well, it does look a little like your sister, but it's not her. Do I know her?"

"Yes, you know her." His mom's puzzled look almost made him laugh. "Mom...that's me."

"What??!! You??? No. That's not..." She took the phone then reached for her reading glasses and looked again. "Oh, my heavens. Danny? Is this really you? In this dress and makeup?" She turned to look at him then held the phone next to her son's face. "Oh, my Lord. It is you!"

He gave her some time to scroll back through them before speaking. "Are you okay?"

Her hands were trembling even more. "I don't know." She just sat there then she said, "Why do you do this? Why do you want to look like...that? You're not a girl, Danny. You're a boy."

"I just do. I've always wanted to look like that, Mom. I can't explain it. I just know I do."

She looked at each one of them again and said, "I can't believe it."

"Are you upset with me?" he asked tentatively.

"No, of course not. You're my son. I love you. I just can't believe these pictures. This girl is so...beautiful. This is really you, Danny? This isn't a joke with the PhotographStore thing?"

"No, Mom. It hasn't been Photo Shopped," he said correcting her gently. "That's really me. Well, thanks to Cadence."

"She made you this way?"

"No, Mom. God made me this way, Mom. She just helped me be my real self."

"So you want to be a woman? Like Bruce Jenner? You don't like being a boy?"

He put his arm around his mom and said, "No, I don't want to be a woman. I just like dressing up like one sometimes. And Tyler, Mr. Regan, likes...girls...like me. And...I like him. A lot."

"Oh, Blessed Virgin! You and Mr. Regan? You two...do you sleep together like a husband and wife?"

"No," he said patiently. His mother looked momentarily relieve before he said, "At least...not yet."

She turned her head but not her body and stared at him. "And this makes you happy?"

"Yes, it does. It makes me very happy. Mom? I've never really been happy before." He quickly added, "That doesn't mean I don't love you. It doesn't mean you're not the most wonderful mother ever. It just means there's been a part of me missing my whole life. A very important part. A part I don't ever want to live without again. And I need to know you still love me."

She turned to face him and said, "How can you even ask me that, Danny? Of course I love you. I love you more than anything in the whole world. You and your sister. I love you both."

"Even if your son is also sometimes your other...daughter?"

"No matter what. But...this is all so new to me. You have to give me some time. I have to have time to learn to accept this...part of you. You can't come home looking like this tomorrow and expect me to just say it's okay. I mean, it is okay if you do this. You just have to let me have whatever time I need to adjust to this change. Can you do that for me?"

He ran his hand up and down her back and said, "Of course, I can, Mom. I've lived with this all my life and other than the hints I gave you growing up, this is brand new to you."

"I always thought it was just a phase. You know, the dolls and the clothes and the lipstick." She looked over at him and said, "So now I know." She kissed her son on the cheek and told him, "Danny? I still love you just as much, okay?"

He have his mother a big hug and told her he loved her, too. "Oh, and there's one more thing."

He thought his mom might have a heart attack when he told her Tyler offered to pay him and why. "The same money? To do...nothing?"

"Not...nothing, Mom. It's to help me learn to be more comfortable in, and better at, my new role."

"Your new role. Oh, my head hurts. I need to go lay down."

"But you're not mad or angry or upset?"

"No. None of those things. I'm just very confused."


Danny sent Tyler a text letting him know he'd spoken with his mother and that given some time, he thought she'd be okay with things. He immediately texted back and asked, "Okay enough to have dinner with us? Us as in Danielle and me?"

Danny thought for a moment then said, "Maybe. Let's give her a few days and see, okay?"

"Not sure I can wait to see you that long," Tyler texted back. "Oh, found the perfect coach for you, btw. She can start tomorrow. Text her at this number at your convenience. Remember, she works for you, not you for her. And Danielle? I can't stop thinking about our first kiss. T."

Danny sat there reading and re-reading that text remembering every minute of the evening leading up to the kiss. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so aroused and that night as he lay in bed, he dreamed of being Danielle and Tyler taking her in his arms and kissing her again. As he came close to coming, he let himself think for just a brief moment about what it would feel like the first time her handsome boyfriend made love to her. The thought itself caused a huge explosion, releasing weeks of pent-up libido and frustration Just before he happily drifted off to sleep, he rolled over and texted the number Tyler'd given him. "Does tomorrow work for you? Danielle."

There was an immediate reply. "Any time works for me, day or night. You decide the time and tell me when. I'll be there. Can't wait to work with you! Tessa."

Danny'd never had anyone at his beck and call before and it made him feel a little bit uncomfortable. "Okay. Pick me up at 10am."

"See you then!" came back almost as soon as he hit 'send.'

Tessa arrived promptly at ten o'clock and Danny was standing on the curb ready for her. The first thing he noticed was how beautiful she looked. She was maybe in her late '20s and she was impeccably dressed with perfect hair, makeup, and nails. "Hi! You must be Danielle. I'm Tessa. It's so good to meet you. When Cadence asked me to work with you, I was absolutely thrilled! I can't wait to get started." she said as she drove them to Tyler's gated home.

Tessa was every bit as good as Cadence with makeup and fashion, but her real expertise was in helping Danielle compress 18 years of living as a male into a separate box which Danielle had to learn to avoid at all costs while keeping in mind the ever-growing list of things she must never forget as a woman.

"You must see yourself as a woman, Danielle. That means so much more than makeup and pretty clothes. Fashion is just one aspect of the feminine experience and my goal is to give you a crash course on how to think and act like a woman in various situations. Or more specifically, a lady. That may seem old fashioned, but for someone like yourself, who will be dating one of the most successful and well-known men in the country, it is indispensable that you be able to blend in seamlessly as a woman whether you two are alone or you find yourself with a group of women having tea or at an art gallery in mixed company. Because you are both very intelligent and sensitive, my task will much easier. Even so, you must pay very close attention and work diligently to master each new task. Shall we begin?"

For the next two days, Tessa helped Danielle choose something sexy and beautiful to wear then spent hour after hour working with her on walking, talking, mannerisms, gestures, how to act in various social situations ranging from luncheons to formal dinners to dances and plays, the opera, and many other things. There would be many more such days in order to hone her skills, but just these first two sessions had already made a world of difference and given her a new-found level of self-confidence.

"Danielle? I am very impressed. You are easily already well passed the novice and beginner stages. We have a ton of work to get you to the most advanced level possible, but you now have a solid foundation on which to build. I couldn't be more proud of you."
