Ebenezer Scrooge


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"Thank you, Benny," she quietly murmured. "Thank you for doing that to me. I know you almost changed your mind."

"That would have been the worst mistake of my life. Believe me, I know."

He felt a sudden chill. He knew what that meant, and he silently begged the Spirit for more time. But his visit to the past was ending. He heard the door opening behind him, and the sound of his employer's voice roaring his rage. It was almost the worst thing he could have imagined. He'd been caught in the bed of his employer's daughter. His career was over. But it had been worth it. And then the bed, the employer, and Lydia dissolved into mist and Ebenezer was standing naked in his own stark, cold bedroom.

The Spirit had departed. The blonde woman was gone. In her place was a tiny brunette woman, looking confused and irritable. "That bitch," she muttered.

"Excuse me?" Ebenezer asked, surprised at such language from this pretty girl. He wanted to cover his nakedness, but felt it might be rude. Surely this was another Spirit. To try and hide from her was probably a sin of some sort.

"My sister took you back. The Spirit of Christmas Past. She was supposed to let you see your mistakes, not fix them. But you made changes to the past. I am the Spirit of Christmas Present. Soon the changes you wrought will catch up and the present is going to change. This complicates everything."

"I'm sorry?" Ebenezer tried to say. He was lying. Twenty years of regret had been undone. He was not at all sorry.

"You should be sorry" the Spirit grumbled. That's the whole point. You're supposed to see what an empty wasted horror you've made of your life and try to redeem yourself in what time you have left. She was supposed to give you a chance to fix your future, not your past. Now things will be different."

The Spirit glared at him, the desire to slap his face clear in her eyes. Ebenezer was still euphoric after fucking Lydia, but the bed had been warm and the pussy had been hot. This room was cold and he was starting to shiver. "May I get dressed?" he asked.

"I'll take care of that," the Spirit said. The bedroom vanished. He was transported to one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. Before him was a tiny rundown house. "Go and knock," the Spirit said, "but be aware that you have retained your young man's body from the past. Until I can get the timelines sorted, you'll have to keep your youth. The occupant of that house will not recognize you."

"My clothes?" Ebenezer reminded her, his teeth chattering.

"Oh right. I forgot." She gave him a sheepish smile, the first he'd seen on this Spirit's face. Then he found himself dressed in shabby clothing, formal but out-of-fashion. He looked like a poorly-paid civil servant. It was probably some kind of slap from the Spirit. Ebenezer stumbled through the snow toward the front door and knocked.

It opened just a tiny crack. A thin white face peered out of a dark room at him. "May I help you?"

Ebenezer was stunned to recognize his secretary in the waif. He had somehow never noticed how emaciated she was. "Miss Cratchit?" he asked, not really needing an answer.

Her expression became hopeless and desperate. She didn't recognize him as a young man, but clearly thought she knew why he was here. "Oh, no, please. Not today. Not on Christmas Eve. I know I'm behind on the rent, but my little brother is sick. It's just the two of us and my boss doesn't pay very much. I had to buy medicine. Please don't evict us on Christmas Eve."

"I'm not here to evict you," Ebenezer started to explain, but he had no believable reasons for being there and couldn't even identify himself.

And then, behind him, he heard the Spirit say, "Damnit!" Miss Cratchit suddenly vanished from behind the door, then the entire house disappeared. The mists returned and the Spirit started pacing angrily around, cursing and spitting. "Now everything's bloody changed. My bloody sister ruined my whole bloody mission. She changed the bloody past and now my bloody present is bloody different."

The mists retreated and Ebenezer found himself back in his employer's old house, in front of the same door he'd entered not long before. "May I return to Lydia's bed, then?" he asked.

The Spirit shook her head in denial. "You left Lydia's bed twenty years ago. This is 1843, your own present day, not the past. Yet it is a different present than the one you have known."

"So what lies behind this door, Spirit?"

"Your night's destiny has not changed. You must still face the woman you've held in your authority this past year. Only the circumstances are different. Knock on the door."

Ebenezer did as he was directed. The door opened and a young blonde woman wearing a man's suit and tie greeted him tipsily. He was shocked, both by her scandalous clothing and by the fact that she had obviously been indulging in spirits. "Good Christmas Eve to you, sir. Won't you come in?"

He followed her into the bedroom, which had changed greatly in the two decades. Lydia had slept in an austere, but well-appointed bedroom. This room was frilly and feminine, covered in pillows and bright colours, but still expensive. And now it was occupied by two young women, neither of them Lydia.

The young woman in the suit and tie sat on the bed next to a dark-haired woman dressed like a witch.

"Costume party?" Ebenezer asked.

"Yes. My father's idea," said the suit. "A Christmas Costume."

The witch giggled. "We made an appearance at the party. We were gracious. The young men had pretty girls to dance with. But now we're having our own celebration." To Ebenezer's surprise, he realized that the witch was Miss Cratchit. The world had changed around him, but the Spirit of Christmas Present still intended him to spend some time observing how his secretary spent her holiday.

No longer was Roberta Cratchit miserable and starving. She seemed happy and in good health. Ebenezer felt a sense of relief. He had never realized that the low wages he paid his secretary had resulted in her living in such dire straits.

"I'm glad you're doing well," he said, confusing both girls.

"Thank you," his secretary said. "Do I know you?"

"Um...no. I just..." Ebenezer trailed into silence. "Maybe I've seen you around. Do you have a little brother?"

"Yes," Miss Cratchit acknowledged. "Timothy. Tiny Tim, we call him."

"How is he?" Ebenezer asked. "Is he healthy?"

"Strong as an ox," she replied. "What is it to you?"

"Um, nothing, really. I was just making conversation. I don't really know where I am or why."

"You are at my family's Christmas Costume party, dressed as a roadside tramp," the suit told him. "You are in my bedroom. And this is your lucky, lucky day."

The witch gave her an excited gasp. "Really? We're doing this?"

"Were you expecting a strange man to knock at the door tonight?" the suit asked her.


The suit shrugged. "Neither was I. But we were talking about needing a man and one shows up. Fate wants us to do this."

The witch excitedly jumped up and down on the bed.

"Calm down, Miss Cratchit!" Ebenezer urged, alarmed at her behavior. He'd never seen her act like this.

"Call me Bobbi!" she said. The girls were both a little drunk. Neither seemed to notice that Ebenezer had used Miss Cratchit's name.

"And I'm Julia," the suit said.

"Tell him why he's here," Bobbi told her. "I'm too excited."

Julia grinned at her friend, then turned to Ebenezer. "At last year's Christmas party, Bobbi and I made our resolutions for the upcoming new year. We have both avoided marriage up to this point, but we swore we'd lie with a man for the first time by the end of the next year. When we were really drunk, we also swore we'd lie with a girl for the first time. In a week, the year ends and we haven't met our goals."

"So tonight's the night," Bobbi squeaked.

"You get to break us in, Mr. Stranger."

But first," Bobbi told him, her eyes wide, "You get to watch."

With a great deal of giggling, the girls moved close together and awkwardly hugged. "We weren't expecting to do this with each other," Bobbi explained to their visitor.

Julia disagreed. "Bobbi, I think that's exactly what we expected. We were very drunk that night and more was said than either of us was willing to admit to."

"Like what?" Bobbi asked warily.

"We were talking about the fancy boarding school I attended."

"I remember. You were complaining about being in a finishing school, learning to cook and do laundry and all the other things expected of a good wife. What did you expect? Girls who aren't married by the time they're 18 are often sent to such schools."

Julia scowled, "Those schools are highly overrated. But I remember telling you about my friends Nancy and Camilla. They started sleeping in the same bed and touching each other at night. I told you that I would sometimes sneak out of my own bed and watch them. I even did to myself a little of what they were doing to each other."

"Yes," Bobbi acknowledged, her eyes wide and bright. "I very much remember that story."

"And you said you were jealous that I got to see such a thing," Julia continued. "I told you everything I saw them do and we both said that we might like to try such things, if we could find a close enough female friend."

"Yes," Bobbi agreed, starting to see Julia's point.

"You and I are the closest friends either of us have ever had. Whether we admitted it or not, we were talking about each other."

Bobbi thought about that, her pretty face creased by a scowl. Finally, she admitted. "Maybe. I hadn't thought about it that way. But maybe. That's not bad, is it?"

"Not at all. I think it is just wonderful that we want to play with each other. I am going to beg my father to not send me back to that school, but I am grateful for that particular discovery."

Julia looked at Ebenezer sternly. "You may sit in that chair by the desk and watch us. When we are ready for you to join us, we will let you know."

"Join us," Bobbi giggled. "Join with us, you mean."

"Hush," Julia said with a smile, standing up and pulling Bobbi to her feet. She brought her hands to Bobbi's blouse and started undoing the buttons. Ebenezer watched his shy, blushing secretary stand quivering with excitement while the other girl removed Bobbi's clothing.

Ms. Cratchit had a fine set of tits, Ebenezer thought as they came into view, feeling the reaction in his pants. Thanks to the magic of the Spirits, his 45-year-old dick was young again and endowed with more vigor than it had ever known, even in his first youth. He'd been fucking Lydia maybe ten minutes earlier, by his own clock. His cock was still wet from her pussy. He'd spilled more seed into her depths than he'd shared with any other woman he'd ever been with. Yet he was already stiff and hard again.

And Julia seemed to appreciate Bobbi's wonderful breasts as much as Ebenezer did. She sighed as Bobbi was uncovered, and couldn't keep her hands off them. "They're better than mine," Julia admitted. "And I spend hours playing with my tits."

"Can you do me a favor?" Bobbi asked hesitantly.

"Anything, beautiful girlfriend."

"When you were telling me about your friends sharing a bed, you said one of them was licking the other. I liked that story. I want someone to do that to me."

"Where do you want me to lick you?" Julia asked. She teased Bobbie's nipples with her fingers. "Here?"

Julia dropped her hand and pushed it against her friend's crotch. "Or here?

Bobbi gasped at the thought, blushing furiously, then quietly requested "Both?"

"When I watched my friends lick each other," Julia whispered, only just loud enough for Ebenezer to hear, "I wished I could do that to you. I even fingered my own pussy while I thought about it."

"Really?" Bobbi asked.

Julia nodded. "And to be perfectly honest, I've fingered myself a thousand times since then, still imagining the taste of your cunt."

"Julie! That word!"

"No modesty now, my friend. No polite words. We're both adults. No parents or priests are here in my bedroom. And I'm going to put my fingers and tongue into your cunt."

"Oh, I want that," Bobbi moaned.

"Then say it. Use honest words. Beg for it."

"Please do it, Julie. Please suck on my tits and lick my pussy."

"Yes. I promise. Take off your skirt," Julia agreed.

Ebenezer watched as his secretary shed the rest of her clothes. Then, staring as if mesmerized by her friend's revealed curves, Julia removed her jacket and tie. It was quite a view for Ebenezer, watching as the two girls stripped to their skins before him.

"Listen to the music," Julia whispered. "My father hired a string quartet for the party." From downstairs, they could hear the sweet sounds of violins and a cello. Ebenezer had always been partial to violin music, though he'd seldom taken the time to seek it out. The group was playing a slow piece by Bach, one of his personal favourites. And the two naked women before him moved together and started dancing. The beauty of the moment broke something inside Ebenezer's soul and the tears ran down his cheeks.

"Get undressed," Julia told him. "Sit on the bed and be ready." The bed was much larger than the one in which he'd taken Lydia's innocence. It was bed made for more than one person.

He obeyed Julia's order, but Ebenezer was in no hurry to rush things. He was content to watch the two beauties move together. It was a sight he was willing to savor for a long time. Once he was naked, he sat patiently on the mattress and just enjoyed the show.

But the girls had been anticipating this night for too long. And an urgency was building between them. Julia guided Bobbi to sit on the bed next to Ebenezer. His secretary's naked thigh was pressed to his as Julia urged them close together.

"As I promised," Julia breathed. Bobbi's legs opened in invitation and Julia moved into the space created. She pressed close, leaning Bobbi back, and kissed her warmly on the lips

Ebenezer watched in surprise as he saw the blonde's mouth open and her tongue slip into Bobbi's. It was strangely arousing, considering that he'd never heard of such a thing. Ebenezer had been with only two women before that fateful night with Lydia, and maybe ten women since, all one-time encounters with prostitutes. He knew himself to be rather inexperienced in the erotic arts, but he'd never imagined some of the things he was seeing here.

Ebenezer's few kisses had been a light touching of lips. It had never occurred to him to open his mouth or go exploring with his tongue. And the idea of two women kissing each other in such a fashion was so...immoral. But it was such a decadent pleasure to watch it happening.

And the show had only just started. Julia's active mouth left Bobbi's lips and started moving lower. Julia trailed kisses down Bobbi's neck and shoulders, then leaned her friend back so she could feast on her tits.

Julia looked over and winked at Ebenezer as she took a nipple into her mouth and sucked on it. One of her hands crept into his lap and took hold of his hard cock as she teased and tasted Bobbi. He loved the feel of her fingers wrapped around him. He was hoping she'd stroke his shaft, but she merely gripped him. Her main attention was still on Bobbi.

Julia pushed her friend all the way back until Bobbi was lying on the bed with her ass on the very edge of the mattress. Julia released Ebenezer and got down on her knees between Bobbi's thighs.

Ebenezer's eyes were wide with shock. He couldn't believe the girl was actually going to do what she was positioned for. But to his astounded delight, Julia pushed her face right into Bobbi's pussy and kissed her there.

It was a brief kiss, a first kiss, a mere fulfilling of a New Year's resolution. Julia backed off, blushing and grinning with pride at her accomplishment, curious to see Bobbi's reaction.

"I loved that," was the response. "I can't wait to do it to you."

"Not yet. While I'm down here, I want to try something." Julia sat up and moved over until she was in front of Ebenezer. She bobbed forward and took his cock into her mouth. This act, Ebenezer was aware of. Every prostitute he'd ever been with had offered this service, though he hadn't had the nerve to accept.

Julia went back and forth, licking Bobbi's pussy, then returning to suck on Ebenezer's cock. It was the most erotic thing he'd ever experienced. Ebenezer had never imagined a woman's mouth on his cock could feel so incredible. Julia's tongue swabbed him up and down, then explored the groove between Bobbi's legs, then returned to his cock.

"I want to try that," Bobbi said, her voice a little breathless.

"No," Julia said. "Not yet." She abandoned Ebenezer for the moment and attacked Bobbi's pussy, licking her inside and out, rubbing her whole face in her friend's crotch.

Bobbi gave a faint shriek, her back arching up off the bed, then collapsed. Julia stood up, grinning in pride, then climbed up on the bed. "My turn," she said. Julia straddled Bobbi's head and sat down on her face.

Ebenezer watched in erotic shock as his secretary was seemingly smothered by pussy. But Bobbi Cratchit did not seem in the least dismayed. Ebenezer could see Bobbi's tongue dipping and stabbing as Julia violently humped her mouth.

Julia ground her pussy hard against Bobbi's face as she reached her orgasm, hissing and grunting as the climax took her. And when it was over, she looked back over her shoulder and looked at Ebenezer.

"I hope you're ready," she told him. "It's your turn."

Julia rearranged herself on top of Bobbi, lying atop her as a man lies atop a woman, as Ebenezer had taken Lydia an hour and twenty years ago. Bobbi kissed Julia as she was mounted, the girls licking their own juices from each other's lips.

Julia's legs were between Bobbi's. She spread her knees, forcing Bobbi's thighs open as well. Ebenezer was getting better at recognizing opportunities and invitation. He stood up, climbed onto the mattress, and moved between the two girls' widespread legs.

He put his hands on Julia's ass, shaping her butt with the palms of his hands. He let his thumbs slide down between her legs, beneath her cheeks, and stroked the smooth, furry lips he found there.

His cock was hard and ready, throbbing in insistent need. Ebenezer spread her open, marveling at the sight of her ready sex. Clumsily, forgetting to take it slow with the virgin girl, he positioned himself at Julia's wet entrance and shoved himself roughly inside.

"Heavens!" she gasped. "That smarts a bit."

"My apologies," Ebenezer said, pulling back out.

"No, it's meant to be that way," Julia said, her voice still a bit ragged. "The first time always hurts. It's supposed to. Put it back in."

Julia, while also a virgin, clearly had more knowledge than his poor Lydia had. He momentarily wondered where his Lydia was in this version of the present. He hoped she had survived. But Julia was waiting, so he carefully eased himself back in her pussy.

He fucked her slowly, carefully pacing himself, trying not to come. He'd spilled himself in Lydia not long ago. He shouldn't even be hard now. But he was a young man again, and the Spirits were with him. He was not going to have any trouble pumping a full load into this welcoming cunt. He just didn't want it to happen too soon.

Bobbi was wriggling beneath Julia. She looked up into Ebenezer's eyes and felt Julia's lips all over her face as she waited impatiently for her own turn. But the man thrusting into the woman above her was forcing their two clits to rub together. And Bobbi was enjoying the sensations

Ebenezer was coming far too close to orgasm>. He still wanted to fuck Bobbi. He couldn't risk staying in Julia another moment if he was going to do his duty by his secretary.