Ebenezer Scrooge


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"I will return," he whispered to Julia, then pulled out.

Just beneath the pussy he'd just left was the still virgin pussy of Bobbi, the lips of one just kissing the lips of the other. Ebenezer leaned once more into the vee of Julia's legs, but aimed one inch lower. The head of his cock found its target easily, and the wet folds of Bobbi's sex opened for him.

This time, he remembered that the girl was innocent. But he also remembered Julia's opinion that the first time was supposed to hurt. "Fast or slow?" he asked Bobbi over Julia's shoulder.

The girls stopped kissing each other long enough for his secretary to answer. "Slow and gentle, if you please."

Ebenezer obliged her. Gradually, one millimeter at a time, he sank into her. He felt her body's resistance to this first-time invasion, but he patiently pushed through it, not letting it stop him. Bobbi squealed as the pain hit her, but it didn't last. The pussy relaxed around him, tightly embracing his cock, but shaping itself to its contours.

He moved back and forth, fucking her much more slowly than he'd done Julia. He was right on the edge, but not willing to end this yet. Bobbi was moaning into Julia's mouth as he moved in her. She was wet and slick, eager for every thrust.

This was so much better than the dry whores he'd occasionally dallied with. And he decided he liked this sexy, confident Bobbi Cratchit much better than the timid mouse he'd been bullying this past year.

He pulled out and switched back to Julia's pussy, fucking her for several strokes, then pulled out and went back into Bobbi. He moved back and forth between the two girls, controlling his orgasm, holding back, until Julia found her own climax as he plunged inside her. The sudden clench of her pussy pushed him over the edge, finally defeating him. He poured himself into her, grabbing her hips and driving deep, intent on filling her with his passion.

It lasted forever. The orgasm controlled his entire body, holding him locked in place as he emptied himself. It released him from its glorious grip gradually, a little at a time, until he was weak and helpless.

Ebenezer reluctantly removed himself from Julia. He hadn't the strength to hold himself in place any longer. He slumped at the foot of the bed, beside the two girls. Julia rolled off Bobbi and grinned at him. "I thank you, sir. But I think you're still ready for more," she said.

Ebenezer looked down and saw that his wet, shiny cock was still standing tall and proud. "Just lie there," Julia said. "Rest yourself. We'll take care of you." Ebenezer lay back on the mattress.

At Julia's direction, Bobbi licked the pussy juices off Ebenezer's dick, sucking the moisture from his thatch of hair, sipping from the tip of him, and washing him with her tongue. Together, they nuzzled and kissed and loved his cock, stroking his balls, his shaft, and his crown with fingers, lips, and tongues.

He regretted that he'd never indulged himself in this treatment before. He'd felt it was immoral to let a woman's mouth touch his penis, but he'd stopped caring. And ending that long fast with two loving girls' lips was incredible.

He tried again to hold off, but it just wasn't possible. He shot a pearly-white glob on Julia's upper lip just before Bobbi took the head in between her lips. He pumped two spurts into her mouth, then Bobbi passed him back to Julia. The fountain splashed both girls' faces as he based from one to another. He shot his final bursts onto Julia's tongue.

Bobbi and Julia kissed over his spent cock, sharing what he'd given them, tasting it on each other's lips and cheeks and chins. And the magic that had brought him here refreshed his virility once again.

His cock rose up, ready for another go. Laughing at his eagerness, Bobbi said it was her turn. Julia helped her climb on top of him and guided him in as Bobbi sank down.

"Ohhhh," Bobbi said. "That feels good."

"Yes," Ebenezer agreed with a groan. "I want to stay here forever."

Julia laid her head on Ebenezer's belly, her face in Bobbi's crotch. He couldn't see her, but he felt her tongue on his cock. She was licking his shaft as it emerged from Bobbi and licking Bobbi's clit when his cock was buried inside her.

Bobbi rose and fell on him, impaling herself on him over and over. Ebenezer thrust up into her, meeting her as she sank down. And he pushed on Julia's head, shoving her face hard against his joining with Bobbi.

For the third time with these two girls, Ebenezer came, erupting into Bobbi's cunt, the ecstasy once more gripping his whole body. His balls should surely be empty, but a river of cum flowed out of him into her. The Spirits had given him plenty of vigor and he was giving all of it to the girls.

The three of them finally collapsed in a tangle on the mattress. Ebenezer was well satisfied with his new present-day life if this was an example of it. He had truly ruined his life when refusing to dally with Lydia the first time around. He was supremely grateful that the Spirit of Christmas Past had given him the chance to redeem himself, even if it did aggravate the Spirit of Christmas Present.

As if responding to his thoughts, the chill returned to him. He tried to say farewell to the two beauties, but the mists rose up, obscuring them from his sight, and he knew that he was now alone.

Ebenezer seemed to be inside a cloud. He was lying on a soft, chilly surface, with white fog all around him. A dark figure appeared in the dim distance and slowly glided toward him through the haze. He climbed to his feet as a tall woman in a dark, hooded robe came to stand beside him. Her hair was jet black, spilling out from under her hood like a mantle over her shoulders. Her face was pale, but her lips were red.

"You are the Spirit of Christmas Future, I presume?" The woman nodded once. She raised one arm and pointed at the wall of this misty cavern.

Ebenezer followed her finger with his eyes. A window opened in the cloud bank. Through it, he glimpsed his two lovelies, Julia and Bobbi Cratchit. They were standing on a street corner, laughing together, both obviously pregnant.

"This is the future?" he asked. The Spirit nodded once. Ebenezer looked at the girls' swollen bellies. "Am I...responsible for their condition?" She nodded again, smiling slyly.

Then the vision changed. Ebenezer saw Julia and Bobbi, even more hugely pregnant, each standing beside a young man, with a magistrate pronouncing them married. Ebenezer understood. Unmarried women who found themselves with child were often made to marry. The women seemed happy in their grooms, but he was startled to see Julia wink once at Bobbi. He expected some perverse infidelity in those marriages.

The Spirit pointed in another direction.

The blonde Spirit of Christmas Past faded into view. She glanced at the two pregnant women and grinned at him. "You've been a busy man, Ebenezer. Behold." She opened a window of her own, through which he spied his beloved Lydia, also pregnant, standing before her angry father, but a smile of pride on her face.

"Your employer walked in on you and his daughter," the Spirit told him. "You were fired on the spot. You found a new job, sweeping the streets, but once Lydia's pregnancy was obvious, you were forced to marry her. Your father-in-law eventually forgave you, and your diligent work prevented his firm from collapsing. He did not kill himself. His family thrived. You and your wife are very happy."

The diminutive brunette Spirit of Christmas Present shimmered into being. Still disgruntled, she informed him, "You did just cheat on her in rather a major way."

The Spirt of Christmas Future opened a new window. An older, yet still lovely Lydia appeared. She was smiling at him through the opening. "Ebenezer, it is common for men of substance to have little flings on the side. It is a sign of status. The quality of your mistresses gives you and your family extra status and influence. I would be disappointed if you did not have another woman here and there."

The Spirit of Christmas Present rolled her eyes, then told him, "Once my sister shows you your future, you will be returned to your new present."

Christmas Past said, "Once your night's journey is ended, you will remember your new history as if you had actually lived it, but you will not be allowed to forget your original mistakes and the miseries you lived and caused."

Past and Present faded from view, and the Spirit of Christmas Future pointed again. This time, it was not a window that opened. The cloudy mists parted to reveal a familiar door, the very door he'd already gone through twice.

This time, he didn't hesitate. Ebenezer opened the door and went inside.

The room was once more changed. It was furnished for a single occupant, a young female, judging by the fact that a young blond woman was nervously sitting in a chair at the desk. She was young, maybe twenty years old, and very beautiful, clad in a well-worn dress.

"You're the guy?" she asked.

"I think so," Ebenezer said. "Whom were you waiting for?"

The girl blushed. "Did Abigail send you?"

"I was sent, yes. I don't quite know her name."

She looked confused. "I just turned 18. I wanted some experience. My friend Abigail was going to send me a boyfriend to make me a woman."

"Well, I would be happy to help."

"I don't want just anyone. Who are you?"

"Call me 'Benny'" Ebenezer offered.

"Why should I let you be my first?"

"Three reasons. One, I can promise that once it's done, you'll never see me again. I won't stick around and get in your way. Two, I have experience in deflowering young ladies. You would be my fourth maiden. And three, I think this is Fate. I was sent here for a reason. This is probably it."

She nodded. "Okay. I guess I'm not really that particular."

"What's your name?"


More confident now, Ebenezer reached for her. She hesitated, but let him take her hands. He pulled her up to her feet. "Trust me?" She nodded slowly.

He pulled her into an embrace, putting his arms around her and hugging her tight. She stiffened at the familiarity, but forced herself to relax in his arms. Annabelle lifted her face for him to kiss and he obliged, meeting her lips with his own.

She responded slowly, but when he pushed his tongue into her mouth, she gave him no resistance. He caressed her tongue with his, and she played along, letting him instruct her. He'd learned this technique from watching Julia and Bobbi, but Annabelle seemed to be enjoying it.

He let his hands drift down her back to cup her ass. Annabelle tensed, but allowed the contact. Squeezing gently, massaging her, he eased her tension and she hummed at the sensations.

She pulled back a little. "Don't let my inexperience slow you down. We're kind of in a hurry."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"My family will be back soon. I want to lose my innocence before they return. They can't find you here."

Ebenezer nodded. He pulled her dress up and over her head, surprised to discover that she was naked underneath. She blushed at the exposure, but met his eyes and explained. "I thought it would save time to be ready."

He hugged her again, once more finding her ass and kneading the young flesh. His cock, still young and blessed by the Spirits, was rearing up, ready to conquer. Ebenezer pulled her in tight, so she could feel it pressing against her through his pants.

She backed off in brief alarm, but returned, cradling the hard bump between her thighs. Ebenezer unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, without ever breaking contact with her lips.

Annabelle looked at his naked chest, so different from her own, and brought her hands up to caress the hard muscles. Ebenezer followed suit, filling his hands with her firm breasts. Her eyes widened at the intimate contact, but there was excitement building in her expression.

"Nobody's ever touched me like that," she confessed.

Ebenezer plucked at her nipples, then pulled away and leaned in to lick them. She shivered, and goosebumps appeared on her arms. Again, inspired by Julia and Bobbi, he knelt down and kissed her pussy.

"Oh! Should you be doing that?" she asked.


"Is this not immoral?"

"Quite," Ebenezer said, "Do you want me to stop?"

Annabelle shook her head. "No," she whispered.

"Sit on the bed and spread your legs."

She gave a quick look toward the door, then did as he told her. Ebenezer moved in close and pressed his mouth to her. He had no experience in this act, but he had watched two virgin girls drive each other crazy this way. He was eager to get the same reaction.

He licked her, surprised at the exotic flavour of her. He tried pushing his tongue into her, causing her to gasp. Certain he was on the right track, he kept his tongue in her slit, licking up and down.

There was a hard little nub at the top of the little mouth, and she jumped when he tapped it with his tongue. "What was that?" she asked in alarm.

"I'm not sure. Should I do it again?"

"Lightly. Please."

Ebenezer approached the nub from the side, licking up and over, then back, getting closer with each pass. Curious, he pushed a finger into her pussy. He'd put his cock in several of these passages, but had no idea what was inside. The soft, spongy walls were exciting to feel. As he licked the side of her nub, and slid his finger around the inside of her cunt, Annabelle curled up, grunting and panting, tensing her whole body. She shuddered, grunting as he stimulated her through her orgasm.

"I loved that," she told him breathlessly, when the spasms were over. "Thank you. Can I try that?"

"Yes," Ebenezer said. "Absolutely." He sat on the bed next to her.

Annabelle got up and took his place on the floor and studied his erect cock with awe. She reached out to touch it, smiling when it twitched. "It likes me," she said.

She explored him with her fingers, studying his shaft, and his balls and finally, the tip of him. "This is where your stuff comes out, right?" she asked, looking at the opening.

"It is."

"Will it make me pregnant?"

"It can," Ebenezer said. "It doesn't always."

A sudden chill caused him to shiver, but faded immediately. It was a message from the silent Spirit. He thought he understood.

"You will definitely get pregnant if we continue," he told Annabelle.

"I don't care," she said. "I'm doing this." She licked his balls, back and forth, from one to the other.

"It doesn't taste like skin," Annabelle said, licking first her own arm, then his knee to test.

"It probably tastes like pussy," he told her.

"Really?" She blushed at the idea, but licked him again to get a better idea of the flavour. "Why?"

Feeling like the Spirit himself, he pointed. "This cock has been in several pussies tonight. They were very wet."

"Pussies get wet when they come, right?"

"I don't know," Ebenezer said. "I think you were pretty wet before you came."

"I did come! That's what that was. I thought so. I just didn't know it could be done with a mouth."

"Oh, believe me, I learned that a mouth can make a person come very well indeed."

"Someone made you come with her mouth?"

"Two someones."

Annabelle looked at his cock. "When a man comes, that's when his seed shoots out, correct?"


"Did you shoot your seed inside a girl's mouth?"

"I did," Ebenezer boasted. "It was exquisite."

"I want to taste it," she said. "How do I do it?"

He wasn't absolutely sure how the girls had managed it. But he certainly wanted another mouth on him. "Suck on it," he suggested.

She leaned forward and closed her lips over him. He could feel her suckling at him, as if she were a babe on a tit.

"Stroke me," he directed her. "Put your hand around me and rub up and down. Gently."

Annabelle closed her fingers around his cock. Very lightly, she slid them over his shaft, from his balls to where he disappeared into her mouth.

"Oh, yes," he said. "That's right. Just keep doing that."

He closed his eyes and savoured the feel of her massaging his cock. He'd had three women today, in just about an hour's time, but this just didn't get old. This was a luxury he should have been indulging in for decades.

"Tickle my balls," he said, suddenly realizing how good that would feel.

Annabelle's other hand went up immediately to stroke those soft little hairs. "I'm getting close," he told her. "Stroke a little faster. Lick me while you suck."

She looked up into his eyes as she followed his directions. With her lips, her tongue, and her fingers, she brought him right to the edge, and then over.

Ebenezer exploded into her mouth. Her eyes got wide as the first burst landed on her tongue. She wrinkled her face a little at the taste, but she kept him firmly within her lips and continued stroking his cock and balls.

For Ebenezer, it was the best blowjob of this wonderful Christmas night. Julia and Bobbi had passed him back and forth as he came. But Annabelle kept him in the warm shelter of her mouth, taking every drop of cum he gave her. And he gave her a lot. The Spirits kept his body young and virile. Every orgasm was fresh, and healthier than he'd ever known before.

He fell back on the bed, staring blissfully up at the ceiling. Annabelle stood up, blushing, but proud of herself. She sat down next to him, staring at his still-hard cock, occasionally glancing down at her own nude body.

"That was outstanding," Ebenezer praised her.

She smiled. "It didn't taste very pleasant. But I have had worse. Is it my turn yet?"

"Of course," he responded. "I forgot. Your parents."

"I'm of age," she told him. "But I live under their roof and must abide by their morality. At least, I must pretend to. But this is not their house and the man who raised me is not my father. My mother was already with child when they married. So I have chosen to lose my innocence in my grandparents' house, who were much more tolerant.

"My father has been acceptable, as fathers go. But now, he is trying to prevent history from repeating itself by rushing me into marriage. Society holds women to be mere chattel whose futures are in the keeping of their male guardians. I despise this state of affairs.

"So I am defying my substitute father by engaging in exactly the behaviour he wishes to prevent. He is about to hand me over to a husband whom I barely know and do not like. I am robbing that husband of his wedding night privilege. And if there is a child, so much the better. He will be cuckolded permanently and I will make sure he knows it. So, hurry, if you please."

Ebenezer eased her back onto the bed and crawled into position over her. Annabelle smiled up at him and spread her legs in welcome. He took himself in hand and positioned his cock at her furry entrance. "This may hurt a bit."

Annabelle nodded. "I know," she said, closing her eyes in anticipation.

Slowly, he eased into her. She was very wet, ready for penetration. She tensed as she felt his entry, but said nothing. He pushed his dick deeper, filling her virgin passage, opening her for the first time.

He encountered the expected resistance, but he gently persevered, moving slowly but inexorably forward until he was fully seated within her. "You're not a virgin anymore," he told her, then stilled his movements and allowed her time to adjust.

Annabelle relaxed, happy that the deed was now done. She opened her eyes and looked up at her conqueror. "Are we done, then?"

"Not quite," he chuckled.

"You didn't spill yet," she realized. "Go ahead."

Ebenezer moved back, pulling partway out, then pushed back in. The expression on Annabelle's face was amusing and erotic as the sensations of his motions registered. "Oh my," she said in wonder. "That's rather nice."