Edward and Robin


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Robyn set her glass down and scooted closer to her friend. She placed a hand on the side of Doreen's face and whispered, "I feel the same way." Robyn looked at her as she nudged Doreen's head closer, allowing Robyn to place her lips on hers. Doreen was tentative at first, she could feel excitement emanating from her lips and spreading to all parts of her body. Her arousal started to rise and she could feel a warmth beginning to build between her legs. Feeling a little braver, she opened her lips just enough to slip her tongue through, touching Robyn's lips. Robyn responded by opening hers, allowing their tongues to intertwine.

Finally breaking apart, Robyn looked at her, "Do you have someplace a little more comfortable?" she whispered.

Doreen slowly nodded her head and slowly stood up, her eyes never leaving Robyn's. Robyn stood at the same time and followed Doreen down the hall to the bedroom. Robyn watched as Doreen pulled down the covers and turned around.

Doreen kept her hands down to her side and Robyn stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her. Doreen said quietly, "I'm a little afraid."

Robyn pulled Doreen's arms around her, "Why?"

Doreen scanned Robyn's face, "I want this. I really do. I've just never done this before."

Robyn smiled, "I want this too. Don't worry. It's all going to be okay."

Doreen remained standing as Robyn stepped back enough to pull on the bottom of Doreen's top, lifting it up over her head. Their eyes never left the other's as the bra quickly disappeared as well. Robyn reached around the side, undid the snap at the waist, and pulled down the zipper that held Doreen's slacks in place. Doreen kicked them off as they puddled at the floor.

Robyn could see a quiver in Doreen's breathing, "Your turn," she whispered. Her hands shaking, Doreen slowly removed Robyn's clothes until they were both down to their panties. Doreen looked at Robyn, feeling both excited and scared. She wanted this. She's had fantasies of being with another female. Her ex-husband wanted to see her with another female and watch. But she was too afraid. Now it was happening.

She let Robyn guide her to the bed and lay down. She watched as Robyn lowered her panties and she looked down to see that she was totally shaved. Her nervousness went up a notch as she thought, 'What if she doesn't like me,' as she only trimmed her bush. She had never shaved herself bare.

Robyn reached down and massaged her outer lips, eventually running a finger in her slit before gently pulling her lips apart just enough for the wet flesh beneath to show. She could feel her excitement rise and her partner never took her eyes off her crotch.

Robyn stepped forward and reached down to pull Doreen's panties off.

"Robyn, I'm not, well, I don't, you know."

"Sssh, I love a hairy pussy. Besides it's making a comeback and I've actually been thinking about letting mine grow back."

Her words comforted Doreen and she watched as a smile formed on Robyn's face as her panties were pulled down her legs. She too, could feel moisture and a warm feeling growing. Robyn laid down on top of Doreen and gently kissed her. Doreen closed her eyes as she felt fingers slowly running through her pubic hair. She could a finger slip between her labia to the wet flesh beneath. It felt like her own nipples were on fire when Robyn rubbed her nipples on hers before settling down, their breasts crushed together. Doreen wrapped her arms around Robyn's neck as their tongues started dancing together again. The kiss only lasted for a few moments before Doreen felt Robyn break away kiss her way down her neck and down her chest.

Doreen savored the feeling as Robyn's tongue played with her areole and nipples, the latter being gently nipped at with teeth. She tilted her head back and started running her fingers through Robyn's hair as a glow began to envelope her, the heat of her pussy building and the wetness increasing. She let out a groan as she felt Robyn's mouth leave her tits and move down her abdomen. Her excitement and anticipation building, she couldn't wait to feel Robyn's tongue on her pussy.

Robyn looked up as she started kissing the inside of Doreen's thigh's. She smiled inwardly with the knowledge the Doreen had entered an erotic bliss. She felt her own warmth knowing that she was giving this pleasure to her best friend. It had been a while since she enjoyed the tenderness of female passion. While she had no intention of giving up men, she knew that she wanted Doreen not only now, but in the future as well.

Robyn returned her attention to Doreen's legs, occasionally teasing her pussy but bypassing it as she switched from leg to leg. With a soft puffing of air, she finally let her tongue part Doreen's labia. She felt hands clasp the back of her head, trying to draw her closer.

Doreen let out a loud groan as she felt a tongue part her lips. It had been since she had someone between her legs and she had almost forgotten the blissful feeling that it created. Yet, she recognized that the talent behind this tongue was quite unlike others that had been there. Doreen's awareness floated off to a dreamlike state as an orgasm slowly began to build from deep inside.

Robyn felt the pressure on the back of her head increase as Doreen started yelling out, "Ohhhhhhhhhhh." She moved her tongue closer to the entrance of her vagina as juices began to pour out of the opening. After what seemed like minutes, Robyn felt the pressure release and she started to lightly kiss Doreen's outer lips and thighs, letting Doreen come down from her orgasmic high.

Doreen lost all thought except for the power of the orgasm that ripped through her. Sure, she had orgasms before, but nothing like this. Not even close. She lay there for a few moments, as she basked in the feelings that consumed her. It was only after a few minutes that she slowly opened her eyes and raised her head, nudging Robyn with her hands to come back up. She drew Robyn in tightly as she engaged her lips with hers, tasting herself for the first time.

Robyn used a hand to continue to massage Doreen's pussy. She could feel Doreen lurch a little as her fingers made contact with her vagina and inserted them. Knowing that this was Doreen's first time, she figured she would be the giver more this time than a receiver and that was quite okay with her. She loved giving as much as receiving and giving to Doreen made her very happy.

Nevertheless, Doreen eventually rolled Robyn over so that she was now on top. Trying to mimic what Robyn did, she slowly made her way down to Robyn's crotch. She looked at the puffy outer lips with a slight separation, allowing the inner labia to reveal themselves. She had never seen a woman's pussy up close before and was captivated. Looking up at Robyn, she put her hands around the sides of Robyn's legs. She then looked at the bare labia in front of her and placed her mouth on them, determined to return the pleasure that Robyn had just given her.

Sunlight was streaming into the room when Doreen stirred. She rolled over to see Robyn already awake and looking at her.

"How are you doing?" Robyn asked. She hoped that the love they shared the previous night hadn't scared Doreen away. They had brought each other to multiple orgasms before collapsing.

Doreen smiled and moved in to kiss Robyn, her tongue darting and touching Robyn's lips. She leaned back a little and put a hand on the side of Robyn's face, "I'm good. I feel, I feel. Well I don't know how to describe it. It's a feeling like I've never felt before."

"Is that a good feeling?" Robyn asked.

Doreen broke out into a broad grin, "Oh hell yes."

"I'm glad. I was afraid that maybe I, we, had done something and well, you'd be upset or mad or something and, uh, I wouldn't be able to see you again."

Caressing the side of the younger woman's face, she kissed Robyn again. She looked at her for a moment, relishing the experience that Robyn introduced her to. "Oh, we'll see each other again. You can count on that."

Robyn had to return home but not before the couple showered together and Robyn brought Doreen to another orgasm using her fingers and the shower wand as the hot water poured over them.

Standing at the patio door, Doreen had a big smile as she held the cup of coffee with both hands. She noticed that the colors of the grass, the trees, the flowers, and even the patio furniture seemed more vibrant than before. She felt light on her feet. It was a level of happiness that consumed her and she hoped it would never go away. 'Yes, last night was wonderful. What have I been missing all these years. God, I can't wait for Robyn to come back,' she thought to herself, her smile growing just a little bigger at the thought of being with Robyn again.

"I'm home," Becky yelled out as she entered the house.

"Hey, mom," she said as she came up to her mother and gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Hi, Becks."

"You okay?" Becky asked, sensing something different.

"I'm fine. Why?" Doreen replied, turning towards her daughter and taking a sip of her coffee. 'God, what would she think if she found I had sex with a woman.'

"I don't know. You just seem a little, I don't know, something seems different."

"Can't I be happy?" she replied with a hint of a smile.

"Of course. "It's just, I don't know." She looked at her mother for a few more moments, "Well, I'm going to go and change."

Doreen watched as Becky went down the hallway to her bedroom. She smiled, the happiness she was feeling still intoxicating.

Becky stepped into the bathroom to take a quick shower. She noticed the two sets of towels hanging there. Her mind started to ponder the implications as she handled the two towels. Sticking her head out the doorway, she made sure her mother was out of sight and made her way to her mother's room. She noticed that the bed had been stripped down. She wasn't sure, but she thought she detected a unique aroma lingering in the room. Looking over her shoulder the guest room behind her, she saw that the bed was still made and didn't look like it had been used.

Becky smiled, 'Well, I'll be damned.' She returned to the bathroom and showered. Her mother had told her that Robyn was coming over after class night and she thought about the possibility of her mother in bed with Robyn. She could feel her excitement grow and ended up bringing herself to orgasm.

Grabbing a cup of coffee herself on her way out to the patio, Becky joined her mother outside as they sat and savored the surroundings. Becky stole glances of her mom now and then and noticed that there was just a twitch of a smile on her face.

"So, Robyn stay the night?" Becky asked trying to sound innocent and taking a sip of the coffee.

Doreen turned to look at Becky, "What do you mean?"

"I'm just asking. I noticed the towels in the bathroom. So I assumed she stayed."

"Well, as a matter of fact, she did. We stayed up late, uh, talking and I decided it was better for her to stay here. I didn't want her to get into an accident on the way home from falling asleep," Doreen replied. She had never lied to her daughter before. This was a first.

Becky nodded her head, "Didn't mean to pry. Just asking," looking straight ahead.

Doreen turned back and took another sip of her coffee. A feeling of nervousness began to build.

"Did you enjoy it?"

Doreen stopped breathing for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I figure that your bed is unmade and the guest room is, that the two of you were in bed together," Becky said, turning to her mother. Becky tried to give a look that she was happy her mom had sex, if that's what happened and that it was okay with her.

"Becky..." Doreen started to say, but couldn't find the words. Her heart began to race and her fears began to climb.

Turning in her chair a little more, "Mom, it's okay if you did. Only a woman knows how to make another woman truly happy."

Doreen could only look at her daughter. The fear was freezing her mind and she found herself unable to respond.

Becky placed a hand on her mother's arm, "I'm glad. Now I know why you're so happy this morning. It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?"

Doreen looked at Becky, 'How does she know?' she thought. "How, uh, I'm not sure what you're talking about."

Becky smiled and rubbed her mother's arm, "I know what it's like and, well, it's just the most wonderful feeling."

Doreen frowned a little, looking into Becky's eyes, "I'm not quite sure I know what you mean."

Becky smiled and gave a slight nod of her head, rubbing her mother's arm a little more, "I know what it's like to be with another woman."

"Are you, are you, a, a,"

"A lesbian, mom?" Becky asked, seeing the stirred emotions on her mother's face. "No, I still love a good cock to play with. But I like being with another girl now and then."

Doreen was momentarily taken aback with Becky's referral to the word 'cock'. She had figured out some time ago that Becky had become sexually active.

"You're not ready to give up being with a man, are you?" Becky asked, tilting her head and softening her face, trying to allow her mother to feel a little more at ease.

Doreen shook her head and whispered, "No."

Looking at her hand on Doreen's arm and then back up, "You have to admit that sex with Robyn was beyond anything you've experienced? Like I said, only a woman really knows how to treat a woman in bed."

Doreen stared at Becky, "That's what Robyn said, too" she said in a soft voice.

Becky felt that her mother probably needed a little time and space. She loved her mother dearly and wanted her to be happy. Knowing her as she did, she also figured that her mom was experiencing the same turmoil she felt after the first time she had sex with a girl. Standing up, she kissed her mom on the top of her head.

"Embrace it mom. It's okay. What goes on between two consenting adults is totally their business. Being with Eric is so fulfilling, in more ways than one," she said with a wiggle of her eyebrows, "but being with Susan is too. I'm not planning on giving up either one."

Doreen turned to face the yard as Becky went back into the house. She could feel hers fears begin to dissipate as she thought of what Becky said and the knowledge that Becky also enjoyed women. Her emotions stayed stirred up. Not so much that Becky knew what happened, though it was still a present thought, but also reliving her fantastic night last night. She and Becky had been able to talk about sex in the past, but not to any great detail, so it wasn't totally surprising that Becky would bring up the subject. She started to feel glad that they conversation happened and that it was a comforting conversation.


Robyn was at work putting together an ad layout when she heard the chime on her phone telling her that she received a text message. Being it was Saturday afternoon, the office was quiet and the chime seemed louder than normal. Picking up her phone, she smiled when she saw the message.

'I had the most wonderful time last night.'

Robyn replied, 'I did too.'

'Look forward to doing it again'

'So do I'

Robyn cringed with the next message, 'Becky knows'


'She saw the towels and only my bed unmade'

'I'm sorry'

'Don't be. Apparently she's the same way'


'Looks like she and one of her girlfriends get together'

'Is she gay?'

'No. she has a boyfriend and said she won't give him up'


'Wow is right'

'You okay?'

'Better than I've ever been'

Robyn sat back in her chair feeling relieved that Doreen was okay. Her phone chimed again with a new message, 'Want to come over again tonight'

'Can't. Tomorrow?'

'Okay. Can't wait'

'Me too'

Robyn smiled and felt excited as she sent the last message. Her friendship with Doreen had taken on a whole new level and she was overjoyed that her friend felt the same way.

Robyn thought about the implications of Becky knowing about the two of them on her way home. On one hand, it apparently had helped ease Doreen's mind about becoming bisexual. On the other, it was no longer a secret just between the two of them. She almost wished she hadn't agreed to babysit for her sister. She would rather be with Doreen that evening.


Robyn was just about to push the doorbell at Doreen's home when the front door opened. Becky stood there and broke into a smile, "Hi Robyn. I thought I saw your car pull up." Stepping back, "Come in. Mom's out back."

Robyn stepped into the house and looked at Becky, "Thanks." She was unsure what to say.

Becky took Robyn by the arm very lightly, "I don't know if I've ever seen mom so happy. Thank you." Becky smiled and gave Robyn a kiss on the cheek. Letting go, she nodded her head indicating Robyn should follow, "Come on, we've got some ice tea. It's beautiful out back."

Robyn smiled and let out a breath of relief, "That sounds so good right now."

Stepping outside, Becky announced, "Mom, look who I found."

Doreen turned to see the pair and stood up. Breaking out in a grin, "Hi Robyn. It's so good to see you again."

Becky could see the hesitation in both of them, "Oh for heaven's sake, would you hug her and give her a kiss already."

That broke the ice. Doreen wrapped her arms around Robyn and she could feel Robyn wrap hers around her. With a momentary look in her eye's, Doreen engaged Robyn in a passionate kiss, extending her tongue out and touching Robyn's lips.

When they finally broke apart, the both turned as Becky beamed and said, "Now that's what I'm talking about."

Both turned and Doreen's cheeks displayed a slight shade of red. "Becky, was that really necessary?" Doreen asked with a smirk. Without waiting for an answer she turned back to Robyn and hooked her arm in hers. "Join me out back for a while," and then looking offer her shoulder at Becky, who still had a smug look on her face, "while my impertinent daughter finishes putting dinner together."

Becky continued smiling. Though she had already thought about making dinner, she was only too happy to, her mom had the long lost smile on again.

Sitting down in the shade, Robyn asked, "So I guess you're feeling okay about all of this?"

Doreen placed her hand on Robyn's, "Yes, my dear, I am. You've helped me experience something I've always wondered about and even fantasized about."

Looking back towards the house, "I guess Becky's okay with it as well."

"Oh yes. Though I was taken aback when she told me about her relationship with Susan. I would have never guessed."

"And she has a boyfriend," Robyn added.

Nodding her head, "Yes, she does. She said that she liked being with Susan but she said she likes both. It was weird."

"Weird finding out Becky likes both sexes?"

"That and well, I don't know, I never imagined I would ever talk to her about something, you know, so intimate."

Robyn smiled and nodded.

"I mean," Doreen continued, "when I grew up, sex was something kept behind closed doors and never talked about. I mean Beck's and I have had the 'sex talk'," Doreen said, making air quotes with her fingers, "but, I never imagined a conversation like that."

Robyn nodded in agreement, "Same here. I sometimes wonder what my mother thought of sex. Obviously she had sex at least four times," she said laughing. "But other than that, I don't know."

Doreen looked at Robyn, "You know what's also weird?"

"What's that?"

"It's like I feel closer to her, you know? Like there's a connection there that wasn't there before," Doreen said as she furrowed her brows. "As I said, it's weird."

"But it sounds like a good weird."

Doreen looked at her friend and simply nodded her head.

"I hate to break up this little tête-à-tête, but dinner is served," Becky announced from behind them. She waited for them to get up and said, "If you will follow me" and led them into the house and into the dining room. There were candles on the table and plates of pasta at the three settings. "I thought a little candlelight would be perfect for this evening."