Edward and Robin


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Pulling vase closer to her and smelling them again, "Hi. These are so beautiful. Thank you."

"Well, not as beautiful as you, but you're welcome," Eddie replied.

Robyn could feel herself blush a little. She still couldn't think of herself as particularly attractive or beautiful, but she appreciated him saying it.

"Listen, I would like to know if you're free on Thursday. There's a jazz concert in the park that night with some great musicians."

"That sounds wonderful. I'd love to," she replied trying not to sound too anxious.

"I'm glad. How about I pick you up around, I don't know, six?"

"I'll be ready."


Eddie walked Robyn to her door after the concert had ended. Robyn turned after she unlocked the door and starting opening it. "Would you care for a little wine before you go?" she asked.

He smiled, "I would love some," and followed her into her home, following her to the kitchen.

"I have red and white. Any preference?" Robyn asked, holding up a bottle of each.

"The red works for me."

"Here," Robyn said, handing him a corkscrew and the bottle of red wine, "would you open it, please."

Eddie watched as Robyn reached up to grab two wine glasses on an upper shelf, her skirt rising to reveal the back of her thighs. Like the rest of her legs, they were perfectly tanned and nicely shaped.

He poured the wine and handed a glass to her. She pointed with her head towards the back door and he followed her outside and stood next to her at a railing that surrounded the porch.

"That was a fun concert. Thanks for taking me," Robyn said, turning to Eddie.

He turned to face her as well, "They have them every Thursday through the summer. Maybe we can go to the one next week as well."

Robyn smiled, "I'd like that."

She continued to look at him as he drew in closer, her heart beating faster with each moment in anticipation. She didn't have to wait long as he reached up and caressed her cheek. She allowed him to draw her in closer. She closed her eyes and her lips engaged with his.

The chaste kiss only lasted a second or two. Without breaking her eye contact with him, she set the glass down on the railing and whispered, "Don't stop."

The corners of Eddie's mouth turned up just a little. He turned to make sure that he set his glass on the railing before turning back to her. Placing both hands on the sides of her face, he drew her in for another kiss. This was longer and more passionate. As her tongue flicked the outside of his lips, he could feel a hardness begin to form below.

Robyn wrapped her arms around his lower back and drew him in a little bit as their kiss continued. She could feel him press against her until he suddenly pulled back just a little.

Eddie couldn't help the arousal he was feeling nor could he stop his penis from growing hard. He just wasn't sure that Robyn would appreciate it.

Robyn was pretty sure that he was beginning to sport an erection and drew him in again. Once more she felt him and now was positive that he was getting hard. She could feel her arousal building as well and moisture beginning to build inside her.

Once again, she felt Eddie pull back. She wanted him. She brought a hand around and gently placed on top of his hard cock, slowly rubbing her hand up and down the outside of his jeans. She could feel it move under her hand.

Eddie moaned when he felt her hand touch him. He felt his penis twitch, eager to be freed. He looked as Robyn broke the kiss and said softly, "Is this for me?" as she lightly grasped it.

"Ohhh," Eddie let out in a moan. "If you want it."

Robyn bit her lower lip and nodded. Taking his hand in hers, she led him back into the house, the two glasses of wine forgotten on the railing.

She led him to her bedroom, turning on the light on the nightstand. It had been a long time since Eddie had been with a woman and long time since Robyn had been with a man. Little time was wasted as they quickly shed their clothes.

Robyn put her hands on his shoulder again and pushed him down onto the bed. She rolled him over and felt his stiff cock poking her in the stomach.

"Looks like someone is needing to be taken care of," she said with a giggle, wrapping her hand around his penis. Moving down, she slowing pumped her hand up and down its length, hearing Eddie groan as she did so. Looking up at him, she wrapped her lips around the head and slowly took him in. With a hand still wrapped around his shaft, she moved her mouth up and down, coating his erection with saliva. She would let her teeth ever so lightly rub against him, causing him to squirm and moan just a little.

Eddie propped a pillow under his head so he could see her as she worked wonders on his penis. He started to feel the familiar boil begin to build deep in his loins and he placed his hands on the side of her head.

Robyn felt his erection grow just a little, but just enough to let her know that he was about to come. Wrapping her lips tightly around the top of his shaft, she used her hand to bring him to climax, his hips arching up as jets of semen hit the back of her throat.

She sat up and licked her lips when he was finished, "Yum."

She looked and was glad to see that he remained hard. Eddie watched as she knee-walked up until her hips straddled his.

She took his penis and placed at the entrance to her vagina, "There's someplace I really this right now." She tilted her head back and closed her eyes as she lowered herself onto his shaft, feeling it fill her completely.

Eddie experienced a tingly sensation as the warmth and wetness of Robyn's vagina enveloped his cock. It had been a while since he experienced the feeling of being inside a woman. There was no other feeling like it. He could feel Robyn squeeze him with her vaginal muscles, this was something that he had not experienced before. This, combined with her vigorous movement up and down his shaft caused him to be lost in the feelings emanating from his cock throughout his body.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at her as she ceased moving up and down and started grinding herself back and forth, causing her clit to rub against the base of his cock. Robyn leaned forward, her hands on his chest as she continued to rub herself back and forth. For the first time in a very long time, she could feel an orgasm quickly building with a nice hard cock buried in her.

Eddie placed his hands on her hips and helped her move back and forth. The pressure that her movement put on his penis was immense, such that he could feel himself getting ready to come again.

"Oh, god. Robyn. Oh. Oh. Oh," Eddie uttered. His mind lost all connection with surroundings and was firmly focused on his groin.

"Ahhhhhhhh," Robyn screamed as her orgasm hit. She felt her body shudder as wave after wave of pleasure ripped through her.

Eddie pushed his hips higher as if trying to drive himself deeper into Robyn. His toes curled as jets of semen came rushing through his cock and deep inside Robyn's womb. Through his gritted teeth, he simply grunted as all of his senses became one in the most powerful orgasmic explosion he had experienced.

Robyn collapsed on top of Eddie, her breathing rapid and deep. Her eyes remained closed as her world had become centered on her vaginal canal, the cock buried deep within it, and the warmth that emanated from it.

Eddie wrapped his arms around her, his own breathing was rapid, the sweat from their bodies causing them to stick together.

After several minutes, Robyn lifted her head and with a groggy look and smile, looked at Eddie and simply said, "Wow."

Eddie kissed her forehead, tasting the saltiness of her sweat. He was quite content to stay just like he was forever. His penis had softened and slowly slipped out of her. Their combined fluids seeped out of her and onto him. He could feel it ooze down his balls and on downwards as it slowly soaked into the sheets below.

Robyn slowly slid off of him and onto her side. Eddie slowly rolled onto his side at the same time and began kissing her slowly and very passionately. His thoroughly soaked cock rubbed up against her labia, which was also quite wet. Robyn picked up one leg and placed it over his.

They both fell asleep laying in each other's arms. Somewhere in the middle of the night, they woke and this time Eddie took his time and slowly made love to her rather than the eagerness that overwhelmed the couple the first time around. Both were late to work the next morning. And both were in a world of joy that neither had enjoyed for a while. And both deferred questions about their date the previous night other than to say that it was good.


It had become a pattern over the next few weeks that Robyn would end up in Doreen's bed after class Monday and Friday while Eddie ended up in her bed after a Saturday night date. It wasn't uncommon for him not to return home until Monday morning.

Robyn spread out a blanket on the grass in the park while Eddie brought the cooler and assorted bags from the car. It was a sunny Sunday without a cloud in the sky. The temperature was not too hot. Between the shade of the tree and the breeze, it was perfect.

It was time, Robyn decided, to tell him about her bisexuality. They had enjoyed sex in every room of her home as well as his. They also ended up making love along a hiking trail, although they did almost get caught, to Eddie's chagrin.

Robyn watched as Eddie's eye caught a passing woman. Robyn turned to see what he was looking at. Robyn smiled inwardly as she admired the statuesque lady that was passing by. Robyn could understand Eddie's attention to her.

"Like older women do you?" Robyn teased.

"Uh, what? Oh. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that," Eddie replied. He was loyal and dedicated to the one he loved and would always be. But he did appreciate the female form and admired a nice looking specimen.

Robyn playfully slapped him, "It's okay. Just as long as the only attention she gets from you is your eyes. Everything else belongs to me."

Eddie smiled. They had similar conversations before. They each enjoyed looking at other people. They would sometimes compare thoughts about their looks, their build, or how they dressed.

"You know that I'm yours, honey." Eddie turned to face Robyn.

Robyn smiled, "I know. I'm just teasing you." Robyn nodded to the woman that caught their attention that had passed by, "But isn't she a little old? I mean, she's probably old enough to be your mother."

Eddie felt his cheeks warm a little, "Yeah, I know. But she was really nice looking."

"So you a thing for older women?" Robyn replied with a lightness in her voice, letting Eddie know that wasn't the least bit upset but was surprised with the revelation.

"Maybe. I guess. I don't know, an older woman just has a certain look about them and there is, well, there is a certain air of confidence in them."

Robyn smiled. She understood as she felt similar feelings towards Doreen. There was the experience factor, less inclined to hurry, and more interest in trying to please their partner. "I know what you mean," Robyn said thoughtfully.

Eddie looked at her questioningly, wondering if there was something he missed.

"Eddie, I have to talk to you," Robyn said with a sudden seriousness in her voice.

"What? What's wrong? Are you upset that I looked at that woman?"

"Oh heavens no. She was terrific looking. I don't blame you. I looked at her too."

Robyn reached over and placed her hand on his arm, "Eddie, I have come to love you very, very much."

"I love you too."

With a deep breath, Robyn continued, "Sex with you has been, well, it's been better than I could have ever hoped for."

"I'm glad. It is for me too."

"But," she paused, "I also like being with a woman." She looked at Eddie, trying to gauge his reaction. The fear of revealing this part of her to him heightened to the point that she started trembling inside.

Eddie slowly nodded his head, "So, you like sex with me but you also like to have sex with another girl?"

Robyn slowly nodded her head in the affirmative. She could feel her heart pounding so hard she thought it was going to burst.

"Wow," Eddie softly said. He looked at her in the eyes and could see the fear in them. He smiled and got up on his knees. He placed his hands on the cheeks of her face and drew her closer to him. "That answers a few questions," he said as he lightly kissed her on the lips.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I've noticed that you look at extra second or two at an attractive female." Eddie looked at her as a slight frown formed on her face. He nodded over his shoulder, "like that one that just passed."

"Didn't think I noticed?" he said quietly.

Robyn shook her head.

"I notice a lot of things. I have to. If I didn't, I'd miss a lot of opportunities with my business. And, well, it just carries over to everything I do."

"Does it bother you?"

"What? Noticing things?"

Robyn paused a moment, "No. What I said to you?"

Eddie shook his head, "No, I had a feeling all along."


Eddie sat back down, "Well, you are pretty dedicated to being with your classmate after class. You told me that she and you will get together and talk after class. And," Eddie looked down and shrugged his shoulders a little before looking at her again, "I had a feeling that there was a little more going on than talk."


"Just some of the things you've said. Annnd, I was at your house early one Saturday morning before we went on that hike. I noticed your bed."


"The pillows and sheets were in the exact same place as we left them Friday morning and your friend got together after class," he said with a smug look on his face.

"Oh," Robyn replied in a barely audible whisper.

"Why didn't you say something?" Robyn asked. Her mind was having difficulty wrapping around the fact that he didn't appear to be upset and that he continued to see her, never mind the passionate sex they enjoyed.

"I figured you would at some point. You've told me all about this woman, that's she's a bit older than you, and well, that you love her. Not like you love me, but a different kind of love."

"Oh, Eddie."

"Robyn," Eddie started, taking her hand in his, "I love you very much. I think what you have with this woman is precious to you and I wouldn't dream of interfering with it. I just hope that you'll let me stay in your life as well."

Robyn could feel tears begin to slide down her cheeks, "I do love her and I do love you too." She looked at her hand clasped in his, "I don't want to give either of you up. You're both important to me."

Eddie placed a finger under her chin and raised so she was looking at him, "Am I ever going to meet this wonderful lady?"

Robyn choked back a sob and smiled, "I don't know. Now that I know you're into older women, I don't want her stealing you from me."

"That won't happen, sweetheart," he formed a slight smile and looked away for a moment before returning to her, "though maybe you'll let me meet her during one of your after class meets."

Robyn laughed and slapped him hard on the shoulder, "You pervert."

Eddie rubbed his shoulder, "What?"

"I see that look in your eye. Think you're going to wiggle your way into a threesome, do you?"

"Well, now that you mention it," Eddie said jokingly as he broke into a grin and laughed.


Doreen and Robyn stepped up to the counter at the coffee bar after class that evening. Doreen formed a devilish smile when she saw that the guy being the counter was the frequent subject of her teasing. She waited while Robyn placed her order.

"I'll have the same as her," Doreen noted.

"Coming right up."

Doreen wrapped her arm around Robyn's waist and pulled her closer. She had worn a button up blouse for that night's class and had undone the top couple of buttons when they entered the café. Leaning forward just enough so that the barista got a look of her cleavage, "Is that the only thing coming up?"

"Oh god," he moaned. He leaned forward and looked down her blouse before looking at her. "You are going to get me in trouble. You know that don't you."

"Well, you can't tell me you don't like what you see," Doreen said.

"Oh lord. You're old enough to be my mother."

"I thought young guys liked older women."

"Yes. But..."

"Don't you?" she teased.

"Yes, but," was all that he could cough up.

Robyn turned to her friend, shaking her head, "You're impossible, Doreen." She picked up their coffee's and handed Doreen's to her, "Come on and let the poor boy do his job." She turned to the barista, "I have to apologize for my friend here," she said as she rolled her eyes and started pulling Doreen

The lad just shook his head a smiled. He thought Doreen was a very good looking woman and had thought about what she would look like nude. Had it not been for a girlfriend that he was very much in love with and if he wasn't the shy type, he might have returned the banter a little more.

Sitting down at their customary table, Doreen wrapped her hands around the cup and asked, "So, when are you going to let me meet this mystery man?"

Robyn looked down at her cup and slowly stirred the hot liquid. Finally, she looked up at her friend, "Soon, very soon."

Doreen nodded just a little, "Have you told him about, well, you know."

Robyn looked up and smiled, "Yeah, I have."

"And..." Doreen implored.

"He's totally cool with it."

"Really," Doreen replied with a little surprise in her voice.

"Yeah. He said he had kinda figured it out already."


"Oh, just the things I've said about you, about us. And...he knew that I didn't spend the night at home one Friday night and he knew that it I had spent it with you."

"Oh my," Doreen said, putting her hands to her face.

Robyn laughed and extended her hand out to Doreen's, "So, he now wants to meet you. Rather anxious to meet you actually."

"Oh dear." Mixed emotions intermingled in Doreen's head. First, there was now someone else who knew about her relationship with another woman, then there was the desire to know who had made her lover's heart soar to new heights.

"It's funny actually," Robyn started.

"What's funny?"

"He suggested that he join us one night after class as a way to meet you."

"Oh, you're not serious. Are you?"

"He was joking. But he was very supportive of me and of us."

"Oh lord," Doreen's mind was reeling. But just for a moment. She could feel herself become aroused and squirmed in her seat just a little as she felt the arousal building between her legs.

"He was joking. Right?" Doreen asked.

"Yeah, he was." Robyn paused for a moment as she formulated an idea, "But, what would you think if I did invite him?"

"Oh, no. I couldn't," Doreen replied unconvincingly. It felt like the temperature in the room went up several degrees. Her mind started imagining being with Robyn and her boyfriend. The idea began to excite her, enough so that a damp spot began to form on her panties.

Robyn could tell by the facial expressions that Doreen was giving it serious thought. They had teased each other about having a third person in their bed, but it had all been in jest.

"Should I?"

"Oh, Robyn, I don't know. I'm probably too old."

"Doreen, weren't you just teasing that poor boy about young guys liking older women?"

"Well, yes. But I was just teasing."

"Uh huh. What if I told you that he likes older women too?"

"Really?" Doreen asked.

Robyn simply nodded her head.

At Robyn's suggestion, she and Doreen went to Robyn's house after class the following Friday. After more conversation at the coffee bar, Doreen admitted that the idea of having Robyn's boyfriend join them was exciting and was open to trying.

Doreen came out of the bathroom dressed in a black negligee. It was matched with black crotch-less panties and black thigh high stockings. Robyn was also in a negligee but only it was red. Robyn skipped the panties completely and went with nude colored stockings.