Emily Steele Science Professor Pt. 06


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"Funny that you say that. I will call our social director Lesley to set something up." Emily stated as she called her daughter-in-law. When she answered. "Lesley this is Mom, find a place for tonight for nine a private room. Call Jerry and Katy." She stated and disconnected.

Sam forgot about payment she was so stressed about her exposure. Sam was still nude she took the envelope and opened it she counted fifteen one-hundred-dollar bills. "Oh, thank you Les!" She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her naked body against him.

Boing he got a boner poor guy!

Emily and Sam only throw on their dresses they skipped their undergarments.

"Sam it didn't take you long to embrace the freedom you experience when you go commando." Craig stated.

"Commando what is that?" Sam askes.

"That is when you forgo nuisance of undergarments! Besides Dr. Oz says it is healthy to go commando it lets your honey pot breath and wards off infections." Emily stated, with authority.

"See you're are healthier presently as you hang around with this crew." Miles stated happily.

"Yah right! You just want to get pussy shows from the ladies." Emily stated and all laughed.

Lesley was ecstatic. "She said Mom!" Lesley thought as she called around to book a private room for the meeting. She texted out the information. Emily and Sam left their cars at a mall and jumped in their spouse's vehicle because they will have to come back by on the way home. Les parked at the mall and rode with Emily and Craig.

They rode in silence for a few minutes and then Emily turned to the school's benefactor. "I would like to help you to overcome your shyness with women if you will let me?" She stated with compassion. As she twisted in the seat and inadvertently gave him an opened leg pussy shot. He sat in back of the driver.

Boing! He popped a boner as he looked at the honey pot laid bare in front of him.

"I would like that, but I don't want to cause you any more grief. Mr. Steele is it okay with you if your wife helps me?" Les asked, as he tried to hide his stiff member and afraid of her husband's answer.

"By all means Les, if anyone can help you Em can my boy." He stated gayly in a friendly tone.

Sam, Emily, Craig, Miles, and Les were the first to arrive. They were ushered into a private room. They have never been there before. This establishment had many small meeting rooms with a semi-private hall between them that housed the restrooms.

Lesley and Frank arrived a few minute later. Lesley was dressed if you could say that in a button front garment with only one button in the center secured. She was all be naked when she walked. "Frank likes this style of dress. I hope I haven't offended anyone. Do you have any complaints with my outfit Mr. Lowe. I don't want to offend my fiancé new boss?" She stated and giggle.

"No, you look fetching in that outfit." As an afterthought as not to offend the older ladies, especially his wife. "In fact, all the ladies are adorable in their outfits."

"Does that me we can't take off our outfits tonight?" Lesley asked with a pout.

The waiter came in to take their order. The troop have never been to this restaurant before, so Emily inquired. "Would it be okay if the ladies removed their garments, we belong to the Full-Tan-Sun-Club?"

"Well, we have never had any requests like this before, but if there are no complaints from the clientele, we don't see any problem." The host stated excited as to what this slow night has in store for the waitstaff.

The beverage order was taken, as Jerry and Kay arrived, she was dressed down in anticipation of the event. She had on the usual button front dress, a uniform of sorts for ladies of this group. She had to wear panties though to get out of the house, without being questioned by her daughter. She didn't want her daughter suspicious of her activities. She slipped her panties off and stashed them in her purse, in front of the surprised server as he took her order.

"Is it time yet mom?" Lesley asked.

"Should we go to the ladies' room first." Sam asked. It is well known women who have been mothers have a proclivity to need more restroom breaks.

The ladies trooped to the restroom. There was a huddle while they were in the room.

"We need to find a young woman for Les. He is lonely, shy, and really a nice young man." Emily lamented.

"Yes, and he is filthy rich." Lesley giggled as she stated the obvious. "I will find a woman for our friend Les." She pledged in thought.

They used the facilities, divested themselves of their garments, folded them and draped them over their arms. The beautiful naked women with a multitude of body types, breast sizes, and pubic coiffeurs, proudly trooped out to the restroom and into the meeting room in a semblance of a runway walk, with their heads held high.

"The meeting of the Full-Tan-Sun-Club Chapter sixty-nine is in session." Lesley hawkes, as she entered the room.

The men stood up and clapped.

Emily and Lesley sat Les between them with their partners next to the ladies. Sam, Miles, Jerry, and Katy were on the opposite side of the table. When the server entered and encountered the naked women he left. Came back with more help to take the orders. You guessed it three more young men.

The group conversed as they waited for their meal. Les loved the attention lavished on him from the two naked beauties, one on each side of him. When he absently put his hand on their thighs, he pulled them away as if he was burnt. The two women's quick reaction grabbed his hands and placed them back on their thighs close to the juncture of their legs. He could feel pussy hair!

Frank and Craig were amused by their ladies, shenanigans with Les. Mr. Smidt, was in his glory he has never had his hand on the leg of one naked lady, never mind two. One was his former teacher!

The meals came and all ate heartily. It was a fabulous meal. Everyone thanked Les for meal. The bus staff entered to clean up the leftovers and the lights were lowered. The music started at eight.

Without any hesitation the group went to the dance floor and danced the first fast number. Les was mesmerized by the naked female flesh which quivered to the beat of the music. Breasts swayed and butts jiggled.

The next song was a slow number. Emily approached Les. "May I have this dance?"

He turned red. "I never learned to dance." He lamented.

"Then you will just have to learn. I will have to be your tutor." Emily stated as he escorted the naked Professor to the floor.

It took her halfway through the dance to teach Les the steps and then she put her arms around his neck and had him place his hands on her butt cheeks. She could feel a good-sized bat rise between his legs when she pulled him in close, naked breast to clothed chest.

When the server came into to ask if they needed anything.

Emily asked. "Could you play mostly slow dance music?"

"I will see what I can do." The server politely stated as he eyed the delightful variety of naked female flesh.

"Thank you, Eddie." Emily stated as she brushed her breast against his bare arm, which to the delight of the Professor brought a shiver and a smile of desire for more tactile contact with her body. She could see she had an effect on the young man, so Emily continued her monolog. "The staff has been so cognizant of our needs I think we will come back here again." Emily stated in almost a whisper so she could get close to the young man. The back of his hand was against her moist lower lips as she conversed with him.

'Boing' he popped a boner! Out the door he went and right to the kitchen. "Guys come here, smell the back of my hand! The woman they call Professor pushed her wet pussy against the back of my hand while she talked to me." Eddie explained excitedly.

"Holy crap! The back of his hand smells like excited pussy!" One of the older cooks stated after a whiff of the back of Eddie's hand. "Smells like prime pussy if you want my opinion." He laughed.

Most of the music consisted of slow dances with a few fast numbers inserted. All the women made it a point to have Les on the floor at all times. He was treated to an assortment of female body types pressed against him that night along with the different texture of female butt he 'massaged' as he danced. He had the most fun he has ever had in his life thanks to Professor Steele and her group of naked ladies.

The group danced with their partners for about an hour. Each woman took turns to dance with Les to give their partners a rest. It seemed the women enjoyed the dance music more while they were naked.

"Would anyone like to go to the ladies' room with me?" Sam asked.

All the women marched out into the hall they meet a surprised older man in the hall as he alighted from the men's room.

"Would you like to play a game?" Emily asked impishly.

"Sure, I'm game mom!" Lesley stated.

"The wait staff has been very cognizant of your needs." Emily went on to explain how she talked in a whisper to Eddie and rubbed her pussy on the back of his hand.

The women all agreed it would be fun, but they wondered if their men would be angry.

"Leave that to me." Lesley stated.

The game was on, any time a server would come in to see if anything was needed one of the women would approach them with the excuse to ask them something and rub their pussy against the back of lucky servers' hand. All the women rubbed their pussy on at least one servers hand that night.

Along about ten PM the switch your partners after every dance game were in play and continued until eleven. The last dances were with the staff per usual and then the nude parade out of the dinning, establishment was followed by the pussy show as they entered the vehicles.

With all the foreplay the horny couples could not wait to get home. The women remained nude when they picked up their vehicles at the Mall.

Sam hastily donned her dress in the garage as their son was home. They walked into the house to find him in the den with the tv on.

"Hi Mom, Dad." He then looked over at his mother her dress only had two buttons secured and mismatched. "Mom you get dressed in the dark?" He asked with a smirk and proceeded to inquire. "Looks like you went parking dad did you have fun?"

Samantha ran to the master bedroom in embarrassment to leave Miles to explain.

"Well son, ah I-we oh ah oh hell...We had a good time tonight and that is all I am saying!" Miles laughed and went to the master bedroom to find Sam nude on the bed.

No words were exchanged. Miles closed the door stripped down for action and dove on the bed. Sam who had a change of heart about oral sex it is no longer deviant behavior, but enjoyable behavior between consenting adults. She pulled her husband's head between her opened legs by his ears. He went to her honey pot without a fight. He loves her scent and the taste of her excitement. She pulled on her nipples as he licked her clit and used three fingers as a small cock.

He stopped his oral ministrations just before she orgasmed. Miles slid up her body and gave her a kiss. Sam could taste her sex on his lips and loved it. She helped with the insertion of his spear in her box. They made passionate love. Miles held back until Sam went over the top and then blew his load deep in her box. He painted her cervix with his sperm. They enjoyed their after orgasm bliss and fell asleep with a smile.

Emily drove home nude parked the car and urgently entered the house. Ran to the master bath. She had to pee... You know the way older women who had children are!

Now let's get back to the important stuff. Craig and Frank stripped in the hall on the way to their bedrooms. Lesley reached for Frank's hand in the hall and coaxed him to his parent's room.

Lesley pulled back the covers on the king size bed as Emily entered the room. "Mom can we use your bed tonight. The counter is not very comfortable." She laughed, laid on her back spread her legs and pulled Frank on top of her.

"Why not! Sounds like fun. What do you think Craig?" Emily asked as she laid down on her back ready to receive her husband's advances.

The sights, sounds, and smell of sex excited both the men. Emily was excited to see her son in action. She loved to have sex in front of someone. Lesley felt the same. It brought excitement to both women. Lesley reached over and held Emily's hand as the men sawed away to bring them off. It was a wonderful bond for the couples enjoyed.

The men's excitement was over the top from their vantage point they could see both women's pleasure and could see their members as they were gripped by the women's lady lips as they surrounded the men's equipment and the lips bulged out and went in with each stroke. The men had a better view of the women's next to them penetration then of the women they pleasured.

The women came together and the men after they made sure their ladies orgasmed painted their respective ladies' cervix with their sperm. They fell asleep in the large bed.

Katy didn't want a repeat of the last get together. She had her friend sleep over her house as a sitter for her daughter. Not that she is not old enough to stay alone at fifteen, but she didn't want to give her daughter the opportunity to get into trouble so to speak.

Anyway, Katy was nude for the drive home, she teased Jerry mercilessly with her finger work on her hot box. She rubbed her clit and played with her nipples as she laid against the passenger door. They just made it to the den,on the couch. He played licky-de-slit with her until she had her first orgasm. Dropped his pants and underwear and plowed into her box as if he sawed cordwood with a buck saw. Their ride to the top of the mountain only lasted a few minutes and Jerry blasted off. They lay in contented bliss on the couch. Jerry helped Katy up and they retired for the night for a dreamless slumber.

Wednesday: Emily awoke refreshed from her slumber the stress has dissipated. The kids were not in the bed. Her husband was in the kitchen and she could smell the wonderful aroma of coffee. She went about her morning routine. Emily entered the kitchen nude after her shower. To find Lesley nude in her roll of second chef. Frank commented on a news article about his acceptance of the Dean position at the college.

"Lesley can you call around and procure a portable exam table. Call Miles and have him purchase it we will need it for tomorrow for the last class." In her Professor persona which has become natural even though she was nude.

"Sure mom, I can take care of that for you. No problem." Lesley stated.

"I have a golf game today I will be home about two. How about we stay home tonight and relax? I will cook some steaks on the grill." Craig said.

"I will help dad." Lesley stated.

"Yes, always the sexy little helper." Frank stated. "I have to go to the college today also can I get a ride with you so Lesley can have the car?" Frank asked.

"Sure, thing Frankie."

Frank ate his meal and went to his room to get ready.

Emily had her breakfast and went to her bedroom to get ready for her day. She appeared dressed in an orchid skirt, white blouse, orchid blazer, shoes with three-inch heels that accented the outfit along with a purse. Emily gave her husband a kiss and was off to her classes.

Frank gave Lesley a kiss and a boob tweet. He followed his mother out. She let him drive.

Upon arrival they were greeted by Miles. "I am glad you're here Frank, I have some priority items I need to go over with you. Good morning Professor we had a great time yesterday. Thank you for your competent instruction for my wife to take over the class."

"Thanks Miles, bye Frank have a good day." Emily stated as she gave her son a kiss on the cheek.

Emily's classes were delightful she never tires of the instruction of our next generation. It was noontime before she knew it and walked into the cafeteria, got her lunch, and sat at a table. She corrected some papers as she ate.

"Do you want some company?" Les announced hesitantly.

"Sure, Les sit down." Emily acknowledged joyfully. "Are you going to have lunch?" She asked.

"No, ah I ate already. Ah I ah wanted to ah ask you ah something. Ah did you ah I mean ah what you, ah said ah bout ah instruction?" He asked hesitantly.

"Instruction..." Emily had to think a minute. "Oh, the FEH-101 instruction for you?"

"Yes, that's it. Is that something you would do for me or do I have to see Mrs. Lowe?" Les asked embarrassed but less hesitantly.

"No, I can help you with that. Why don't you go see Miles ask him if the classroom for FEH-101 is available this afternoon? I could work with you today if it is available." Emily stated.

Les hurried out of the cafeteria to find Miles. Miles sent him to Frank as he as the scheduler for the room use.

"Hi mom, I just saw Les he said something about he needed the classroom you use for FEH-101?" Frank said as he sat down with his mother to have lunch.

"Yes, remember I told him I would help him overcome his shyness with women." The Professor stated.

"Okay I will find Les and tell him he can use the room." Frank stated as he ate his lunch.

It was an hour before Les showed up at Emily's office she continued on the CI-101 syllabus in that time. She thought the classroom was in use.

"It is available until three this afternoon it is only one now. Are you available to help me? I will pay you." Les asked with the look of a boy who wants a new toy on his face.

"Sure, Les let's go to the classroom see what we can accomplish today." Emily stated cheerfully as she grabbed his arm. "But you don't have to pay me." She said as they walked to the classroom with her arm through his.

They entered the classroom and Emily took off her blazer. To Les's dismay she sat in a student chair. "Les, sit down next to me and we will go over the finer points of interaction with the opposite sex. It is called opposite sex because most of the time we don't know what men are thinking and vice versa." Emily stated, with a smile. "So, let's start with what do you need help with?" She asked.

"I get tongue tied when I see a woman I want to talk to." Les stated with embarrassment.

"You're doing great talking with me now?" Emily praised.

"Well, I know you, when I see a woman I like I don't know how to start a conversation with her." Les tried to explain.

"Okay, Les you see a young woman sitting alone and she looks at you and smiles. You should go over and talk with her ask her if she is there alone. If she is, ask her if she wants company. She says yes, you sit down and ask her about herself. Most people love to talk about themselves. Ask what she does and things like that." Emily explained. This went on for about forty-five minutes. "Do you have any questions Les?" There was a silence for a minute.

"No, I think I am good so far." Les stated, his hope he will see Professor Steele nude has dwindled over the last half hour.

Emily had an inspiration. "Les, this is not the usual course protocol, but I think this will help if you're interested. I will let you remove my clothes so you will get practice to do this for a woman. Is that something that appeals to you?" Emily asked with a contagious smile.

With a big grin of unimaginable happiness, Les stated. "You will really let me remove your clothes for you?"

"Sure, I am an instructor of FEH-101 that you have so generously funded so you of all people should receive the instruction needed to pleasure a young woman." Emily stated as she stood up and walked toward him.

Les shook he was so excited. On her part she could see that large bat in his pants as she stood in front of him. It was hilarious to see how he was all thumbs. Emily had all she could do not to laugh. Les finally unhooked the last button and looked at Emily for permission to continue.