Emily Steele Science Professor Pt. 06


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"Les are you done is that as far as you want to go?" The Professor asked.

"Ah, no can I keep going? Your husband and son wouldn't be mad at you?" Les asked astonished Emily will let him continue. "You mean after all I have done; you still will help me?"

"Yes, Les I am a Professor and that is what I do instruct my students as I did you when I had you in High School.

Les continued he unbuttoned her skirt helped her off with it put it with her blouse, and blazer. He didn't know what to remove next. Bra or panties from Emily.

Emily Helped she turned. "Can you unhook my bra for me?" Emily asked. "We really need BR-101 Class" Emily Thought as Les fumbled with the bra catches.

He finally got the combination to unhook the garment. Emily removed it, gave the intimate garment to Les to store. He went to remove her panties.

Emily Stopped him and walked to the exam couch. "Stop here and I will show you how I like a man to caress my upper body." Emily rubbed her breasts. "This is what I like a man to do." She showed him three or four times. "Your turn." She stated and put her hands in back of her on the couch.

In his enthusiasm he started to maul her breast. Les twisted her nipples.

"Ouch, that hurts, be gentle like this. Give me your hand. Light touch." She said as she put her hands over his and proceeded to show him how she likes to be caressed. Emily had him practice how to rub by her belly button and rub her back. She had him kiss and nibble on her ear as she likes. All in all, she was in the first stages of arouse when she said. "That is enough." She halted his ministrations of her body.

"Are we done we still have forty-five minutes." Les stated disappointed.

"No, we are not done you need to help me remove my panties to continue." Emily stated, with a smile.

He stepped up onto the stool in front of the table. Emily raised her bottom up and Les slid her panties down. As soon as her panties passed below the juncture of her legs, he received the heavenly scent of an excited female. He did not realize what has made his pussy meter rise, in case you didn't know what a pussy meter was it was his pecker. He expanded so much he had hardly enough skin left to close his eyes. Les took the Professor's panties, he looked at them and noticed they were damp in the crotch, and put them with her other garments.

Emily saw him look at her panties so she said. "In case you didn't notice I am excited to help you as indicated by the wet spot at the gusset of my panties." She laughed then said. "Help me put my feet in the stirrups Les." Emily asked for his assistance, so he has a close up view of her pussy.

He gladly helped Emily with her feet. He set each foot in the stirrup and spread her feet while he stood between them.

"Les I want you to put your finger just inside my vagina at the top there is a little pea you will feel rub it lightly."

Les put is finger in her pussy ran it around. "Oh, Professor you are very wet. Is this the way I should pleasure a woman?" He asked as he continue his journey of discovery with is fingers. "Is this your clit?" Les asked as he touched a hard pea at the top of her slit.

"Oh yes!" Emily moaned. "Rub your fingers in circles. Oh-OH

yesssssssssssssssssssss!" Emily came! When she recovered from her orgasm she said in a contented whisper. "Come over here to the side of the couch. I want to continue your instruction."

Les did as asked. "Did you like that Professor?" He asked proud of himself, but he wanted to hear praise from his instructor.

"You did a wonderful job Les, but please call me Emily. I think we know each other well enough by now to dispense with the formalities." Emily gave a contented laugh. "Now you did such a good job I want to give you something special that is not in the curriculum. This will be just between us Emily said as she unbuckled Les' belt, opened his pants, and let them fall to his knees. Emily had a difficult time to expose his impressive weapon as he became entangled in his shorts, he was so hard. "Wow Les do you have a woman pleaser there." Emily stated as she started to stroke him. "You could make some lady very happy if you learn how to use your exceptional talents properly."

"Ooooooohhhhhhhh thank you E-Emily." Les said as he blew his load all over Emily's belly within a minute of her commencement of the hand job.

"Now that we got that out of the way Les we will continue after your recover." Emily said as she retrieved some tissues', from the accessory table beside her that she had the forethought to place there for any eventuality as this.

"Should I just remove my pants?" Les asked hopefully.

"No, I don't think that would be wise Les. I want you to stand back up on the stool and with that weapon that is starting to raise again. You will be too close to my lady lips and we could have an accidental insertion and I will not be able to control myself if that happens." She laughed. "I want you to use your finger to find the rough area inside my vagina with your finger."

Les inserted his finger in Emily's pussy and after a few directions from his instructor he found the area where her G-spot was and rubbed it.

Emily looked at the clock it was almost ten minutes of Three. "Ooooohhhhhh! Les we have to stop." She lamented.

Les stopped and reluctantly stepped off the stool. There was a knock on the door.

"Mom can I come in?"

"Come on in Dean Steele." Emily stated proudly still in her exposed position.

"Looks like I came here just in time, the next class will be here momentarily, Mom."

"Les be a sweetheart lock the door and help clean up here please. Frank can you help me dress?"

"Mom let Les help you dress I will clean up?" Frank said as he pushed the exam table to the side brought the desk to the center of the raised platform and moved the accessory table to the side and cleaned it.

Emily went to her clothes and Les happily followed. She put her hand on her assistant for balance as she donned her panties and her skirt. "Could you hook my bra please." Les fumbled with her bra hooks, but finally got the combination. He helped her on with her blouse and blazer.

"Thank you very much for your time Professor." Les said as he kissed the back of her hand as an English gentleman would.

They had two minutes to spare when the trio walked out of the classroom. "Nice orientation Professor Steele." Frank said.

"Your welcome Dean Steele and thank you for you time to pose as the student Mr. Smidt." Emily stated, with a smile.

The group of students along with the professor looked at the trio confused as they entered the lab classroom as it smells distinctly erotic to the students and they heard all the movement of furniture in the room while they waited to enter.

"Les would you like to come to our house for dinner tonight if your not busy?" Frank asked.

"Sure, if it is okay with the Prof... I mean your mother."

"That is a good Idea Frankie that is why you're the Dean."

The Steele's entered their vehicle and Les followed them. Frank called Lesley.

"Hi my love!" Lesley answered when she saw Franks number on her cell.

"Hi dear, you said Ashley is back in town."

"Yes, she is why? Are you thinking of something kinky?" Lesley laughed.

"Calm down Lesley mom can hear you and will think ill of you!" They all laughed. "No nothing kinky I was just thinking of introducing her to Les Smidt we invited him over for dinner, so make sure we have enough for both if you can get her to come over our house."

"Great she is alone and single I think that would be a good match." Lesley answered enthusiastically.

"He has one impressive woman pleaser between his legs. He just needs some instruction how to use it. Oh Lesley I think we will have to have something other than our birthday suits on today we don't want to scare out guests away tonight." Emily stated to the kid's surprise.

"I got it mom, but I think Ashley could give him instructions I believe." Lesley giggled.

All the conversation on the drive home centered around the college for the two academics. It was great to have something in common with your children Emily thought.

They arrived home, to find a strange car in the drive.

"Looks like Lesley contacted of Ashley, Mom." Frank stated because he knows her car.

"You have to watch out for that girl she is a fast worker." Said Emily thoughtfully about her future daughter-in-law.

"That she is Mom, that she is." Frank said as he remembered the first time they met with admiration and he continued. "Mom the first day I saw Lesley in the hall there was like a halo around her as she walked passed me, smiled and said hello shyly. Can you believe that Mom she was shy! It took me two weeks to get the nerve up to ask her out." He reminisced.

"Aaawww, that is such a nice story I never knew that." Emily stated near tears.

Frank pulled in the garage, Les parked in back of him.

"Les I took the liberty to have Lesley call a friend of ours who just moved back here to join us. I hope you don't mind?"

"No-no I guess it would be okay, I appreciate the invitation." Les stated disappointed he thought he would see the ladies naked tonight, but with a new person at the Steele's residence he didn't think it would happen.

The trio walked into the house. Lesley was in the kitchen she worked at the counter with another young lady to prepare the evening meal.

"Hi Mom and Les I would like you to me our friend Ashley Willis, she was my roomie all through college and moved in with us when we rented an apartment. Ashley Willis I would like you to meet. Ellis Smidt he is the grantor for the endowment for Mom's college." Lesley introduced the young woman who was in a Pink nightie with panties. Lesley was in a yellow negligee with panties.

Both of the outfits were translucent and in the proper light they turned transparent Les when he saw the two images of beauty was happy he accepted the invitation.

"Nice to meet you mom I heard a lot about you and your husband from Frank." Ashley said as she shook Emily's hand. "Mr. Smidt it is a pleasure to meet you." Ashley stated as she held out her hand.

Les took the young ladies' hand and kissed the back of it as he did Emily's a while ago. "It is a pleasure to meet a lovely lady such as you Miss. Willis." He then looked at Ashley. "I hope it is Miss Willis?" He stated hopefully.

"Yes, it is Miss Willis." Ashley looked at the group embarrassed. "I was engaged but my Fiancé's liked boys better." She explained.

"That is Won... I mean sorry to hear that." Les turned red at his slip of the tongue. As he tried to hide his exuberance.

"One man's lose, is another's gain!" Lesley stated, with a laugh as all joined in the levity.

"I am out there by the hot grill working my fingers to the bone and everyone is having fun in here." Craig stated in mock anger. "I just put the steaks on, when will the veg's done Lesley?"

"By the time the steaks are ready." She replied and continued. "Mom you're overdressed I laid out a dinner outfit for you similar to ours."

Lesley laid out a black negligée, it came to below the knee with a pair of crotchless panties. "I wonder if the imp and her friend also have crotchless panties on?" The older woman thought as she dressed to impress. The two younger ladies had sandals on, Emily decided on black heels for her feet. She looked in the full-length mirror. "For an old girl you look outstanding." She decided.

When Emily entered the room all conversation halted, everyone looked at the vision of mature beauty as she entered the room.

"Wow mom you clean up great!" Lesley the imp stated, with a smile. The rest of the group agreed.

The troop went out to the patio, Ashley and Les sat side by side. Emily and Lesley sat together with the men on each side. That is when Frank or Craig didn't tend the grill.

"So Les, how have you been? That is very nice of you to donate to the college endowment. Emily said as the imp in her took over and slowly relaxed her legs to reveal her lady lips as she has on crotchless panties.

Les listened to Emily and his eyes became like saucers when he noted her pussy became visible. The poor guy popped a boner and in front of his new friend. He became embarrassed and tried to covertly move his member to be less conspicuous, but he failed miserably.

Ashley on her part took a sideways glance at the rise in her new friend's pants. She said to Lesley, "Can you show me where the bathroom is?"

Lesley arose and Emily with them, both women went with Ashley. The trio entered the bathroom.

"Oh my gad, did you see the tent in Les' pants! Ashley stated.

"I have firsthand knowledge how large his bat is." Emily admitted and then laughed.

"Mo-aaaam! Give, what are you saying?" Lesley asked enthusiastically.

Emily explained to Ashley the course she teaches and about today how she tutored Les. Emily knew he had a big bat from the times she was required to be nude and he became excited.

"Well should we tease the men tonight?" Lesley asked with delight.

"Ashley I just met you but, if you are so inclined could you help Les with his shyness toward women, as an instructor of course." Emily stated, with a wink.

"Of course, mom I would love to be his instructor. He is cute!" Ashley stated with joy.

"Then the tease is on right ladies!" Emily stated which surprised Lesley. She was one upped by her future mother-in-law.

Meanwhile because it took so long for the women to come back. Craig said to the others. "I have a feeling we will have a noteworthy performance by the ladies from here on."

Frank agreed.

"What are you guys talking about!" Les said confused.

"You will see!" Frank stated.

While we wait for the games to begin, I think we should give you some information about Mr. Ellis Smidt. He stands about five foot eight, if he does some physical training, he will be buff. He was a cute guy weights in at one hundred and eighty pounds. With brown hair and brown eyes.

We will give a brief description of Ashley. She is five foot five, thirty-two, twenty-two, thirty-four. She is a physical fitness instructor who applied for a position as girls gym coach in the school Lesley will teach at. She has red hair and very light skin with green eyes.

Frank and Craig were busy as they prepared the meal. The women descended on Les. "Tell me a little about yourself Les." Ashley asked as she sat on his lap.

"I work in the IT industry as a programmer." He stated as he took Emily's advice to not tell a woman he just meets he is rich. He also is not a showoff he has a two-year-old Nissan Rogue. He lives in a house in a nice middle-class neighborhood. The same house he bought when he first started his business in his garage. He is very humble, so it is unimaginable how he became involved in the devious plan to debase Professor Steele.

The troop sat down at the table for dinner. As Les started to eat, Ashley clandestinely put her hand on his member as she ate.

"Oh, my ah-ah!" Les gasped when he felt a hand on his pecker. This is something this young man is not accustomed to a woman who makes advances on him. In his experience they usually run away from him.

"Did you say something Les?" Emily asked.

"Ah, no!" He stated embarrassed.

"I feel this is a nice meal." Ashley stated as she rubbed his pecker.

"Ooohhh, this is a great meal" Les stated to cover the pleasure he received from Ashley's hand as it rested on his manhood.

The crew sat out on the patio and conversed it was light fun conversations the ladies gave all the men "accidental" glimpses of their goodies throughout their conversation. At ten Ashley and Left with Les' promise to call on Ashley again.

Emily and Lesley were ecstatic by their matchmaker skills. The group congregated on the bed in the master bedroom. It became clear when the two women stripped that there was going to be a double bang tonight in the same bed.

"See if you can get mom off before I get Lesley off dad." Frank said as he dove at his fiancée' box. He sucked her clit into his mouth and pumped four fingers into her box.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh." Was all that came out of the younger woman's mouth as she raised her bottom to get as much of his hand that she could in her honey pot.

Not to be outdone by his son, Craig dove right in and started to lick-it-de-slit and used his finger to strum his wife's G-spot, which he learned she likes from many years of practice.

Craig who knows what Emily likes brought her off only a few seconds before Lesley. It was a photo finish with no camera. The screams of women in orgasm could probably be heard on the next block.

The men rolled onto their backs the women in the center of the bed and the men on the outside. They let their ladies enjoy their orgasm. Lesley was the first to regain consciousness.

"I bet I can get your son off before you can get dad off. The loser has to pose for an erotic photo shoot in Burlington in the public park." Lesley stated.

"That sounds like a winner to me." Craig stated.

This is the first time Frank has seen his mother go down on his father, until recently he didn't think of his mother as a sexual being, just mom. Now he has to come to grips with the reality that his mother is a fox and a MILF. He looked over at his mother, he could see her pussy as it gapped still swollen from her last orgasm. He watched as she deep throated dad. "Wow, she is good!" He thought as he could feel the sperm boil up. "AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Frank grunted as he came in his future wife's mouth, she took all he offered without any spillage.

Even though it wasn't a fair bet as Craig is a master of control, as he warded off his orgasm until Frank came. Craig looked over at his future daughter in law he could see her pussy, it looked different than his wife's the lips tighter although they gapped a little from her orgasm. Her slit was long and her clit large. Lesley's brown star looks kissable he thought, when he heard his son's groan of orgasm.

His orgasm took him by surprise as he fantasized about Lesley. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy llllllllllooooorrrrrrddddd yoouuu are an outtttttttttt standing hummer queen!" Craig praised his wife loudly.

Emily sucked her husbands come out of his pecker. She didn't spill any of the precious offering either.

"Well mom I won!" Lesley gloated playfully.

"This matchup wasn't fair your father-in-law is a master of withholding a come. He has had a lot of practice."

"Does that mean you're not going to accept the forfeit?" Lesley stated in mock anger.

"I didn't say that I just said it wasn't fair." Emily giggled.

As you make have guessed it was well after dark when playtime was over both couples sated even though they didn't enjoy full penetration.

Lesley and Frank retired to their room to shower. Emily and Craig showered together. Dried off and both couples fell into their respective beds nude and cuddled in sleep.

Thursday: The last class of FEH-101 the final is today. Emily performed the usual morning ritual on a day she will teach the sex-ed class. She came out to breakfast nude. Sat down next to Frank he was ready to go to the college.

"Lesley would you like to help with the last class today as there is a lot to get through in an hour? I will see if the Dean would be willing to pay you?" Emily laughed. "As the Dean I think you should be present also Frank." She continued.

"I don't know I am too busy to come see my mother nude, spread in a classroom and manually pleasured along with the President's wife. I would probably be bored out of my mind!" He stated as if he was too important to take the time to see the final hands-on demonstration. And then laughed "Sure mom I would love to see the demonstration Sam and you will put on. Oh, mom can I get a ride in with you so Lesley will have a car here?"